La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 17, 1911, Image 1

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    5 !
Ufei: toll klll'lMHli?
r- V
" I
i'iitii riiix,
'.'.'-':' r , , , ' w"'
' Jive hundred and the instrumentalists
probably one httr.cjied. . ;
J : The "nucleus ot the 'cholr will nat-!
! urally be the Westminister Abbey ,
singers, who. will, be relhforcer by i
the choirs 'of St Paula cathedral,' the
Chapel .Royal uX other, Sources - l.a.
the Provinces. ::Tha ..Orchestra,, i'a
-which the, trumpeters will have a
conspicuous part, -will' be mada u$-of
musicians from the King's Private
ai.oleiypandL'ith fooll? Hall
School of "Military Music. ; ';,--'
i T?ie Chief . f eatures, of; the. .sp-jw:ftl
ritual will' be the anthems specially
composed for the occasion. . by -Sir
Frederick Bridge, Sir Walter Parratt,
and ,Slr' "George "nLn 'the'- three
greatest ; organists or ,ngianac..oir
Frederick Bridge will be selected to
composethe .anthem ..which , will slg:
nalize the entrance of the royal party
Into Westminister Abbey. This re
calls an interesting and time-honored
II.' i
-,- . . -. . -
TlTlth Plague and resilience Prefri
lng in China Russia Sees Iler Op
portunity to, Force Treaty GlTing
her Free Trad with Mongolian and J Midwir In the anthem a break
Other Dfstrrct-Tnde Sam; Would i 4tn.ih-i.:ft ThaV the' bovsof
Wea-.minlster school may exercise t'irr
anclenjt privilege of greeting their
Jfaturallj'-lFaTor CTilneu
London, Feb. : 7Xn;; European
chancellories today sent warnings to
i Russia to jjrooeed cautious at heri
f. s military pemonstratlonj against; ya
I na. English papers- particularly ars
apprehensive at Russian moves thatj4
ir uencea. ; ' -,'.-''
. .. ., . j
; Takes j Advantage jof Plague. H
s - "Pekln, Feb.' it Se'ml-fflcial "state-
:f ., ments are .madeher. today ,that the,
S Russian threat M inUoded to take afl
F -r vantage of the plague'-and faaaine to
J ' force China to renew its treaty ot
i( 1&81. .erantina Russia fre irade tn
K , -Mongolia iad4 other tcWasiitona..'
ft - well. For nearly a year negotlons on
ii the treaty have been progressing slow--1
ly' and. China-1 has shown ; anlsnwll-
" " " Iingness to submit to Russia V "d9-
! i manila; the Aetermlridtlon' to act
JilaJestieB by shouting , "Vlvat Regtna
Maria," ."Vivat Rex Georgus.'.'
IllftlrllSI MFH
ill PEARY Hi'
put fake ' hero3 u;on piunaclt-i or
i fame." ' ' - ; 1
In' conclusion Macon saij t'aere a3
a "paid lobby" of the IVary Arctic
Club and frlencU of ' the-explorer at
work "staking 'to coax action out
of congress." -. ' . ' '' - ; ; ; '
' V Peary's Friend - IU tort. 1
Several friends of' Peary- tetof
holly, among them Moore of Penh'
vahiai who' characie'rlEt-d the p
as "unjust, outrageous, oirens
Heroes like these have not thej
to del with- every dog that barl; :
their "heels.". '-''.' '' - - . .
'as i !
S I H i I i
1 H
Congressman Bonnet Introdu
la Ilouse That Provides for -Annex.
. atlon cf Canada hut It Is fVedllf
SUM Inp Committee England
Fears There Is More Behlci Move-
ment Thn?, Publicly Known.n
-J ;4 :0 : y ? ' 4 V: r
First Strife ponies aAshland Where
. i.;J Xev are Thrown off Trian. .,
.vfSSttjngipn I! eD. 17 ne House
today on foreign affairs, on. presi
dent T&tCrgent requests: Toted
8oThJthV.Beiijriet resolution (qt Can
ada's annexation by a vote of nine o
one.; ., :. ;. j " - - ,
t Ilk.'..,. 7..l. . . .. 14 . .
"Vlctoria.ifeb.' 17 Liberals, af a pub
lic meeting last night, unanimously
.endorsed the 'reciprocity, agrelment.
. ngland SerloastfjDJsturied.
' Ihdon,eV.'I7Seribus consider
ation is given today by. tha venlnj
: Standard, conservatlveof Congress
pian Bennett's proioarto unite Can
Ada and America. tfraaVs: neea
rnot stippoBeu that Champ- C&rk 'or
Bennet hae unfriendly sentiments to
ward England or that they proppsa Jo
Senator Haoon -Attacks Character tit
Peary and InTlltes; Rooserelt as a
Parading . Hero who hns Failed to
Iake; Good Editors Given Terrific
GrilllBg by Infuriate Macon In a
.Speech In, the Senate. 1 1
! 'V i Hi'
p '. !,-,. :s ;? . v.- ,... t-
Big Shipments from Orient .Come In.'
-" Jurlously Prv)mred 'by, Growers. ' .'
Washington, Feb., 17- Eitlicr i; "ii
growers t China and Japan must; &hd
another way to colir tea or cease ck
porting tea to America The tea board
of the treasury department has decid
ed colored tea is injurious." ; y , ,
f. , .-Japan last 'y?ar sold us forty-six
million pounds, half of which was
colored. , 1 ' .
ii 0
ts looked upon as the ' last d?perate
means to force the coiFVessionl. .
intimated that C!n JMui : resnts;by
very means, to aerfc warr trusnghe
other power of the country Sill tn-
Jrveflte. V ,: ''v' jf -', I
C .TncleSSifmfjmp-athetlcJ ' : 1
Washlffgton.ek-Mrhe stjte de
partment exgects hburly to getjan ap
peal from Chlna'forlireagalBst the
menace otthusf hvasloi Sym-.
pathy neliwitnhlna an lis
- not improbable' that the UnitedStatea
..... r
. Sacramento, Feb. 17 Companies A
ft-iil n nf Rnddlne and (ihlco! cillfori
nla have 'been order i0'6 "bH reaU-j
ness toaay- to- intercept w nuuu iai
Wwkera-of : the !?VoyldKwhO ftte'n
fifcifnt!iralnaenrout ifl .RreaiAti'
iii?iit the ; aiitirStreet,; Speaking j ord't
nuriopsTThe 'meOeTt'Tdftrand-ytster-dayj
!'x:"':I r--T,-,J Vpv-'V
V "Meet'trouble' f A'shland)
.1 A?nlandi Feai7-5r he .IniHBtrial
ariwyj traveling; to. j California,
thrav:n ofE;the frelghf trsjlna as;Ash-
Jand , thls morning and hav.e congre
gated down the track., Soon afterwards
a huge fire of dhrls was kept going
n the mainline and It stopped the
next freight. The train was compelled
VO prOCcBU wilU mew uu wiiu.
The Southern Pacific will make an
other attempt' to throw them off at
Dunsmtiir. '. :J'' '5f:,,-V,,-
; :i rA fcnctiox j laege
Preparation for tii Coronation. Cere
A 4 mony Progres8ln Satisfactorily-'
'.. . Londoiu.Febl7-At, the.approach-
' ing coronatioh no less than $1,000,000
will b:ppent.m;'thriflay4'nd;nlght
.- decorations of . the streets of Ufid me
tropolis by wibVc89dtiafr business
firms, not to mention ptivateenter
prises. Judging bfthj .enthusiasm
with wjfcg iJratttiA icheme
have already been taken ud te fi
almost transformed. -
- While the details of the plan have
. not " been definitely settled . lertain
leading features ptthe feneral icheme
MeT'oratlQUttk rtualry Wen adJ
opted. It Is probable the city Fill he.
iivl(fx1 Into legions with InaKolflcent
ion. The streets of the westS endy
' through which tha coronation proces
sions will pass, will be Hneg with
, rows of Veiitlan inats connect-M with
noraKiaflauls laniL topped b$f flags
renresenting air portions of tU em
' Gratlfyin 5 progress is repoiied In
' ' ' the prenartlon of the musical Sltua1
oLJthe 'coronation ,ervica,.As already
'Antinunped tne musical iproxraniniw
iVlrhRlrmd4al8ona largefll
. -than ;at.;thj coronation ;of cth Kt
Wnrf. Th amgera win numoer aimosi
if '.v.s-:
"Washington Feb. 17 A bitter de
nunciation: of Captain Robert E. Peary
as a "fake hero who by means ot
an" "impossible 1 tale seeks recogni
tion by congress "for an alleged dla
cov'eryi, bf the north ipole; was given
tl u uutin 1M eiiwiuwuiw att
by' Congressman Robert Bnice Macon
(democraV Arkansas fr' speakfhg :op
posttion':to the bill reported 'by the
commmittoe on haval affairs" retiring
the" rear ' admiral ; and granting him
the thanks of conigress".
Macon's speech- abounded In acri
monious criticism and sarca8m?-He1'One TJionRand'Amer:cans"are Jolnins
npcfaLfkl Mo ' romflrVa 'hv "tint fihfltH I, 'i' tr frtrp nt)i ITikhol 'f.nilfl.
F.v.-v ... v.- .
at' newspaper editor who "have made ,(f ".?, - V. '';"'i-'.'rr.:'t'v
fun of hl8 opposition in Peary. fr;, n EM'aso.j Feb; 17 A courier arrw-
i - jjflj today.- says- General Miidero. t5
accept his or their design by annexij- uiffihere ftf6 thcJuaailds W ' human be J rebel,' has taken: tha'i field pe-rsonaJly
n wiiitthfnTfMtijit .fl I An about this and is 'commanduiz tlx. hundred men
v r -
pfesslbnswhat thonaatila bf''Ajmer
cans are saylnr'prlyatelr: 'Th Lrh-,:
erar'AreaB"1 regards Benhett'a ' rso4u-,
tloir by llleeltm'ats ' meahif. tut' thw
l , - - . , . y , , A' ' "l '"O" UV W ' J U W V I " f '
are not going when the publicly ex-4, niatrer," said 'Mawft ''Becaus' rl at :Guadaloupe, and it; preparing, to
would' not accept' tha unsupported march lnto; Chihuahua,"It Is repqlteij
ahd "nn'reasonable t&W of' Peaty "ahl jthat 'forty-two Americans aecompajltiS:
allow great honors to-be heaped up- rBlanca. Aha Arb.cbi haVe Joined it!
1 --.ta: .ton'. Mm yttnoutoWratkki 6ome the feldreTieTS "fihcr are ready! to
'i.otthb newspapers of the country, like-fsr'lvfb7 (5Ahu2iAiV6d 'stroh!
i the uNew 'York"! ?Times : and" the New Navarro -arjuarei is reported
York. Post that ax edited by pea-eyed, I have sent'lOi" men to Guadeloupi
Big Tarnfral 'of Sports.
A- .-';- - ' .
rortlaudj'Money P;ud fo liftCK'std for
Bribing Senators in-FIjht jAgalnst-
.1 Antl.Cttrruption . JUasnres TtestJ.
. money Asked fvr Ilonse Approprl-
Hts' Honey Oi' A .C! ' Ot-U a Ilijr
Slice for Annual Maintenance.
Salem, Feb. Yl-G rover Fraser, head
of the labor; legislative tommlttee to
day, requested .the; .senate to, investi
gate the, charge that njoney had been
used by. corporations to infiuene'e leg
islation.. In a letter to .Prestdent Ben
1 Hetung.ot .tno senate, raser Tquesv -
that, witnesses galled JtO; tesUfy
concerning the rumor that ? 17,000 had .
been taken from ..Portland? to bribe
senators and members of the house to
fight-;, against ; legl8lattpni tending to .
work hardships on the corporations.
t; Ilouse .Appropriate Money
. The house ; today ; made- appropria- (
tlons. Th lasaaa trylam got ?
000 and ihe; Agricultural; college at
CoryallU got 570,00Q, Other, state ln
situtlcss gof large strms-bringing th
' total up to a.mlllipn; and a- Jilf in all
for the day, .. . :
Lord audLadjr Dedes" off for Egypt.
. New York. Feb., 17 The finest suite
on the Cunard Liner armanla, which
Is to ,aall from New York tomorrow;
for Mediterranean ports, has been re
served for Lord pecies! and hla bride,
who was Miss Helen Vivien -Gould.
Lord and - Lady1 Dedes plan to spend
the entire "spring and early summer
In i "the land'bTthe PlaroahsTLeaving
the steamer('at. Alexandria, they will
gb to' Cairo fojr rfw Veekijpjd then
continue their 0JouVneV::' into apper
Egypt 'wiia"-va'.vou. e vjic'i "-
mate destination. '
a :m J , rv- J, ," ,. -;
and Mm Kaul go IntoEffect
Bar toJIonor Justice- Hughes,
, New Aock, Eeb. .17 Some of
,( New yorkr ,Fb, l7 Seldom haaW-'
r aUj. athletic meet,brougnt togetner
Jiuchf' a irge, numbej of rclasByl ath
letes jm ,those, jWho will compete w
morrow. night' at the". annua Indoor"
games b, the liyrr York Athletic club,
In Madison Square Garden. Seventeen
events will be decided and In each of
them some of the greatest athletes of
the country will compete'-, Among the
star performers will be, Johnnyj Klf
patrlck, , Yajle'a - great all-round; athlete;-
''Bill1' Coe, the-Boston ehot-put"
ter: Freddie1, Bellars. the New . York
Athletic Clubs champion runner, and
Maltland Dwlght,1 the Princeton hurd
ler.--"' :-;; '. ;;;; ''; , :i'Vv-';
t;"WWle:; everyone of; the events will
bring out the big fields ot the best In
their respective classes there Is one
event scheduled that already ts at
tracting ' an .extraordinary amount of
attention' . This is the big intercol
leeiate relay race In which the col.
ors of Harvard, Cornell and Pennsy
vanla will-be, seen. Jt will be th; first
time (tht. Harvard and ...Pennsylvania
Ht cMnnetedln majpr event jslocflt
1 904.r.: As jth? ;f ane-virtually decides
the;lndoor chamBionship each of the
imlversltles tsxpujtnt; out,' Us bet
luartei. and if any-llne can be paf-
Uyftl .Beetn sure tp;:ensu -
piri-headed and u'trtd tongiied itffln-' retiM-'Tlhft'dty.'-''v.-.r;;-'''': 1'
ltesimals.hav.ebeem trying o peri -Ua? jl'ptfj y;-y VV', '';':.';:.; t
:uad-the; public" to tveliev that I am; f1'' m Gfetlf Improved.
almost alone In the bosittbn I haVe' ' - Rotne Feb.' '17 The" pope'is griat-
; . i.-.M.y.ixf Sb A-'i .t
DrignieYiP j j uvu ,npt) ceytllng' the on
and ba'wm.SStafr about tha jban- eayVnla, iay-c
iquet uj)wu at mo iici Dk,j
CinwniirM to do hoEbr fci Jtotifa James
rH. Hughes of the Supreme "court, of
thUa4tedStaUaH.ThQCcalon will
bef tluf annual ? dinnaf .-qt tie Bar'of
Nw. ork,, whkb, thi'year ecled-ib
make Justice Hugnes me guepi .vi
Honor? ff udgV -'Altthf B.' i PaVket will
Sres We .and : among. the distinguished.
speakers will be Governor u c, ai;
torney'-'OenefarVickeriBham an Hbn,
Joseph. H. qhoate- u,. ir,
'. (i i Trl-State League ioi Session. r
. Harrlsburg, ,Pa., Feb. Wh
the baseball cluha in the'clrculi' rep'
resented" th4' schedule feieetihg M the
Tri-gtat lt$W ha ; here
Now thai the financial affairs r J (
johnstowti''clu'b; have' foeetf tisfac-
toTily" stralghtenedout" th'-yarlous
club owners and managers of the
Oi mostlfeUccesstjUjffleascmf m me
IlSbry otHteWgfnffoio',,
.j,;v-jv.i.-- M
b!Albert 'jk MlnKlfFefi. Itf-Dele
tes representing the branches of ,th?
tbroughp . tt. Minnesota arrlTed hejre'lh
large nvmbera. today to. take part In
:so aunut l convention of, their stafe
iirgaBizatJpii,,, Beginning , with a ' wel
i ome demonstration tonightithej sm-
tons wllj continue until Sunday, .clos
na Sunday evening with a farewell
njeetlng at which many noted speak
ers"will be heard.,";v ;?4 '-rOW--'
-University Organ Dedicated. ;
i San "Jose; CaV Feb.'-17 Clarence
Eddy'the famous ' Chicago organist, to San Jose today1 to assist at
th dedication of tho new pipe organ
Installed In' the chape! of 'the Univer
sity of the Pacific; The now, organ la
one of., the 'largest and costliest In
fttrumenU of Its kind Id the west
f nVeh. Hut: . sirs.? if '; then5 could ' read I lr ' imnrbved itttf'-hV 'was allowed to
tha; vast; number' .of'- petitions,' letters leave! his bedfof' ft stort time "today1,
abd newsnaper I clippings' I tiave're- ; .'-'Til -''7 ' X
celved from every s quarter "Of nearly r Alabama Has Temperance Dhr'
ofota 'i tha IIMla fi'tnTn' ' wnuld I-. IW-nnierimorv ' Afa' B'h' 17 "Tem
V , V 1 J DlHkl WMV - ... V I , .
change their weak mlnda about the perance Day" having for its object
matter, Jf there - la strength tenongh the spread of the temperance doctrine
left In them to-clmnge."' fifo, ; . was observed with special exercises
. : . -.JPiiW Saiarr 23 Years. ;' ' In all the public schools of Alabama
"Peary roamed - the fields' :'bf , tae today In the same manner that A$j
north, getting : rich- as a fur ' tradet day" la belebrated In (the. most of Ithe
while the neonle were naylng hlm; a states. The annual observance as
lut salary t for' 23 years," Macon con- established by Act 01 tne leg's
tlnued. The Arkansas member declar- In 1909.' 7
d that hla story of reaching the pole,
was "wonderful, to put It mildly" and j : ! Illinois, : Jurists Ilonored
compared, It with, a s piece of fiction '"; Springfield, ill!. Feb. 16 Wlttuln
where some Imaginative .writer' he Iterestlng exercises' and In' the presfttcu
made the norm poie ine sam oi aioi a Bei .jbhwuuj, wi iu
monarchy'.' " - v ."' , , ; and- bar, portraits -of 1 all - the ."-former
' "1" also remember to have read., al Justices, oMhe :Sur.r;.m9, Court of 111;
novel' written In ' tlie first person I nols . were unveiled this afternoon, in
whose h'er9 was.abbmba'8t)c.up3art theupeme four. -room aths .state,
and' Draggart'whV never knew defeat honsi Th exe!sesormed-a feajure
or met an equal, wacon s&ia, "n i or in annual nieeung ui
yet the self exaltedV.eeir puff?d "lets State Bar Association: npwrjn sewSon
of the self oninionatea hero or Tpat nere,
hook does not n. any way or in ny
degree excel the Belt told deeds oLthe
wonderful hero who penned the: JJar-
ratlve of ''The North Pole. " ; ;!.
: Commenting upon heroes jn ' fjeaer
al and fake heroes in particular la-
son said:',;,. ;.; .',;.' . .X '
;'' ' Roosevelt Scoffed at , ,
; "San Juan H11 had one of theeafor to arrive. . .
a time, but upon Investigation It a
oKnwn ttt ha would have been!-- a I More F2re Protection.
Spanish prisoner Inetead of.' an Amer- P?A.' Foley, 'proprietor 'of the1 Foley
lean hero if it 5 hadnt been for lhe hotel Jias added Jnore flreroteotlpn
"Less than a year ago a conqoer- a double nozzle stand pl'p"e onXdams
lng hero , of birds, and beasts marcied j with standard couplings."; He has also
forth from the Jungles of Africa ni j had put In on the main floor; two more
crossed, the European contlbenbiWlthl water connections of most Improved
majestic tread. -.Finally. he landed -Jup-I pattersn with quick hose ; ; connec
on our snores, wnwre ne wm wiwuy i nona.
thousands of hero worshlnperB who
received Wm as an uncrowned m-l " Literary Program Today
peror. , But it was not many moons I Sophomore and Junior classes, as a
before' many of those who paid fjlm J literary body,' today:bonducted a very
homage upon that occasion hung their I nieasant program at the high school
heads and tried to forget it Thus tlThs progrsm, was Interesting Sttd en-'
will be seen that It will not do to I tertalnlng throughout
by Orders" of Conunlssfoa.
toi 1 hlin.; itV-Th Ic and
foe a common, carrier . to charge more
fur.a.-Sbort.liaulhaU'a-Wag' fiiul ov-
er the' same line and iu the sme dl
rection? Went'ln'tb Jfecf today, ffhls Is
"provided'. for' b;4hei Intfrrs'tat$ com- -
merce- commission. j (.r -
9 Making Many Improvement. -The
firm of Henry & Carr Is mak
ing -many improveihertts on thb Inter
ior $bt their 1 bdilding Including fe
palptlng frompthe frontjdoor to the
basement. This is Jn preparatlon: for
the! large furniture'; shipments' iioon
fiS BIffl
1 " " A'- ' - .s .ft'
,; SYNDICATE4 19'. 'RE AYt ' -; ,';
Grand Jury Belitg ' Drawn To3ny to
;. Probe Alleged Confessions. '
MSeMfe' reh.? lf-TH-; gran4 ' Jury .
which will Investigate the vlcetyndi-
rate ,InoaelsrhIng. seleclcd to
lls y. Tle,MerJtity ofthe men stmimon-
d for duty is kept, secret to prevent
tampering; Evidence is plenty, iiUud
iny eighty alleisjed rconfesslonsf gath-
ered by peteclve Bqrne., t 1
'It is' report today that .mjch of
the evidence ga"i .ysred against Cue so
called vice ring wai secured bolurns
'operatives' who masquerade : as
wealthy brokers and who did npthlng
but haye a 'good tlm'e.' ; ;; J
Interurban to Fight Steam ICad9
'r?U-:'V.Vi1W v;.. '.'' '2 ---
, Chicago, Jll.,,Fpb. 47 With I view
to presenting tr'uhtted front Io the '
steam roadsr-reDrestntatlves of the
prtnc"l6aC;!llln3 IsjrAtion companies ;
met m Chicago today to compile the
organisation of the Illinois Ftectrlc
Railway -Association. The neworga-'
nlzfttlon jWill endeavor to connict all
Internrban lines In Illinois ve4ny,
to fix nnlforni rates, to bring1 jabout
mr nuopuon or intencnangeaDiwrnue
age books foj all internrban Utt-s, to
make "a7 ebbcerted Combination for
freight i ttaffic- and government con
tracts, and tod Improve the lierur
ban service f throdghbut' "'tte middle
west hy the Adoption of standards.
""cr"' "