PAGE 6 LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREuOS. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1911. ,Kj 'T lii 3 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtf TTTTTT TTTTTT1 SPORTING WUIMUlllllMU' NEWS LIT 1 Precedent remains unbroken the M. I. A. basketball quint still has the high school's , goat and though for about two-thirds of the game at the high school gym,, last night they played no better or with any . more degree of suretyln all phasesof the game, the club five ran away with a fine spurt of speed at the last.' Five minutes before the game was over the score was 14 to 16 in favor of the M. I. A. but about the time the M. I. A. whipped up, the high school w.'nt to pieces and with one or two ex ceptions lost their heals entirely. The one-sided score does net for an Instance repres nt the interest of the game. ' ' Bolton tingled the scoring machlna first with a clean throw from the field and for eight minutes both' teams struggled nip and tuck for any ad vantage, but as the first half wore on the club players pulled away and ended the flr3t canto 6 to 14. Inter est . was keen throughout and the bunidling rang with the cheering. It was easily anybody's game at the stage the relapse came and while the locals lost their unison the M. I. A. got together with telling effect. Chllders was the big scoring mach ine for the club. It was his clever he had found his real position and held Bolton down remarkably well. Lottes, for the high school, was the maBter of Lindsey, th il. I. A. for ward who heretofore has show up brightly in .. all games. Lindsey got one .basket In the first half but with Lottes' superb guarding in the second he didn't even get close to the. bas ket Bolton Out of Game. Early in, the second half Bolton fell and sustained a severe sprain of his ankle, taking him out of the game. Ciawley substituted. The latter shot two over one-handed shots that were marvels and the youngsters branded him as a comer. , M. I. A. Foul Freely. All but two of the fouls called were on the M.. I. A. players Metcalf is credited with four, Oeddes with three, Bean with one and Lindsey with two. Bohnenkamp transgressed once-and I)ttes one. Summary of the Game The line up and the points won by the players, follow: Goals from Goals from M. I. A.. Lindsey, P. Chllders, F Bean, C . . . Geddes, G. Metcalf. 0 , shooting In the last of the last half . that widened the gap In the. scores for few of his colleagues got a look in. Thro vlng five baskets he led the M. I, A. In the scoring though Bean's siperlor floor work and shooting eye Total . . . netted the club thr baskets. High School: Two Guards Star. Bolton. F .. AsM from the whirlwind basket- Reynolds. F. ? thex rame late In the fray and the Bohnenkamp c1 n, hard and 'effective work of Ralston ,.i . . Chlders, the work of two guards was Lottes . . . . ep-'ally good.; Geddes, lately shift-' ted m forward to sruard indicated Total ..... field .. 1 .5 ...3 ..2 ..2 ..26 . 1 .. 0 . 2 ..2 ,.: 0 , .0 ..10 fouls Is in the county, though mayb aot as brilliant as some. "Nts" Huber and "Byllus" Earls last evening officiated at. the game. Their opinions were decidedly fair, though liberal throughout . . Chllders received an injury to his hi? last night which will bother him for Borne time. Fast Prims Coming. ; Indianapolis, , Feb. . 23 America's and Europe's most famous drivers in Europe are to participate In the 500 mile automobile, race to be held at the Indianapolis Motor speedway cn May 30 according to the official announce ment u3t made. Among them will be Ralph te Palma. John Atkins. Joe Dawson, the Chevriot brothers, Ed die Heam and Jack Fleming. Entries are being made dally- After February 28 it will cost $730 to nomi nate a car. The rate at date is J3C0. No car that) cannot show a speed of at least 75 miles an hour is eligible. The winner of the event will receive a prize of $10,000. If IS ARE TIE LOCALS GIRLS 1AY CLAIMS TO EASTERN OREGON HONORS Games Flajed and Paper, Victories Substantial Their Claims. Conlon and Conley In Splendid Trim. New Orleans, La., Feb. 25 Trained to the hour and ready for thlir bat tle, which will nmHIcollw Cc!-2 tljO bantamweight championship of the world. Johnny Coulon or Chicago and Frankie Conley of Kenosha. Wis., await the call to the arena of the West Side Athletic club tomorrow after noon. The articles call for a twenty round -contest. Both fighters appear to be- in the best of condition and each l expresi?8 confidence in the outcome 'of the battle. The advance sale of seats for the contest indicates that the I largest crowd of the season will be on hand to Bee the battle. The most of the betting so far on the result of the fight is at even money. rxr.ttx has ATiiLimr SlW'icrs are Equipping Their Gym. naslum YFIth Good Apparatus (Union Republican) The Grande Ronde Athletic club which was organized at Union soma time ago, now has a good part ol- its apparatus installed on the lower floor of Correy's warehouse and has At erythlng In first-class shape. The of ficers of the association are: Presi dent. O. M. Croflelan,d; secretary, Leo Mulvfhill; treasurer, Herbert Donr; business manager James Dobbin, the club now has in the hall and mdv for uBe, a turning pole, trapeze rings, a punching bag a sparring bag. n-.;t allel bars, climbing rope, wr stling mat. and in the near future wll' iu stall a complete shower hatii out'.t. At present the club has thirty iren bers with new ones romlng In erer day and muth. Interest has divplmeo In the idea. This gymnasium .ipviv a place, free from "booze" mi othr vices where the members c.n spena their evenliiT'i, nnd It U to lie hop t nt the gym will be a perm r.en oi- cimlzation, , . ''.'' Fined for. Flshlntr. . Wallowa, Feeb. 2." , (')0 Clemmona. deputy game warden tot this district arrretftd two 'Jans at MJ nam Wednesday for fishing. They were brought before Justice T.Torellck Thursday morning for trial. The Japs had $30.05 Imtween them. Rather than put more cost on tV county )" tenclny them to the county ,u" for 30 days, he fined the one who hid the flah In his possession $30.00 anc! fi-'n- ed the other one loose. It woul-1 b) a question whether there cou'd have been a conviction made in thi ens" of the other an he had no fish in his pos session, though he had a fish line and nole. When the dm? nn h wnltot ho hand'rt it all over. $30.05. 'ut. the Judge was kind hearted nnd h,indM hack the 5 cents nd told him thar he mle-ht need it to' buy tobacco with bi fore he had a chance to earn moi. Th- Jans stated in court that ihy saw white men fishing and thnoeht It nr'-nt ror tnem to nsh also. The" will take out a flshlnsr license hion trying to fish any more. ' ' LOCAL SPOrTIETS. COM- MEM AND THE LIKE Forester Hamersley came in from Chico Weednesday. He states that tne coyotes are getting. well cleaned out of that section of the county. He leaves for the Snake River breaka In a few days to take charge of th gov ernment hunters in that part of the county where the report 1b that tne coyotes are numerous. He is now at the local fore-st office prepa.'ng halt for his traps. Wallowa Sun. George dabble, a former La Grande t wirier playing with this towns nine along about 1001. and who later went to Butte. Is now on the reserve list for the Brooklyn team. He Jui;i- ed to that club last year and nffi some debate on 'the subject was re leased with a string, which was puM ed back this year and George is wlth the Brooklyn squad. V Wallowa County high school re feated Wallowa high school in two ganips of basketball Saturday night. Th- Wallowa jtlrla met defeat 11 to 5 md the boys 41 to C. Ben Grout, of this city, at'tendina V. of O. was Awarded his letters this week for superior work in football. If all goes well I'nlon girls and l Ion boys will play the two tern neiv next Friday night. The girls basketball team of Wal lowa will play Tistlne tonight. , Earl Zitndel 8 the latest addition to the nuto fan list. Tie will have a Ford touring -ar delivered to him once by the Smith Garace. The n" rhir arrival ttv'iv: f iite-t model, n lltMa larser ov-r all th." the others. , Polton Is orobablv out of basket Vail for cnod this rear as a result c' his snrnlned ankle last night. T1 team will feel his loss heavllv as he Is as sure a goal thrower as tlrr Xew' Tork Expects Much New York, Feb. 25 The fight of the y nr is what New York fans believe' the match between Packy McFarland and Owen Moran, on Mar. 14 will rove to be. The bout overshadows the Wolgast-Knockout Brown en counter scheduled for this city, on March 3. Fixing their claim on the fact that they have defeated all the teams they have played from this county, and In addition to the fact that Baker and P:ndleton have both refused to meet the local quintet, the girls basket ball team of the high school has Issued a I claim of Eastern Oregon champions and the members are carrying a chip on their shoulders, which spells the championship unless it is brushed away. Pendleton, It is conceded, is not well represented in the girls' game this year while Baker ia the other chief out of the county con teder. But the point has arisen that Union defeated Baker on Union's floor and La Grande defeated Union on the Union floor which by the comparative method of icasuiuug Is prooi ttuiticient even though there has been no game played. But regardless of the victory on paper, the local management was flat ly denied the privilege of playing the Baker team and consequenly with Cove's scalp dangling at their belts they have just claim to their exalted claims. This is the first time in years, If not in history of girls' basketball that La Grande has enjoyed this dis tinction. She has excelled in track and in football but never have the La Grande girls' been able to lay a Just claim on the Eastern Oregon championship and the girls who have accomplished this unprecedented hon- . Clabby to Meet Lewis. London, Feb. 25 Jimmy Clabby, of Milwaukee, who is enroute to Lon don from Australia, will meet Harry Lewis, the Philadelphia scrapper ' in a 20-round battle at Hugh Mcintosh's club on March t. Clabby won four out of five bouts in Australia. 4 "Kid"' McCoy to Come Bnok Philadelphia. Feb. 25 "Kid" Mc Coy today is promising his friends that he will "come back." He is match ed to meet Billy B:rger. local middle weight scrapper In a six "round bout. California Gardner Killed Berkeley, Calf. Feb. 24 Edward Hall, a gardener at White Prepara tory school here was burned to death today in his cabin on th? school, ground. Wisconsin llolsteln Breeders Waukesha. Wis., Feb. 24 Holsteln cattle breeders from many parts of Wisconsin met here today to reorga nize the old Wisconsin Hoist in Breed ers' association, which has not been ncltve for about ten years past. Flitlits Scficduled fr Ton'eht Young Brltt vs. Sammy KelW. 15 -0"nr1s. at Baltimore Md. .Tnke Wb'te vs To'my Gary. 10 trvr(i nt Milwaukee, Wis. "KhV' Ash v. "Thunderbolt" Smith 20 rounds, at Dayton, O. Pnenmonla Follows A ColtT. But nevr the use of tnlp-' Hcney and Tar., which checks the eeMieh and expels the cold. M. Stock MU. Hannibal. Mo., says: "It been hM the remedies T ver used. T con qcted a had cold and coueh and b'-entened with pneumonia. One b tt nf Folev's Honev and Tar com vVtely cnrd mo" o ti. "eliable hmnohrM wi'-bs. To Cure ft Cell In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO mitnln rblet' Tnesr!?t refund money " .. r nr OOVFS si" on rh ox. 25c. or this j-ear ar being showered with compliments. . , ' The members of the La Grande quad, first and second teams, which have been drummed Into winning cal iber by Coach Carruth, are: Caleata Love, Olive Massee , Runa Bacon. Ruth Cotner. Anna Top, Ida Billings. Hilda Anthony, Elva Green. Zoe 'Bragg. Serena Rohan, Gladys Oesterllng and Helen Currey. GOlli WEEK ACTIVE ONE LEM WILL BE USHERED IX BY MANY WEDDINGS. Congress 'ear Adjournment New York Tie-up to beesumed Washington, D. C, Feb. 25 The fi nal week of the congressional session Is at hand The Sixty-first Congress will come to an end at noon Satur day, when a large number of Import ant bills of general Import and thous ands of private measures will aiea natural deatji. Chicago Primaries Tuesday An exciting political campaign that has kept Chicago astir for several months will culminate in the general primaries Tuesday, when both parties will nominate their candidates for mayor. Five Republicans and three Democrats are In the field for the mayoralty nominations. Republicans and Democrats of Mi chigan will hold their state conven tions during the week for the nomina tion of candidates for the minor state offices to be filled at the election this lenatorlal deadlocks will continue to attract public attention. Joa'.ph G. Robin; the promtoer whom . a Judge and jury declined to Relieve ln3ane.,will be placed on. trial In New York Monday to answer to the charge of grand larceny of the funds of the several banks in which he was inter ested.' ". N; ' ' ' .'' Tuesday, the day before the begin ning of Lent, hft heen neWtort tnr the celebration of many weMInn nt more or less Interest In Washington. on that day, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the chief chemist , of the Department of Agriculture, will take for his bride Miss Anna Campbell Kelton, daughter of Mrs. John C. Kelton, Of Interest to New York society will bs the ; wed dipg In that city ' ot Miss Dorris A.' Dick, daughter of; Mr. and ' Mrs. J. Henry Dick and Horace Havemeyer, son of the late Hrnry O. Havemeyer, the sugar magnate. V FAM US KING NOTE SATISFACTION, BURNING QUALITIES AND FLOATING AROMA OF A FAM US KING HAVANA CIGAR SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY QUESTIONS ASKED. spring. The Democrats will meet at ' BACK. YOU ARE THE JUDGE. NO. iviusnegun weanesaay ana tne Kepub- j licans at Saginaw the following day. Both conventions will be made occa sions fo rthe holding of large party rallies. Truce Ends Tuesday. After a truce of ten days the sena torial contest is to be resum:d in the I New York general assembly on Mon dav. In several of the other states the- FAM US KING OMR FACTORY Immediate " . i . . .. ON ALL MODELS hit -jn .wi' HIDSON nr-I'ONY TONNE. 4 U. $1800.00. mlm 1 ' Call or Phone for Demonstration Iir80X-33"-T0naNG CAR, $1250.00. Phone Main 785 Phone Independ't 171 tVfnMsmr. u i y i.imhmh) ROADSTER. GO. DITTEBR ANDT AUTO LA GRANDE, OREGON