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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1911)
vV 1 V.-- W mm .A - A 4 A , - ., f V0L X LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON. MiYNTVav t a t?ptt ion . , , , - ... i i h i . niinnrn'vii n nnpaA9tai! Him mm m u ' ' . ; 111 I 01 It Is not decided yet which pavement win be laid as bids have not been asked, and the contract, will be con ditioned upon the figures; to be sub- I muted. The paving Is' to begin early 'r this spring and is to cover the busl- t One i One man, named Ivan Olaen I n. a oer arrest at Payette, tmother was ar- treated at Nampa Saturday night and j fi third was arrested ninr Vnm. a.. .--; day morning after a 'bold break bv lri fugitive Saturday night and an all. , ov1th.lo iu iu names ?muraer. OnA nf th mQ i . r. - -" Uly on- uocn., at the , time' of the holdup and. t urdif,' and -Sheriff Hand of ;Eaker ..uniyert tnis forenoon for Payette f where they, will attempt, to, identify ithe men under arrest. 'A man named I Morris has been found at Haines who texplains the presence of the' mysteri ous iracKs wmca . Were Mlnw ii v . .... nuci l ii t xiiurucr, ana an effort tn run iinu-n' t.. - - - -vim me ma ii n a r these track's has been abandoned. A traveling man was reaponsiblajfor the arrests at Nampa, He recognized the men as having been, in Haines the day before the murder and on general suspicions, the authorities caused th arrest of the two. One cf; them brcke and rah, being overtaken ' the" rixt morning after an all-night chase. - There is considerable-Interest mani fest in the arrests and It Is believed ttiat the men will be Identified tonight wnen xne ,snenn ana his assistant reach Payette and Nampa' '"'; Two other secret theories are be hind the arrests , and . It Is said m IlilUc. i'ouay tnat there Is little doubt in the minds of the authorltl ht that In the trio will be feund the three who did the shooting. T ill wmm IIJ U U I ill I IIIU iiuu iilu I 1.1 ill ; EDULES S 00N Washington, March 6. Ii has been announced that every . western railroad has submitted .to the Interstate Commerce commission's re cent decision denying them the right to increase the freight rates. The roads have agreed to cancel proposed increases and most of them have .t -- promlssd to file new rate schedules before March 10. ..' , , . '.: President McCrea of the Pennsyl vania, Brown of the New York Cen tral, Underwood of the Erie, are all In conferencs today;w!th the commission concerning the eastern situation. It Is authorltively stated that the east ern roads have also practically decid ed to accept the conditions. v Spokane, March 6. Involving an al '"iCd plottai. assassinate President 'Taft Hn-eastern anarchlBts when he leaves n his summer vacation, the contemplated assassination of ' Mayor Pratt aid Policemen Saulbeln, ae the chargea.ireferred against Stuart Mof fet and John Steele In connection with the recsii assassination of Chief of Police Silllvan. Both of them have been hert for several days and it is al leged th Steele said: "Taft will get his whenhe takes his vacation." . , It a averted that Steele Is a mem ber of a drcle of anarchists, nndthat the authorities have good grounds for convlctlcitegarding the conspiracy to assassinate the Spokane officials. HOW 1 THEATRE 4 .V SISETT.nrSSIAX CHILTRE' ARE HUB NED I X FIRE. : ' Bodlt to Bndly Tharrpd t Be Rec ' oirtlzfi by Hie Rescuers. ; i ; St.' Peteiibttig, March 6. Ninety persons, adstly children, were burned to death yesterday In s. moving picture theatre at Jleloge, and 40 seriously in Jured, according to today's authorl tlve renorit. ' F've hundred were In the theatre when an iexnloslon occured and the place was loon afire. "Fsw of thebod- are recoplzable.. ...... . RELATIVES ARRIVE. Death of Mrs. Snodgrass Brings Rela tives Here From Other States. Will Snodgrass. accompanied by his wife, Mrs. P. T. Abbot and son, all of Colfax, Wn arrived this moraine to attend the funeral tomorrow afternoon of the late Mrs. Snodgrass. A sister of the deceased, Mrs. Wellman of Palo Alto will reach here In the morning. Mrs. SnodgraBs" mother, Mrs. De Witt, almost a c.nturlan and living at Portland, will not be able to attend the funeral of her daughter. Mrs. De Witt is 97 years of age." f OOTIL REPORTS OX PAVIXG. Committee of Kallspell AldVrmen Fn vors BJtHlithlc Pavement Kallspell, Mont., March 6. (Spe cial) Bltullthlc pavement appeared to b? the, one most favored by the committee of the city council, which reported Monday night, after x trip that extended over, Washington and parts of Oregon and Idaho and oc cupied more tljart two weeks. The commlttEe reported on cement blocks, wood blocks, vitrified brick, asphalt bltullthlc and several other mixtures similar to it. They declared that the best pavernents 'they ' found ' were those in Portland, ' whure bltullthlc was used for the heaviest traffic, and that the poorest pavemetn was as phalt. They said that on the day they visited Spokane several horses were Injured by slipping on the wet asphaltum and had to be shot, al though this, they said, was the best NEW fOJOTlTTEE SITS. Secret Session Held of Ways ; " Means Committee Today. . and Washington, - March'. 6.--The new democratic ways and means committee was In secret session to day outlining the policy for the next congress. Or ganization of the , house and settling definitely ths legislative program, par ticularly the tariC revision, were the chief problems. V. WILL J. OLIVER I'XEUMOXIA TAKES YOUXG MAX AFTER SHORT ILLXESS. Deceased Survived1 by Wife, Parent -;' and a Sister. V : , Youngfin years scarcely past 22, and survived by a youbg widow, par ents and a sister, W. J. Oliver, an ehctrical worker, died yesterday noon of pneumoniae He had been ill but a' week and his death brings sorrow to. many friends. Until recently Mr. Oli ver hasyfceen employed by the local electric light company, A few years ago he fell from a pole and sustained a serious fracture o his leg. only to rtbreak It, thus making a 'long -and painful period of sickness. Funeral services will be held to morrow with" interment in'the Sum mervllle cemetery. Mr. Oliver 1b sur vived by his wife, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Oiler and a sister, Mrs. Clarence Jackson; three brothers, Dave of Idaho, Charles of Seattle and Cland of 'this' .cltjr.-v-'- s;c,';r tn'r PIOXEER EXGIXEER DIES. Father of D. II. Jessee Passes Away - $ V- vflt1 JnB;Wa,,a''-":': ' ':i.'.rjMe;ya.eaifed to Walla Wjall'a yesterday In answer ' to a mes sage stating , that his 'father, ' J. N. Jes8:e, had died of pneumonia. The deceased was a pioneer of Walla Walla and for over 20 years had run ah engine out of that city. He Is well known to all the veteran railroad men of the. west and they will Detain ed to hear of his death. Friends of Mr. and 'Mrs." D. H. Jessee of this city extend their sympathy. , (111 T FI TWO AT LEAST MEET DEATH AXD LOSS IS EXORMOl'S. NUMBER IZIfJG UKASE IS PfiESEttTED TO FRAMED IX KINDNESS AXD VOID OF SPLEEX, BOARD VOICES ' q- .its POLICIES.'-. ! KHOWLES DELIVERS IT Students tnder Fire and One Who Was Expelled Are Restored to Good Graces bnt Making Public Apologies DeUrmii Cr0l. Oui Attvance Types of Hazing the Board Chokes Habit In its Infancy. Supressing and eradicating hazing by the kind word route colored with a whip of permanent expulsion is be lieved to liave been accomplished this afternoon when, before the ass:tnbly and the school board the students re cently accused of hazing a freshman, made public apology of their pranks and Judge J. W. Knowles mad;! clear the policy of the school board In a short but Inspiring speech to the stu dent body. The hour of the apology was set for 1 o'clock. The apolo gies were made gracefully and grace fully acceptf-d. The return of the one expelled Btudent was effected at ths same time, the other six or seven hav ing never be:n let out of their school work during the settlement of differ ences occasioned by the free haircut administered Jo a first year man. v That while the hazing In question was trivial, it would lead to more seri ous affairs, and therefore must hot b, repeated In any form no matter how insignificant, was tfo? text of Mr. Knowles', speech, voicing, the" senti ments of the .board! He talked as the Judge only f can. talk-klndly yet withal with emphasis, and'every boy and girl present was benefited for not only was ' the board's determination to stamp out Jiazing at any cost clearly expressed but the good will and. cts- teem.of the vspeaker. and the board went Jiand In, hand with, the lecture. To those who heard th-.i dictum of the board, phrased In -kindness through out, there is no question but that there will be no future trouble of any sort tor some time to come. Prevention of farcical practices and Injuries hazlne by firmly choking the. practice in; Its infancy will be the rule of the board hereafter and it is a safe bet that the ukase will be observed to the letter. C C. Welch to Samuel Cochran, mtg.. $4,000. NE 1-4, Sec. 31. Tp. 1, S R. 39 E. . -.';..-. ,W. A Spalding., et ii; tQ J. W. Knowles,. deed, lots 15 and 1, 18" and 20, blk. 29, Predmore's ad.: $356.90. Mary E.v Schofleld, to J. ,M. Bull, deed. $3,000. lots S 'and 4,' blk. 40. Chaplin's addition. .. K DAY LETTERS IX YOGCE. Local Bnsiness Men Using the Newly Innngurtttcd Sen ice Freely. CIITEOIIS DPEHEO FOil I ISKIESS Local businen have ,r -sorted to the use o';J -o letters, vantly In troduced by the -Western ,6n as an added facility to their V " -N.', Tha service has been In use" - - - short time, yet has been freel; ically. 1:' -..iiuiiik AUIUL Pflmiin OWNER ntnt IMPORTER OF STOCK MAY BOLD BARX IX LA GRANDE. Rumors of Valley s .Wealth of Splen did Stock Attracts Him Here, l MILLION LOSS BY INSilTK PLEA OF FIEND ALBAXY WOMAX WHO MURDERED CHILD IS OX TRIAL. Well Known Syndicate Building Minneapolis Destroyed1. In Minneapolis, '-. March 6.Wlth the eynaicaie diock on Nicollet avenue In While Prosecution Demands Deaih ' She Asserts Insanity. ' ' Albany, New Yoik, March 6.-Ttie trial of Mrs. Edith Melber. murd-rer ruins with a loss of an even million, of her five-year-old son at the out- firemen are today' searching .for thej bodleB of Miss Mary Buck? proprietor cf -the Arlpn reataurant"and ;her maid, Be,rtha Radens,: who were', burned to day while sleeping, la the apartments! It ls'JVery possible 'that there are stllf more-dead-In the ruins. .. ! 'Mafiy thrilling rescues were tffect ed and dozens were'removed from the upper stories. " Three .clothing stores, a.r:staurant and a number ol offices were destroyed. " , r " : ' 1 Road1 Fond Benefited. Vhe road fund of Union county has i been fattened to the extent of a little more than $1400 by the apportionment of forestry moneys from the govern ment. This sum will be forwarded asphalt pavement tluy saw anywhere, hert shortly. skirts of the city several 'months ago, because it. is alleged she wanted to marry. a man who didn't like the . child began today. . Owing to the . bitter feeling against the woman, , she was carefully guarded. . ... . ... The prosecution demands death The defense alleges Insanity caused by; cold and hunger Instigated the act and asserts she Is the victim of quick consumption. The woman has been tf.serted by her relatives save her sis ter. ... . . ' ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deals Consumated Saturday and Transcribed to County Books. ' Real estate transactions consumat ed and recorded last Saturday, are: Attracted here by rumors and re ports -of superlor'horse flesh produc ed in Grande Ronde valley and effec tively impressed by, a Bhort drive through the valley last) fall, F. H. Nell senior member of the firm of Nell & Sons, proprietors of one of the largest stock farms In Ontario, Canadais in the city today Investigating the feasi bility of Installing a big bam of im ported horses in thiB valley. HU firm already has several Clydes here .but if he finds the valley and its horses what he anticipates and can see jus tification in the act. he will make this his Oregon headquarters, ' sending many imported stallions to this barn. Mr. rVell is, known as one of the largest Nimporters of horseflesh in Canada and thourh he has a Utah headquarters, he is in needjot ajiew oarn in Oregon vsnfl- will-thoroufclity Investigate this valley before deciding where he will establish. his new ,bart. c,C Zionists IV In Arms. . 1 Zlon City. March 6. Dowleites, un der leadership of Voliva, who succeed ed Dowie as titular, head of the sect, threaten civil war and armed insur rection against the state of Illinois be cause the state board of health has or dered vaccination of all Zionists. They have voted to resist "To the death" all tfforts in that line. Already riots have resulted and armed, guards are patrol ling "Independents" who are holding a meeting today. ; , Voliva has posted guards and upon the appearance of the vaccination squad, the faithful will assay to resist. Independents and regulars, branches at the sect, are fighting between them selves because the independents want more liberty. , 4 0 ' Big Billiard1 String. Saturday night at McConnell's pool rooms Don McLaughlin, the local bil liard and pool player, made a straight run of 87 billiards, which is considered by the local players W be wonderful work,, -an exhibition ' seldom seen in cny cl,ty. I '' v Mrs. Workman III. . ; ! T. ."iv". WbrkmanMoremani. for. the beet sugar. company . at Enterprise, cam;. In today with his wlfA Whn i. very sick and tonight, he, will ;take her to'Stnfleld to visit, her parents, for a whiles and have a change of climate as the weather is very warm in the Echo' valley. ' . , , " ? : Will Move to Portiand. ; Mrs, T. N. Murphy, for many years a resident of this city, will, soon be lo cated permanently at Portland where she and Mrs. Gene Moore, also former ly of this city, will conduct an 'apart ment house. They fxpect fully located by the end of the week. Brotherhood to Meet The Methodist brotherhood will hold a social evening tomorrow and tooth some refreshments will be served the SUMMERYILLE CASE 5 FIRST 0! DOCKET AXD CRIMINAL CASE WEDNESDAY. C. C. Peningten,Thls City, Foreman of Grand . Jnv ,!--;t;j;:r, -viiiui tase Will Come uy Wednesday, , It Is I'lanned Many Cases to Be DIs. posed of But Xone of Much Import. ance Grand Jury in Session. 0 O O O O y 0O p , THE XEW GRAND JURY. Q o 4 C. C Penlngton, foreman... ... , ... . . . ; La Grande Jess B. Paul. i if...,, La Grande Don D. Turner.,... La Grande P- L. Smith,. ...North , Powder & Selgle Coffman, Medical ' Sirlnga Seiele' Coffman i - .,'.'.. i . v i . .'..;. Medical Springs L. C Crout.. '.La Grande D. W. Sanford...,....Hilgard 4 J.'.JL Hilts ...... Court Bailiff & L. B. Stearns Petit Jury Bailiff & jonn Baker .Grand Jury Bailiff A O A t Wheels of Justice were set In mo tion this morning at 10 oclock waerl the March term of circuit court, Judge J.' W. Knowl; presiding, came into session. So far as known there JrIIJ be no cases of ; great importance though the docket carries many isases that will require considerable' time In their proper dispensation.: There will ' ps no crlmtnal .cases, uoiy VVeitaes- uay wnen tne cnarges against Ralph Atkinson preferred by the tate and accusing him of obtaining money un der false pretenses, will come to trial. ' I The morning session was spent en-i tlrely in setting cases. The Summer ' vllle Meat company is plaintiff In a case against Cbattln & Wade which opened the term this afternoon and it ' Is believed that this case, will be cleared away In time to let the crimi nal case lip on schedule. The grand Jury Is already in session and within a day or two various bills of some importance will be turned out from that chamber. RECOUNT AT CHICAGO. Mayor Dunne Requests It andIarri. son Does Xot Object to It. Chicago, March 6The county Judge ' this afternoon ordered an Immediate recount of the mayoralty primary held last week. The recount was requestr ed by Mayor Dunne who was defeated for the democratic nomination bv Car ter Harrison. Harrison does Tint nS- ' Ject to the recount. EVERY POSSIBLE LOOPHOLE BE. fXG STUDIED CAREFULY. . Probable That Appeal JrTIII Be Takeu v. for .Writ from Highest Court. r :r - t San. Francisco. March 6-Abe Ruefs attorneys are maklntt- thii.i0D?ta,i today to save the, boss from prison. He will ask the court for a rehearing ii remsea, tne lawyers will probablv apply to the United States supreme court tomorrow for a writ to prevent Ruef from going to prison. Ruef said today he expected to- leave for the, pettfteitlary tetnerrew aftorrc-x. .