La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 21, 1911, Image 1

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    'ZtT -V'-: o1
v Hi 'Ml H f i( TTj
rrA A6Att?
Growth of Anarchy Laid at Door of
: . Present Cabinet and Other Troubles
' Causing Eruption In Japan Blamed
to Them Ktttsura at Heal of Those
r- rt anted Dismissed from Oftlce Ser
: lous Development Looked For.
Tokio, Feb. 21 Impeachment of the
Japanese cabinet beaded by Marquis
Katsura is demande In a Diet to
day, by constituents of the party. In
: the resolution the party declared the
cabinet Is responsible for the growth
of anarchism and for the : serious
schism among the people growing out
of, the contents of the new school book
. which partially attacks the Mikado's
right to his throne.
The- feud, dating- back to' the four
tAenth century is opened by the pas-
-Balge of the textbook of history .de
fending the royal pretenders who es
tablished the Northern dynasty the
Spogunate which appears side by
side with the account' of ' the reign
of the house of which- the Mikado is :
a descendant Both dynasties are Jus
tlflf d In helr efforts to erasp the
throne and the matter is left cneri.
. This la causing . mcJv excltement.and
a serious consequence may follow.- ,
V 'in i ..., i-,---
Governor West Will not Interfere With
" Eastern 4 Oregon ' Asylum. ;
i -.. '".-v v.
, Pendleton, Feb, 2 (SpeciaD-r-In an
. Interview with the Pendleton East Ore
ronlan yesterday afternoon ; . Ralph
Watson,1 private 'secretary "stated in
behalf of Governor West, that - the
chief executive will approve of the ap
propriation of $331,000 for Eastern
Oregon branch asylum. At this time
the bill has not beeto signed but there
Is no doubt aa to the governor's atti
tude. Governor , West also ... stated,
through his secretary, that, the state
board will get busy at once on work
looking to building the branch asy
lum. A representative of the) board
will arrive In Pendleton within a. few
. days. " .
, v ,. ::
Original Squad Has Dwindled to Nine.
. ty and March Resumed Again
Montague, Calif., Feb. 21 Ninety
Industrial Workers of the World, the ' auction or seven cent tn wheat- r'n
remalnlng few of the 200 whb started ! rflsentatlves f frmers and Master
out from Portland, . continuing their
Journey toward Fresno today after a
short Test here A squad of railrorid
rectelves la following them on- trains:
The I. W. W. hope to make trouble In
Fresno,:' i ' '.. . ...
Sesttle Grand Jury Calls Men Alleged
tf HaTe Pol 1 Weekly Tribute.
Seattle, F 1. 21 A secret session of
the grand Jury,, investigating the' cor-'
ruptlon and-vke charges, against; the
police department, had several big sa
loon me, before It today. A number of
policemeii wtlre alsq called. It Is al
leged some of them, collected weekly
tribute from the underworld and turn
ed the money over to their superiors.
. Exploiting nppe Michigan.
Menominee, Mich.. Feb. 21 Dele
gates from many cities and towns at
tended a meeting here today to com
plete the formation of the Upper Pea J
Insula Publicity Leane, The new or-;
ganlzatlon will conduct a systematic
advertising cammalgn'to exploit the
agricultural and Industrial resources
of npper Michigan.
it" "
Auditorium. Dining Room and Guild
: Room Form the Central Portion .
Blueprints of the proposed Guild
hall to be constructed on Fifth street
between Washington and 'Spring
street have been f repared by the Wil
liamson land office from flans drawn
by Architect Slater and jr splendid"
notion of what the building Is to be.
Is dlscernable. The main entrance will
be on Fifth street but the structure
is to bei laid' out on the L. plan and
two rooms will flank the auditorium
r : .-.
proper and mvww , ?zz.i
the dining room on one side and
the Guild room on the other will be
had along cement walks leading from
Fifth stre-.t to each side of the build'
Ing, The auditorium is to be 28x56
with cloak room and parcel room be
fore it The guild room is to be 27x14
wita an opposite room Known as din
ing room just across the auditorium
and of the same size as the guild room.
In the' rear ylll be kitchenand appur
tenances.. The various elevations are
shown and brand the 'building as
planned along graceful lines. !
Urge Against Extra Session f the
Legislature.- as ! Disastrous. .
s Washington,- Feb. 21 Following a
conference with President Taft this
afternoon .Senator Carter of Montana
announced the reciprocity agreement
would"bex ratified by the senate be
fore It adjourned.. It Is expected that
Hepburn who will lead the opposition
as Idaho Is solidly against the bill.
Washington, Feb. 21 Fearful of
business disturbances If an extra ses
slon of congress 1s called, agents for
the money kings aro today ibringlng
every possible pressure . to bear . on
President Taft to induce him to fore
go his declared purpose of calling an
extra session, 'no matter what action
is taken on his reciprocity agreement
and other pet measures. '
Business men say the sesstda would
' make business unsettled. The prel-
dent has not Indicated whether h"
will carry 'his threat Into execution
or not. ; . , . 'l '. ;
, Declaring th introduction of Can
adian reciprocity has. caused the re-
Granges. br N , T. Patchelder,
master of tj National granee.; todav
potlflori th s'nflte finance winlttee
ft. their orennlntlon would th
btU to i finish! "The trtv Is decld
efllv unfair fo the American farmers"
said the leaders. r :
, - Meeting of Illinois Miners; ;
Springfield, 111., Feb. 21 Delegates
to the twenty-second annual conven
tion of the United Mine. Workers of
Illinois assembled in this city today
and were called to order by President
John Walker. No matters of igr eat Im
portance are slated for consideration
at the convention this year,, but as
there is a large amount of routine
business demanding attention It will
probably be several days before ; the
sessions are concluded. Several propos.
ed changes lt the constitution of the
organization will be discussed and
acted - upon. : , ' ' , '-'
;V Abnml to TIsH Amerlta
London, Feb.' 21 It is reported
from Romr today that Duke d'Abruizt
i has obtained a leave of absence from
' command and will spend a month or
more visiting the family of the late
Senator Elklns.
KFIDa flllD It
tm6 has btartlmg A mount of
Freedom--Free ? Access to all Navy
Secrets-Knox is Silent
Washington, Feb. 21 That secreU
of the American navy have b;n trad
Ad fnr ; ;iiti.;Viae
chief beneficiary of which Is the Beth
lehem Steel, company. Is the sensa
tional charge brought against Secre
tary of State Philander C. Knox ana
Secretary of the Navy, Von ' Me-er.
The vessels are now under course of
contructlon In the Fore river yard?
at Qulncy,. Mass.v and the yards of
the New York Shipbuilding company.
The vessels are for" Argentic "and It
was because of promises of open nd
froc aooess. tb" the American; n?vy by
the -State department that the rnti
tract was given,' it is charge! One
the Phlpa are built, there is no traar
antee that the vessels cannot be pur
cliased by Ja?an or some other pow
er. The head of the Bethlehem ':eel
- . . . n
I'om"rny la Charles Schwab aal I'not
w3 formerly his attorney. He Wf us
ed U be interviewed. on the prnposl-
tlon. " ::
German Girl JTeglected by Well Known
i Author After Short Tme;
New Tork, Feb. 21 Weeping almost
constantly, Anna Gruspan, tAtlfylng
today. In her $100,000 breach of prom'
ise suit against William English Wal
ling, the socialist and author, said
that Walling had given her 100, francs
to relinquish her claims upon him..
She said that she yielded to his love
In Berlin in 1905 and he sent her to
school in Paris to 1 am English. Fin
ally he disappeared but she found him
on - the streets six months ago.. He
wept and told her he was already
married but did not love his first wife,
being enraptured with Anna's wonder
ful sociallstlo ideas. ' ; :
. Later he disappeared again and fin
ally ent her iflO francs after she had
been disgraced and could not return
to her home. :
lather Issues Affidavits Stating His
Belief of Foul Play Somewhere ;
. New York, Febi 21 Affidavits stat
ing his believes his "daughter Dor
othy was murdered, were made today
for District Attorney Whitman ty
Francis Arnold the. millionaire, and
father of the missing heiress. Urging
action of the authorities, Arnold said
he had information that she was kid
napped from -Fifth avenue bee, 12.
and was convinced she was murdered
later. He said he would spend every
dollar he had to avenge herdeath.
D. (Dave) Clarkv proprietor ana
manager of the Cove Mercantile com-:
pany at Cove has been named .County
assessor to succeed T. A. Rlnehar
who leaves March first to accept an
appointment as state land agent un
der tho West regime. The appointment
wae made by County Judste J.- C. Hen
ry this .afternoon following a long
perusal, of the list of petitions before
him. The appointment brings to La
I Grande one of the Industrious and en
I terprlsing businessmen of the Cove
iin is cimncE
New York Feb. 21 Admiral Gaivla,
chii? of the AraentlnA ntu
the Construction, of war vessila Is here
today and admitted It was of tho state
department that secured the contnja
for the United States: . ; ; - ;
He sald:;. V'.V . -..-'r'
"I met Secretary Knox in Washing
ton and was Introduced to Secretary
Meyer. I was Informed that confiden
tial relation)! had been established be
tween thtjnited States and Argen
tine which ar? extraordinary. The Un
ited States Minister, Mr.; Sherrill, at
Buenos Ayres, . obtained remarkable
concessions , from your government.
We have carte blanche to all Infor
mation of your navy department has
and art free to call for drawings, de
vices or expert advice. We have been
allowed to put our naval officers aboard
your ships to study your navy and
methods. These new ships will be the
most powerful in "the world. ?
Would Apply Lynch Laws to Protect
' ' White and Indian Girls There.
Salem, Feb. 21 Citing the murders
and assaults upon Indians and White
girls end attempted murder for which
the guilty escape with slight sentence
or none at all, a number of prominent
settlers of, the Siletz reservation in
Oregon today appealer to the gover-
nor to aid the lawlessness on the res-
ervation. They threatened, to apply
the lynch law unless the officials take
cognlzanc? of the situation., In a long
communication they set forth a num
ber of times and declare that the auth
orities do not attend to the cases.
Mexican Government Preparing to De
capitate Hundreds Tomorrow.
Calixlco, Oal., Feb. 21 Reports that
hundreds of political and non poli
tical persons will be executed at En-
clnda by the Mexican government or-
flcials tomorrow were brought here oy
refugees today. A party of four nun
fleeing . from , Esclnda besought the
consul. General Leyva to prevent the
proposed slaughter. .. ,;,
Bell Deal Pending.,
' New York, Feb. 21 The proposition
to combine the B-'ll and Independent
telephone Interests has not been drop
ped. It was learned today that a gen-
tleman's agreement had been , mad.'
4 and that the rate cutting and unnec-
Lessary competition would be abolish
ed." 'i: ' ';-'
side of .the valley he-has built-up a
business in the little fruit town that
is ranked .'with the biggest of the
county. ,' ;.. .; ..
The Cove Mercantile store and stock
will be disposed of by a sal a to be in
augurated in a few days and Mr. Clark
hopes to clean up his business, re
lations on the other side of the val-
ley as soon as possible. He will also
devote' the remaining days of Ir.
RIneharts regime to acquaint himself
tnore fully with the details of office.
Booster Vrhley of Baker Here to in
vestigate Proposed Combine
' Probabilities of La Grande Joining
with Baker. In exploiting- Baker and
Cnloti couutles through the medium ol
an automo'j'le tour across the cont'
nent are'jw'ng Investigated today b'
twKin conrerences of local commer
t'al club members and A. S, Ashlev,
publicity manager of the commercl-il
club at Baker. Mr.' Ashl;y has "V
tvlp across the contjnent well In hand
bnt La.Gr;-r.d will be given a chaho
w. combln with the project and con
iuuuy nap its snare or xne pro
fits accruing from such a Junket.
It Is the plan of the Baker boos'er
to start an automobile loaded with lit
erature from Eastern Oregon and
turn its nose toward , the rising sun.
All sections of the middle, west and
eastern states as well will be visited
and lectures delivered by the men in
charge of the car. The ; advertising
would undoubtedly be a novel scheme
and La Grande's final action In this
matter will likely bn decided tonight
when the commercial club meets for
transaction of much important busi
ness.' '. '" i ::' ','':';
Fears Law Would' Tend to Give Demo.
' a cratg Power In Assembly, v '
; Des Moines, Feb. 21 Governor Ear-'
roll aDpeared personally before i the
state assembly today and read his ve
to of the Oregon primary bill which
Democrats and Progressives have pas
aed. The governor said he feared the
law might result in the Democrats
controlling the next election. : . ,
It is Just possible the measure will
bet passed over, the Governor's veto.
In any event the veto created an enor
mous stir tor the Democrats and In
surgents had Just been congratulating
themseles on their successful efforts
to enact the. Oregon law when the gov
ernor exploded his veto bombshell. "
In explaining his veto Carrol said
the adoption of the Oregon primary
law would amount to virtually amend-
i . - - ... .
cess or law. He also contended that it
would tend to cheapen the popular re
sect for It
New Orleans Promise of Better WV nth.
X er but , Damage . Is Great.1"'
New Orleans, February 21-r-Though
,warmer weather Is predlcted.' thrre Is
no end to the cold snap which has on-
talned here for three days and in all.
gulf states as well. Crop damage is al
ready enormous.
Race War Cropping Out as Result of
Nationality Big Fight Tonight
. London, Feb. 21 Race prejudice is
cropping out here today as the result
of the scheduled fight tonight between
Lang and Larugford, the prize fighters.
Langford Is the favorite five to four in
betting. More than $175,000 is wagered
and last night the big delegation of
women visited Langford, and told Sam
they hoped he would get whipped.
Mississippi Masons. ,
Gulfport, Mich., Feb. 21 A week of
much interest to Masonic circles In
Mississippi 'was ushered In here today
with the meeting of the Masonic grand
I lodge.' The Mystic' Shriners and other
I bodies affiliated with the Masons will
I hold their annual sessions during the
session :
Retlew of Principal Bills Passed unjoj
t'l .tiC.XUT C u AMname of -Jieasf
ures that PastJ the Two Houses
List SIiaws Who Introduced .EHN
and How They Were Treated by the
House and the Senate..
Salem, Feb. 21 The twenty-sixth ses
sion of tte C.?C':a I2::re passed ,
Into history t3 -is. neat expensive the
state, has .ever ifcea.' lie taxpayers
will be cal'-ed. urcn to kce appropria
tions i approximating; JS,100,0U0,' or
about $l,000,DOi .sucre than tne pre
ceding sesaioa.: Wiile ciarges of ex
travagance - have " tec lrcey - made, .
when the growth ";nd ;.:cevelcpment of:
the state Is' cens dercd, pe.iiaps the :
appropriations . should not be consid
ered extremely excessive.
; All of the institutions fared well
and the ; TJnlveral'y of Oregon and'
Oregon Agricultural College fared bet
ter than ever before, the only cut in .
the main requests of either being
$12,000. from, the estimate of the uni
versity. Then that . Institution re
ceived J503.253 and the Oregon Agri
cultural College 1410,000 . from actual ;
appropriations aside from the cont!nu-
trig appropriations. ;; v , ,
: Principal 'Bills Reviewed.;
Among th Important legislative en
actment's f were jthe good roads laws,
extension of fee powers of the Rjll
road Commission to all puMIc utlBty
corpoyatJloni; "second choice 'in, pri
marfomlnatlonsplaclng'the Stat
printer on a flat salary, providing
state purchasing board, prohibiting a
salaried, state officer from furnishing
supplies 'to the state, creating1 the
office of Assistant Secretary of State,
providing a method for creating new
counties and , appropriating $20,000 to
be disbursed by a state immigration
agent In exploiting officially the re
sources of the state.
The state banking law has been '
amplified in many important respects,
guaranteeing, to depositors . greater
protection. It provides that all pri
vate banks shall be examined by ex-
nerienced bank examiners under the
Ml . , . .
direction of . the Superintendent of
Banks. The only bill to be forced'
through, the legislature over the veto ;
of Governor West was that abolishing
the Whipping ' post. ' ; .
Election Laws Amended.
1 A bill requiring electors to desig
nate their second choice in primary
nominating elections for every office
for wnlcn tnere ar8 more lhan twlcfl
number of candidates for the of
flce to be. filled, other laws amends
tory of the election laws of the state
were passed also. One: provides for
the rotation of name's on the' official
ballot In all primary nominating elec
tions.' ' '. . - "
While a reapportionment bill, re
distrlctlng the state Into senatorial
and representative districts,, was not
passed, the Legislature did redlstriet
the state Into Congressional districts,
making Multnomah the Third district.
First Congressional district under this
bill, consists of the counties of West
ern Oregon, excepting Multnomah
alone, while the Second Congression
al! district Is made up of all of the
counties east of the Cascades.
With a few minor omissions the fol-,
lowing is a list, of bills filed by Gov- ,
emor with the secretary, of state and
which will become law:
1. Libby To protect women and
girls from being enticed . Into white