PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1911. ii I he; Print Slioi .Villi,-'''''' r ay mm 'HEN you want a first-class job of Printing, and vant it without delay; when you have a design in printing you would like to have figured out sat isf act :riiy; when you want work at reasonable prices, bear the EVEN ING OBSERVER in mind and call Main 13, also Independent 1342. F OIL p;cted to be one of the most notable tbat baa taken. place in this section of Kansas In many yearn. 1 COLD-BLOODED JTUEDER, IX KAN- SAS REYITED Jlirch Term to Try Trnnstett, Mar. derer of Neely, Oil Magnate. Independence Kansas. March 2 The March term of the circuit coun about to convene here will be made notable by the trial of Al. 0. Truskea for the el!egel murd:r of John D. Neely in the Palace Hotel In the town o! Caney, about,25 miles south of here. on the, morning of January 7 last The slain man was president of th3 Lima Trust Company, in his home city and was also the head of serveral large oil cdmpanies In the Kansas-Oklahoma field, including the Wichita PlpaLine Company. The shooting was, the r nu't of litigation over an oil lease. On the day before the tragedy Mr. Neely had arrived in Caney m his regular monthly inspection of oil and gas Intersts. The ,. following morning Mr. Neely was sitting In. the We Do Anything With Type EVENING OBSERVER The Print Shop with a Pay Roll QllttSlSISISJIIi Woro to Only Ono "Bpemo Quinine n That ia BLniiQtive Bromo Quinine usa rm world oyer to cuoe a cold in one oat. Always remember the full name. Look jC 7 0 this signature oa every box. J5c. ' dtjf . 1 1 U8- i kett. sitting opposite, watched nun ! closely) When Neely got up ana walked toward th.- rear of the hotel Truskett hurried around to the sam j ''le room. As Neely passed the door jof this room Truskett fired at him I twice. bullet i passed through Neely 8 h crt, and the other through' I b!s left arm. When employes or the hotel reached the prostrate man he , was dead. - Truskett surrender-d Im mediately and was hurried in an auto mobile to the county jail in this city. The killing Is believed to have, been hnrely th- result of a lawsuit that had long been pending between Trus kett and the Wichita Pipe Line, Com rany, of which Neely was president. According to his friends Truskett Was of the belief that company was try ing to fob him of his rights. The litigation was over a lease of, a tract of oil land a few miles south of Caney. F"bert F. Goodman, a minor Indian , who owned the tract, sold hla Interest several years ago' to Hugh Benson. an 'oil man. who later dlspos'd of it to a local oil firm for $400. Truskett onid this firm $9,000 for the lease. Shortly afterward the Wichita Pipe Line Company claimed "the lease of the I tract, alleging that It had come Into Possession of It by l ase from nrlvate turtles said to b interested in the Wichita company. The-comoanv r.s- r.erted that the lease to Truskett wna according to law, as the Indian boy. Goodman, was not of age when be signed away his rights to , tne property. Truskett had kept him constantly under watch and had rnai '" b""?t from him the lease on the dav h became o f aee.. Publ'e symnathv In this loca'tv Is largely on the side of Truskett. ow Iner. in a ir-ent measure to the popular prejudice aeainst the pine line cin "ppv end ig affllipted corporation, because of the methods they have nyr--" d In th ns.t. Relatives and friends of the accused man have rais ed a fund of ??0.nnn nd hnv emplnv "1 em'nent counsel to conduct hi? dfepe, The romlnjr tr'al Is er BREAKING A CUSTOM. How th Salt Shaker Was Introduced , to the Spaniard. Until a few years ago no Spaniard bad, on bis dining table any other re ceptacle for aalt than the bid style open cellar. An enterprising Briton saw this, noted that the salt was al ways .dirty and gummy and deter mined to Introduce a certain famous salt shaker from which clean salt would run freely In the dampest weather. Bravely he started to tour Spain for the company. "No, senor; no est costumbre usar mas quo esto" ("No, sir; It's not cus tomary to use more than that" the old cellar), was the answer of every dealer to whom he presented the nov elty. Again and again he was re buffed. He began to despair when, standing one day gazing into a Jew eler's window, a brilliant Idea struck him. lie eutered. Itemizing th? child like curiosity and Impressionable char acter of his ouarry. he ncrsuaded the JeWuler to. (lisnlnv n slinl.-of in ia window and coached him about sell j ihg it. A Spaniard came along:, look ' ed in the window, saw the curious ob ject, Investigated. . ' , I "It Is very pretty for the toilet ta ble," he remarked after prolonged scrutiny, "perhaps useful for the chil dren. What goes )n it-perfume?" lSv..u.oioiu jeweier glanced up from : :ne sri.-jllng. "No, sir; only salt'! ' I "Man, snltr ( "les. Pocslbly I could cot vou o lit tlethe klm? that doesn't got sticky ! to try. But I tlon't know." . . Xho simple srentleman was amazed. angry, nffrou L'd. by the noveltv. hut he took it am! 'an ounce or twn nf tim ' special salt ho ne with him. The Jew eler ordered ar other shaker and more samples of. sal'. -''By and by the gen tleman had usei! ay his salt and want ed more of the :;ame kind. The busi ness of that co: prny today Is worth many figures in tjiain every year, and. more than that, rs it Is "costumbre" now to use that particular sort of shaker nnd brand of salt there is vir tually no competition. Arthur Stanley UIgg9 In Century. The Only One of Its Kind , Satirical "Dainty Literary If You Are a Person of culture, refinement or intelligence, or all ihree, you cannot afford not to know LIFE. , If you have a sense of humor, you should lee it every week. Perhaps you bow LIFE slightly. t Perhaps you don't know LIFE at all. To get acquainted will cost you Only One Dollar, Canadian $1.13, Foreign $1.26. Send that amount with your name and address to Life Publishing Company, 1 7 West 31st Street, New York, and LIFE will cone to you every wtt for three months. The conditions of this SPECIAL OFFER are: hi i open only to new subKribers. The subicription mut com to ui Jired; not through an gf nt or dealer. i iiimcnpiioni wu me rtntuea at tnu rale. Fiva tkllan a Year ! Far Sale Everywhere , Ven Cent o Copy : Vht est jlrtUU I Vh gerf WrttZ Last cf tha Old Oratora. The lute Senator John Warwick Daniel of Virginia ' may be said to have been the last of the old fash ioned orators In the house of the con script fathers. His fame will rest not on his lawbooks, which were excel lent; not on bis speeches In house and senate, which were strong, but on two masterly orations on Lee and Stone wall Jackson delivered before bis en trance Into congress. It may well be doubted whether anything superior to tbefu, considered simply as orations, can be found lu the literature of the world. They would have delighted Cicero himself. Champ Clark in Cen tury, v Flog gad For Bathing. Un an Island tn the Cam, at Grant chester. Is a mill pond known as "By ron's pool" because it was here that the poet as au undergraduate enjoyed his favorite recreation. Even In his day Edward Conybeare tells us In 'Highways and , Byways In Cam bridge" bathing wns a practice some what frowned on by the academic au thorities. A century or so earlier any student found guilty of It was publicly flogged In the hall of his college and was again flogged on the morrow in the university schools by the proctors. A second offense meant expulsion from the university. Novelty For Naw Yorkera. "That sunrise effect Is all wrong!" said the stage manager of a New York musical show, , "What's the difference?" replied the scene painter. "Nobody who goes to a mustcal comedy In New York knows what a sunrise looks like." Washing ton F.:tir. ' Holding a Wake Ditto a Girl. Miss I.ovolelgh The professor was telling un today about the moon, no says the moon Is a dond body. Jack Spooner That so? 1 Then suppose we sit up awhile with the corpe.--Boston Transcript Taath In Their Stomacha. Whatever It may be that the lobster aud the crab, rapacious, never dainty, are eating they always see something else tbat they want and can't wait un til they have masticated the first be fore attacking the second. But they don't give up the first, not by any manner of means. Nature, humoring this rapacious bent, haB fitted the lob ster and the crab with tcuth in tbeir stomachs, and they swallow their half mnstlcnted food and finish the chew ing rroi-ess with their stomachs while they seize rtivl chew t!n other thic? that lms tit t met od them. Lobsters av.d crab have no teeth In their mouths. The? chew with their claws what they V.!tv Ur- t" lm-l the uniiulshed Job d'wn to tho'r stomac!: to do th? rwl vf tin i lii-v. -.u. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. F. ft A. iL La, Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. ft JL M. holds regulai meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all .M asons. L. M. HO YT, W. M. V C. WILLI A1IS, RecreUr. 3 P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meeta each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Vuitlng brothers are cordially In vltaa .to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex Rul. HITCH McCALL, Rec. 8ec. ' WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. . W. meets every second and fourth Sat , urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebers welcome. , D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENS Y. Clerk. 1. W. A.--La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday m the month "ai the I. O, 0. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited tc tttend." .. I. R. SNOOK, C , v it. m. cux. Clerk. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodif No. M meets every Tuesday evening in tba I. 0. O. F. hall. All visiting mem bers are Invited to attend. . MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLB, N. 0. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, Bsc , ij KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Crow "Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday t night in Castle hall, (old Elk's ball., A Pythian welcome to all vlsitus ; Knights. JESS PAUL.C. C. , R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. k S P. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13. 0. E. C. holds stated communications tba second and fourth Wednesdays oj, . each month. Visiting mehiAn Cor dially invited. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec. ' ; PAULINE EDERLEB, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCItAFT-OraDnV Ronde Circle No. 47 meet! ev" first and third Thursday evening . in the month at the 1. 0. 0. F. bait . All visltiag members are welcom. ; CHLOE ROBINSON. O M . UZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk v PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. $ PniSICIAJfS AND SURGEON 8. N. MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. anJ Depot street. Office, Main 68; Rcsl dence 6$. x r. H. UPTON, PU. G. M D. Physician r and surgeon. Special attention to t Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office la La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Real dence Main 32. A. L. RICHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Richardson & Loughlin, Physicians and Surgeons, Office Hours 9 to 11; 2 to 6; 7 to 8, Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 65;' Ind. 312. :.)"".';''- Dr. Loughlin's Res. Main 757; Ind. 1297. ; Phones Office Main 22; resident,' )' aiam 728. J. C. PRICE, D. M. !. Dentist. Room 23. La Grande National Bank Build Ing. Phone Black 399. ,1 DR. R. L. LINCOLN. DENTIST Firs; : class services given. Office over Lil- ( ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. ? DR. P. A. CHAHT.TnM Votor'TiBi-wfi,.. geon. Office at Hill's Drue Stom La Grande. Residence phone, Re I 701; Office phone. Black 1361; lode f pendent phone 53; both phones ai residence. ' . : ATTORNEYS AT LAW. :'-:0, W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopatt Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7 S. 9 and 10. Pboaes1: , Home 1332. Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone. Black 951. Successor to Dr. C'B Moore. OR. H. L. UNDERWJOD and DR DORA J. UNDER WOOD Office ov er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surger? of the eye. -4- For all kinds of MESSENGEB AND DELIVERY SERYICE . Call Up The Central Messenger and. Delivery Co. : Oftlce la Fol.y Building Boom 2 Phones, Main 709 ind. H. J. EESLER, MANAGLR. COCHRAN ft COCERAN-Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran.' I Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Practices In al Ithe courts of state and United 8tates. Offlc La Grande Natiuuai fiana Bldg " Grande; Oregon. O. W. C. NELSON Mining Englrf Haser City. Oregon. Backache, Rkenmatlsm- wean disordered kidneys. Foley Kid ney Pills have helped your neighbors; ; iircj wui uiuo neip you. Mrs. B hih. - Peoria. III., says: "I have suffered N greatly with my kidneys for years and i -have suffered also with rhm.M, Have taken several wel known kidney V riua. i nese nav don me a greakflfil " of good, rl'H..t m nr Uise7fi Savoy Hotel I EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot' D. C. Brichoux, Prop. That's mat They All Sav '."'p;N:.;:vL-:,;(:- mmmmm mamJmamamm It?s Good ForWhat Ails You