La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 23, 1911, Image 1

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California Now Discovers Situation It
Was Led Into by Governor John-son-Oregon
Democratic Senator
Urged to Use His Influence tn Sen
I ate Opposition Grows California
Solops are SatisBed.
r Sacramento, Feb. 23 Urging action
against the ratification of the American-Japanese
treaty &s outlined by
President Taft. Rpnnt.
day telegraphed to Senator George
Chamberlain of Oregon to use his In
fluence with his Democratic eollea 5V Washington from the Coast
states to vote against ratification of
the treaty. Sanford also announced his
intentions of Introducing a resolu
tion demanding the senate federal re
lations committee to' report out his
"bill to prevent alien ownership of
land In California, which is aimed at
the Jai.inpRA
( , Right Sold for Smmnrt.
Sacramento, Feb. 23 It is openly
admitted .today that feeling 1s grow
i lng that California sold its birthright
J . for a pot of -pontage by acc-ptlng
"-Taft'a support for the fair In 1915,
, in exchange for a pledge that no antl
r Aslc agitation would gain official
sanction.. .'''".
Governor Johnson is sitting on the
lid as he promised Pres'dent Taft he
would but there Is a noticeable un
' rest among the legislatures and peo-.
pie who resent the new treaty with
Japan, as It allows coolie Immigration
without the hindrance on the part of
America. It is possible there will be
some sort of legislation without th
sanction of the governor.
F. S. Senators Approve It
Sacramento, Feb. 23 Telegrams
from Senators Flint and Perkins, of
California were read In the legisla
ture tortus Perkins wired that the
proposed Japanese treaty Is practlcal
lv the same as the list ops and the
JanAnese Ambassador nrom'gn no
Immigration to th- Tilted Stat.
FI'p wired thPt the tr'eatv. tn his
opinion will fully profct the Paci
fic Coast and will continue a policy of
reference to Immigration.
Xorthern Portugal Scene of Devasta
tlons and Crime
London, Feb. 23 Dispatches from
Fluentes d'Onera In Spain state that
the Portuguese . provisional govern
ment Is' conducting a campaign for
the purpose of oppressing Royalists
of northern Portugal.
Cabonarlo, a society composed prin
cipally, of Free Masons, are reported
beginning a campaign in order to
make the Royalists show discreditably
In coming elections, which will de
cide among other things whether the
Portuguese government will be rec
ognized by the United States. It Is re
ported Carbondaro are destroying the
Royalist newspapers and clubs and
sacking the churches. A number of
riols have occurred and the leading
Royalists are fleeing, as the police
-are acting under orders to refuse to
protect them.
Shippers Win Case
Washington, Feb. 2J The Interstate
Commerce Commission this afternoon
ordered u redaction In the freight
rates on practically every known va
rlety of merchandise transported by
railroads. The order marks the enj
of the great rates cases and affects ev.
cry railroad in the country and is a
complete victory for the shippers In
the fight for lower rates. The decision
was f delayed eight hoars In order to
prevent publication before the close
of the stock markets. The decision was
unanimous and" states vigorously that
there Is no rea"n why the railroad
should Increase their rates over pres.
ent traffics. ; :'
Ticks Them np on Her Special Train
and Gives Them Breakfast Too
Dunsmuir, Calif., Feb. 23 -Fatigues
of the tramp toward Fresno was re
lieved through ths kindness of May
Roberts theatrical company who pick
ed np 85 Industrialists last ntflit at
Slssen and brought them here In the
company's special car. The I. W. W.
bunch is in clover here today. Miss
Roberts gave them all breakfast. They
wili continue the march toward Fres
no.; . '' .. -:' ,-. -
Eastern Oregon Comprises one Con
gressional District Other Laws
Reporting several measures of Im
portance to Eastern Oregon having
jassed the houses and to be signed
by the governor, State Senator Tiirher
Oliver returned home this morning
from Salem. Among the bills which
he was largely instrumental in pas
sing was one creating a new congres
sional division line making Eastern
Oregon the one district, Multnomah
county another and the rest of the
state the third. This bill has become a
law. Another bill introduced by the
senator was one reimbursing Sheriff
Chlldrens and Treasurer Frawley for
what money they had refunded to the
county coffers through the failure of
the Farmers & Traders National bank
In this city and relieving their bonds
men from further responsibility. The
county as a whole will stand the loss
of the bank's failure.
silver's La Grande normal bill died
Ip jhe senate committee.
The game commission bill either has
lftn or will be signed. This gives
Eastern Oregon two commissioners
who like the railroad commission will
h.ive a great deal of power in ex
pending funds accruing from game li
censes.. This commission will have
e-eneral supervision as to regulation
nd nrotfrt'on of same throughout
fli state. This bill was recommended
by Governor West and It Is for this
reason that West vetoed the other lo
ml fame laws, thinking the commis
sion will be able to handle the Situa
tion under the one head. '"' '
London Honors Lord Mlnto.
London. Feb. 23 The unique and
highly prized honor known as the
freedom of the city of London was ,o
day confemd upon Lord Mlnto, late
Viceroy of India and formerly Gover.
nor-General of Canada. Following the
ceremony, which took place as usual
at the Guildhall. Lord M'nto was en
tertained at luncheon by th Lord
Mayor. Many notables were present
at the luncheon among them th? Pre'
mier and Mrs. Asquith, Lord and
Morley. Lord and Lady Cromer, Lord
and Lady Selhourne and the Earl of
Rnrlore F!1nr In Session
Mansfield. 6., Feb. 23 The Buck
eye Prest Association, whos- mem
bership embraces the editors of near1
lv ell the wek1 nnbllcaHons of Ohio.
be?an Its annual midwinter meeting
br todav. The s sslon 'will continue
over tomorrow.
Officials Reports Say he Is Still In the
Diuig.on but Other Rumors Claim
Lo Hns Been Secretly Released by
Federalists Mad. nr Has Master
Move Under OouNjderatlon to Have
Simultaneous Attacks Made.
- T
; El Paso, Feb. 23 Rebels are plan
ning on attacking Juares and Chi
huahua. Madero has 2,000 men, and
Homo .rtUUw ...-
.. MUUUiUUU M1U -ins
plans to march with 1,000 men to Chi
huahua and attack that city leaving
1.060 men and other fngui gent ,.to
check Navarro's advano from Juarez
when Chihuhua Is attacked, Then if
Chihuahua falls they will hurry to
Juarez and attack that city at once. '
Harry Dell, the Ameffdan Imnrla
oned at Tal Juan Is still being held
In the jungeon.' today according to
official reports; though it 18 rumored
that he was secretly released. There
is no intimation as to his fate, but
the entire south is aroused. Dell savs
there are not' merits m the charges
that, he was a spy.
Uncertain Just When He Will be
Placed on Final Tote in Senate
Washington, Feb. 23 When , con
sideration of the Lorimer case was re
sumed In the senate today after the
senator's appearance on the floor In
his own behalf yesterday, parliamen
tarians could not predict when the
matter would come up for a vote, not
withstanding an Immediate vote was
anticipated. It Is understood that Payn-
ter, Bailey and others will ask th
Illinois senator some questions and
also lecture against hlm. '
Beveridge took the floor this after
noon and began speaking In suDDort
of the resolution, to oust Lorimer.
Previous to the debatr. Burrows, the
chairman of the Lorimer Investigation
committee, r.ttempted to secure a un
animous. consent for a vote today, to
morrow and Saturday but was unsuc
cessful. Lodge objected to todav'r.
Stone Is oppos:d to setting any par
ticular day. '
Mardl Gras Tlsltors Arriving.
New Orleans, La Feb. 23 The ad
vance guard of Mardl Gras carnival
visitors put In an appearance In New
Orleans today and from now until the
f rat of the week every arriving train
and boat will bring Its quota of pleas
urseekers to the city. The number o
visitors this year Is expected to reach
record-breaking figures, owing part
ly to the added attraction of the auto
mobile show and speed contests -which
will begin tomorroy. The carnival
proper will open Monday and will
r ach Its climax the next day with the
arrival of Rex and his royal reti
nue.' ' " '
Chi Psl's Seventy th Convention.
New York, Feb. 23 With an attend
ance of graduates from neatly a score
of the leading universities and cob
leg:S of the country, the Chi Phi fra
ternity began its seventieth annual
convention In this city today, ,, with
headquarters at the Hotel Astor. El
brldge T. Gerry Is presiding over the
sessions, which will last through the
remnlm r of the week! Outside of the
oHiniry routine of business the con
vention will consider the matter of a
suitable memorial', to the late Mel
ville W. Fuller. Chief Jnirtioe of he
Suprenv. Court of the United States,
who was among the most promin
ent members of the fraternity.
Manitoba 'Strongly Opposed to th
Reciprocity Agreement and There
Seems no Way of Overcoming the
Organized Movement to Flht 't in
the Senate--Cnmmins Makts lren
Knilnary Move in Senate. ,
; Washington, Fob, S3 The wav ?n
opened for a schedule by scheWa re
vision of the tariff today, svhta a res--iuuon
was: introduced y' Senator
Cummlngs asking the Predenl fo.
all information. The tariff board had
collected on Articles and commodities
n..ned tn 'the Canadian rvlprooliy
ssieetnent, .was adopted Tho '.'act that
Hale supported Cummins I3 balle-'el
to Indicate ofgahlzed opposl.or. to the
adoption of the reciprocity the ses
sion. ' I , .. ,, . ,
Canada Is Loyal.
. Ottawa.vFeb. 23 The Canadian uar
liament formerly declared loyalty for
Great Britain today by passtna a ro ,
lutlon in the house to the effect that
all, legislation regarding reclproe'ty
with the United States was not s'npr
.oward annexation. The measure
passed unanimously.
Manitoba Opposf d to Measure.
Winnipeg . Feb. 23 Manitoba's
house unanimously voted against the
reciprocitv' agreemont after It ha l
listened to impassirr-td speeches to
day among them 0114 by Premier ficb
lug in which he declared the Unite I
Elptes has been trvln for thirty five to critple Cirsda comme,rclal-
Kalsnra And Crowd Freed of Removal
by Jolnlnir Minority. ;
Toklo'. Feb. 23 Impeachment ct
Katsura and the ministry in lower
house of the national Dl!t was pre
vented today by a narrow margin
when the Katsura cabinet saved itself
from censure by combln'ng with the
Seiyukat paTty. thus securing a bare
majorltv. The Katsura crowd is charg-
d with contributing $ratlv to the
"'ntvb of pnrijii'pm nnd anarchy In
ranar, by undue seventy.
Educators Meet In Mobile
Mobile, Ala.. Feb. 23 The denart-
ment of supn-lntendents, the. largest
of the eighteen departments of the
N'at'onal Educational, "Association,
convened In annual session here to
day. -The estimated attendance Is 1.-
00 nersons. among whom ar man;
of thm foremost educators " In the
country. Under the supervision of
Secretary Irwin Shepard, of Winona.
Minn., an ttractive programme of bus
iness and pleasure has been prepared
rrora the gathering. The convention
Ml last three days. At Its conclusion
many of the educators will attend the
Mirdi Gras . festivities In New Or
leans, whlb others will visit the Tus-ker-e
Institute and other educational
Institutes In this section before re-
turrfjig to their homfs. '
Blue Grass Farmers In Session
Mt. Sterling, Ky Feb. 23 The
Kentuccky Farmers' Institute Is in
session here with an att ndance of
progressive agriculturists from almost
every county of the state. The Initial
session was held this mornlrjir. the
1 rogramme Including an Invocation by
Bev. H. D. Clark and addresses bv
Thomas J. Blgstaff. president of the
Institute. arff.M. C. Psnk'n, f?t
Commissioner of Agriculture.
Ffirlif Scheduled for Tonlirht.
Iso Houck vs. Harry Mansfield. 10
rounds, st Lancaster, Pa.
Hotel St Regs Has Claim 1 Against
Mrs. Howard Gould for Rent '
New York, Feb.' 23 To recover J3,.
000 on account against Mrs. Howard
Gould, the management of the St. Re
gis hotvl today announced It would
8-11 43 pieces of Mrs. Gould's batgae
Including twenty-two trunks at pub
lic auction, March. 8. The hotel says
she owes for four months rent and a
big restaurant and 'refreshment bill.
She is now at her winter home In
Lynchburg, Va. ' " J
. First Bishop of Erie.
Scranton. Pa., Feb. 23 Elaborate
arrangements have been completed
for he consecration of Dr. Rogers Jt
rael as first bishop of the new Pro
testant Episcopal dlocea: of Erie. Th
ceremony will h performed tomorrow
In St. U&fft hrch tn this cttv.
Athletic Club's Xew Home.
Pittsburg. Pa., Feb. 23 The magnl.
cent new home of the Pittsburg Ath
letic Club was formally opened today,
The building cost about $1,500,000 and
l is believed, to oe the finest and heat
equipped Btmetlc clubhouse in th
country. . . ''' :" .'-.'-
Amendments Shear Undesirable Feat
ures From Bill as Pussed.
With considerable success the fruit
of several week's efforts in fightlnjr
against the original good roads meas
ures, CD. Huffman returned this
morning from Salem 'where he- ap
peaerd In the interests '- of local
granges and farmers in general, as
envoy In the fight against the unde
sirable bills. If tho governor does not
veto the measure as they were finally
passed, the Eastern half of the state
will have won a signal victory. As
far as Union county is concerned, she
will by virtue of the bill be able ( to
controller own road making and all
power of the state commissioner to
supervise the expenditure of Union
county money on roads, has been cut
off. As the bill reads, the state has
appropriated a sutsiclent amount to
pay back to each county $5,000 when
the county has raised $10,000. In this
sum, the original amount - Is cut In
Under the "Ring" bills, the state
commissioner would and could con
trol the sxpendltures In each county
but ihe amendment leaves It to the
hc tlce of special election to raise the
emount specified, to say what, roads
fie to be Improved. '
"While we did not gain every Item
we desired, we did succeed In bring
ing the measure to a point where It
ft? alraoi to our st liking and
we let it go at that," remarked Mr.
Huffman In nnkln? nf tha
I ' ...w uv.v v v.00
of the lobbyists. "The measure is a
fairly Just bill as It stands, but what
will be done tonight by the commis
sion of lawyers appointed In Portland
to study its constitutionality. re
mains to be seen, and then, too, Gov
ernor' West may veto It before his
powers expire tomorrow."
Xovs Scotia House Open.
Halifax. N. 8., Feb. 23 With the us
ual ceremonies the session was of the
Nova Scotia legislature was opened
this afternoon. A busy and Important
session Is foreshadowed, as It Is ex
pected to be "the last before general
A agio American Wedding
London, Feb. 23-A wedding of in
terest In Anglo-American circles to
day was that of Miss Vera Gordon.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gor
don, who are prominent members of
the American colony In London and
Mr. Nell Guthrie of the Irish guards.
The wedding ceremony was perform
ed in the Guards chapel at Chelsee.
EliLBEf ! i THE L10ST
Incwaslng tl ates Ofte'nUmes
fluf Gain I o J Them the Syu,
dry; ApproU ,, . i Sl U Passed,
Into the House fropi the Commttteo
Fortv,flre MiUloa Asslped to Ca.
nal. .1
Washington, Feb. 23The sundry
civil appropriation bill carrvln sua.
5u,tuu was reported In the house to- "
tof mi Is $25,431,000 over last year's '
bill and $14.486.000 . under the esti
mates. V ; ' V . :-v-r '', ' ( ' 'V';! j-
- .The largest sinal e Itpm in iL StL
Is the canal appropriation of $45,500.
000 which is an Increase of $7,500,000
ever the estimates made. - ' ' '
, The .Public buildings appropriation
Is $21,311,245, an Increase of $16,000,-
000. ! ; :: ., : .. .
The measure will probably be pass
ed by the house under the suspension
rules.'!rg of forcing the Sen
ate to pass a tariff commission bill,
President Taft is centering his ef
forts to secure the appropriation of
$400,000 to continue the present board.'
If . it Is passed the next house will '
have an . opportunity of Interfering '
with the board's txlstence . v
Minister of War Drops Dead at Hit
. iesK nue at Work Today.
Paris, Feb. 23 Minister of ' War 1
Brun dropped dead here today. He
died of embolism of the heart .while .
sitting at his desk conferring with his
chief assistant. Premier Briand an
nounced the death of the minister in '
the Chamber pf Deputies. It , Is un
known who will be chosen to succeed1
him. ' ""j,, ,
Rnef Rehearing Decision neid to be
Logical by Attorney
San Francisco, Feb. 23 Action of
the Supreme court in granting a re
hearing of Abe Ruef, the grafter, was
vpheld today by Attorney C. W. Cross
who answered the contentions of the
Attorney General Webb, that the or
der should be revoked. Cross content
ed that several of the present Su-T
preme Justices helped to frame the
constitutional amendment in 1904 un
der which a 'rehearing Is granted and
therefore are In a better position than
others to Judge whether 'they trans
gressed the rules of the amendment. .
Enumllaw Resident Will Face Serloas
y ' Charges. ' v
Seattle, Feb. 23 Mrs.
ner, whose divorced husband was kill
ed by her son-in-law. William rn '
ler, following a vlolint quarrel at En
umllaw a few days agotoday offer
ed $5,000 ball but was refused. Mil
ler will probably face murder in the
1 rx aegree herore the supreme court
Mrs. PIschner and Mrs. Mine
both witnesses to the part of the fight
wnicn enaed in Miller beating PIsch
ner to death with a rock, but the wo
men left for help and did not see
the killing.
' p. ',
. ... .m