JkJ UNION COUNTY, OREGON. FKIDAY. MARCH 3, 1911. - , NUMBER 111 TRniPP nnmn (. .... : 1 1 ' 1 " ; 1 1 1 " 1 i : ; . i mi i a v I'fc; rvr m n rh H I H r .."-:.- .ll!m.: uunuu id Ml I. i SUCCESS 'ROMISE COMES WHES ALL. PUT SESSION DRIVES SEX. SENATORS AWAY, I0IS REV KILLED fyrftrd Forthcoming: In Nav- !PIroirlat:n Bill This Time a IS Is Probable Date of the Ex. esslon Friar Land Charges are ,en Fiitrne and Officials Exon. Vjhington, March 3-An agree- meriwas reached In th ' He this morning that a vote on the roming. If the agreement i3 al to the tariff bill will become rlt has already nasal ' loit and a majority of the senator far If.. Another Night Session. ;v tempting to fllllbuster out of ira ..;png vote on the bill Senator Strand Senator Overman kept the se' .ln session until this morning an-hen surrendered, wh?re there , wajo Quorum present. It is believod : thj?hate will complete nractteally allstness saye the reciprocity asree- . ; Jen the senate reconvened this nbg Stone Berved notice that he lure at the close of con- stoeref Jfo n the naval appropriation i which Biries $25,000,000. .? An Btfa session Is regarded as 4 ertalitrtoday, following Taffs 01H cW atoljsion that he favors March 15 forjthe opining day. The date rei Tesentia'compromise at the RepaMi-can-Democratlc conference of. lead- rr4Ui jw believed all chancf of a vote on Ticlproclty this session has vanished. . larjr Reward Bill Killed. Senator Lodge's amendment to the naval "appropriation bill Introduced to reward Peary for his polar explor ation was killed In the senate today ' on a'fjoint of order. It was decided the subject was not proper for he naval bill. . . , Friar 'Charges Untrue A najority of the house commitfee tin liisular affairs today repo trd the chafges of graft In the sales cf PrUr lanfli in the Philippines to lhi ifiar : trust was unproven. A mlnor'ty ie port will be filed later. All Republi cans apd two Democrats, Pucker and Perots, signed the majority , report which 'exonerates the offlclr.ls nnd recommends changes In the la'v re moving the burden of limitations from "Bales of lands. . MRS. KELLEY DEAD lndr Passes Away This Mornlm? Aft. r Jhort but Painful Illness. LITTLE HOPE TO CAPTURE HIES Itarf ReS"nS Q thClr ". Pratory . Grande in automobiles. In the party MTth7. STw r?tilD Cl8lnS la th8k'man nt were Ooorge Pennington who wu 11' 1 It IV W! "r!!! U ! an 81rcadln " out t0 Burroundlr g nessed the shooting. Messrs. P.arsc. What Is Belleied to be MemWr of Xotorloas Gang Canght Here, . Nabbed this morning by Chief Wai- den and DetecUve Woods of the 0-V.r a man la In the city Jail today charg ed with' being one of a gang of box car men that have been menacing the. railroad company for some time, and made their headquarters here. The being sweated today though Defc- territory simultaneously, officials In ...v ..uuuo 1U i-eututwn, mienains I commond of the army of posses comb to return this evening -to further in-1 lng the nllls and dale9 forth6 mr. vestigate the case. , ; ders of Ed. McCollouch at Haines wrnmrwp'ift.p'"' thl 'to have less STIDEMS nrtR PR9BK faith ln tht tl;cory ttat the men ar ; ' ' : "'' in the immediate vicinity of Ifa'.n b. rppr Classmen Who Administer d . That th, men caught some tValn out J""Mnf tresmes m ironuic .from n?ar Telocaast twentv-fn.,nin,s ago ana tnar iney ;r? aireaay neyona local posse' r ach has come to be Several upper classmen of tbo fcih school are said to be ln dire danu: of expulsion on account of. connec tions with thj dazing, ot & couple of freshmen who appeared In schcot ih'i the prevalent theory In Haines ?s well as ln La Grande. In the arrest of suspects at N'ortfc their, hair cut to a style retained tnl .; Powder , heid in conflnementi 1; ,8 for upper classmen. To ?un:sh the . bdleved w,n be found tw0 men who violations of class regulations, 'the left tne tracka leadlg tha posae3 na freshmep were seized and shorn cfa wnd goose chase throurt tt. mu. .-.r ?ci loci. 1 -Mui--'' between Telocaset and North I'ow bers. Members of the faculty are fer-jder Some tool8 nad bEen Btolen a. R eting oiftiffalr today and it 1. 8awmlll not far froni Korth Powder though several of the offenders will be ; and u ,8 thouht that the men whc suspended. ' : -J stole, them, are, the ones who made 1r - , """ ; . I the tracks leading the posses on lattr and also are two of the men in cells !at North Powder, They correspond to this however, as many still malnttln that the posses wca-e on tha rUht trail but did not catch the scent soon enough and that the murderers caught a train near Telocatiet. . With big rewards already ofCeriJ by ' ' . Baker county, and the stat-3 at large, -"t . detectives have rushed to the aceue SOCIETY AGOG OVER DEtELOF. Jftnd tti. ork will aflW .W QUEEN SUFFERS Fill SGANDA 1 is determined to eventually accomplish the feat Ills tiavels through the barren lp.uai of Wyoiitag ere graphically toll r. an -ismr article a fuw days since, and the fellow undoubtedly has an t - terestlng story to tell of his adven tures mom his lome town in Kai.--K to this point. He alms to remain Ucm ovr Sinday. In coming from Tik,p '.o Ln Grande he walktd eight m'.e farther thau necessary on account r jutgdhti Hons as to the highways. HEhEY gloats AT RUEF'S DEFEAT MEXTS IX BOME. Lady in Waiting was) Being Blackmail. ... ed by Army Officer.. . -' - i Rome, March 3 Queen Helena is prostrated today as the' result of the killing of Countess Glulla dl Trlgoha, her lady in waiting by Lieutenant Pa terno and the King is reported to be Inclined to censure the queen for al lowing the scandal to run bo long be fore Its bloody finale. It developed to day that Paterno, who' is reported dying, has tried to blackmail the coun tess when she demanded that , their relations be broken off. Two letters were found In, her corsage signed by him saying he would cease his atten tions If she would pay his $400,000 to pay his debts, and intimated he would make the scandal worse if she refused. He would not talk today. DEMOCRAT SCCCEDS CARTER On Seventy.Xinth Ballot Helena Leg. Islatnre Picks a Senator. ..-:, Helena, Mont., March 3 Chosen on the last of seventy-nine ballot, when his name had been mentioned prev iously, Judge Henry Meyers a Demo crat was today namid successor to Senator Carter of Montana. His elec tion came just in time last night to prevent the . legislature exphlng by constitutional limitations. He Is a well known lawye' ' . - The .theory that home talent did the crime, advanced yesterday. Is not generally given much consideration though the notion la . stl.ll taking root Late this afternoon ' the decision to spread the search, maintain the pa trols throughout the surrounding! hills and that the bandits are hieing them selves to distant cities summarized the latest developments, v :' : i Two prisoners being taken from Northern Idaho to the state prison at Boise' created something of a fur orethis morning when Number Six arrived, many believing they were the suspects wanted at Haines. Posse Reaches La Grande. Last evening a posse of four reach ed here In ait automobile. They were accompanied from Haines to Union by Sheriff Rand, deputies and the dis trict attorney, but these met left tne party there while four came on to La Case and Mitchell. Their principal duty was to watch trains,, and ih's they did minutely. They laid partl- cula. ftress on a freight train pulling out.y&et shortly aitfr th? fast.mVi had gon. through here. . The stvlnc of car? were carefully Inspected hera ait! Mr' Mitchell rode on top of te train to Kmela to see that no one boarded It. n route .or got off any where. -When, the train reached the sjtviiU It ' was again thonwvjily ssuvl.eil trd Mr. Mit:n: 1 ret'rnea t La Cnwde, unabl o eV.it v;r.te the slightest clew. He and most of his party returned again to Haines this morning. " ;..- j. TTnl,nr. v-. '' - "-' It Is said that the fast majl was not given the thorough Inspection that it should have had for six tramps beat their way to La Grande on that train. It halted at Union station very briefly last evening, awaiting to get In the clear and It !s possible that the men sought may, have boarded the faBt mail there and gone on. . tosses Still Out.' Through the trail yesterday held up as the most tangible conclusion to their discovery, failed to materialize In that it was rua down to the rail road, track and there Vanished again, Jt was picked up after considerable stanch, where it was lost yesterday at the ranch baf a but 06B lead to the track where, of course, It would be Impossible to continue It. ' Believing that the men may have again taken-: to the hills, possea con tinue their search today through the foothills about North Powder and Haines though there is apparently lit tle hope ln Btore for them. The men are more ln the nature of patrolmen who would prevent any dash from possible hiding places to the tracks again In time to catch an outgoing train. - ', . : :? . Many Stories Afloat Every hour unearths some new sen sation in the case. For a while this morning popular rumor had the men anresttd at Pendleton and brought back this morning; another said the men went through .; La Grande last evening and made a successful ,geta way on No. 85, the west bound freight. 1 ; " Trust Suits Med. ; - Cleveland, March Bis federal trust hustlng suits 7 led here to. day against thlrty-f 7 trlcal supply many ii) nnl eiec- 1.1 lh-., , coninlt?i It' la nlleped f ninety-seven I ouslr.ess af J ' rtra'n i'io ' . Offer. United States couf are located ln Oh the companies h 3 per cent of the co Jo that t"? ar8 ron trade.' ' '-' ' C "5 ' Chile Ri-t... Valparlso, Chile, March i: It ,1? authoritatively stated here today that Chile has refused a seem otter by Japan to buy Easter Island for a for- the Island for naval yards. If U in the Pacific Ocean, west f tha roast cf Chile with an area of fifty swart miles, mostly volcanic. A CHAM3E IX THE TIMES IS RE8POSIBLE FOR THE MAX'S ' INCARCERATION NEW POLICY IS IN VOGUE Schmldti Case Shows How Court'Abld. ed by the Feeling of the Times Then, and Ruef Incident Points Out the Change in Sentiment Criminals of all Stations are Being Punished These Days, CHIEF HE POLICE A CONVICT CRANE SLAPS AT SMITH Ai FLAG IRON MASTER REACH HERE REFUTES CARXEGIE'S STATEMENT OF "CALLING." Points Out that Carnegie was Prompt ' . ed by Gold and Devil. Suffering several days iri the most ftxoruclatlng mannSr, , Mrs. Hannah Kelley wife of George W". Kelley, St., Hving at 2006 First street; died this Norjilng. She would have,attatnet fne flge of 65 years had she lived until the 20th of this month. ' Mrs. Kelley was taken ill Friday morning and suffered severely r'sht to the jast with bowel complications. At her side were her son. B. A. B?n liamj and her daughter, Miss Kelley, , ho' ministerd to the lady's wants to the mit of their endurance.' She if. urvive'd by her husband, and p!x cnildren, B. A. Benham of. this Ity, ,. B, Benham or Philomath. Ore Jessie Terry of Orlando, Florida., who not attend the funeral. TV. A. Benham. G. W. kelley, Jr.. M'hs Ber tha KelUy. all of La Crande. Furt?r 8' er,lces will be co.vMrtol frra th home Sunday at 1 o-lock. Fev. rnton h. GIbbs and Vv. 3. S?cftmann NEW TRE ASCRER ELECTED ' , ',. o . n ," ; A - . 1 ,. ; I Chicago, March 3 Roasting Andrew Dodendorf Is, Treasurer .of Locl Carne'e t0 a brown turn, Richard ; Trainmenrs urotnernooa. To fill tne office of H. C. Ludiker, treasurer of the local brotherhood of Trainmen, the order has elected H. W. Dodendorf as treasurer. Mr Ludi ker resigned his office Just recently, on account of business matters for bidding attention to the duties of tint office. Predict Blsr Crop. Dick Smith, one of the prosperous valley farmers Is In the city today nd In anpiiklnsr of rrnn rondltions W'lll "I' d 1 . . . savs that prospects could not bj' bet-.that gold and the devil urdered ter. With the all ready large acreace ( to .? . into business. He charged tV seeded the spring seeding of blue stem KOVernment six cents per pound foi Crane, president of the Crane com pany today In the current Issue of the Valve World, . writes ,a..crltklsm f the Ironmaster's recent statement that he was called "from Scotland" to Am:rican to make armor plate for the nation! Crane says: . ' ' X Divine Call There "Carnegie' entered the armor plate business to make money, not for pat riotic motives and not In r'sponpe to any call from God. He would havs been more accurate if he had said wheat will Increase this to a largo extent. He predicts unusual good crops this coming season on account of Ideal weather conditions this, win ter. ' . armor plate while the manufactured Bteel sold not exce:dlng a cent and a half. Ilia conscience does not even condemn hli defraudir.v the country.' Dder Assumed name is able to dodge arrest. Finally Found Out and h Xow En Route to Prison Cells. Danville, Va., March 3After epr caplng rrom a ' ssurderer's cell and serving as chief of "police under an assumed name of Morris. Edgar Stlp Hn today Is en route to Harris coun ty, Geargla, to resume his life behind the bars. He was recognized by a drummer who notified the authorities. Petitions for his pardon ' are already being circulated. Stripling said he ex pected to be recognized some time, but felt that h$ was Justified In the killing-of Win. Corbett, because the latter attempted to outrage his siBter. He expects pardon. SAVES FARMERS THOUSANDS AROUXD.TIU.WORLD PEDESTRIAN . TOUCHES AT LA GRANDE. Plans to Remain litre Until After Sunday Fia? His Companion Military In appearapce waving his J toiors o er mm wita the Bame evident s jirlt that the regiment color bearer leads his followers on . to battle, J. M. Smith, the Fort Scott pedestrian who is walking, around the world reached the city this morning. His ever-present flag has followed him ail the wmand the gentleman hopes to be able to display th? storm beaten emblem of the country at La Grande audience before pressing on. It seems that the man has met with some mis fortune due to a change In ownership of the newspaper which sent him to ward the setting sun In the hope of eventually having walked around the world. For the past six weeks the man has not h-ard from home ln the way of nay checks and he U roso'tfn to making speeches and selling post cards.' , ' mlth will touch at Portland and then Seattle and sail across the Pa cific. There is no sneclfied time In which c make the lor JurRet but ? Agricultural College Teaches How to SaTe Money by Farming Right , Oregon Agricultural 1 College, Cor vallls, Ore., March 3 (Special) An actual saving of over ?1,000 In horse feed resulted from the Information gained by a prominent business man and farm-ir of Salem. Ore., In the winter short course at the .Oregon Agricultural college. Last year he came himself to the course, and this year, being unable to attend, he s-nt his ranch foreman. The knowledge gained In the, course on feeding of horses alone netted him a saving ot over $1,000 in his feed bills.' and his animals are ln finer,,, condition than ever before.' he says. Oyer $5,000 would have been sav'd by S. W. Jamleson of Dell, Ore., he estimates, if he had taken the short course two years p.go, Inernerhnce and lack of training when he came west two years ago to develop nls foldings of 4.000 acres of fruit landsi caused Mr.; Jameson to make the us ual mistakes of th? beginner. Upon at tendlnsr the course at the college this winter he discovered his mistakes, end made a' careful computation or his consequent losses, which amount ed to over $5,000. These nr hut two of n Hree num ber of similar casef which have rom to te attention of bean Arthur B. Cqi-Mpy nf the collere. It Is a sppclal lm of the ooll'w not only to enu'n vonnw mn to rr out eftr rra.dunt'on r flovplon the n"V Innrfq 't'v ",f1flt rnolt.r. bt to heln tt 'pr. mers, stocVmen nnd ochrdrnprt tie tte vrhn are alr'c'v cnrlne fn" lni f th'lr own o in rhnriro ' of l,irtri mitta. n p-of th erpn'est. pos slbl? valuo tet rid of the pests which San Francisco, March 3 Abe Ruef tnnv ha kM o ti! 'it ' '-.'""Xt ' ternoon because the boss and his law yers were clt; d to - appear before Judge Lawler this afternoon for run-' ing counter to stipulations agreed upon to gain a 7-day's stay of execu tton. :Vy;...;',;,; :' San Francisco, March 3 Francis J, Heney, graft prosecutor who conduct ed the prosecution of Abe Ruef, com-, mentlng today on the final court order ending Rucf's fight to escape a it year sentence for bribery sees In the v final action a powerful argument, tor the recall. The etat? auprtra? CQ"rt In vacating att'6rder granting ft fd: hearing to Ruef virtually reversen ' Itself after it had been attacked by the 'attorney general and the legis lature had started an investigation 01 the court. v ':''r'!; ;"''. (By Francis J. Heney) The fact that the lupreme court of 1 ' California ha reversed itself to su tain th ccfnvkfloa of AbrabAal Ruef is important chiefly as a sign of the ' times of the new era ln which the people are beginning to rule. That Ruef must 'go to Jail is 01 " relative Importance only. It is im portant that criminals of all sta tions should be punished but it Is far more important that the people them selves should control the administra tion of Justice. ' . There Is a peculiar Irony and a V tremendous algnlficance In the fact that what Ruef claims to be a tech- ' nlcality forced the supreme court of this state to reverse Itself on a pre vious ruling which granted Ruef a hearing. On forhur occasions techni calities have welled only in favor of graft prosecution defendants. Schmidt had been freed because the indict ments upon. which he was convicted failed to state that he was mayor or San Francisco at the time his crime v was committed. The supreme court " unanimously refused to give the peo ple of San Francisco a hearing on the merits of the Schmltz case and gaBed ",l its refusal on a flimsy technlcaiitr which was not anticipated and hence r was not even mentioned In the brief . accompanying ths application by the people for a hearing. -y Ruef had been granted a hearing on ' tci iinical grounds The court reversed" its action because the attorney gener- : -al called Its attention to the fact that one of the concurring 'Justices . :as out of the state when -the order ' for a hearing was signed,, Why did T:ur members' of th court first lg- i tiore. then reckon withthls point? Because ft fearless public- officer ' demanded attentlon'and because the 1 weight of an awak ned public was 1 rindlhe demand a publtc Interest- ' i ed Inlts own affairs, demanitinir Bspeedy and substantial ; Justice, the right to remove faithless ludees. th ' creation of laws to ston Jury tamper- ing and .miscarriages, of Justice. ..- This awakening rnme In time to work against Ruef. That is all, fit Is probable - that the bitterest 1 U-ought of all to this formerly powrr . ful man. is that he must go to JiH V while Us more powerful and richer , ' coiupan'ons In crlm? go free. Thera blttermss In that fact to all rti v i it 1 (Cont!.'', on p" C".t) '..'V ( v,. 'I