:m icapnfe 'immm mmm: i! n VUL - X v -s "; lilt CASE HAS BAD EFFEGT Q N MARKETS BATE CASE HAS BAD EFFECT ON MARKETS EARLY IX THE TRADING DAY. MANAGERS ARE OEJEGTED People's Victory is Synopsis of Ex presslons by Shippers Throughout " the Country Today Hill Will Con. tliine Business but Curtail Expan sion and. Improvement Fay Less ' and Buy Less Say one Manager. Portland, Oregon, Feb. 24 4 While no definite state- nirnt has been niado here to- day, the general impression sit the headquarters of the' 6 Southern Pacific Is that the commission's decision won't " -y feet the road's plans to dou-v hie track' Its line west of tl:$ 4 Missouri river to Huntington Oregon. None of them would 4 4 spcjffc . offcwlly on the sub- 6 Jcct' however ;' until a full consideration , of the sltua-; tlon here, Monday Is tafcrn. 4 Portiai,' Ore., Feb. 21 Harrlman's officials are seemingly unsurprised at the decision of the commission. They Intimated they . anticipated lb It Is generally believed there" wllf bp no change In the constructive pbllcy. of the system in the; Northwest. Joseph Teal, counsel for the Oregon Lumber association and transportation club said the decision was a great Victory; for the shlpiter. Spokane, Feb. 24 The vice iresl drnt of the Oretron-Wnshlngton Rill road & Navigation company snld to day the decision of the commission i wonld put a damper on almost every .western project but It would not af- Lfeot the nlnns of the work already contracted for. ' I Nrw York. Feb. 24 Elation by the shlnners ovr this country and a cor Chicago, Feb., 24 A decision is ex pected tomorrow on the application' to have Indictments against the Chi cago Meat Packers quashed or abated. It is expected the prosecution will go on. i I Chicago. Feb. 23 (Special) The imeat packers, of the two Industrie Vhlch made Chicago famous. aj-1iow rQr HnmBBsed by the JaH ' ord;r Rouses In the matte-rof profits. The recent reporjot sears. KoeuucK re I rompRrehow a net profit for 1910 ,c jmTtt.o fi?fl nn rrnaa sales of $61.- riiuvivi v ' " o 1 579.838, a margin of prom amounting ;io nearly 11 per cent as compared Vith less than S per nt made on the oles by the packers. The annual sales IflllfllL ORDER HOUSES SURPASS i! CHICAGO MEATPACKERS' PROFITS i LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON", a - - FRtDAYj FEBRUARY 3i, 1911. responding dejection by 'railroad man agers la expressed today In telegrams here as comments on the rate decis ion of the Interstate Commerce Com mission yesterday. ' "It is a people's victory" say the general opinions of shippers while tha railroad heads threaten reduction of expense and curtailment of con- etroctlon and an appeal from the de cision. . . President Hill of the Great North ern said he would continue business but there would be less Improvements and extensions. President Pinley of the Southern railroad said he would appeal and others spoke In a like President Brovn of th: New York Central said he would not announce his policy yesterday: Wlllard of the Baltimore & Ohio said the only thing today was to curexpense3 by buying less and paying less; Baer of the Reading said he. and his kind had suf fered a great blow. ' It is Evident that the public Is out of stocks today. At tr end of the first hour a bullish movement developed and prices advanced. The fact they rose despite the aggressive selling, Indicated the financiers saw nothing In the decision to warrant the pan icky conditions. What the Decision Means What the decision means: Disapproves advances in freight rates in official classification territory which railroads estimated would bring In 4 twenty-seven, millions more annually 1 ' Declines to aporove increases by railroads in Western Trunk lln- ter ritory, and proposed . advances and commodity rate. "; ' Orders carriers In both cases ' to cancel their advanced tariffs on or before March 10 ' and restore former rates. V ' ' Served formal notice that unless the advanced tariffs are cancelled for mal order suspending them and put ting the existing rate Into operation for at least two years, will be Issued. "'"-"'Stock Markets Flutter ' The stock markets opened this morning with losses averaging many points in standard railroad stocks as the result of yesterday's rate de crease decision by the . Interstate Commerce Commission. "The entire list of stocks ?"r th? "rst fifteen minutes showed losses md then slowly began recoveries us the decision showd the big railroad.: ar.? in a financial conditions thai are ex cellent. ' , London Feels Shock. Ijondon, Feb. 24 Leading Ameri can railroad stocks slumped danger ously at the1 open market today as a result of yesterday's commerce com mission tensions . aeainst th- rail roads In the United States. of the Armour and Swift pack however, total four times as m the mall order houses, an$Ht Is not likely that In that refcflfd the pack ers will lose thejj?prestige. The In ternational IWrvester company, a westerneOncern "Morganlzed" report edrri 1910 approximately the same sales of Sears. Roebuck' & Company but outclassed the mail order hous? In the matter of margins four to "one the same ration In which the mail order house exceeded the packers. The "Harvest' r trust" made net over $24,000,000 on sales of about $60. 000,000 In 1910. or approximately 40 per cent. This Is twice as great a margin as made in the United States Steel Corporation. MARTI A. OAPF. Formerly Chairman of the' Interstate Commerce Commission Which Start led t'ae Entire Wcrld by Its Decls. Ions Yesterday, but Who Is Xow. a Member of the Court of Commerce i ituicii I'-mil 'tie Appealed the Commission Decision. ,v . LOCAL FAIR ASSOCIATION GUAR ANTEED APPROPRIATION Yeetoing of all Speciul District aud County Fair Appropriations Yeloed Salem, Feb. 24 Asserting that' the ttate treasury would be poorer by $6,000 as the result of apprcprlal!ou; passed by the .legislature' for the. bene-j nt or county ana district la'.rs, uov ernor.West has vetoed thres already and will veto all the others. West's animosity to the fair bills hes nothing- to do with the joint sum of $2,000 drawn down yearly by Un ion and Wallowa counties for ah agricultural fair. This county's fair gets two thirds of $2,000 if Wallowa county holds a fair and If not this county gets It all and the provisions covering this permanent appropria tion' Is not affected by the measures vetoed by Governor West today. As Wallowa county will In all pro babilities continue to hold a fair each year It is more than likely that $1500 will be the sum total which the local fair commission will get next year, jrres jectlve of the v toes on today's bills for they covered only special Mid minor fair districts. In this connection it has Vco-n. apparent that the county coft over looked the appointment In .ljiniiarv of a commission of three to act to two y.ars in the distribution ai.d e.- penditure of the state funds. Tbr,' w 1 likely be appointed at the next term ur the matter will be call.-d to the attention of the county court in time to ? t the commission ag'oir"; lg;ilty, rnree ircm tnis county ani f v rm.n Wallowa constitute that boird Mi elects Its officers and works in. con junction with the local fair associa tion. C. D. Huffman, J. D. MrKer:"io;j and Frank E. Smith of fcJlel.i. no occupy that position. It w.tsJfKely through the efforts of Fred'f.; Holmes the former secTetajy-that the appro priation is permanent and ni ranged under suehiavorable clrcurastarces, CALIFORNIA HAS RECALL Senate Almost Unanimous In Its' Act- Ion on the Gates Pecall Measure Sacramento, Feb. 24 The senate almost unanimously passed th--- Gates recall, measure early today Including the recall of the Judiciary. Indlca tions ere that the house will also pass it nnd then It will be submitted to the rnnle to decide whether it shall be an amendment to the constitution Portland Employe Crashed. ' pn-tlond. Ore., Feb: 2!--W. D. Kee zar. an employe of St. John's planlna; mills was today caught in the mach inery and crushed and instantly kill ed. He leaves a widow and three I small children. VETO NO HARM TO UNION A1EICA1 WILL BE SHOT FLAX IS TO SEXD HIM TO EXSE ED Ah KILL HIM IF TOWN US ATTACKED E 1 Many Small Battles Have Tuken Place in Ue Interior in the Fast few Days and Many Bridges Have Been Burn, ird Kegardless of Investigation of American, Marry DM1, Will be Held ns Costly Hansom. -.,,., ;. , ? San Die'20, ,Feb. 24 It is officially stated here thftt Harry Dill, the' Amer ican, has been taken to Ensenada. and will be tried as a suspected spy and a feb:l conspirator and shot" to death regardless of the, present state department Investigation, if rebels at tack thf city of Enseneda from Maz atlan. ' Manv Brldires Burned Laref'T T ';rps.' Feb. 24 Passengers arriving '"v today brought reports of. ma" ;v.vs in Mexico and the biirnlna; nf brldees by Insurgents near Guadalotipe. Vellardpna, Asarco,' Cru- cs And other small towns it Is re- ncrted. Both sides lost heavily at La Mancha. , , Governor R.-moved San Diego, Feb. '24 Angered, by iumll!atlns? defeit of General Veva intl: recentjbattle of Mexlcall.5 Pres- Ident Diaz has orderrd the removal ot General Vesta as the governor of Low er Call'ornla Immediately. His suc cessor takes office Monday. MaderoV Army in Danger. El Paso. Feb. 24 Honln?,to strike a vital blow to the rebel cause by ex termination of the revolutionary forces under Madero, announcement was made at Juarz today that ar rangements are complete today to sur round the Madero troops at Ahumada with a view of ending the revolution. Five hundred federal troops left Juar ez last night and ar?. making a forced march on Ahumada. GRANT) JURY IS THROUGH Believed that Indictments will be An nounced Within a Few Diys. Seattle, Feb. 24 The grand Jury, which has been sitting for five days Investigating the charges of corrup tion . in th police department, con cluded Its work today. It Is expected that Indictments will follow. Iiitcrnrban' Lines In Oklahoma. Oklahoma City. Feb. 24 The build- jug of a network of interurban lin to connect Oklahoma City. Guthrie, El Reno, Shawnte and otkfTrcpntral Oklahoma citlas ispolitenrilated by the O'.Jahnmatallivoad company, vhoss stocJA6lder3 met today to auth- one An increase in. tne company's iital stork from $3,000,000 to $15.- 000,000. ' - ..; . . -:. - Y. W. C. A. of Fonr States . Sliiox City, la.. Feb. 24 Young wo inn delegates representing the col lege branches of the Young. Women' Christian association in Minnesota South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska as sembled today at Mornlngside Col lege in this city and besan a four days' eonferenee. t , - A ELEVEN TAKEN FROM MINE Tonopah, NVv., Feb. 24 With eleven dead reported recovered and fire In . the mine practically, extinguish ed today there is still strong hopes for ' rescuing -th-. five men still in the mine. There Is still considerable cas In the 11,000 evels.' . JONES OF WASHINGTON" Washington, Feb. 24 Senator Jones of WnshlnKton today came out fav orlng the Japanese Treaty. He said be was opposed to Japanese labor luiuiiuiHiIuu bnt iei:!;Ted the new treaty was accomplished the desir ed Effect without any difficulty. Jones' nttltnde lessens the oppo. sltion from the Paclilc Coast which ' 5Tnj tfcemed sol'dly opposed to the ratification of ths measure, ' FINANCE COMMITTEE WUL NOT GIVE REPORT Measure Sent Back Without Recom mendation of any Sort Today. ! Washington, Feb, 24 The senate finance committee today reported th a reciprocity , bill without recommenda tion. , - v.;- .''! The committee voted unanimously not to report for or against thv meas ure and puts it up to the senate.1 l' .' Washington, "Fccb; 24 The fate, of the Canadian Reciprocity treaty may depend upon bow far the conscience of Senator Heyburn of Idaho will Btretch. Asked what he Intended to do about ths president's pet bill, Heyburn said "I will oppose the agreement by every Square means as far as my conscience allows," Heyburn would not say whether he would filibuster. Continuous Session Likely Threats of a continuous session of congress until tne next presidential election are being voiced here today by Rep. Ollle Jamesf Kentucky Demo crat) "If Taft calls an extra session." said Jara'K, "We will stay hereafltll the election. We will pass f Iftcfen tariff bills, put nine invesilgtfnng commit tees at work onthe federal depart ments, the-sfeel trust and pork bar rel. Wwill give Wlckersham and Bal- ger something to think about." TWENTY-MILLION FIRM STARTED BA'trest Liiinlier Concern in Canadian Dominion Launched This Week Vnncouvf, ;B. C Feb. 24 The larg est lumber concern in the Dominion ( Canada to be known as the British Canadian Lumber . Corporation, and which ,1s capitalized at $20,000,000 has Just been launched. The headquarters of the corporatlem will be in Van couver. " British, Canadian and American capitalists are Interested In the pro ject. The company, has many large timber claims scattered throughout the provinces and it Is said the total amount of timber controlled by It ex ceeds feet. This Is 4, 000,000,000 more feet than the timber controlled by the Southern Pacific rall- road In the tJnlted States, one of the heovipst timber holders In America. Whitman Elects Captain mitman College. Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 24 (Special) Edson John son of Cancouvec, Wash., a member of the sophmore class, has been chosen captain of the base ball team for the coming season. He Is a veteran player and the election meets with universal commendation. SENATE 1ST DO ALL WORK NUMBER 105 FILI10STER Oil OlilEDl - ,. - ; . i r". LOYAL FEW STAND OUT AGAINST APPARENT MAJORITY FA. . , ' - -YOR YINIICATION V V II : F With Chambers Practically Empty, ' Loyal Fhe Commenced Talk Against Eorlmer that May pevclop Into a Fllllbuster Galleries ' Crowded While Five Senators Appear as thn SI weeopnnts of Senate Chamber. 1 ' Washington, Feh. 24 Developingr into an apparent fllllbuster, Senator : Beverldge's struggle to oust Senator Lorlmer was resumed this afternoon.' ' Root. Burton. Owen, Borah. Crawford ' and Stone appeared ready to talk In deftnltely. At 1:45 the chambers were deserted save for the men mentioned, though the galleries were crowded. It; Is. now. practically admitted that 1 the senate has a majority who favor Lorlmer's vindication. ; : : Japan a Favored Nation ! Washington, Feb. 24 That Japan under the new treaty will enter; "most favorrd nation," class as regards the United States Is revealed here by the' publication of a tarirt paragraph of the treaty which eays. Import duties', ' from either country may be regulat eltbbr hy; special arrany inents or by , international legislation.' i v , ,, , i ' Cubans Celebrated f,. " . Havana, Feb. 24 Havana, togither ' wfth the other cities and towns of Cu- ' baytoday kept a holiday In celebration ; of the sixteenth 'anniversary ..of . the commencement of the revolution Which with . the Intervention pfthe t'ni cd Stat:. culminated In the e"iorcp- tlon of Cubi from the Sp?i.irh ,.'.e. Vrobing Allesred Graft In Illinois Springfield. 111., Feb. 24r-The Helm committee of the Illinois general as sembly, appointed to investigate the' scandals of the last legislative sion, began its hearings today. Among tne nrst witnesses summoned to 4es tlfy are States Attorneys Burkef Springfield and Wayman ofChlcago who were lnstrumentarinsecurlng In- Alimt- - . i . ... .. u.uuraiu nftainoijmiue or tne auegea grafters. 'lana Oratorical Contest Indianapolis. Ind.,';. Feb. 24 Many delegation of college students arriv ed In the cty today to root for their favorites In the annual contest of the. Indiana State Oratorical Assoclatloi The colleges and universities repi sented Include Notre Dame, De Pnj Hanover.' Wabash, Eaiilham, Fran and Butler.. ' ... . I DUAL IS RESIDENCE DISTR MARKED WITH BLOOI One Dead, n Bnndlt Dying audi er Hurt In Small Buttll Seattle, Fib. 24 Patrolmeil Davis is dead. Alex Hist, agel an alleged holdup man wouncy hips, John Ford, a second ported dying this afternoon suit of a duel last night in tol Hill residence district. Patrolman Herbert Smlthl tured the men, wounding ll they shot down Davns, ep scratched. The wen were I clothes men on the corner dlately commenced firing. SEATTLE OFFiC SR0TI1I ' ' F 1