page ?. 1G0SSARD Corsets The Seven Principal Setting Folate They late la front They support every vital or ?an. They are as comfortable git. down as standing. Thy are easily adjusted all l plain sJght They give the princess back, following the most beautiful line In nature, the spinal curve. "They are filled with ELEC TROBONE, unbreakable, and nonrustable. They supply the correct fash, lonable fipre for every worn, au's form. For sale by . Mrs.Robertfattison Thonc Bltfck 1481 or Black 81 COLONIST FARES ;J From the Middle and Eastern portions f the United States and Canada to 3REGOX, WASHINKTON'.AND THE NORTHWEST will prevail DAILY flARCHlOth to APRIL 10th over the , Oregon-Washington Faiiroad& Navigation Co. and connections, the regon Short Line, Union Pacific and Chicago Northwestern Chicago at $33.00 Stlouls at ......... $32.09 Omaha at . ,. .$2W0 SaiUs City at . ... ............ .$23.60 St Paul at ...s.. $25.00 and Irom other cities correspondingly low. r ' You can PREPAY Fares ' -T4e Colonists fare are westbound only, but if you have relatllves or friends or employees in the east whom you 'desire to bring to this state you can .deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for a ticket will be telegraphed to any address desired. let the WORLD Enow Of our vost resources and splendid op portunities for HOME BUILDING Call on the undersigned for good Instructive matter to send East or give him the address of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent WM McMUHRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. LET CS DYE FOR YOC. In fact the only way we lire Is by Eyeing. Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing yourself. WE DIE EYERY DAY ' AND DYE FOR ALL Oar charge for dyeing for yon wont ,,e bglh. A sample Job Is sufficient F' best dyeing and cleaning have oi do It ELITE CLEAMSG DYE WORKS, ' fbone Mala 64. p y ? K MEN WHO SHIPPED SCTT CASE FROM HERE GUILTY, SaM to Have Sent It by Express ana Then Stole it Later. ' Alleged get-rlch-quick schemes ars being ferreted out by a Pendkton jury regarding the actions of a man nameu N. Najjar who on December 5th, ship ped from the La Grande express ot fice a suit casi which he valued at $1300, and then, it is said, stole th? suit case at Athena, cleverly substi tuting another suit case badly Blasheo and cut to pieces. The case went to a Pendkton Jury late last night after a trial lasting two days. Local Express Agent George M. Hibberd and "Jam bo" the freight-baggage employe at the local baggage employe at the locnl baggage offlc? were the principal wit nesses to attend the trial from th'i city. ' - iXr- Najjar shipped a suit case by-c: press from" this city on December , and it is said that he shipped anoth er suitcase into his trunk which ha be n checked out from the local bag gage off c to AM.--5. Tho cWss go on to state that when the trunk reach ed Athena he substituted cases, slasn ing the empty on? and leaving It where it might appear that It had been stol by someone else, and hen he hlmseir made away with the valuable case. Hr was arrested by the express company and his trial occured at Pendleton and It Is unofficially reported today that the Jury returned a vrrdict for the company. . . According to the accusations the fellow planned a scheme to, co"l?c $1300 from the company, even after he had acquired possession of th sun cases. .... Ordinance Jfo. 514, Series 1911. An ordinance authorizing the issu ance on behalf of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of addition Bewer bonds for the purpose of completing the sewer system now being construct ed by said city.. , , Th? City of La Grande -does ordain as follows: Section 1. For the purpose of com pleting the construction of the pres ent system of sewers In the City of La Grande. Oregon, and pursuant to authority conferred by th? Charter of said City, and by a majority vote of tne qualified electors of said City, at an election duly called and regu larly held, In said City, upon the 12th day of December, 1910, there are hereby authorized to be Issued the bonds of the City of La Grande, Ore gon to the amount of Ten Thousand dollars ($10,000). which said bonds shall be dated January 1st. 1911. and shall be In the denomination of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars each and shall be known as Additional Sewer Ronds. and shall he numbered from one (1) to ten (10) both Inclusive. Said bonds shall be slened by the Mayor and countersigned bv the P--corder of said City: shall h , dn twenty (20) vears from the date there of, and redeemable at anv tlm- aftw ten (10) years: shall bear Interest. t the rate of five nr rent (5 rer cent) per annum, navable seml-nn-ruallv.' as pyMonced h ennww thwtn sttooV'rt: nd both rf'nrlnni and interpst of said bonds shnll be nivable at the office of the City Treas urer, La Grande, Oregon, or at the banking house of E. H.' Rollins & Sons, in th City of Boston, Mass., at the option of the holder. . , Section 2.; The bonds hereby auth orized shall be substantially in the following form: No. ...... $1,000.00 UNITED STATES OP AMERICA STATE OP OREGON , CITY OF LA GRANDE ' ADDITIONAL SEWER BOND . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESF PRESENTS. That the City of La Grande in the County of Union and th State of Orgon. acknowledges to owe and for value received hereby orom lses to pay the bearer the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOT.LAFS lawful monev of the United States of America on th: first day of January, A. D.. 1931. tnerther with Interest on said surri from the date hereof until paid at the ! late of five '5 nor cert) rr cnti'n ner annum, navable sml-annually on the first "day of JanuT in1 jut", in each year unon presentation an1 sur render of the Interpst counons hereto i attached as they severally become! due. Both principal and interest of this bond are hereby made payable at the office of the City Treasurer, La Grande Or gon, or at the banking house of E. H. Rollins " & Sons In the City of Boston. Massachusetts, at the option of the. holder; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, the full faith and credit of said City of La Grande are hereby Irrevocably pledged. This bond Is re deemable at the option of the City of La Grande at any time after January t. .1921. . , . This bond is one of a series of like tenor and is issued for the purpose of completing the, sewer system now under construction by said City, pur suant to. and in full compliance with, the charter of said city and under, and In accordance with an ordinance of said city duly passed, and author ized by a majority of the qualified voters at an election duly called and regularly held for that purpose in the City of La Grande, on the 12th day of December, 1910. ; . . And it is hsreby certified and recit ed that all acts, conditions and things required to be dona precedent to, and !n the issuing "bf this bond necessary to make the Bam lesal and yal'd have been dene. liappn4 and been parformed in regular and due form and time as required by law; ana that the total indebtedness of. said City of La Grande, .' including this uouii, ooes not exceed the statutory or constitutional limitations. ' In testimony whereof, the City Coun cil of the city of La Grande, Oregon, has caused this bond to "be seal:d with the corporate sea, signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its Re corder,, and caused the annexed in terest coupons to be executed by the fac-simlle signatures of said officers this first day of January, 1911. 1 ' Mayor. . Countersigned: Z' City Recorder. : Coupon, " V On the first day of January. " July. 19,..., the City of La Grande, in the State of Oregon, promts. a to ,pay to iht bearer the sum of twenty-five dol lars ($25.00) lawful money of the Un ited States of America at the o.Uce ol the City Treasurer, La Grande, Cre lOn, or at the Banking House of E. H. Rollins & Sons in the City of Bos ton, Massachusetts, at the option of t.o holder, for semi-annual Interest due that day on Its Additional Sewer Bond, dated January 1, 1911, No... .. . Countersigned: Mayor City Recorder. ; Section 3. This ordinance shall be In force f:om and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and its. Publication in one issue of the La : Grande Eventng Observer. i Pass.d the Council this 24th day of February 1911. by 6 members vot ing therefor. Approved this 25th day of February, ion.. W. N. MONROE. President Council. ! Attcut. a M. HUMPHF.EYS. Recoider of the. City of La Grande,; ' - ' Oregon.' . ',- The vWit Comedy Hit. Got anything unpleasant to do m the next tew days pay a bill or to your dentist? It you have, put it cJT until after March 6th. Th?a you won't mind. "S-ven Days'' will be at the Steward that night,, and af ter you have seen this Jolly comedy you will be heedless of everything disagreeable In the world. "S-ven juays is guaranteed to oeget instan taneous and perpetual Joy, merriment that won't wear out and a smile that won't come. off. ' "Complications never c ase in thi3 genuinely funny comedy," saidHama ton'a magazine, "and as a result the audience, is kept for three solid hours gasping and roaring with real hearty laughter." Steward's Opera House, Monday, Mare DIRECT FROM 2 YEARS AT THE ASTOR THEATRE, SEW YORK WITH ENTIRE BROADWAY CAST . AD PRODUCTION THE WAOEXHALS & KEMPER CO. PRESENTS ;J...;,.,,.. J. . i'J. I GREATEST CDHEDY I f. , 1 V 1 ;,. , ' ' -' . - v l.......n.iM , 'V yi yir"'ii' ,i-'i-"iy iif"ift"ir'ifi'''-'iir,'i 'niyr nf"rii'','ii,-i'fir-i'ial Bm w. w. BE RRY IT legamt TXT On mm m T1 of Ladies Wearing pjparel 1. ' . J IS ARRIVING DAILY $3,000 Worth of the choicest aiid classiest Ladies' Goods arrived today and another shipment is due tomorrow Silk, Petticoats, Silk Waists, Silk Hosiery and complete line of novelties, including every thing from a hair pin to the finest braids, in fact Everything for Ladies at Very Reasonable Prices NOTHING OLD LEFT IN STOCI 7" 1 w ; U ' . . By MARY ROBERTS RIENIIART au 4 AVERY HOPEWOOD. . "A laughing wonder" -N. Y. Times. "Veritable conspiracy of run." N. Y.' World. "Too funny to be told," N. Y. Journal. "Screamingly tunny." N. Y. Tribune. "One long laugh." i-N. Y. Sun. ; v . . r NOTE The audience is requested to be seated at the rise or the curtain as the action begins immediately Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00, and $1. 50. Seats on Sale Saturday f s : "'If'"