LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1911. pag:: F". " " l' 1 1 ri i n nan mi GOSSARD ...Corsets...' The Seven Principal Selling Points They lace la front. They sopiiort eiery vital or gan. . They are as comfortable sit ting down as standing. . Tiny are easily adjusted all in plain sJght ' '-: i They give the princess back, following the most beautiful line in nature, the spinal carte. They 'are filled with ELEC TROBOXE, unbreakable, and nonrustable. They supply the correct fash Jonable figure for every wom an's form. For sale by Mrs.RobertPattison Phone Black 1481 or Black 81 THE WARDROBE TAILOR CO. Suits Cleaned, Press ed and Repaired, Hats Blocked ... Kid Gloves Cleaned. La- ' dies' work a specialty 1118 Adams Ave. Phone 735 For all kinds of ; MESSENGER AND DELIVERY " . SERT1CE 4 Call Up The Central Messenger and Delivery Co. Office In Foley Building r Boom 2 ' " . Phow aHf 709 iBd. II. 3, KESLER, MANAGER. LET US DTE FOR YOD. In fact the only way we live Is by dyeing. Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing yourself. WE DIE EVERY DAI AT SEVEN DATS?, LEADING - CHARACTE3L - LADI NOMINATION OF CITT OFFICERS TO BE MADE TONIGHT. ; ... " ,' Only a Few Names Being Suggested ;. in Advance of the Caucus. v. (Elgin Recorder.) : Monday evening the - annual city caucus for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for . various city of fices wilt be held la ; th cliy ,ha!l. From all Indications the caucus will be well attended and considerable. In terest Is being developed In city pel;, tea. From all appearances ihec&adi dates who, will be nominated at tbs regular caucus will be the only one? In the field, as men of all factions srr showing a dasire to go Into the oc-r caucus and place their nomination there. Candidates for, mayor, thr" counellmen, recorder, treasurer atd marshal will be nominated. - Only a few names have been proia. j nently mentioned In connection wU'" the nominations and it is quite prob able that there will not be much of r contest at the caucus. Mayor Weat'i erspoon and D. Sommcr are the mer. tnost "prominently mentioned for m"?--or. For counellmen the names of P. C. Mays, and F. E. Smith, both wti- i- ' -. . meuioers are prominently men tioned; also F. E. Graham and J. C Shockley. Others will probably b placed before the caucus. For record er. L. Denham and Jesse Crum a.f mentioned. ,Wm. St.'Peters and C r. Patttn are avowed candidates fc marshal. J. C. Christiansen, who was prominently mentioned, has ; with drawn and will not become a candi date.' . : Many citizens are using every influ ence to eliminate the old factional fight and it is believed a compromise will be effected and that all citizens will unite in nominating fair mnded and progressve men, who will look to the business welfare of the city in stead of scrapping ovr petty ques Hons agitated by the radicals. BIO COMEDY TONIGHT. V" r In This Talented Actress Seven Days H lutes Xuch of !ts Attractive Ru mor. There are a Dozen Girls in the Play who Figure Conspicuously Throughout and Portlund Papers are Profuse in Their Praise of the Play from Curtain to Curtain. TMUV 4 V T -- Show Which Portland Raved Over Is '' Booked for La Grande. For many, days all Portland, and the strangers within its gates have been howling with' laughter over " "Seven Days," the comedy by Mary Roberts Rinehart and . Avery Hopwood that aas nas reached its second year. For six months Chicago bent double with merriment over this ' famous play, wow it s our turn. "Seven. Days" is coming here tonight. " ' ' Messrs., Wagenhals & Kemper will present it In thia city with an excep tlonally -gifted Broadway cast and a magnificent Astor theatre production "Seven Days" couldn't be better acted than it will be here, nor could there be more elaborate stage settings. The players will be from the Astor theatre where they contributed to the New York popularity of this tremendous comedy hit. Surely nobody will miss seeing this play, which without excep tion is pronounced the brightest, wit tiest and best comedy in 20 years. Ev ery dramatic writer in New York agrees in this opinion. The critics for the dally newspapers, the maga zines and the- correspondents for out 6f town Journals are one In declaring "Seven Days" the greatest comedy of this generation. - Here is a fair sam ple of the opinions. It Is from .the New York Globe. . " 'Seven Days.' one of thOBe cruelly funny farces the kind that does not give you time to breathe between the laughs kept the Astor in an uproar for three hours last night, and sent the audience home gasping, dishevel led, . limp, but still chuckling . from sheer habit as It streamed out into Broadway. Every situation or Inci dent that might possibly be expected La Grande, Like Every City ant? Town , In the Tnion, Receives It. People with kidney Ills want to be cured. , When one suffers tha tor tures of an aching back, relief Is eag erly sought for. There' are many Rem edies today.; that relieve but do not cure. Hera Is evidence to prove that Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and the cure is lasting. N-- H, P. Swlshei, 2467 Madison street. Baker City, Ore., says: "Kidney com plaint in my case was caused by ex cessive horseback Tiding. The back ache steadily became worse as time passed and there were other annoy ing symptoms of kidney complaint. Learning of Doan's kidney Pills, I began their use and they not only re stored my kidneys to a normal condi tion, but rid me of the backache and pains- I shall always take pleasure In recommending Doan's Kidney Pills."' (Statement ' given November j- - Lasting n eults. .. ,.. i Mr. Swisher was Interviewed, on May 28. 1910, and he added to the above; "The cure mdae by Doan's Kidney Pills in my case has been perman nt. : I gladly confirm all I have previously said about this rem edy," 'j. ; For sale by all dealers. .Price 50 cents.' Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sale agents for the Unit ed Stat.s. " ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Mch 6-8-10. , : t A ' - rl rT "lain!' y a..p.e.'i.'Sifreg AND DYE FOR ALL . .Our charge for dyelfig for yon won't to evoke a smile has been seized upon be hglh. A sample Job Is. sufficient tickle and humored until It produce For best dyeing and cleaning hare us do It . , i ELITE CLEANING DYE WORKS, Phone Main 64. i , When you Kwe a cold get a bpttlt of dsmlrlaln'i tVugh Remei;... It wll Wn fix you un all r.xbi snd wij r-V Av tendencv towaM piwiiroonia. i" a r roar, and a dignified audience with broadcloth spangles and satin resign ed Itself to an evening of hilarity and wiped .Its eyes meekly betwe-n arts Craterul that It was not reduced to helnless hysteria." If the foregoing Isn't sufficiently convincing as to th: funny bone tick ling quality of "Seven Days" dig up your magazines and newspapers and see what they said. Then you'll know that you must go to "Seven Days" If you don't " attend the theatre again this season. Constipation Is Progressive s Constipation occasions little S f concern, as 1t may appear to Jj do llttl immediate harm. Ti t It means the planting of seeds of decay, disease me bccus vi ttvcuy, aiscase ana m XI fnath In ill a i.alAm GAinAltiMA. S 1 you win nave to pay the uric of neglect It Is 8 condition that ft needs never to exist BLUE , MOUNTAIN LiVER PILLS n are a fhoronirh nnii nrninnnt It cure.They are pleasant fn their If action and itrnmut In" r.siiHa. ft and do not grrjie. We guarantee 6 tliem. ' . ' We guarantee tbem Wright Drug Co. for 10 PAYS 'My Everything New and Second Hand in stock must be sold out in order to raise money Sale Commences March 7m and Ends March 17th i Bargains too : numerous to men tion ... You'll have to see them V c SUYBA'M 1411-13 ADAMS AVE. Notice to Creditors. . ; Notice is hereby given that James C. Mclntyre has been duly appointed, and has qualified, as the Administra tor of the estate of , . Frederick B. Small, deceased; and that all persons having claims against said estate must present the same, properly Item ized and verified, to F. S. Ivanhoe, at his office, in the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, on or b.fore six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. The first publication of this notice is March 6th, 1911. JAMES C. Mclntyre, Administrator of the Estate of Frederick B.' Small, deceased. ' F. S. Ivanhoe, Attorney for Admin istrator, Dly Mch 6-13-20-27, Apr 3. Backache, Bheomatlsm, Sleeplessness Result from disordered kidneys. Fo ;y Kidney Pills have helped others, they will help you. Mrs. J. B. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y., says. "For a long time I suffered with kidney troubla nd rheumatism. 1 bad severe back aches and felt all played out After taking "two TJottleTof Tcffi TKfdiey P'lls my backache is gone any where 1 used to 11 awake , with iheumatlc pnlns I now sleep in comfort." Foley K'dney , Pills are a reliable remedy for. backache, rheumatism and urinary Irregularities. They are toalc in ac tion, quick in results. and afford a prompt relief from all kidney dlsor- MEX3HANIOS iVLAQAZInB "Written Se Yea Caa Cnderstaad B juu rictures Backache, Ekeumatlgin, Nervousness. Mean disordered kidneys,. Foley Kid ney Pills have helped your neighbors; they will also help you. Mrs. B. Hill, Peoria, 111., says: "I have suffered greatly with my kidneys for years and have suffered also with rheumatism. Have taken several wel known kidney Pills. These hawe done me a great deal of good, iliviM me nf the seVert Af( A oiUa. 250 Pages Month A wonderful ttoryof th ProgreMof thia Mcchitw ical Age. Instructive, but more faadnatirs thnn fny hewn. .A magaiin (or Bankers, Doeto., Lawyer. Teacher. Farmer, Businesi Men, M.m ufacturvn. Mechanic. His 100.000 readers everr month. Intereat everybody. When you tee ona you underataixt why. Ask th man who read it. Your newadeaier will ahow you one: or writ th pubkaher (or a free aample copy. The "Shop Notes" Dept. fjj thing How to tnak repair, and article for home and ahop, etc. "Amateur Mcchamcs wp-te.uhow furniture, wireleaa, boat, engines, magic, and all to things a boy love. . 1S1.50 ptr l tat, tinett eopia JS coir ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER Or AUn- POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE t23 VYhintoo. Su Caicue Steward Opera House, Monday M " iii i ,11 . i 1 " . ' 11 ! 1 I DIRECT FROM 2 YEARS AT THE ASTOR THEATRE, SEW YORK WITH ENTIRE' BROADWAY CAST Am i PRODUCTION. THE WAGESHALS & KEMPER CO. PRESENTS v c - EREflT5T CDHEDY HIT IM ZO YEABS By MARY ROBERTS R1EXHART aud AYERY HOPEWOOD. "A laughing wondir" N. Y. Times. "Veritable conspiracy of fun.' N. Y. World. "Too funny to be told." ' N. Y. Journal. "Screamingly t unny." N. Y. Tribune. ".One long lau gh." N. Y. Sun. ' -NOTE The audience Is requested to be seated at the rise of the cu rtaln as the action begins Immediately 1 : ; ; ; , i- ; I Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00, and . $1 .50. Seats on Sale Saturday I i V) 5 v I r I I" I '