La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 02, 1911, Image 1

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Alter Sleeping at Telocaset Ranch
Barn, Two Fugitives Give Posses
the Slip and It is Necessary to Call
for Bloodhounds to Continue the
Chase Men Bettered1 to HaTe Part,
ed Company Near Telocaset
Finding the exact spot where the
two JugitivcB leading a posse, of
scores of men through the Blue moun
tains slept and rested last night, and
lushing bloodhounds to the scene m
the hope of recovering lost trails ' is
(the latest developments in the sensa
tional search commenced yesteroay
and still continuing with unabated
xeaLv ,'; ., ':- '.'!'' ;.,,-,
The announcement of tha discover
near Telocaset this morning reacneu
Haines this afternoon and is practi
cally the most tangible ckw smce
the discovery of thevtwo trails' yeb
terday afternoon that eventually leaa
to the discovery "of the men's meeting
placelast night. ' ' '
Tracks Found Wear Balnea.'.,
Yesterday afternoon two tarcks, m
dicattng freshness, were found leav
ing the railroad tracks one and
"half miles, east of Haines. A detail
of men was set to work; and followed
the trail to Wolfe creek last ntgnt.
This morning, still 'continuing ' wttn
unabated leal. Two men, unquestloh-
. ably the murderers of the Haines
"bar tender, slept at a barn one and
one half miles from Telocaset last
night and there divided company, one
heading probably toward La Grande
and tha other in the opposite direc
tion. Late this afternoon the consen
us of opinion is that the men nave
' separated and will strike th rau
Toad tracks near Union possibly and
to do so without menace.
Sheep Herder Saw Them.
A shetp herder saw two' men hur
rylngacross his- range , yesterday at
U o'clock. This was not far from
Telocaset. ' The gruelling chase
through the deep snow was quicken
ed on learning of additional 'clues
and thf, men in the posse soon locat
ed the spot where the fugitives, tlr-r
to Settle Matter Finally .
Uonferenee to be Held This Afternoon
, " San Francisco, March 2 Whether
Abe Ruef will attempt to carry his
case to the United States Supreme
court or not will be fully settled thn
afternoon during a conference be
tween the former boss and his attoi
neys. It Is generally believed there
will be no appeal taken, and Ruer will
be taken to San Qulnten when the
stay of execution granted yesterday
ed and fagged out by their long sprint
through unbeaten fields "and 'over
thickly wooded foothlhs, had stop
ped In their daring flight. When this
important discovery had been mads,
the posse met with defeat. The trail
has been., completely lost and lat ."
this afternoon" the "posse has not
ported any -success In even finding
a remote trace of the', mun. " -:
-Call for Bloodhound ,
Forced to resort to other metn
iida of frustrating eventual.' escape
the men of the posse hurried a can'
to Baker for the bloodhounds .whirr,
failed to accomplish material he:;)
yesterday. It Is believed that once
they each the spot where' tb; tr?.!l"!
end, they will be able to complete tn
chase and lead the posse on through
the mountains. ;
Sheriff Rand this 'morning order
ed headquarters transferred to Ifl
Grandei and several men are now at
Telocaset and North, Powder, reacy
to start to this city at a moment's no
tice and aid, if possible, local o'
clals who have been turned loose r
thls end of the chase.. Yesterday ev
ening and this morning it was con
ceded , that the men had struck roi
Ladd Canyon and would head in near
La Grande, but that theory Is partial
ly offset and though the Ladd Canyon
gap will he watched, special stress
will be laid on the wandering Willies
whomay happen along the tie route
to La Grande. Two men named E. U,
Ramsey' and C. Haynes were In La
Grande last night and . left again
early today tof the scene of the chase
near Wolf : creek. , They are so fam
iliar, they say, with the men Sougni.
that once they lay eyes on the fugi
tives they can definitely establish
their identity. , ;
One Print is Large.
The trail the posse followed yes
terday and this morning is well -de
fined. One footprint measures about
12 1-2 inches in length and was made
by a high heeled shoe.' and lare
nail heads protrude from the soles.
The companion's print is smaller,,
though his legs are longer for his
strides were the longer of the two.
With these characteristics, there was
little .difficulty In following the trail.
It led toward North Powder by a cir
cuitous route, dodging well back in
to the hills .and finally, reached Wolfe
reek by a hilly route. The men wen-
careful to follow brush as much as
possible. These facts bear out the
theory that the posse is on the right
trail for'' one of the murderers Is tall
and large and the other, Is short
shorter than the average' person.
Interest Focused Here
All morning saw La .jGrande "the
center of operations, though the work
was directed at long .range. George
Penington, the man who saw the
shooting has been started from Haines
toward La Grande to aid local officials
in making arrests of suspects, but
when he reached Noth Powder he J
was canea to a halt pending Turther
developments f t the point of the lost
trail. Sheriff Rand had also Started
toward La Grande, to personally over
see the effort to Intercept -the fugitives
once they emerge from the Jungle
by what Is the only exit from Wolfe
and Clover creek, which the men also
touched Ladd Canyon and the plan
was to patrol the Eastern and South
ern sections of the city bo that no
man could enter without suffering a
careful crutlny. Rand too was halted
by the announcement from the Telo-,
caset ranch. t , ......
Woldpn Advance Theory
Entertaining the' Idea that , the
men have made the mountains west
of, La Grande their goal and that the
gaps leading out from the Grand?
Ronde valley on the west should be
New l'ork, March 2-Joha Mitchell,
Ice president of the American Fed
eratlon of Labor today declared he
ha s made'no plans for the future foi.
:n!u Li's resignation from tke Clvle
reircraton. "Because the United Mine
Workers demanded It,' said Mitchell,
I resigned and will leave New Tore
as soon as I can arrange the bust
ess of my office."
Perfection l i Xorthwest Associa
tion Embracing Many States Reach.
, etf at. Walla Walla and Committee
to Adjust LocalAssociation Differ.
; ences Has Its Secretary In S. C. WI1.
-. IJams of this City.
hend the ? men should they advance
toward this city, has been ordered car
ried out by the chief and there will
be no atone left unturned.
Interest Here Is Intense.
The coming here of Ramsey ana
Haynes last night and their depart
ure from here this morning wheitea
the interest in the peculiar man hunt.
locally, a,nd excitement is keen. ,Th,5i
bnuung or ma scene or the headauai-
ters from Haines here has piobabiy
been unavailing, according to the lat
est developments for it; Is probable.
that the men are now spreading out
to take., the foothill route about the
valley,-. with; their ultimate .: destina
tjon a county" highway or ,la trail that
will' take them, over the mountain
to Walla Walla. ; ' :
Says It" Will Cost the Republican
Party Severely Points Out Defects
Chicago, March 2 The Tribune,
which started the fight against Lari
mer, today, denounced the vote in tns.
Senate exonerating Lorlmer. It said.
"The vote when corrected leaves Lor
lmer a majority of four.. This is tne
mathematical measure of his vindica
tion. The quality of the votes cast
for him will more than wipe out wis
majority In the sense of the nation.
If Lorimer is proud of the event he
Is welcome to his pride. They won a
glorious victory, but it will prove the
costliest- victory ever won la history
by the 'big Interest.. . .
"Lorimer was one6t the greatest
lawyers' in the country? Senator Root
solemnly Infornwd the senators tnai
I? they would preserve the govern
ment of the fathers they were not ai
liberty to reject . testimony showing
that a seat in the senate had teen
fl'.ledas a result of corruption..' Yes
terday 46 Senators rejected it and this
decision, by the highest deliberative
bory '1 the land, strikes straight at
our republican government. Let them
gq on. Let them use thlr votes
o gainst reciprocity as they'" have
pralnat the Republican method of hav
ing' Senators elected througn the di
rect' vote." '' ' j; ;7' . . '
. Striking Prints Return
CMrain. Marrh 2 StrlUntr rnmnn.
carefully watched Is ; the , theory oi j site rs on the Chicago Examiner and
Shifting the a-cenes of the strug
gle to obtain desirable changes In the
manner of handling fruit in the North
west, from no particular point 'and
focusing on La Grande a campaign
that will ferret out the monumental
troubles existing In the entire Paci
fic Northwest, , the tentative organi
zation of Northwest frultmen meeting
In Walla Walla yesterday adjourned
sine die and al great deal of good is
predicted as a result. By the election
of Sherwood C. Williams of this city,
as secretary of the committee on ad
justment of differences arising be
tween the local organizations and the
huge association known as the North
west Frultment's Association the con
ference at Walla Walla this ' week
completed all that could be done at
this particular time to further the
plan of the association. The organi
zation is comprised of fruit men from
Oregonr Washington, Idaho, Montana
and Northern California and the prims
-l' A"
(Continue on page ElahU - f
Lumbermen to Fight Against: Passage
of Anteadments;
Washington, March 2 Urging lum
ber men to bring pressure to defeat
"Jokers," Gilford Pinchot, . former
chief forester today charged Senator
Hey burn of Idaho and Carter of Mon-
tant as chief movers in the plot to
kill the national fortatry service
throush Jokers In the agricultural ap
propriations bill. He spoke at the con
vention of lumber merchants. '
He said the Heyburn arid Carter
amendments would cause "a complete
abrogation of th?' country's forestry
policy. He said the Heyburn amend
ment which provides . that ; all land
where, growing less than 4 000 feet of
merehantlble timber in contiguous
arras of 160 acres, shall be excluded
from the national forests, would pre
vent, iractice'of forestry. ...
Saturday Noon WW Mark Peculiar
Incident In American Political His.
tory When Pmmt Session of Con.
gress . Adjourns Reorganization of
Both Houses Will Follow Immedl-
ately Afterwards.
Washington, March 2 At noon Sat
urday the 61st congress ; dies, and
with it passes many veterans " or
American politics of recent years
There will be a few slaps on tho back,
a banquet or so. and the war'horsej
of . tha days that were will tep Into
private life to make way for new
facea and new ideas,
Hale and! Aldrlch Go.' , : ;
Hale of Maine, senior In point of
service, having been a member since
March 4, 1881. remained in the ranks
to the last. Aldrlch, whose service
goes back to Oct 5, 1881 passed from
the scene two monts ago. His health,
h was explained,' denianded a change
of climate. Burrows of Michigan, with
fifteen years as senators Kean of
New Jersey, Scott of West Virginia
and Depew of New York, each with
12 years, and of commanding Influenr
under the Aldrlch reign, retire to
nubile life. Beverldge. the-0 brilliant
progressive.' will pass, at. least tern
porarily,. after 12 years !n tha
The changes win A bejthe ',tnoBt re-
marjraDio m the history of the tipper
; Nineteen members in all, three ot
them Democrats, will lay aside then
togas.. The Reoubllcans inrinA ...
addition to -those already mentlonta,
BulkelOy, of .Connecticut Burkett of
Nebraska,; Carter of Montana: Die
of Ohio; Flint, of California; Pile,
of Washington; Warner of Missouri;
and Young, of Iowa; Young who serv-
ed until March 4 by appointment n tn
deadlock at present by the Iowa Tt
ialature. Flint and Piles are not can-
dldates for re-election. ';
The retiring Democrats are Monev.
or Mlssissippir Taaliaferro of FlorJ
Ida, and FTazier of T nnessee. Non
of them, made aerioua effort at re
election. ,.' . -v ;
With the old leaders gone the sen.
ate will require a complete "re-orra-
nlzatlon. The comparatively new pro-
greaMve will step forward and the
whole, aspect of the body will ."' he
night or nine so that every big prooo-
sltion practically will cause an open
fight.; As a result It is expected that
the next congress will be a lively
body from the moment of organiza
tion to adjournment.
Chief of Police Walden of this city
who has become an Interested spec
Evening American return :d to work
today, following the action of the Chi
tator to the chase through the moun-' cago Typographical Union In calling
tains. Every possible effort to appre- off the strike.
, v,is-t TeRflicm In Session
Hutr-hifon. Ka.. Mrrh 2 TTrtob's-
pon Is entertaining for two d-iys one
or the largest gatherings of educators
ever assembled In Kansas, the occa
sion being the annual convention of
the Central Kansas Teachers,' Asso
ciation. Foremost among the promin
ent educators scheduled fo address
the convention are Dr. Charles ' IL
Tudd of the University of Chicago.
Portent R. T.-Campbell of Conner
Collie. S.'L. Palmer of HutPhNon.
Prof. W. L. Tnltz of the Kansas State
Vormal ohol. Prof. Pavmnnd A.
Srhw?ier of the Tlvos'v r Vnn
!. Henrv p. Patteneill. former
Ptate superintendent of nubile In
struction of Mlrhlean and deoree L.
Reelev of Sterling, who Is president
of the association.
II No Senator Is Elected, today, Of-
flee Will bo Left Yacant
' Helena, March 2 Unless a United
Statee .senator Ib elected.' here today,
the Montana legislature will" expire
by constitutional limitations, leaving
tile '-office vacant. It Is reported.-lf no
choice Is made on the fifth, vballot,
Walsh and Conrad will withdraw,
thrdwlng their . support to Former
Congressman Tartman, which ,would
elect .him. '
t Taft Is Said to Have rati v
i he 1. Anxious to. t Vote.
- ; rdless How :lt Turns oui Bui;
'Vt Is Expressly Denied Extra '
Session Only Possible c Means ef C
iiurujuig me suuauon m,.
."'' " s ; ''sr: '...'.' "' ;"!vV, ' ": ,
Washington, March 2 Confes-"
Blon that a senatorial agreement ex
isted whereby. Taft'a Urlff commis
sion bill is believed to be doomed to
defeat at this session i was made to-v
day by Smbot of Utah, during a de
bate. He flatly declared that a 'com
pact has been made whereby the bill
will be left as unfinished business
even If the ; appropriation bills are
blocked in passage a a result of the
1 " '
, Western Bowling' fjongress
Spokane, Wash., March 2 A large
entry list Is reported for the annuii;
tournament of the Western Bowling
Congress, which is to begin In this
city next week.-Among the contest-
-ants will be team and Individual bow
lers from San Francisco, Denver.
Portland, Butte, Vancouver, Salt Lake
City, Seattle, Tacoma, Anaconda and
a number of other cities throughout
the west.
Premier Monis Presents Names
Paris, March 2 Premier Monis,
successor to Arlstide Brland, present
ed his new cabinet to President Fal
Heiles this afternoon.
Shown That he Knew Faults he Com.
Amlttd Wille Traveling with Girl
New York. March 2 William Wai
ling,.; the millionaire socialist who is
being sued for f 100,000 on a breach
of promise suit by Anna Grunsha j.
spent several uncomfortable hours on
the witness stand, being cross-exam
ined by plantlff'g lawyers todav. At.
torney 8trlckler freely Intimated that
Walling had perjured himself and al
so attempted ;to show Walling was V
lawyer, and realized the legal aspect -of
his relations with the woman while
traveling Europe; with her. Walling
asserted he never mentioned marriage
In a word or letteT to her. ' " i
1.: . .
- ' -i ' ' . - . ''. f.
. .. v. .. . I '- -.
t I
. Washington, March 2 Republican3 "
in the senate today are expressing no
hope of compromising wltn Democrats "
on the tariff board bill and are deter
mined to fight to a finisn even if an '
ell-night session is necessary. This -.
decision was reached after the Dean-
ocrata evasively answered overtures
of Hale for an agreement to Vote on
the bill tomorrow noon. Vi'l V?
On authority from the, Whit-. House i
a person close to the president saia
the United ptres i ahT today to an-
nounce unqualifiedly that, only the -v.
passage, of the Canadian reciprocity
bill wULprevene an extra session of
congress. Taft Sahderatanda a story is ,.
being circulated that he will be sat-"
Isfied If J4e gets a rote on reciprocity,
even - If i the proposition fs "defeated. '
Thlt la . now authoritatively contra
dfcted. There will be no compromise, '
"J t RcliMPOlty Is Doomed
When the ienate met early tooayv
practically ij ; hop . of forestalling
an extra l.estt&nj -ijajt gone, Heyburn,
Hale and Stone are, attempting dila
tory tactic to prevent a- vote on tne
tarirf board bill and Intimate' tney
will norpemlt'i'vote on anything
butthe appropriations, . There is no
chance that a vote can be taken o
the reciprocity agreement. ; ;
1 )'