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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
TXGE I EI TJR3NDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. THE OBSERVER B R UCE DENNtS... f Editor uud Owner. Filtered at the ifon1ce at La firande as second-class matter. . SI BSCKHTION KATES Pally, single copy :,. 5e ix-r weeS, ..... Ik .T.iIIj'f per month............ 6.e This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom da plume. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor, lleaee sign your articles and save ' Isaopointment. s Arr iwiT t f rsl - 1 1 II 12 13 4 .5-6 11 9.1011 12131415!8iZlS 19 M21 22 23 24 251 26127i28l29303n EYERYTHIXG HAS MOVE. BEGUN TO The groundhog's shadow and the "lion and lamb" talk about the month Of March are both tabooed so far as La Grande is concerned and every thing Is moving nicely already. The idl iimua experienced by every town-was' shorter In this city this year than ever before and today It is common talk among merchants that prlng has begun to appear so far as bulness conditions are concerned.- Real Estate markets are also affect ed by th? wave of confidence and commercial activity and already sev eral deals are pending that promise to bring good returns to the Interest ed ones and at the same time change the map of the city In a way. , This city Is undoubtedly in the best shape it ever has been this year and we are facing what s:ems to be an epoch of unprecedented prosperity. Keep the thought uppermost In your mind that La Grande has her nose far ahead of competing towns so far as bting the metropolis of Eastern Ore gon goes, and the nice feature of this is that other cities are admitting the fact in an honoraole and manly way. No man can get' mar wrong in making Investments here. The solidity and sta bility of La Grande is an asset that take years of conservative bulness career to acquire. But we have it, and we are very proud of the fact. Twenty-flve western railroads have decided not to appeal from the Inter state commerce ' commission's decis ion. This seems to be good Judgment on the part of the railroads. For a time the corporation may suffer some loss in rs-adjustment, but they will stand closer to the people and we be lieve the people as a whole do not want to see any hardships forced that they can prevent, and furthermore if there be hardships Inflicted the peo ple are fair enough to correct such conditions. nizatlon. This means, 6f course, that each plate -will cost a dollar, which brings to mind the famous dollar dln- mer given W. J. Bryan. It brought forth cuuiuicing a j unci wjc tuuuii j wt at tat time a dollar dinner was con sidered extra vapant by the ordinary mrn of affairs. But any on? who has ever eaten in a Portland grill resi des that a dollar dinner is a very or uinarjr meal, ana therefore it Is a mark of economy today for the Port land commercial club to set its price so low on each plate. How things do change. - OUTDID THEM. George Vanderbllt was cantata of company L. Tenth New Yorkcavalry, In the civil war. He was a very ec centric fellow, and fond of a practt cal Joke, and a fine, brave offlcjr, who was oft;n In command of his regi ment in the absence of his superior officers. On one of those occasions when stationed near Warrenton, Va, one Sunday morning he received a note from th commander of the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, sent by an or derly, stating that the chaplain of the regiment had been - holding revival meetings In his regiment and several merabTS had been converted. Twenty- five soldiers were to be baptized in the river at 2 o'clock p. m. and he invited the Tenth New York cavalry to be present. After reading the note, he summoned the chaplain of his regi ment and Issued the following ver bal order: "Chaplain, I have Just been informed that the chaplain of the Slxt enth Pennsylvania is to baptize twenty-five men today at 2 o'clock p. m. Now I want you. to understand that no blamed Pennsylvania, regi ment can outdo the Tenth New York. I will make a detail of thirty men. and at 1 o'clock you march down to the river with them end baptize them!" vornen tin obiiga:'on of conforming the dimensions of their fan.:lie3 rn ' their abilhi a to niainta'n them. I It would be inviting trouble to attempt to take issue with either of j the learned gentlemen named, and It 's ' a fact that most of uc wou'c rather have ten dollars than hav all this fuss over a question of surh iritte family Interest . In fact, st ation Is called to the doctrines pro claimed by these busy creatures sim ply, in order that fath rs and mothers may paste up their respective gos pels aa family mottoes in conspicu ous places in their homes, or where ever they will do the most good. This idea ofi raising famill e by rules, through the enactment of a code, for the government of the er ratic and obstreperous stork, is quite svre to strike a popular chord. THIS BOY IS ALL RIGHT Following was' compo9.d by , a Grande Ronde boy who will some daybe heard from in a public way. The Observer Is a paper, Which everyone should read It tells of lots oX'theorles, Adventure, thought and d ed. "- It's printed In old Grande Ronde , It's news there are a plenty. The blues its lines can allay. It's worth exceeds you know Of papers number-d twenty. WILBUR SHAW, Senator Lorlmer, though proclaim ed pure by the United States senate, still stands convicted in the minds of the people which in itself amounts more than a verdict from any other court. JiAGGIXG THE STORK. Portland is soon to have a "dollar banquet" for her commercial orga- (Llncoln Star.) Certainly amusing, and not at all harmful, is the interest that some of our noted 'educators are taking In the altogether trivial circumstance of how many children there should be to the family, It was the strenuous ex-presldent who put the stamp of quasl-govern-ment approval upon large families. He did not fW anv limit, the larger the better being his doctrine. But since that day, Dr. Eliot, pres ident emeritus of Harvard Univer sity, has undertaken to establish a wholesome limit at from six to eight children aa an average. Now Professor T. N. Carver, an economist and sociologist at the same institution, has something to say on the subject. He does not agree with either Roosevjlt or Dr. Eliot, but advances the startling platform that the birth rate should be restricted so that no family should comprise more children than the father can support. .Professor Carver advances he novel idea that marriage is an Insti tution invented for keeping down the birth rate. Imposing Upon men and Pinrr riiinn in liHULI tAHITOIN OREGON 111 OLD METHOD OF "PULL" TO VAN'. ISH HERE. No Longer PolitN?s But Even Footing That Mill Mark the Tests. HWMHWfrWtWtWtWftW THE OFFICERS of this bank will be pleased to talk with you at any . time concerning mutual buatoeoo relations tAHEN the Federal QoVarnment,. the y county, the :itv and a large and t. growing is cf commerwal and private depositors entrust tneir funds to this institu tion to the extent of $800,000.0. you may be sure tht it is a safe one for you to identify i yourseui witn. CALL AND TALK IT OVER WITH US La Grande National Bank . LA GRANDS, ORBGON. CAPITAL . . . $ 100.0CO.0f SURPLUS . . ... 100,000.00 RESOURCES . . . 1,185.000.00 UNITED STA TES DEPOSITORY George Palmer. Pres. , Fred J. Holmes, VTce Pres. F. L. Meyers, C&shm Earl ZundeWss'f. Cashier eV-r . University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., Mar. 3 (Special) As a departure from the constancy method of appointment of West Point cadets, Senator, Cham berlain's idea, which throws all can didates on an equal competltve foot ing, doing away with the old method of unfair appointment usually based on a political "pull" will be tried in Oregon at the state university. Th? competitive examinations open to all citizens of the state between 17 and 22 years, not less than five feet four inches, and of good physical condition will be held at the University of Ore gon, Thursday and Friday, May Gth and 7th at 8 a. m. This test is for the state at large. The examination will be given by the University faculty, and the suc cessful candidate, or first or second alternate, In. case the highest man is forced to change his plans, must ap pear at the Presidio in California where h? must pass another examina tion in May. If successful in the sec ond test, he will be admitted to the Academy in June. The examinations, as given by the University faculty, will include the following subjects: Algebra, plain geometry, English grammar, English literature and composition, geog raphy (physical and descriptive), his tory (general), with special attention to that of the Untied States. The physical examination is very rigid, snd a candidate must .be in excellent physical condition, before ho can me;t the requirements demanded of the West Point cadets. It 17 years of age the applicant must be 5 feet, 4 inches; if 18, he must be at least 6 feet, five inches. Arrival of Wodltex Spring Suits and Coats E'VE just fin ished unpack ing some ele- gant new Wool , tex Coats and Suits. There are styles, sizes and colors in the newest fabrics to meet the approv of women of widely different tastes. All have the Wooltex label, which is your absolute gUcrantee of two seasons of satisfactory service .... Make your selec tion now, and secure exactly the garment your figure and general appearance requires MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE , - THIS WEEK ONLY Don't miss this opportunity to save on all kinds of muslin underwear. I .-: . I i No IKo WESTjHt QUALITY STORE Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Bays PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in to 14 days or money refunded. BOc' La Grippe Coughs. Strain and -weaken the system and if not checked may develop into pneu monia. No danger of this when Foley's Honey and Tar la taken promptly. It U a reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acta quickly and effectively In cases of croup. Remem ber the name Foley's Honey and Tar fo rail cough and colds, for croup, bronchitis, hoarseness and for rack ing lagrlppe coughs. No opiates. Re fuse substitutes. Hill's Drug store. $3.00 Gil Painting for 49c See the light ning artist in our window, 9 to 11a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. NXWest The Quality Store housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E. C. Moore 1617 Fourth street. FOR KENT Furnished rooms tor light housekeepiag. inquire at Kings Cigar factory. TfANTBD Bookkeeping or Steno graphy work In the eyeing, by young man employed daring the day. Box 804, City. - , WANTED A good woman to do general housework in family of two at Telocaset Good wages. For par ticulars write to Alice Dupes, Pleas ant Valley, Ore. Henry Henson. WANTED Girl for g astral house work. Inqnis at U. S. National bank. LOST Gold watch, Masonic key stone fob, Elgin make, initials H. D. B. on back. Finder return to this office and receive reward. Californir-' Faniily Wines Tokay, Sherry, Port, Angelica Sweet Muscot $1.50 PER GALLON JULIUS FISHER 221 FIR STREET The quicker a coia is gotten rid of the leas the danger from pneumonia and other serious ditessea. Mr. B. W. L. Hall.oi Warerly, Va. ,mts: "I firulr baliert Cham berlaln'i Cough Remedy to be absolutely the lest preparation on the market for colds. I hare recommended it to my friends and tney all agree with ." For sale by aW dtwlera. ... IClzssiSed a. Advertising CITY SCATANGBR Joseph Tura bull, city scaranger. Anyone want- ing my services call np City Recor der's oflce. .- COME Td 01 R OFFICE AXD SEE PB&1GM8 BY THE BEST ABCM. TETTS OF 0T1B OXE THODSANB apcsw Riyeixo n price raox tiOJ TO 8aae. THRU BBfilfiXS MOW CUT OF CtMTLWro BOUSE ALSO AKBASOBMEyt Of BOOJK AID ESTIMATE!) COST OF ttATEB UL A HP LAK01 Fa BACH RWT- $300 Loan Wanted Security first class property. Address Observer. FOR RENT Furnished and light EQUAL HOUSE. LADIES HSFKCIAl. LT OTTEZKO. WEN AHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Pbone, Main 732 1 1 u.