La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 03, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    j; v ;. ,: v.... .
pagi: S
Overture ..
,': Charles E. King.
The Old Water Jar . . Vltagrapn
A magnificent Bitting of Indian
Ufa pictures.
Water Tilting ....... Gaumonr
Interesting scenes of a peculiar
water contest. .
The Sealed Letter . . . . Gaumont
' The fisherman lover learns oi,
his betrothed's unfaithfulness
only when he Is In mid ocean.
WIffles Double PatheN
An unusually fine comedy,
showing how Mr. WIffles loses
Special Miss Nellie Garrlck
will alng "I Want to' Buy a
Little Bit of Love.'
ADMISSION.......... 10 Cents
Children (Matinee only) 6 cents
Auto for trade 1910 Hudson for 4
timber claim, C. R. Hibbard. -
If you are Interested in. Embroid
ery, Stencil "work, or any kind of
Fancy Work, call In and se Mrs. Wil
liams at the Paris Hair store. Stamp
ing done on all konds of material.
A Remington typewriter and some
household goods are for sale at tbe
home of Mrs. T. N. Murphey. Goods
can be seen on the premises.
'The Oregon will furnish first class
rooms and board at $25, $30 and $35
per .month, No. 10 Depot street
o o
Prescription : 101 guaranteed to
cure chlllblains, 50c, Wright Drug
Company. '
1 8 tray Notice :
Gon- estray a large. Jersey cow.
Medium color, dark head. Old cut on
left front tit. Disappeared from the
B. Z. . Carbine jtlace last Saturday
. venngi Suitable reward for - infor
mation leading to her whereabouts.
. . A. R. Coolldge is receiving a large
lot of wall paper all new deslgna,
fresh from the EaBt and som eis on
difp'ay and if you want your house
jmpered in the latest of pronounced
new creations you should call and se
lect your pattern early. '
i n r n i c
Boys and girls sell twelve boxes ot
"Toke One" Shoe PoliBh, 10c each.
Make forty cents and get a nic? foun
tain pen free. A. W. , Westby 129
Grand Ave. Portland, Oregon.
,.. The Missionary Society of the P.-s
byterlan church will hold" a cake sa'e
tomorrow afternoon from 2 until 4 at
the Grande Ronde Meat company'
shop on Adams avenue.
. .' - XotIce -
All that bought goods from us Feb.
3, for cash, upon presenting tickets
bearing that date, will be nfundea
their purchase price. - -
Successor to Smith & Green.
at My f&pense
Beginning March is y to March 18th, Inclusive, I
will of fer every Picture in my stock, either framed
or unframed, at a discount'of from 20 TO 100 PER
PENT from regular price.
This discount will not
apply to frames made to o rder. ; A few prices are:
16x20 Portrait Frames, gilt, black and brown, my regular f2J0
elass same as agents sell you. at. &&0 to $3.00 for frame only
fitted with a fine line of Fruits, Animals and landscapes, special for
this sals, completp, only,. . . , ,.. , . . ........ .... ....... . .$1.65
............. ,$o5
$7.50 Genuine Hand Painted P astels, special
$1.50 Genuine Hand Painted Pastels, special ..........
16x20 Florentine Portrait Frame?,-ltt or ebony, agents' prJcffftOO,;
.. '' . .:, ::,'"' v . . ' . f '
my regular price, $1.00, special, no glass ........ 1 .....$2.35
Same with glass ............ ..$2.75
These are especially fine.
10x28 Fruit and Landscape Panels, beautiful carver
ood frames, complete with glass, etc, regular 4.00
values, special, for this sale, at .$&95
2000 16x20 Imitation Pastel and Duplex Colors, all
masters, regular 25c values, special 15e, 2 for
Thousands of miscellaneous Pictures, framed and
unframed, at ANY OLD PRICE.
Oil Paintings, Water Oolow, Hand Colored Photos,
Carbons, Fhotegraveurs, Carbonettst Black and
White Prints, Artist Proof Etchings, Platinums,
etc., at a price you can't get away from. ; Any old
size or oclor.
Largest and Most Complete Stock of Pictures,
Frames andi Artists' Material in Eastern Oregon.
Silas, Perkins of Twin Falls Is reg
istered at the Sommsr.
H. W. Harris of Wallowa Is stop
ping at the Foley.
S. E. Miller of Union Is at the Fo-
.V.- Cv'.1'; ' . ; '.' '
Wm." Case and Henry Pearson of
Haines are stopping at the Foky. .
F. H. Well of Lucan, Canada, is
registered at the Foley. !
J. H. Friswald of-AlIcel, Is regis
tered at the Foley.
O. E. Longwell of Pendleton is a
guest at the Foley.
J. Johnson, Calgary Is registered at
the Savoy. .!
H. E. Boggs, Vale., Is at the Grande
Ronde Valley house. .'
M. H. Beeson of Enterprise and
A. Jackson of Baker, are stopping at
the Bio Mountain hotel. .
Jack Thacher, branch line engineer
on No. 176, is taking a lay off tor a
few days.
Master Mechanic" Ladd was in the
city, this morning on bis regular rou
tine trips. ,
G. B. Benham of Philmath, Ore , Is
In the city today called by the death
Attorney C. H. Finn is haro i ror
Portland today transacting legal bus
iness. ' , '.; ;
J. E. Baxter and wife of Joseph, are
at the Savoy. Mr. Baxter Is a prom
inent farmer In the Wallowa valley.
B. F. Wade and wife of Portland
are registered at the Grande Ronde
Valley house.
B. McKlnley, and P. C. Lowery of
Portland are registered at the Som
nier. : .
Mrs." Eugene Reuter returned this
morning to her horns In Un1.)n after
having spent a week with Councilman
and Mrs. Bernard Logsdon.
Dexter Eaton has returned from nn
extended visit in Kansas where he has
relatives he had not seen in several
years. s
i C. M. Coleman, Cape. Town, La., Is
registered at the Blue Mountain hotel.
Mr.' Coleman is an expert boiler mak
er and machinist. .. ..
H. L. McLaughlin and wife of Den
ver, J. L Shott, Toledo, O., T. C. D.
Smith, St Louis and Geo. B. Cramer,
N. Y., are gu sts at the Foley.
Dr. W. C. Ketchum of Enterprise
came in from Baker last night where
he has been on business, and is reg
istered at th 3 Sommer. j v
' Sol Harris, representing M. Sellers
& Co., Portland, the larg:st whole
sale crockery dealer on the coast, Is
registered at the Sommer.
; Geo. Harris representing the Gar
lock Spiral Packing Is registered at
the Sommer. Mr. Harris' headquar
teers is at San Francisco and he, lika
all Callfornlans, are talking 1915.
i B. W. Carr who was hurt at Pleas
ant Valley a few days ago is very
much imnroved and will soon ba able
to be out again. , ,
Attorney Chas .-r-Cochran and
Arthur Curtiss. wereijlied to Cove
yesterday in a clvltlke between Carl
Stackland and C. K Ogleve.
Chas. W. Tate, a nursery man of
North Yakima Is at the Savoy. Mr.
Tate will canvas the valley for the
Yakima and Columbia River Nursery
Fred Woods of the Sommer Hotel
Cafe has been confined to his room for
several days with a severe case of la
grlpoe but will soon be aNe resume
his duties, puring his illness hie place
has been filed by Walter Lewis.
G..W. Palmer of Portland, repres
entlng Russell and Gilbert wholesale
confectioners ia stopping at the Fo
ley.' Mr. Palmer'a territory ! from
Portland to Vale and he says that be
finds business good In his line.
Oil Painting
. 1
i3 -TPq.'' V
work daily Iron
10 to 12 a. m
and 2 to 4 p. m.
Chinese to allow burial from the un-! . Sheriffs Salejf
tertaking parlors of the Henry & Carr ! Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
establishment. The Services will take j ..n"
ui u tiwuuuu nnu uiucr ox Bale
2e tomorrow afternoon. S . . , ' . . .
, . ( sued out of and under the seal of the
CAKE SALE TOMORROW I Circuit ,Court of the State of. Ore
- . ; ! gon for the County of Union, bearing
Loyal I)au(?hters. of Christian Church
WH1 Condnct Sale.
A cake sale will be conducted to
morrow from J) until o'clock at the
Russell meat market by the Loyal
Daughters of the Christian church.
The ladies have made ample prepara
tions for , the sale and choice cakes
will be on the show "boards all day
long. Early customers may purchase
and get the best results from their
Plert Bells Stedu
McKennon ft Chandler purchased
yesterday for the Portland markets
of Walter Pierce, three cars of cattle
and one car of hogs that will be ship
ped'at once.
Remains of Wealthy Chinaman Will be
Interred from Parlors
That Buddhistic funeral rites will
not prevail to the full extent of th?
practice at the Interment of W.
Luey, the wealthy Chinese cook who
died yesterday morning, becomes evl
dent from the decision of the local
Have You Seen Burt, the Man Who Paints Pictures
. He Is truly a wonder witn the brush. If you haven't seen him, you should do so at the earliest op
portunity. He will be with us. commencing tomorrow morning ai 10 o'clock, up to November the 7th,
and we Invite you to see him soon. He paints daily In our large corner wmdow from 10 to 12 a. m. and
from 2 to 4 p. m. We know you cannot help enjoy seeing him pamt. It'a the second time we hav had the
good fortune to have him with us. You will stop and wonder how it is possible for anyone, to be Sw
- rapid with the brush, and at the same time turn out paintings that are . worthy a place In any home. We
give a 14x22 painting with cash purchases amounting to $5 and over, end palntlnKS . 22x36 with nil
'- j'.:rc!:a:c: ic, JIG oV iu ' U uepartmejits. . ' ' r"!' ; ; rv f " J y": y'"'::ci ',
Special low prices prevail in all departments.. We are offering soms wonderful values; ; bargains 7
that you will appreciate. . . ' ' ... V
Now that our spring line is lh and as you will be needing these goods soon buy them now and secure
one o fthese beautiful paintings frev Save your cash purchase si:pa they will all apply from tomorrow,
March 4, 1911 on the pictures and when you have enough to amount to either 15.00 or $10.00 we wljl do
liver the Painting to you free; Make your selection early and have the picture laid away for you.
Painting Begins Tomorrow
Cash ReglsUr for Sale.
A first class National cash regis
ter for sale for ?50 at the Miaget
meat market. This Is a great bargain.
date the 4th day of February, 1911,
and to me directed and delivered up
on a judgment duly rendered In said
court on the 31st day of May, 1910,
In an action wherein 0. W. Smith do
ing business under the firm name and
style of Union Coal and Feed Co was
plaintiff and Jessee L. Smith, was de
fendant, said judgment being In fav
or of plaintiff as against said de
fendant, for the, sum of $144.33 with
Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annim, from May 31, 1910,
and the further sum 1 of $10.80 for
costs and disbursements, I will on ,
fonday, the 20th day of: March. 1911
at o'clock p. m. of said day, at the
front door of the court. houBe In the
City of La Grande. Union County, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the -highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said
judgment, interest, costs, - and dis
bursement and accruing costs, all the
right, title and Interest that said de
fendant had in and to Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, and 7. In Block 22 of the town of
Imbler, Union County, Oregon.
Dated this 18th day of February,
1911 at La Grande, Oregon. '
Sheriff ot Union County, Oregon.
Sat. Feb. 18-25 Men 4-11-18 '
Connstipatio Is
Constipation occasions little
concern, as It may appear to
de Irttl Immediate harm. Yet It 1
means the planting of the
seeds of feeay, disease ano
death la the system. Sometimes
yo will have tepay the price
of neglect It Is a condition that
needs never to. exist, . ,
are a thorough and permanent
cnre.They are pleasant fn their i
action and prompt in results,
and do not gripe. We guarantee
To Cnre a Ccld In One Day
.,' ty-Uj)
(Take LAXATIVE BROMO pulnlne
tablets. Druggists refund money if
it fails to cure. E. W. GROVES sig
nature on each box, 2Bc
We guarantee them
Wright Drug Co.
j r--Tg-njr-'"- ""n -1r'""j-"-iar'T
ntinnAJ nnnAfirl r.Vi f V n nnntM linn am IP
the main telephone.
. . ' . . . . .. if
ii may do iocatea in any part or the li
The Pacific ,
Telephone and
Telegraph Co.
SHiiir1liwfhi nff nHa iriiaithmw'ffci 1 1 iff frtii mW 0ti. $At
An extension: an additional tele-
It may, be a wall or desk type.
It may have a bell or may not have
a bell, as the subscriber may wlsb. if
When x bell la Installed on the ex-
tension it will rlag whenever' the bell ii
.. . . t. . l ... V .
An extension will nave many steps )
tn- running to the main telephone to
end or receive cajja.
An . extension will save the climb
ing of atalra.
An extension telephone will tare tne
climbing of atalra. ;
An extension telephone will be
found 'to be one of tne most useful
appliance! In the modern household.
Let ns auegest a convenient exten
sion service at a low cost Consult
onr local manager. -
r iu,.r -njimaj aj $ $ j '"i"! -y-q-
r" j.
I ,. M.
. i T