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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. " hi MiiigiiiniwM m n r ; 2S;ei6 ' . 0 ! 2 Days Only iSaturdeiv! k' IS 1 I . . Hi I & Monday March 4 and 6 'JL. 1 1 lb 50c Bak-rrs Chocolate ..... . . 3156 curtains, ' wds, this "sale 65c. Granite Coffee , Pot this sals ....... E5c Gllft frame wall mirror, 12x16, ..... fl & 30c Coffee this sale . "9 bar good Laun X&ryj Soap, this sale. 9 Iters. 5c Toilet ' , Soap, this sale .... 40 regular 2 for 5c , , postcards. , , 4 Bars, 10c Tar , .'Soap, this sale . . . '4 "bars 10c Glycer- ene soap, this sale . ' S rc TVater 'Glasses, this sale . . -5s )rip ; :-' This '.. "2 !!5c Smoking . .'P'pes ........ .. . l.'S-SCue Sharing "UmsTies ...... ... .1-"-25e. 'AW Titmdles ...... ... ? Pkgs. 5c Carpet ' Tacks steel '; . 3 20c Steel Fry Pans ,. 315o White Cup -; -and Saucer '3 15c Lamp 'Chimneys ........ 15 5c Mouse Traps ...... ..... 2 25c Preserve 'N 'Kettles ...... .. 3 15c Drip 'Pans......... . 5 10c Pot Covers ....... ... 1 25c Pair Boys Overalls .... .. r yards 12 l-2c 0 t .In? Flannel . . . S0c Mens "Work ', ShlrtB .... .. ., 350 Whips ... . . ' K 10c Tea ; Strainers ... 8 Yd. 5c ' Lace ... 40c Corset Cover Embroidwry 35c Mens Wool . 21ox '2 25c Mens Neckties .....;. J pair 15c Mens Hoss , i ' . . Children 40c Underwear , 35c Ladles 3 lose ........ . 35c Ladlees ' '. Collars ....... "50c Mens , ' Caps 40 c Infants Shoes ....,,.'. 35c Shoe Sales I TO RE V IOYETT'S COJmfl CAUSES RE. POET OX DOUBLE TRACK. 25c 25o 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25 c 25c 25c 25 c 25c 25c 25c 25 c 25c 25 c 25c 25c 25c 25 c 25c 25c 25c 25c 8 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c BucUcy Takes Jonrnay Over Entire System to Complete Report. Regarding the coming cf Judg9 Lov ett to Oregon arfd the recent trip ov r the O-W by Actini General Man ager , M. J. Buckley, the ' East Ore gonian advances the following: Acting General Manager M. J. Buckley and a number of operatipg officials of the O-W R, N. are on a tour of Inspection of the system Mr the purpose of preparing a report to President R. 8. Lovett and Vice Pres ident Krutschnitt when they shall ar rive in Portland, probably the latt;r part o. the week. It Is understood that the principal report submitted to the head of ths Harriman system will have, to do with' the doub'e tracklng of the main lln from Port land to Huntington.'which betterment already has been aiproved and is u part of the 175 000.000 Union Pacific Southern Pacific budget recetnly an nounced. While there. Is son belief that tli: recent rate decision by ths interstate commerc commission mgM hivp the effect qf curtailing expenses and blocking all proposed extensions aria imnrovemnt.i ; lltn anticipated that the decision will have - ous aff ct on projects already vo:?ci on and approved. The double-tracking which Is like ly to be ordered has had a confer ence with local JTarrlman officials w"l Involve m expenditure of over $5 09 -000 during the year 1911, and lonv thlng like that sum for each of the next five years during which the K?r riman system expects to spend the $75,000,000, The local officials on their prvr' tour have covered practically all of the principal lines Involved in the re cent O-W, R. & N.. the Oreg6a & Washington and the North .Coast or "Strahorn" road on .which It Is pro posed to spend about 18 000,000 la tlr next two years In cutting the distance between Portland and Spokane 54 milees. This is another project which will probably be taken up early this spring. Acting Manager Juckley hopes to be able to persuade President Lovett and Director Kruttschnltt to take a trip up over the Deschutes railroad, whtcn now completed to crooked river, is la case these officials have the time to give for such a side-trip during their stay In this territory. While no definite information has been teceived at Harriman headquar ters as to the time of the arrival ot tha Lovett special ..from California it is anticipated that the party whl reach Portland by the end of the .week. ... Vice President and General Man ager J. P. O'Brien who has b:en on a leave of absence for the past month may return to Poitland with the par ! ty, although the latest word received 1 from him was that he would not r.ach 'Portland before March 7 or 8. EALTY Fl! LAUNCHED IS SECURITY LAND AND TRUST COM PAJiY IS ITS NAME. Connect Li Grantfe, Portland and Se. attle Realty Market A't'rr a considerable length of time p nt in working out preliminary de tails following the announcement of the organ'sation of the Security Land and Trnst company, that institution was today launched on the business seas of the northwest. It is to be a La Grande institution with selling o Si ces In Portland and Seattl; so that all Grande. Ponde property will, not only have local selling facilities, but will also be placed on the markets ot the coast money centers. , J. F. Phy. Is maneec of the Pe f urltv Lend and Trust company and In ".-"enk'n nf ti new concern to the Evening Observer he said: "I have known ever since. I embarked In the r p1 "tot" hitne5! In Li Grande that vr tor' rnarket was too 1'mlted, While thing move fairly well locally end the real estate business in this valley Is gaod, it has frequently oc fi'red to me tht tha th'ne necs9ay was to get an nutlet for Grunde Ronde offerings In the coast cities. I have been worVIne for Rome time In ac ,wniiv fcaJui .. and em pleas d to sa MW T'Vive flnal'y sucree--1 In nrwnv that I am cevt!ii will be bpnefcifll to everv proirtv owpr who has anvtb'Tiar to spII In tbK vol- Wipn n nl'r of n'nnr'i' iq "H with fe BrnWtv Lanrt nnd Tri'"t rrr rvT tf ttt rrim Iq rilnrofl f to o r"t s. nnfl nr nri- now't'on ll roonv (lira o rnn Tiar )' o nTi'n'rtH ri's- ronoprn qtarv, fo" H will honrllo nl 1r. 'otlfliro nf .-1 nn'ofa ". P rSo nM ttint o.'orwthlno' llafail ir" n'WI ha indympnt b of wnnd-rful henflf FINE iS INSTALLED "THE FOLEY' TO BE A V-iDEUX CATERING TLACE o Exitense Snared to Mike it FliSt Class In Every V'.iy. A bill has been Introduced in the tfew York state legislature, limiting a policeman's duty to eight hours. Arcade n a mm THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGHT In the Land of Monkeys .and Snakfs Pathe. The Evil of Betting. f The Family of VegetarUna -Edison. The Sin Unpardonable i?3.ncy SongSInce I Am In Lovj Wtb Mary.' AVli I EN'S SUITS MADE TO MEAS- URE, of Guaranteed ALL-WOOL Fabrics by the most skilled tailors that money can employ, and your measure taken by a measurer of twenty-five yearr experience, ought to be good enough fos anybody. THEY ARE PRICED $15;00 to $40.00 See window display at IMC PEOPMS SldDDSE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK LA GRANDE, OR. from that date regular grill service Will be obtainable by transient and La Grande guests. IIENEY GLOATS AT RUEF'S DEFEAT (Continued from page one) I Admission 10 cents iz : 'i j- ..ii, j n Hi1;: " mLuxjiiiuiiss Following the genera'ly H'iept:d plan of management fit present day large hotels P. A. Fc.Vy, proprietor of the Foley hotel is installing what will without doubt iiv on of tlu highest grado grills to K lonn.l in the Northwest outside of the larger cit ies. Lately returning- from a trip of several days in Portland where fu made a close examination of all the grills, Mr. Foley announced that he vould Install In La Grande a grill which, according to the plans and specifications, will do credit to any town of fifteen or twaity thousand people. Ms chef and steward were both ob tained in Portland and are now In La Grande ready for work. It Is Intended i to change the interior of th? dining The furniture, which is entirely mis sion, Is due to arrive today. Special chandeliers of the mission type will be put in and as soon as possible the wo'ls will carry the mission casing. making the entire Interior very beau' tlful under the subdued lighting ef feet which Is also incorporated in the specifications. Besides carrying all '. edibles prw v'dpd by the loral market Mr. Foley 13 arranging to have regular service on certain delicacies not obtainable o-dinarlly In the markets of the smal ler cities. Grill Opens Sunday Mgh. Sunday evening the new grill will c '.hrowr c.::. to the nvb- and thinking persons as well. Let, th? very conditions that produced these miscarri(ige8 of Justices were the In struments that worked toward pv mnnent good. The prosecution of the rich law ireakets, while they failed in thelv iinmeHte purposeto Bend the rich and 4iov:rful criminals to the peni tentiary -were wholly successful In their ultimate numose to exDOsa -re :tusps behind the corruption of pi o- Iic officers, the solicitude of courts for criminal corporations, to demon st:ii"- tr. the people the necessltv o! i titrnliing their own' government. Ruef now says that he would not have tfen convicted of bribery had .Mi Heney not been shot In court iltirli.t lire trial. This may be par Jly Ihough it is certain that tS rbiliiy and pabrlotism of the pre-inl. vernor of California was largely the cause., if the Bhootlng worked tov;ir Oiln'rinlatrntinn nt Inatlr.n limn hr wnlTpriniZ' and Inlnvv It ninl' i uii r..e Ptid mine were worth whilv As ' a rrlnio it was more tolerant but i. r ; so datig-erouB to to society as othci- i times that were committed during the ; course of the' prosecutions. j Jury tampering, bribery of witnes ses, control of courts by private In-1 t Frost s theaa strlkn nt tho fminrwi. I tlons of Am -:r lean institutions. The open shooting worked a Quick but temporary awakening of the public mind. The exposure of these other secret crimes, committed by exceed ingly clever and adroit crimina!s, worked toward a gradual but perman ent awakening. There are many honest citizen 6r California today supporting the ner progressive administration who opr enly opposed th; work of graft pro gressive p.m'nistrrt'ort who 'openV? opposed the work of the graft pros -cutlons. These persons dc not real ize tint their present mental ami tnoval attitude toward the adminis tration of public affairs is In larja 'srge m. asure !"e to what hcy saw and came to understand during the course of the graft prosecutions. That ia the point. Ruef goes tc Jail. It is right and Just that. , he should go. But that fact in itself is not . the real triumph of the right. if uef will hare been sent to Jail by 1 he court that freed Schmltz on a flimsy technicality and thereby freed Uuef from the penalty of imprisol :aent for a crime to which he had pleaded glulty. HITTER , HEADS ELKS. Local Photographer Becomes Exilti d Ruler at Annual Elwflorr H. J. Rltter is today exalleJ Rjilti elect of the local lodgo of Elks, fal lowing the election last nluht. OM)cr offlcEirs are: T. J. Scroti, Esteemed Leading Knight; Lute Dunn, Loyal Knight; M. B. Donahv.o. Lecturing Knight; H. E. Coolldge, tooretary; A T. Hill treasurer; Frank Br iwn Ty ler; W. B. Sargoant trusteo for three years and Arthur Curtl33, trMste for one year. Retiring Exalted Ruler, Dr. G. L. Blggers was delated repres entative to the grpnde at At lantic City and II. E. Co)lid4e named a3 alternative. C0TT0LENE i Contains no Hog Fat. Z It is pure and whole- I some. , It is economical. Why? f f Because you use one- I I third less than Lard or I I Butter. 4 lb Pails 75c i 10 lb Pails $1.50 x I Pattison Bros. ;i Use, either phone I We Can SAVE You 20 Per Cent on at it fl