PAGE 2 ' LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1911. 4 a 14. m n n i - - - . . WHULtbAL POLK'S DIEECTOB OCT. Oregon and Washington DIrec tor lias Just Been Issued. The directory Just issued for 1911 12 la the most complete work of the kind published. It contains an accur rate business directory of every city, town and village in Oregon and Wash iagton, and the names and addresses of , country, merchants and profes sional men, lumbermen-'etc, who are located adjaced to Tillages; 'also the lists of government nd county officers commissioners of deeds, state boards, statutory provisions, terms of courts, names of the postmasters, poBtofflces, express, telephone and telegraph of fices, justices of the peace, daily and weekly newspapers; - besides mucn other Information useful to all class es of business and professional men. A descriptive sketch of each place is ..given, embracing various items of in terest, such as the location, popula tion, distances to different points, the most convenient shipping stations, the communications, trade statistics) and nearest bank location, mineral inter ests, churches, schools, libraries and societies. An important feature is the classified directory, giving every bus iness arranged under its special head ing, thus enabling subscribers to ob tain at a glance a list o all hous:s, manufacturing or dealing in any par ticular line of goods. The work gen erally is compiled to meet the wants of the business communltie sand is so thorough as to deserve liberal pat ronage. R. L. POLK L CO., 8:attle, Wash. Price $9.00i y . ; , . ' t Tlctlm ef Drink Seeds Orrlne ' Drink cunningly d'.stroys the will power, and while the drunkard wants to do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that he craves. Medical treatment is nec essary. Orrlne destroys the desire for liquor so that the drink, will not be misted and restores the patient , to health. This rimedy Is thoroughly scienti fic and is so uniformly successful that It Is sold with a guarantee to refund your money if after a trial it has not benefited. Booklet free on re quest. The Orrlne Company, Orrine Bldg., Washington, D. C. Sold In this city by Silverthorne's Family Drug Store. Feb. 28 March 3. If you want a good cup of cof fee, try the Plantation brand. It is grown by the German Ameri can Coffee Co., and guaranteed to give satisfac ion. We are Not in the Ais'n Royal Grocery H.Pattison, Prop. Cure Your Rheumatism l YD OTHER ILLS OF THE BODV At The HOT LAKE Sanatorium (THE HOUSE OF EFFICIENCY) HOT LAKE, OBEGON : . , THE Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Sells round-trip tickets, good for three months, allowing $6.00 worth of accommodation at the Santo ' rlum, at Portland and all 0 W. R.' & N. Stations. For further information and illus trated booket, address, Dr. W, T. Phy,, Medical Supt. and Mgr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N. Agent, or write to WM. HeMUBBAY, Oeperal Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. OREGON. LICENSES COUXCIL TCBXS DQWJf ORDI NANCE ALLOWING THEM Jefferson . Avenue Work FoHtimned . City's Revenue Prove Large. S-'y Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air FurnacesPipe Valves and Fittings, Gut j ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort- I A - T1-1 HI..! ;neni 01 mcKei inmmings. BAY 6 ZWEIFEL g PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. Treasurer! Call tor City Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to pay all out standing warrants Issued on General Fund of La Grande City, up to and in cluding No. 8562 endorsed September 2nd. 1911. Interest on all warrants on General Fund from No. 8474 to No. 8562 inclu sive, ceases from this date. La Grande, Ore.. Feb. 21, 1911. RAY W. LOGAN, City Treasurer. Hies Cured at Home by New Absorp tlon Method. If you suffer from bleeding. Itching, blind or protruding piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with referncea from your own locality if requested. . Im mediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. WrUe today to Mr. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Tame, Tn. I bad been troubled with constipation for two rears and tried all of the best physi cian in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for nie," writes The. E. Williams, Muiilleboro, Ky. "Two packages of I ham bei Iain's Stomach and Liver '1 ablets cured ui." Fur sale Ly dialers. Jofaii teteomi it JUSTARRIVEK ALL SHAPES AND STYLES Ousting Night Policeman P. W. Porter from office, figuratively laying the Jefferson avenue paving proposi tion on the table, and refusing to grant wholesale liquor licenses form ed the three central points of public Interest In the council proceedings last night. President of the Coun cil W. N. Monroe presided in thePai sence of the mayor, while all the on er councilmen were on hand. Regular monthly bills wer6 reaa the first time and referred to proper committees. ' The ways and means committee rec ommended that the ordinance '. read first and second time at the last night providing a, means for selling liquor on a wholesale basis, be killed 'and the report was adopted without debate. from various cities In the United States dealing with the Tar da question were read. One Eastern city Bid not fancy the paving whll? another writer, street superintendent saw Httl;i virtue in the cheaper meth od.while a Seattle firm is going to send a man here soon to meet the council and explain in detail what can and might be done with Tarvla. All this came out in reference to a r port of the committee to which was referred the matter of paving Sixtu Btfeet. Nothing tangible was done on th;i report. ; Following publicity of a letter from M, J. Buckley, acting general mnii ager of the 0-W, the Jefferson aveiiit pavlngk project was laid on the table. The' tone of Mr. Buckl:y's letter pUm ly Indicated that every inch of O-W land now In their possession will re remain in their possession for frerght and passenger depot facilities, and as thj company owns half of the street from Flc to Fourth, the city would not be in shape to order paving; of the north half of the street in the event that the south half property owners did pave. . Finances Show op Wrll ! Under reports of committees ca ne the announcement of the collecttan oi $1772.49 in. revenues for the c'ty dur ing the short month of February. Of this amount $852.24 was waar rent money and $602.55 was improvement fund payments. Three Cases rendliur. , Three cases, one a iit reparlin? title, to a piece of land now used tis a portion x of Second streM at ' the railroad crossing, and two notion:' to recover damage money as n rests .: paving North Fir street a;e now penn ing against the city, nconl'i'i io Citv Attorney Cochran's rennrt. , Susar. Crane tjns brought suit to straighten out Second street where it joes around the Schilling property, saying en croachments rnv damaged her prop erty to the extent of J"00. It seems that the railroad company is 'ennn sibl for thl? damaj rather than the city. In reg-"-'' to the street it self, Councilman Sheak proposed the city buy the Schilling corner ard run the street where it properly shoula go. The damage action will be fought out, though a demurrer has been argued before Judie Knowles and the case is now under advisement. The ordinance introduced and pas sed recently requiring every resident living within 170 feet of the sewe:- mains and laterals, to make connec tions was given through interpreta tion on behest of Attorney J. D. Slat er, City Attorney Cocran pointed out the sewer system is not complete un til it is comnlete and that no connec tions mnRt be made until a carelV test has been made in an effort t ovoid a repetition of the Second street waf r main affair where the projec was not tested because connections had been made piecemeal. Councilman Flemintr was the 1nV smith of th evenlnsr. Tie printed bill aealnst the clt. incurred by Co tractor Davis, for steellnr ncV meaning of course tv worn out tools. But the bill was md out stealin picks and the pun bT-i' flown the house. Adjournment w taken early, to meet two weeks hence ... .Ml .Hi A. V. ANDREWS aw ( Ljtle Still In Office. Pendjeton, March I (Special) Al though Governor Oswald West ve toed the sanitary livestock commis sion bill that fact does not mean that Dr. W. H. Lytle loses his position as state veterinarian. With the veto of the livestock bill the old law Is left upon the books and under that law Dr. Lytle" holds office and has been serving both as veterinarian and sheen tMWWWiUi A AM , V UutVV M V IS . WW combln d for only a period of two years it now appears that henceforth the offices of veterinarian and sheep inspector will be held by two differ ent Individuals. However this point, if not clear. The greatest difficulty confronting such work as this dur ing the, next two years will arls? fnfm a possible lack of funds. If the work is conducted as in the past it will be necessary for the board to incur a deficiency. At the Stewart Opera House FRIDAY, MARCH 3 VJM.R. BRADY announces America's Greatest Society Hit Yotf'll Smile at Yourself For your good Judgment in trying a FAM US KING Havana Cigar for you will know that at last you have founu a smoke that you can really enjoy without paying more than 5c, 10c or a bit for it. The Fam Us Kink cigar in three shades but one grade of hign flavored Havana. i FAM US KING Cir-bR FACTORY Pneumonia Follows A ColdL But never follows the use of Foley's Hcny and Tar, which checks the cough and expels the cold. M. Stock- well, Hannibal, Mo., says: "It beeas all the remedies I ever uBed. Icon tracted a bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bot tle of Foley's Honey and Tar com pletely cured me." No opiates. Just reliable household medicine. The Gentleman From Mississippi By Harrison Rhodes and Thomas, A. Wise Wow in Third Triumphant Year Thirteen Months at the Biou Theatre, New Yotk Eight Months at the Grand Opera House, Chicago Siz months at the Walnut Street Threatre, New York Five months at the Park Theatre, Boston "Every Decent American Should See It" Given with the Special New York Company... An Imnense Cast Prices 50, 75, $1 and $1.50 Seat Sale Opens Thursday Morning Thirty Day "S mm For the Next Thirty Days Ton Can Buy Your Silverware, Cut Glass, X Hand Painted China, Clocks an d Jewelry at a Reduction of from 10 to 25 Per Cent off. All reliable Quality and Fall Guaranteed. i J. H. PE1RE, La Grande's Lead- t ing Jeweler. Opposite C. S. Land Offico on A dams Avenue. c vHI 1 1 i t H I H II 1 HI 1 1 III 1 1 1 H II 111 1 It 1111111 U M H 1 it ES3 HKCK ANH Uptown office Main 720 UZ-VtwlV Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE llbussey Job Printing Promptly at The Observer Szidefs Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco lates Can't Be Beaten Chief Joseph FloUr 's Warranted to Please r 11 1 111 FOR SALE BY Water-Stanchfield Produce Co. HAY, GRAIN, FD, POULTRY SUPPLIES, WOOD U26 klleic Avenue. JI