La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 22, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    , -. f
"- 1 M ' 1 " SlM B Baasas
- i
Overture ........"The Geisha
Charles E. King. : "
"Jean Ttescues'V-Vltagraph.
' Introducing the , famous
Scotch collie, Jelan, a dog that
has delighted millions of motion
picture patrons.
"The Battle of Redwood" Pathe
A thrilling episode of Indian
ghting days. ,
The Widow's Choice.
A clean comedy that gets the
lighter from start to finish.
Special Miss Nellie Garrlck
111 sing, the beautifully illus
rated song, "You are the Light
f my life."
ADMISSION.......... 10 Cents
Children (Matinee only) 5 cents
John L. Mars' cement pipes are mix-
d one part of cement to two parts
elect sand and is everlasting. Five
Ind six inch pipes sella at 15 cents a
enlal foot. The price of other sizes
is in proportion.
St. Peter's Guild has some) very fine
woven rugs for sale at Reasonable
rices. Apply to "Mrs. James Russell,
S02, corner Main and Third streets.
20-7t .-Am
If you would be rid of dandruff, read
Idvt of Wright Drug Co. In this Issue.
If you are interested In Embroid
y, Stencil work, or any kind of
Fancy Work, call In and Bee Mrs. Wll-
ams at the Paris Hair store. Stamp
ipg done on all konds of material.
Attorney T. H. Crawford arrived
lime this morning from a business
ip to Portland and to Salem.
Engineer Pete Belver left today
tfr Portland to spend a few days vls-
ng friends and transacting busl-
if as matters.
Engineer and Mrs. Phelffer left
morning for a tour of the middle
1st Intending- to bv gone about a
nth. ' ' ,
Conductor J. D. Kerr returned yes-
day from Kansas where he was
called a month ago by the Illness of
his father.
Mrs. D. Jt Clark returned to Cove
today where she will r.taain while
the Cove Mercantile establlshm, -,t is
being sold out. ' ,
I Mrs. M. Prln of Portland is stay! 1
in? fit lha Ortmrn.... .1.1- ... ' . . T
o "v uuuiiuer iuib aiternoon.
J. 8. Davis of Denver was at the
Sommer today while lookine : ft.
J business matters. ' ' "1
F. G. Bailey of Spokane transacted
business here this morning and stop
ped at the Sommer. '
Mrs. J. w. Clark of Durkee was at
the Foley today while looking after
personal matters.
W. C. Leavitt of Copperfield, th?.
new town on the Snake river was a
Foley hotel visitor today.
G. W. Townsend was over from;
Pendleton today and registered at the
Foley, v
J. C. Marshall, E. W. Barrow anJ
H. A Vincent are Portland people
Maying at the Sommer today
A. S. Ashley, the publicity manager
the Baker commercial club return
ed to Baker this morning aft:r tran
sacting business here for a few days.
Engineer Frank Pike returned to
'Ms tun today afttr an enforced lay- I
ft of four months on account of in-i
rles received early last fall. "
J. E. James, buslne ss manager for I
'lie "Man of the Hour" company which i
fimes to the Steward on March 1st,
in the'clty today conferring with !
Mnns,er Steward. '
District Attorn :y J. W. Knowles 1
'ias returned from Wallowa county! conducted a special term of!
'ourt. He was accompanied by Court !
Snorter Hanna. . :, j
0. D. Simmons returned to Radium!
Springs this morning after transact-!
!ng business here for a few days. He I
's now conducting a cigar store at j
that place. -.. ' . '
The r:malns of Maude A. Flour otl
Enterprise who died at Sheridan, Ore-
conn, were shipped to Enterprise this
morning. The casket was accompanied '
by relatives of the deceased. '
Rev Dr. Halley, superintendent of ;
the Methodist district comprising this !
city, and John A.- Rudd, district sup
erintendent for the Epworth league
HID guCBlB luuaj WUU JJT. J. U. Ulill-
Isn while transacting business in this
city. ' ' . 'i
Fire Chief Joe Jones went to Elgin
this morning as the only representa
tive of this city's fire department to
i Elgin departm"nt dance tonight.
The Elks ball and the fact that two
days' are required to make the round
r'n, none of the others could make
arrangements to go.
ChrjK and G. Ftackland were in the
city today transacting business mat
ters. They have recently returned
from a tour of the east and wh'le
pway attended the land show at Chi
'seo.' doine much to boost Grande
Wonde valley to the thousands who
forked throue-fc th land show doors
every twenty-four hours.
Two Famous Lawyers Whos?
' Testaments Were Defective.
Backache, Rheumatism, yeironsnesa.
Mean disordered kidneys, Foley Kid
ney Pills have helped your neighbors ;
they will also help you. Mrs. B. Hill,
Peoria, vIll., says: "I have suffered
greatly with my kidneys for yearsand
have Buffered also' with rheumatism.
Have taken several wel known kidney
Pills. These have done me a great deal
of good, relieving me of the severe
backache and reumatlsm and I cheer
Hill's Drug Store.
LoMly Drawn Stipulations That In
validated His Charitabla Trust Be
quttt Praaident Polk'a Will, Writ
ten by Hlmaalf, Nullifiad.
; Whether the old saying that "a law
yer who tries his own case has a fool
for a client" is applicable to Samuel
J. Tilden In the matter of drawing his
will Is not known. It was. thought for
some time that the will was drawn, or
at least approved, by .Charles O'Conor
and James C. Carter, two of tbe most
eminent lawyers In New York, but
later statements, says Case and Com
ment, are to the effect that they had
nothing at all to do with the will, ami
consequently it is not definitely known
who was responsible for It '
It would hardly seem possible that
Mr, Tilden himself could have made
such a mistake had he been acting for
some one else. ; The statement has
been mode that Mr. Tilden had some
doubts as to the validity , of those
clauses which the court subsequently
condemned ajid had spoken to Mr.
Carter about tt - but nothnr mm
came of It v " '..''"' '
In summing up the provisions of tbe
Tilden will the court in holding it in
valid stated that the testator in sub"
stance said; "I have determined to de
vote my estate to. charitable, educa
tlonal and scientific purposes. I ha vt
formed no detailed plan how that pur
pose can be executed, but under the.
Jaw of New York it must be done
through and by means of a corpora
tion. I request you to cause to "be in
corporated an institution to be called
the 'Tilden trust' with capacity to
maintain a free library and reading
room in the city of New York, and
such other educational and scientific
objects as you shall designate, and if
you deem it expedient that is. If you
think it advisable and tbe fit and prop
er thing to do convey to that Institu
tion all or such part oT my residuary
estate as you choose.; and If you do
not think that course advisable then
apply it to such charitable, education
al and scientific purposes as In your
Judgment will roost substantially ben
efit mankind."
It will be noted that the discretion of
the trustees was Indefinite both' as
to the amount which tliey were to give
to the corporation to be formed and
also' as o whether they should give
any at all to the Incorporation, and the
validity of the bequest was denied
upon tbe ground of this complete dis
cretionary power to convey or not to
convey to the suggested beneficiary.
The trustee procured the Incorpora
tion of tbe "Tilden trust" and elect
ed to convey to it tbe entire property,
but the court held that the Invalidity
Sf the charitable trust because of Its
ncertalnty could not be cured by any
thing done by the trustees to execute
it .
In striking contrast with the Tilden
will Is that of his contemporary in
law and politics. ' Roscoe Conkling,
the text of which Is as follows: 4,i.
Roscoe Conkling of Uttca, make, pub
lish and declare my last will and testa
ment as follows: I give, devise and
bequeath to my wife Julia and to her
heirs and assigns forever all my prop
erty and estate, whether real or mixed,
and I constitute and 'appoint my said
wife sole executrix of:ih!s my Inst
will." It would undoubtedly take a
better lawyer than even Mr. Conkling
to break his will.
In passing upon the validity of the
will of President James K. Polk a
Th Only One of lit Kind : Humomui
You Are a Person
of culture, refinement or intelligence, or all three, you cannot
afford not to know LIFE.
If you have a sense of humor, you should see it every Week.
Perhaps you know LIFE slightly. ,
Perhaps you don't know LIFE at alL ...
To get acquainted will cost you Only One Dollar,
Canadian $ I . f 3, Foreign $ 1 .26. Send that amount with
your name and address to Life Publishing Company, 1 7
West 31st Street, New York, and LIFE will comt to you
eccry week for three months. - ,
The conditions of this SPECIAL OFFER are:
. hit open only to netfsubKriben.
The subscription must come to us iirtct; not through an agent or dealer.
No subscriptions wil Ibe ttnuui at this rate.
Flo Vollan Year . For Sal Eoerywhtn t Ten Cent a Copy t Zhe M Jirtltlt t Zht geri Wtittn
Tennessee court of , chancery said:
"This will was written by the testator
with his own hand In th H-nHn
mansion at Washington at a time
wnen he was president of the United
States. lie was a lawrer of
nized ability, had filled many high pub
lic omces wun distinction and reflect
ed great honor upon his 'state. Ills
will was witnessed by a law partner
and a senator In congress and named
as executor one of the justices of the
supreme court of the United States.
It comes to us with the impression of
having beencarefully thought out to
fore it was formally put down and
published as his last testament"
Among other provisions his tome,
known as Polk Place, situated in the
city of Nashville, was given to his
wife for life, and upon her death It
was .bequeathea to the state of Ten
nessee In trust to be occupied and en
Joyed "by such one of my blood rela
tives having tbe name of Polk as may
by designated by the said state," and
If there were ho, blood relatives of
that name then "by such other of my
blood relations as may be designated
by the sold state to execute this trust"
The occupant was to keep the same
In repair and prevent It from dilapi
dating or falling into decay, to pay
the taxes and to preserve and keep In
repair "the tomb which may be placed
or erected over the mortal remains of
my beloved wife and myself and shall
not permit the same to be remove nr?
anv buUdintrs or other imorovemeuts
Uftd D. D. D. Six Months All Itch.
ing Gone.
This Is the actual experience of
Anne Croman, Santa Rosa, Cali, with
the wonderful D. D. D. Prescription,
D. D. D. is the proven Eczema cure,
the mild wash that gives instant re
lief in all forms of skin troubla : ;
Cleanses the skin of all Impurities
washes away blotches and pmples,
leaving the skin as smooth and healthy
as that of a child.
Get a 25c trial bottle of this" won
derful Eczema cure today and keep It
Jn the house.
We know that D. D. D. will do all
that is claimed for it.
The JJewlln Drug Co.
Have You Ever Tried Pre-f
ferred Stock Clara Chowder?!
..... . m
35c per Can It's Fine
Preferred Stock At paragus and As
paragus Tips.' Nice and Tender.
Crab Salad in 1 -pound Cans at 35c
Preferred Stock brand.
City Grocery & Bakery;
The Home of Fancy Groceries
bull, city scavenger. Anyone want
ing my service call up City Recor
der's offlct. .'..,
FOR SALE Several Philo System
chicken coops. New, cheap. Thos. S.
Harris, 1302 B. ave. Old Town.
FOR RENT Furnished and llht
housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E. C, Moore
1617 Fourth street
WANTED An experienced man to
graft apple seedlings. In the house;
Apply at once to J. B. Weaver & Sons,
Union, Oregon. , " j;
WANTED Woman to take care or
child evenings. Telephone Black 1182.
WANTED When you are in need
of help of any kind call the Crystal
Employment office. H. L. Clark, Man
ager, 209 Fir street. Phone Ind. 423
Bell Main 731.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Inquire at King's
Cigar factory. '
FOR RENT NIcp, new suite of
two rooms hot and cold water and
modern In every way. Also Borne new
ly furnished rooms with hot and cold
water. Apply at 905 Spring street,
Mrs. J. D. Snodgrass. ,
WANTED Bookkeeping or Steno
graphy work in the evening, by a
young man employed during the day.
Box 804. City.
For all kinds of
Tall l'a The
Central Messenger
and Delivery Co.
Office in Foley Bnlldlng
Phones, Main 709 Ind.
resolution . adopted by said Common W,IH'ff
uu w im ua ut euruary,
1911, whereby said Council determln-.
ed and declared its intention to Im
prove all that portion of "S" Avenue,
in Bald Improvement district as here
inafter described, by laying thereon
the south side, a board sidewalk, the
Council will, ten days after th-i ser
vice of this notice upon, the owners
of the property affected and benefit
ted by such Improvement, order that
said above described Improvement be
made; that the boundaries of said dis
trict to be so improved are as fol
lows.' ;; . ; ' v '.V, 'V .? ;
All that portion of "S" avenue, from
the east side of Monroe avenue to the
west elda of Spruce street
(A) And the property affected
or benefitted by said Improvement is
as follows: The north halt of blocks
148 and 149 Chaplin's Addition to the
Town of La Grande, Oregon.
.Notice Is hereby furtner given that
thci Council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefitted by such improvement for
the purpose of paying for such Im
provement. That the estimated cost of
such improvement is the sum of $180
That the Council wll Ion the 15th day
ofM arch, 1911, meet at the Council
chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.
to consider said estimated cost, and
the levy of said assessment, when a
hearing will be grantid to any person
feeling aggrieved by such assessment.
I& Grande, Oregon, February 20th,
. By C. M. HUMPHREYS. ' :
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. ,; . " ;
and there are many, In the man.
agement of a bank, is the per
sonal, painstaking care of its
officers. Recognizing 1 (his re.
sponslblllty, the officers of this
Institution keep themselves in
touch with every Important de
, tall of the business. And the
outcome! A generous, and a
steadily Increasing patronage.'
The United States!
National Bank.
We have a fresh supply
of Sunkist ,
:','.:' ' ' ? ' : ' :':''
Oranges and
50c Oranges 45c Dozen
40c Oranges 35c Dozen
35cXemon8 30c Dozen
We are Not in the Retail
Grocers' Association
Roy ai Grocery
H.Pittison, Prop,
That's What They All Say
LOST Gold watch. Masonic key
stone fob, Elgin make, initials H. D. B.
on back. Finder return to this office
and receive reward.
Xotice of Street Improvement ,
To whom It may concern: Notice is
hereby given that In pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the) City of La Grande,
Oregon, on the 1st day of February.
1911, creat'ng Improvement District
It's G ood For What Ails You
1 104
f 140,
te to- ,
.f T
It ion
f . ...
. ......
: of
. (ng
e .
ld 8 ,
No. 31, and designating "S avenue, as
such district, and In pursuance of a
,.i..v.-- .
- ' a
..... i