La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 23, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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T ' " "' "" '' """ ''. ' ' ""I1 111 """" ' ' ' iii ' in. i . . i . ii, ,.. . .,i...,.... .-,r--
everything from plain muslins to the finest textures
produced by. the manufacturers of this' country and
Europe is shown in this exposition, and will remain on
display until Saturday night of this we
they will be put away to make room fori other NEW
SPRING GOODS;- So COME NOW and see the great
display it will be well worth while to EVERYvLADY
Overture "The Geisha".
Charles E. King.
- "Jean Rescues" Vitagraph.
. Introducing the famous
Scotch collie, Jeani a dog that
has delighted millions of motion
, picture patrons. .
"The Battle of Redwood" Pathe
A thrilling episode of Indian
ghting days.
The Widow's Choice.
A clean comedy that gets the
ughter from start to finish,."
Special Miss Nellie , Garrick
rill'rfng, the beautifully illus
rated song, "You are the Light
f my Life."
ADMISSION.......... 10 Cents
Children (Matinee only) 5 cents
John L. Mars' -cement pipes are mix
d one part of cement to two parts
lect sand and Is everlasting. Five
Qd six inch pipes sella at 15 cents a
lenlal foot. The price of other sizes
in proportion.
St. Peter's Guild has some) very fine
oven rues for sale at reasonable
rices. AddIv to Mrs. James RusBell,
fs02, corner Main and Third streets.
If you would ha rid of dandruff, read
ilvt of Wright Drug Co. in this issue.
If you are interested in Embrold
y. Stenril lu-nrlr. nr anv kind of
incy Work, rail in and sea Mrs. Wil
Jims at the Paris Hair store. Stamp-
6 uuxio on ail KOnua Ol Uiaienoi.
Harp Ton Read This Book!
A new book tellinar how the fearful
ifrpendicltis is caused and how you
n easily nrovont it i foein read
ith much intAroat hv the La Grande
Pfopie. It Is elvn away free by A. T.
u, druggiBt ;
in !0a Grande
a display of beautiful
Chas.. B. Oral of Union was a Som-
m-r hotel guest this morning while
transacting business matters here. .
C. W.,.. Fisher and wife of Elgin
were in the city last evening 'and
stopped at the Sommer, .
George T. Morrison of Boise is here
today on business matters. He la a
guest at the Sommer.
E. 0. Wilson and wife of Elgm
spent last night here, and were the
guests of the Sommer hotel. "
H. L. Connaly a resident of Baker
was here last tvenlng and made his
headquarters at the Sommer. "
State Senator and Mrs. Turner Ol
iver arrived home this morning froa
Salem and Portland.
8. W. Barnhart of Walla Walla spent
the morning hera a guest at the Fo
ley hotel. ,
Otto Holtz from the apple districts
at Hood River is stopping In the city
today and is registered at the Foley.
VE. B. Pyle, a resident of Pendleton
is here today looking after business
and is stopping at the Foley. .
Engineer JF. Logue now stationed
at PendUton spent last night in-this
city ' . " ' ' ;
A. M. Runnels a well known citl
zen of Joseph was at the Foley last
night, accompanied by his wife.
J. W. Chenry- and family of Half
way were registered at the Foley yes-
E. T. Anderson, a well known rest
dent of Enterprise transacted busi
ness in the city yesterday, saying at
the Foley while here.
Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe returned to En
terprise this morning after having
spent a short time here visiting rela
tives and friends.
J. C. McKnight of Oklahoma City
Is stopping at the Foley, hotel today
while transacting business matters
here. ' ,
W. F. McMahon, Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Sawyer and M. J. Alton were
among the Hot Lake contingent com
ing to La Grande to attend the Elks
ball last night , ;
Division Foreman J. H. Watson, wife
and daughter left this morning from
Portland to be gone a few days, the
ladles to visit friends and the fore
man to transact company business.
. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rlnehart and
daughter left this morning for Port
land from where, after a few days' vis
it, they go to Salem to make their
home while Mr,. Rlnehart assumes his
duties as state land agent
- . 7
has there been
White i': Fabrics'
. n. p.
WlBhes to announce to his friends and
patrons that haj will leave March the
f.rBt for New York city to take up a
Post Graduate course in Optical work.
He will be back June the FirBt. If
you have trouble with your eyes or
glasses and you wish to have your
eyes fitted by Dr. -Mendelsohn, see
him at once.
The Doctors office will be closed
on Saturday, February 25th at B p.
m. Will be open again on June first..
Remarkably Low Cost of Gown Entt-
. ties Wearer to Honors. ' .
Wearing a yellow cheese cloth gown
trimmed In yellow lateen, and costing
fifty-two cents, Miss Mae White last
evening captured the valued prize of
a diamond-studded gold pendant for
appearing at the ball with the pret
tlest yet cheapest gowm The prize of
fered by the -committee on arrange
ments is exceptionally, pretty and was
greatly coveted . by, tlianany lady
guests. ';., '
More Snow Means Good Crops ami
Range Reported In Good Condition
(Joseph Correspondence)
V. G. Kozad, attorney and mayor
of Canyon city is visiting relatives,
Prof, and Mrs. 'Mcintosh of the high
school. Miss Hazel Kozad, his daugh
ter has been here for two weeks and
will return home with him in the
morning. , . -
More enow, has fallen. It means
plenty of water for next season and
as a fine range is reported on the
river, farmers are ubllant.
The Lead Mountain Mining Co. havo
received ft permit and are making an
addition to their office for assay pur
poses. ,' ' .
ReT. Father Flemlnjr Will Deliver Lec
ture on Appropriate Theme.
A program of unusual Interest has
be?n arranged for March 17th under
the. auspices of St. Mary's Altar So-
Jciety at the Latter Day Saints Tab-
ernacte. The Reverend Father Austin
Fleming will deliver a lecture musi
cal, entitled, "Ireland the Land of Mu
sic and Song." The lecturer will deal
with essential characteristics of the
"Green Isle." The proceeds will go to
the church building fund.
mehdeisohbcraZED Fl EK D SQUARE POLE IS
in connection with the various fabrics, to illustrate ap
propriate uses for each class of goods we are showing.
Beautiful lines of Undermuslins and Lingerie Shirt Waists
t , i j .rziiJL .
11 iiillLi
Ylctlm of Cocaine Tied Hand and Foot
to Escape Injuries.
Crazed by cocaine and putting up
such a stubborn fight against the' night
policemen that the patrolmen were
forced to handcuff and securely tie
him; ' a transient named Hugh Jones
is in the city Jail today recovering
from a frightful attack of temporary
Insanity. He waa picked up last even
ing at the corner of the M. & M. build
ing and it required strenuous efforts
on the part of Officers McLachlln and
Porter to tie the man's legs, handcuff
him and k;ep him from committing
injury to himself even after he was
placed in Jail. 'The attack lasted near,
ly three hours, during which time the
man raved and as the only a mad man
can. He quieted down after awhile and
this morning Chief of Police Walden
reported the man resting easily, lie la
still In the Jail however.
Advice Concerning Stomach Troubltt
and How to Remedy Them.
Do not neglect indigestion which
leads to all serts of ills pnd complica
tions. An eminent doctor once snld
that nlnety-flve' per cent of all the lh
of the human body have their origin
In a disordered stomach.
A physician who made a specialty
of stomach troubles, particularly dys
pepsia, after years of study perfected
the formula from which Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets are made.
Our experience with Rexall Dyspep
sia Tablets leads us to believe them to
be the greatest remedy known for the
relief of acute Indigestion and chronic
dyspepMn. Their ingredients are sooth-
Ins nud healing ro the Inflamed mem
hrrne of thp sromncb Tliey are rich
in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive
aids known' to medicine. The relief
they afford In nlmost Immpdlnre. Tbelr
use with perftlHtency and regularity for
a short tinu brimr ntiout n cessation
of the pnlnn cimscil by womnrh disor
der. "
Rexall Dyspepsia TnMets wjjll Insure
fienlthy appetite, old dljrestVin and
promote nutrition. A evidence of our
sincere faith Id Rexnll Dyspepsia Tab
lets, we nsk'joii t fry t hem at our
risk. If they do. not 'rive you entire
satisfaction, .'will return you the
money yon mid us fur them, without
question or formality. They come In
three hIzpm. prl'-e '.'."i riM. .v cents and
fl 00 RpnienilitT you run obtain them
only 'nt "ir v.,r. Tnt Rejtnll Store
Hill Store.
NINETY.S1X FEET. ; - ' . 1
Will Be Erected In Front of Palmer
Co's Main Office.
One solid piece of timber hewn
square, and measuring nlnety-stx feet
in height will be reared in front of
the George Palmer Lumber company'i
main office at the mill yards. It will of
course be the highest one-piece flag
pole In Union county.
The pole is twelve Inch" square at
the base and tapers gradually to five
Inches square at th,e apex. It Is hewn
from a, tree grown in the company's
own timber tracts and will be a unl
qu? exhibit ..; . ' -r"
First Qnlntet Will Meet for Annual
Tilt at School Gym.
Tomorrow night at 8.30 sharp, com
mences what will of coiirs? be the
real big game of the basket ball seas
on on account of the fact that the
two teams to meet each other on that
occasion will be home- products en
tirely Th: M. I. A. until recently un
defeated for two years clash with the
local youngsters from high school
who have shown great development
Curing the nast few weeks and are In
a position to give the M. I. A. quint a
strenuous run for their money. On ac
count of the many supporters on both
sides it Is believed the crowd will out
strip all previous records in the new
Woman's Missionary Society Has Im
portant Meetlnir Scheduled.
Members of the Woman's Mission
ary Society of the Presbyterian
church are called to meet next Fri
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.. J. D. Stout, to
transact important business. This is
the date of the annual election of of
ficers and all members sre urged to
be present.
Treasurer's Call for City Warrants.
Notice Is hereby given that there are
now funds on hand to pay' all out
standing warrants Issued on General
Fund of La Grande Cltv. ut) to and In
eluding No. 8562 endorsed September
2nd, 1911.
Interest on all warrants on General
Fund from No. 8474 to No. 8r,62 inclu
sive, ceases from this date.
La Grande. Ore., Feb. 21. 1911.
RAY W. LOGAN, City Treasurer. ,
K . J.
Av TTTs 771
Florida Bar Meeting
Pensacola, Feb. 23 -PenBacola is en
tertaining a distinguished gathering -
of lawytrs aad Jurists today, the oc
casion being the annual meeting of
the Florida State Bar ; Association.'
Nearl200 members from all parts of
the state 'were on hand when the
gatherlng was called' by President
Jefferson B. Browne of Key West, Ths
sesalon : will continue over tomorrow.
Take Notice ';C;"'
I am expecting to leave this city on
Friday. If we have overlooked the pay
ment of any outstanding accounts any
one whom we owe will confer a favor
by calling our attention to It Phont
Rled-1531. ';;;. VV.
S. .':; v,, . W. H GIBSON. 'ji
Benrre De Anjoi Fear Trees for Bale
, Also other varieties of pears and a
fall line of apple and cherry trees. Re
member that the AnJou pear ts the best .
paying fruit in the U. 8. and that wa
can grow It to perfection. .
J ldverfsng j
bull, cjtjr scavenger. Anyone want- i
' Ing my service call up City Recor-'
der's office. , .
FOR RENT Furnished and1 light
housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E, C. Moors
1617 Fourth Btreet
WANTED An experienced man to
graft apple seedlings In the house.
Apply at one to J. B. Weaver & Sons,
Union, Oregon. '
WANTED Woman to take care or
child evenings. Telephone Black 1182.
WANTED -When you are 1c need
of help of any kind call the Crystal
Employment office, rf. L. Clark, Man
ager, 209 Fir street. Phone Ind. 42J
Bell Main 731. '
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Inquire at King's
Cigar factory. ' .
FOR RENT Nlcey new- suite 'of
two rooms hot and cold water and
modern In every way. Also some new.
ly furnished rooms with hot and cold
water. Apply at 90S Spring street
Mrs. J. D. Snodgrass.
WANTED Bookkeeping or f Steno
graphy work in the evening, by a
young man employed during the day.
Box 804. City.
LOST Gold watch, Masonic key
stone fob, Elgin make, Initials H. D. B.
on back. Finder return to this office
and receive reward.