PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1911 if i ID LiS IKE CUBE1 (Continued from pass one) Biology, psychology .and In addition thereto aball write a thesis on an edu cational subject aelected from a list prepared by the Superintendent of FbUc Instruction. Twelve months' .teaching experience la required for ttifa paper which glvea the applicant authority to teach only in the first, second and third grades. ? No examination In English classics will be required in the June exami nation on account of the lack of time for announcements and preparation. All examinations will be based apog the text books adopted by the State Text Book Commission. COMMITTEE REPORT SOON crop with any degree of success. When prices and quotations Indicate a sound and remunerative market in the mid dle west, all fruit sections are advised accordingly and simultaneously, and, also, unload a car or' two simultan eously with the result that the partic ular good reports from the east are knocked to pieces by a great overflow of apples. It is a stupendous problex and a committee of fifteen men. the best versed in the Northwest, have been working on the subject for week" and will report their findings at the Walla Walla meeting. ' local Apple Men will be Represented at Walla Walla Gathering. , .. A meeting of much moment to the Grande Ronde fruit growers will be leld at Walla Walla this week and will be attended by C. S. Williams, as representative of the Grande Ronde growers, when an adjourned meeting of the Northwest apple growers will wonvene and listen to a report of a ommlttee appointed at the first meet- j tng. The primary object of this meet ing will be to adopt or act on the re port of this committee which has had everal weeks' time In which to reach a decision, relative to the manner of eonservlngthe output of the North . T!?2 c1cf prelim uBioie iie Korthwest shippers is to handle the IIOCKEXBERRY IX TROUBLE. He and Jforth Yakima Architect-Con-tractor Mast Stand Libel Action According to Portland advices. Prof. H. J. Hockenberry and a con 'ractor from North Yakima, are Joint defendants in a damage action brought ";y Newton C. Gauntt, the former La Granre architect. One hundred thous and is the sum placed in the complaint as equal to the damage done to th: architect's character from the pen of Mr. Hockenberry, In which a letter from McPherson, the contractor In volved, was included as a part of the communication from Hockenberry. DUXX BABY DEAD After Five Days Infant Daughter Dies This Afternoon. . .. Evelyn Dunn, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lute Dunn died this af ternoon. The little baby girl was born last Thursday afUTnoon and thoneh seemingly robust and strong suc cumbed this afternoon. ' SEES PLENTY FOR FUTURE Mines, Summer Resort, Fishing and U anting Make Joseph Famous Frank Bowman of Joseph is in the city registered at the Savoy.. Mr. Bowman has always been loud in his praise of his home city but more so now than ever and says that since the miners are en assured fact Joseph will certainly be "The Place" with such excellent fishing and hunting during the season and famous Wallowa lake with its amusement resort noth ing cari stop 'development. . Witt Orb Billiard Farlors. ' :' A. M. Barrett of Montana will op en an up to date billiard and pool par lor in the building formerly occupied by the Owl saloon, corner Depot and Jefferson streets. The painters and decorators are at work, fixing up the Interior, of the building. Girl Operated Upon. The fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stlllw;ll was oper ated upon Saturday for a growth on her neck at the Grande Ronde hospi tal. Dr. Molltor performed the opera tion.' ' , ' : ; Piles Cured in 6 to II Days PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cute any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon t A. M.La Grande Lodge No. 41. A. F. k A. M. holds regulai meet ing first and third Saturdays at ?cZQ p. in. Cordial welcome to all 'wom. L. M. HOYT. W. M. ' , . . At fa": WILLIAMS, Secretary" K Irt IX K Li'Graude Lodge No. i'd hki vach Thursday evening at 8 , vtock in Elk's club, corner of De tv" street and Washington avenue. ViAlng brothers are cordially In- tiuu to n i tend. i VL G. L. BIGGERS. Ex Bui. HPfH McCALL. Kec. Sec. YOODHLX OF THE , WORLD La Cranaa Lodge No, 169 W 0. W. neets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting eebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. M. W. A.- -La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets eve.-y Monday hi the month at f I. 0. 0. F. ball. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to intend. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX. Clerk. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge, No t. meats every Tuesday evening in tb I. 0. 0. F. hall. All visiting mem bers are invited to attend. , MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE, N. 0. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croa Lodge No. 27 meets every Monia ni?ht In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall A Pythian welcome to all vlsltisr Knights. JESS PAUL. C C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of it. S O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. IS. 0. K ; C,' holds stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays o 1 each month. Visiting members cor dlaJly Invited. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec. . PAULINE EDERLEE. W. M WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Granrt Ronde Circle No. 47 meets evr first and third ''Thursday evonlns In the month at the I. 0. 0, F. hsi KM vlsltlag members are welcom CHLOE ROBINSON. G M T.T77IE RLLPWORTH fl.'k The Arcade's Feature. Fate'B Turning John Lawson, Jr., owing to his fntwo ;i!r.cns has Uiue the burden of responsibility, suffers a nervous breakdown. His father now w;ll enough to look after affairs sug gests he take the rest cure at a sum mer resort. This he decides to do, ana hlddlng adieu to his fiancee he de parts, arriving at the summer hotel th; same day. In the dining hall he is attended by a ( pretty waitress to whom he takes a great fancy Several days elapsing, we find him deeply smitten with the girl to the neglect of his fiancee to whom he falls to write. Escortingthe girl to her home, they become betrothed, he presenting her with an engagnment ring, promising to marry her Immediately.. After a week or two. John Is called hurriedly to his home ns his father's health has taken a bad turn, his life being despaired of. So urgent Is the mssage that he does not have time to see the girl before his departure. His father dies and In the excitement ot the occasion he has almost forgotten the little waitress. whn a letter ov appeal comes from her. John now tak ing his father's place In society and in business,' reasons 'that an alliance with the waitress is out of the ques tion and writes to her to that eff :ct. The ending is an Interesting part of the story. Cash Reglstrr for Sale. . A first class National cash regis- I ter for sale for $50 at the Midget I meet market. This is a great bargain. Going to Build? i 353?SK3F5(inSiRBS 3331 COME TO 01 It OFFICE AM) SEE DESIGNS BY THE BEST ARClll. TEVTSOF- OYER ONE THOUSAND HOUSES KAXfllXfl IX PRICE FROM EHHUffl TO frlO.Otm. THESE DESIGXS SHOW CUT OF COMPLETED HOUSE ALSO ARRANGEMENT OF ROOMS AXD ESTIMATED COST OF MATER IAL AND LABOR FOR EACH INDIV IDUAL HOUSE. LADIES ESPECIAL. LY IXVITED. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby eivn that the ad ministrator of the estate of Mons Mor lr.nd. deceased, has filed his final ac rotmt and the County Court 'of the state of Oregon for Union county his fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of ril, 1011. at the court house In La nrand?. Oreeon. as the time and place for hearing any objections thereto, rutrt to finally settle sal destate. Dated nt T,a Ornnde. Oregon, this the 25th day of February. 1911. J. J. CARR. Administrator of the estate of Mons !!o-eland, decease. Feb. 27 5t " " WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 ED; V. PRICE & COMPANY Merchant Tailors Wholesale Only .226-223 Franklin Street, CHICAGO, ILL, Feb.' 17, 1911 Toney & Scranton, 'V ..''V,.;; ... La Grande, Oregon. J' ''. Gentlemen: ; '.f ; ' i 1 Following the custom pursued by us for a number of years, we wish our old, as well as new customers, to return any, coat made by us the past season where the fronts have not held their shape, and we will be pleased to put in a new front, or if this cannot begone we will make a new coat.; Also. if the coat linings have not given satisfactory wear, we will reline free of charge. : t Yours very truly, "."v.- ' Ed. V. Price. & Co. ( OSTS BUT A TRIFLE TO CURE CATARRH How many readers of the Observer know that In Inland Australia where the mUhtlest of eucalyptus trees prow In abundance, that there la no riMisnnirtion, catarrh or diseases of the respiratory tract. - The. refreshing balsam thrown out by . these trees fills the air and la breathed Into the lungs by the Inhab itants and all germ life Is destroyed If you have catarrh you cannot go to Inland Australia except at great expense, but you ran breathe right In your own home the same pleasant aoo-thlnsr. healing, aerm killing, air von would breathe tf yon were living 'i the eucalyptus d'strlct of Austral In. Just breathe HYO.MEI; it is made from Australian eucnlyptus and clen- t.lflcally combined with thymol and other antiseptics employed In the Lis terlan system. , ' ' img-VT Tour a few drops of HYOMEI In "E can save you from V T $10 to $20 ,on strictly nigk grade tailored-to-order clotnes through our advan tageous connections witk tKose famous Ckicago tailors Ed. K Price A Co. and deliver unquestioned style, correct fit,Lonest work manship and absolute satis faction. Select your favored pattern and let us take your measure today. '. Three-Button Novelty Dip Front, No. 717 s mm (S (EKANTTdDN the Inhaler and breathe It. As It pas- HYOMEI Is guaranteed to cure ca- HYOMEI cost but 50 cents. Sold ses over the catarrh Infected mem- tarrh, colds, coughs, croup and sore the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists brane it kills the germs and heals throat, or money back. Complete outfit erywhere. the raw, Inflamed surface. Including Inhaler $1.0. Extra bottles of Feb. 17, 27 March 10 by ev- 1 Steward's Opera House, Monday, March 6 DIRECT FROM 2 YEARS AT THE ASTOR THEATRE, XtW YORK WITH ENTIRE BROADWAY' CAST AXD .PRODUCTIOX. THE WAOEMlALS & KEMPER CO. PRESENTS - V Msm mm mrnmj By MARY ROBERTS RIEXH ART and AVERY HOPEWOOD. "A laughing wond.r" N. Y. Times. "Veritable conspiracy of fun," N. Y. World. "Too funny to be told." X. Y. Journal. "Screamingly vunny." N. Y.' Tribune. "One long laugh." N. Y. Sun. ' NOTE The audience is requested to be seated at the rise of the curtain as tha actton begins Immediately Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00, and $1.50. Seats on Sale Saturday