. i LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. ' MONDAY, MARCH 6 1911. THEATRE TONIGHT'S PROGRAM .. .....v.,.;.; Overture Carmen Charles E. King. ;; Mike the Mister . . . . , . .Edison A Feature picture. Mike, the messenger boy, saves j;0 for his little sister, who is a cripple. Hit Master's Son Essanay a darky's 'devotion to the : - gon of his old master of The Italian Barber. ...Pathe A laugh from start to fin ish. To Bee the prize two step at the Barbers' Union Ball Is to scream. SPECIAL Miss Nellie Garrick will sing, "We've Kept the I . Golden Rule." ADMISSION 10 Cent Children (Matinee only) 5 cent everything pertaining to the. farm will I be sold. Ed Strinham will be the auctioneer. Everything under $10. cash, and over that eight months time's) ai o per cent interest on approved se. curlty. i LOCALS I . ' - Boys aria girls sell twelve boxes or "Toke One" Shoe Polish, 10c each. Make forty cents and get a nice foun tain pen free. A. W. Westby 129 Grand Ave. Portland, Oregon. The Oregon will furnish first class rooms and board at $25, $30 and $33 per month. No. 10 Depot street. Prescription 101 guaranteed to cure chillblalns, 50c, Wright Drug Company. . , ' . Notice 4.11 that bought goods from us Feb. 3, for cash, upon presenting tickets bearing that date, will be rtfundeo their purchase price. " . , L. J. FRENCH. Successor to Smith & Green. Work in the M. M. Degree at the Masonic hall, this evening. L. M. HOYT, W. M. WANTED- One woman in, each coun ty who desires employment in her home town. $15.00 per week. Be independent and self-supporting. J. S. Zeigler Company, Como Block, . Chlcaeo. 111. (Mar 6, It) , t'EKSOXALS. z r '. ' r " ' ' ' Jas. Halgarth of Elgin is a gusst of the Foley. ' J. M. Shropshire of Hllgard Is stop ping at the Savoy. r Ed L. Johnson, "Frisco 1915, is stop-1 pirig at' the Foley. Mrs. J. I. Stiergill of Durkee is reg Ist:red at the Foley. -,, Miss Horst of Council, Idaho,' Is lure visiting friends. Celia Morton and Mrs. J. R. Kooch of Wallowa are at the Savoy E. L. Falkenberg of St. Louis Is Mrs. C. W. ., Darlington of Enter-1 prise is registered at the Savoy. W, G. Sawyer, the Hot Lake ranch er, stopped at the Foley yesterday. . D. A. Truax of Kamela is stoopln? i at the Grande Ronde Valley house. B. E. Stack, Summerville, Is regis tered at the Grande Ronde Valley house.' ..-. . 8 .:" ;. j- v :' - . ! : s I ' r I ..... I V : - . :. ' v . : 7"; .... j h"m-, rr-ltriiriii-i-tlnrfr-ff'Jirlii-lTiTiWi---ii '' ' ' - it f"'' itr-fi air-in " i V .r 'riin m-. We are going to present our customers a beautiful Oil Painting Free of Charge. Prof. E. M. Burt, the . world renowned artist, is with us again and ran be seen at work in our window from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. It is well worth anyone's time to watch this wonderful work. ; He paints pictures in a few minutes that would require months of time for the ordinary artist to do. These pictures are given away with merchandise bought during his stay here. They do not cost yo ua cent. SAVE YOUR SLIPS, they all apply from this date, and when you have $5.00 we will present you with your choice of any picture 14x22 or with $10.00 cash pur chase we will give you a painting 22x36. (This applies to goods bought in any depart ment.) SAVE YOUR SLIPS. ' Do& Woodall will give a public sale at his fariir-knpwn as th- Doon Wood all farm twelvainljes north of La Grande, Wednesday, "tlarch 15. His entlra outfit, including: 41 head of Worses and other ilve stock ami also t Advertising CITY SOAVANGEK-Joseph Tutb bull, city scavanger. Anyone want ing my services call up City Recor der's office. $500 Loan Wanted Security first class property. Address Observer. FOR RENT Furnished and light housekeeping rooms. Mrs. B. C. Moore 1617 Fourth street. ' FOR RENT Furnished Voems tor light housekeeping. Inquire at Kings Cigar factory. , WANTED A good woman to do general housework in family of two at Telocaset Good wages. For par ticulars write to Alice Dupes, Pleas ant Valley, Ore. Henry Henson. WANTED Girl for general house work. Inanire at U. 8. National bask. LOST Gold watch, Masonic key tone fob. Elgin make, initials H. D. B on back. Finder return to this office and receive reward. L. E. Tipton and wife, of Kamela, are registered at the Grande Ronde Valley house. , -' . ' . 'Col." J. B. Eddy, right of way man for the O. W., is here today on busi ness matters. . H. Morgan, R. V. Wherters, K. Og den and J. A. Kelley of Portlandvwe:e Sunday gu:sts at the Foley.. D. Blrchoux, proprietor of the Sa voy hotel, has returned from a busl n : ss trip to Wallowa county. , B. W. Carr, who Was Injured early last week, is able to be out today for the first time since the accident Mrs. J. L. Chapman, who has been in La Grande for some time, departed last evening for her home in Port land. , . Terry Tuttle and Bert Garner, young men of Elgln.' were in the city yesterday afternoon and registered at the Savoy, - ; J. A. Russell, manager of th? Grande Ronde Meat, company, went to Port land Saturday night on No. 5 on a business trip. . ? ' J. E. McGowan'and H. E. Chapman went to Union this morning on a busi ness trip and will probably be gone about a week. . ' E. C. Skiles, representing Stewart & Holmes Drug company with head quarters at Walla Walla, is registered at the Sommer. ' Fireman Conley of Kamela is in the city today. He reports that there is some talk of organizing a baseball team at Kamela. C. A. Monnett, J. C.i- Weatherford and C. J. Domberger'aU prominent citizens of Dayton, WashingioA-. are registered at the Foley; i ' : . H. A. Vincent of Portland, repre sentlng Bluemier, Frank and , com-1 pany, wholesale drugglBt, is register ed at the Sommer today. City Treasurer Ray W, Logan ar rived home this morning from PorV land where he has been transacting business matters for a few days. . Jerry Despain, one of the old timers of Umatilla county, died yesterday at Uklah, according to reports brought here today. Bill Kreps, formerly of Pendleton but recently of Lewis ton, is in the city today visiting friends. Mr. Krebs is on his way east on business and pleasure trip. W. E. Taggart with the Pioneer Land company of Enterprise, came in from his" town this afternoon. The slo gan of his flrm'is "We saw it first; let us show you." Hayes Herman of Joseph is regis tered at the Foley. Mr. Kerman is heavily Interested In and around Jo seph also Kernan Bros, are large sheep raisers. E. L. Holmes of Wallowa is a guest of the Foley. Mr. Holmes is In the Implement and hardware business and also controls the electric light plant and flour mill at Wallowa. A. M. Devault of Emmit, Idaho, Is ' . SPRING : : Our stock never was more complete in every line. Embroideries are immense. 1 fine Laces, Ladies9 niusun yoDuSi- inese are some or rne prices inaimu imeresi you just now: QCln Ladies' Triplex, a Hose that retails all over Children's fine Rib Hosiery, 17 1 tus the northwest at 35c. 25c values ; ; IrC Visit our bargain baiement for 5, !0, 15 and 25c goods. There is more wear in a pair of Gcdnn Shoes fcr the price than any line of Children's shoes we know Ask for the zig-zag sewed shoe. They will not rip.. Put a little SUN SHINE in your home. Ready prepared. Anyone, can apply it and it will make your old furniture look like new. SEE PROF. BURT, THE LIGHTNING A R TIS 7 Tilljs"xrn4pr'(4iii"iiiijsJitvi'Tgts"sy'ssy' ''sii'i"n''"'s''TV'"T sjr"ns-ss"yir'nni- risjir-smr'iijs-sr u i '-1141 si mji ir ni ir LjrTry-Bir isjii'isjiii'tjir'ii-ir-i t i 9 m r V . P V p , It r i p V t I p p p p registered at the Blue Mountain hotel, eu apple association, is in the city to- He will spend a few days here an-: then gd on to Spokane for a while be fore returning to his home. '. j J. D. Huston of Seattle Is at the Foley. Mr. Huston has been to Idaho' points looking for good horses for Se attle 'market and will leave In- a few days for Ipwa to get several cais. Harold Grady,' formerly circulation and advertising manager for the Ob server, and his Bister, Miss Ellen Grady, left last evening for Portland where they will. live this spring. W. J. Halfleld.repj'esentlng Hamll-ton-BrowVshb?.oinpany o St. Louis. Is in the city today calling on his pat rons. Mr. Hatfield has b:en with n:s firm for 21 years, selling Brown's 5X shoes. A. M. Lang has arrived in the city and is registered at the Blue Moun tain hotel. Mr. Lang is an expert ma chinist and will be employed in the biw shops when they are put In working order. M. L. Movlrfield, western manager of the National Pick & Canning com pany and Dodson-Braun," : Branch street, St. Louis, is in the city, cal ling on the local trade. Mt. Movlrfield is stopping at the Soranur. W. D. Bruce, formerly machinist- operator for the Observer, left last evening for Portland and Willamette valley towns. His place is now held by E. A. Erloson, who has moved to La Grande from Butte, Mont., and will make his future home her;. A Jolly party of young people went out to the lake Saturday evening and enjoyed the hospitality of Dr. W. T. Phy. Dancing, was the chief pastime. Those in the party were: Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, Mr and Mrs. Chap man, Miss Etta Foley; Messrs. Cates, Sullivan and P. L. Foley. ' , . ' . day conferring with the managem.nt of the Wenaha Lumber company of which he is a stock holder. Mr. Hof- fedltz says that notwithstanding ad verse conditions his company is keep ing busy. . ' . : BUND TO GOOD LUCK. T. N. Hoffeditz, manager of the Summerville Lumber company and one of the officers of the newly form- cott's. Fubla of the Weary Farmer and the Golderf Plow. - Tlieiv wsia nw n BeinTolent Ta'iy who viix lUTUHioiue l t doinn Gm'd Perils In W'lijmslcjil Yny. One day Hue v. .tl.vluj; iiiTDsi the cruntry to attend" ij 'lifwtffiitf of. rui A. o. 1$. F. when' sin uctltcd u Farmer hrlng in the Fields. Ills Imrs w:d ftHim ited and Deconlt. tied bis jlov whs llcvivy and fd Fashlonud. Often he would patiKP and wipe the sweat from lib brow. Plnlnly be wus having a Hard Time. The Benevolent Fairy watched him a moment and observed Ills Haggard Look apd his general air of Misery. Suddenly an Idea came to her to make this man Rich, so that hp would no longer have to delve and struggle to eke out1 a' Bare Living, ftn she swooped down and touched the plow with ber wand she was, of course. In visibleand instantly it was changed to Solid Gold. Then with an amused but kindly backward glance the Benev olent Fairy went on her way. . A year later, remembering the oc currence, she flew over to see bow the Farmer was enjoying his Good For- tune. She found him In the Fields, j plowing laboriously, and If anything, he and bis surroundings looked Mean er and More Mlserabfe than they bad before. Mncb surprised, the Fairy flew closer. Just in time to hear blm murmnr: MI wish this ding-busted plow warn't so heavy r . The Benevolent Fairy eyed him Pity ingly; then she once more touched the plow with her wand, and it again be came' n thing of wood and Iron. Then she flew awny, and the Farmer resum ed bis ToiL After all. are' there not some folk who would die of thirst adrift on a river? -Clifton B. Dowd in Lippln- . Already Trained. "I suppose you always prefer to en list men who are hot married?" I re mnrked to the sergeant, who han charge of the recruiting station"1 oa Cannon etret't. , , , ,. ....,.. . , "Xo; you're mistaken there," he has tened to reply. "I Jirefer married men every time. , You see, we don't have to go to the trouble of teaching mar ried men' to obey." Chicago News. Heartless Husband. "Want to go to the theater-tonlghtr "I. hove nothing to wear," said the wife pointedly., v V "Then we'll go to one of those mov. lng picture shows where It's, dark." Louisville Courier-Journal. . COSTS BIT A TRIFLE TO CUBE CATARRH . How many readers of the Observer know that in Inland Australia where the mightiest of eucalyptus trees grow in abundance, that there is no consumption, catarrh or diseases of the respiratory tract. The refreshing balsam thrown out by these trees fills the suY and fa breathed into the lungs by the inhab itants and all germ life is destroyed. If you have catarrh you cannot go to Inland Australia except at great expense, but you can breathe right in your own home the same pleasant., sootljlng, healing, germ killing air you would breathe if you were living in the eucalyptus district of Austral la.' -S . "! Just breathe HYOMEI; It Is made) from Australian eucalyptus' and (scien tifically,, combined, with thymol and! pthirajjitiseptlcs employed in the LIs ler!an.,yetem. . , . PoUrji'.few drops of HYOMEI In the inhaler and breathe it As it par ses over the catarrh infeeted mem brane it kills. the germs and heals the raw, inflamed surface. HYOMEI is guaranteed to cure ca tarrh, colds, coughs, croup and sore throat, or money back. Complete outfit including Inhaler $1.0. Extra bottles of HYOMEI cost but 60 cents. Sold by the Newlln Drug Co. and druggists ev erywhere. Feb. 17. 27 March 10. i BMVff. Thas What They All Say It's Good For What Ails You E i