La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 16, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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tr.. m.i.Kifc y, mi, .I'fiji '
j. -;D ,..; D S
Overture, "Belle of New York"
Charles E. King.
ber wagons this firm Is receiving car
lots of Implements weekly preparing
for the spring trade.
Geo. J. Wagener will contract to
build bouses on lots that he can sell.
Anyone wishing a desirable boms
should see Mr. Wagener. He will mako
a specialty of modern home. He will
also, make city plats.. ... ... :'. , . ,
"Hunting Sea Lions." Pathe 9OOOOAOdOC6
Unique marine hunting on the Si J
.Alaska coast.
"Get Rich Quick" Pathe Freres
Clever exposure of a fradulent
bank promoter. - g
"Winning Back His Love"
.. Biograph.
An object lesson, well defined
of an every day occurrence In
real life.
Wishes to announce to fcis friends and
natrons that he will leave. March the
first for Now York city to take up a
Post Graduate course in Optical work.
He will be back June the First.. If you
have trouble with your eyes, or glas
ses and you wish to have your eyes
l-.ted by Dr. Mendelsohn, see him at
once. ' " 7' ', ' . ' ,
The Doctor's office will be closed
on Saturday, February 25th, at 5 m.
Will be open again on June first. ' :
j:dt a ga:.:e cf chance.
U ? "The Try Out' Edison.74 1 ,
A' most comical experience, be
hind and In front of ; the foot
lights, which hefalla two would-'
be stars In vaudeville. "Get the
'Hotk! ; ,v -. . v. S
ADMISSION i. 10 Cents
Children (Matinee only) 6 cents
j.,.. r i
We make ur citrate of Magnesia
fresh every day." Wright Drug com
" pany. :: ; V,.7.vV,;v..,4'.',: -; .7:.7-7-
John L.' Mara' cement pipes are mix
ed one part of cemsnt to two parte
select sand and is everlasting. Five
and six Inch pipes sells at 15 cents a
lenlal foot. The price of other sizes
is m proportion. , , , , . ,..
" Read in February Sunset Magazine,
San Dlego-4he city of dreams come
true. Beautifully illustrated in four
colors.' Tetrazzlnl :Inglng ; In ; the
streets'; of San 'Francisco Christmas
Ere. "Now on tale. All News Stands. IS
cents; ! :':;! . .
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Matlock of "Pen
dleton are registered at the Foley.
George T. Coyne, the candy man, is
registered at the Foley. ,
j W. T. Devine representing the Smith
Premier typewriter Is at the" Foley.
Jack Hughen the popular branch
line conductor Is taking a lay off for
a few days. .... ' ,.
F. L. Finkla of Boise is at the Fo
ley. Mr. Fenkla represents a large
hardware firm. '
. Mesdames Fred B. and George H.
Cirrey are visiting at Hot Lake to
day. ' '.. -v. ..; : - . ;
V m. Ladd, the master mechanic jr
'; the 0-W is spending the day here tran-
! sactlcg business matters.
J. H. Fordlce and wife of Flora, are
stopping at the Foley. Mr. Fordice is
one of the most popular farmers In the
Flora district :'. " ;
Sommer have returned to their home
in Spokane after attending to business
matters here last week. ""
Misg Adele Dohany of Council BlufN
who. been vlsiln? Mrs. Upton H.
Oibbs. left today for Hot Lake where
sheivrill remain for a few days.
County Superintendent E, E. Bra?!?
went to Elgin today to soend a da? of
tv.'o vUitlng the schools in 1hat sec
tion;',.;. :.v:Viw;'i;,-';';,""r:V:'v::v2
, Engineer and Mrs. Pete Thiesen left
ticeable looking up of the lumber mar
ket - -
5 Mrs. Wm. Ramsey and Mrs. Will
French are Hot Lake visitors today.
Mrs. C B. Clarke, who has been in
the hospital for some little time, has ,
recoverea sumcienuy io oe removcu j
her home today.
Shrlff Chllders Is able to be out
after being confined to hia home for.
the past ten days with a severe et-
lack of tonsolitis. ' , .
T. S. Land of Seattle is at the Fo
ley. Mr. Land Is representing one of
the largest shirt manufacturers in
Th Jury Decided That Seven-up Wm
Purely Scientific.
. On of Mark Twain's old time sto
nes concerned the game of sevca up.
or old sledge. Some Kentucky b. )
were arrested f.r plitjinij this game
under tiie usual charse of niaylnz a
game of chuuee. .Wht-u they Were
brought before the judge their lawyer
claimed that this gume wus not a
game of chance, lut was a game of
science. The court puzzled, asked for
a suggestion, and the lawyer declared
that If a Jnry of six gamblers weil ac
quainted with the game In a scientific
way and six deacons be Impaneled
with a pack of cards their decision
ought to be determinative. So the sto
ry goes: . y ' "
"There was no disputing the fulrnesn
of the proposition. Four deacons and
the two dominies were sworn in as
the Chance Jurymen, and six Inveter
ate old seven-up professors 'were
chosen to represent the 8cience side
of the lrtsue. 1 They retired to the Jury
"In nbont two hours Deacon Peters
sent into court to borrow $3 from a
friend. ' In about two hours more
Dominie MIggles sent Into court to
borrow a 'stake' from a friend. Dur
ing the next' three or four hours tUt
dominie and the other deacons sent
Into court for small loans. ;
"The rest of the story- can be told
briefly. About daylight the Jury came
' .4
. tr 5
Full line of Ladies' Plain
cnd Ankle Strap Pumps
in Satins, Velvets, Suedes and Patents
Proper Footwear, for Dancing and Evening AY ear
The. nostnoned meeting of the Lyle ' foremnn' tm6
Tuesday musical as a benefit for tne ,.Ve the jury ln the case, of thi
scholarship loan fund, will be held coimnonwealth of Kentucky Versus
l Raturdav afternoon. , rv-; I John Wheeler et til., have carefully
' John Dorden has carpenters at considered the pointsof the case nd
h.tdInr a new bnnealow on Ce- I tested the merits of the several theo-
-uu uu vumi .couipiea win pro-1 de mt thft e c0mmon,
hably one of the neatest and moBt . known s! old sledge, or seven-up.
comfortable arranged of any of the l8 eminently a game of science and
new homes in the city. " not of chance. In demonstration
Johnnie Adams returned this mom- hereof 1t Is hereby and herein stated
uuu"u , i. -,!.- Iterated, reiterated, set forth ana
ing . from Hot Lake where h , manlfe8t tnRt during the enUre
spent the last month taking it easy. nJgM tbe ,cnance. men never won a
Mr. Adams woll attend to business or turned a Jack, although both
matters for a few days and will pro- feats were common and frequent to
bably takfr-a trip"" into Washington. ' the opposition, and furthermore in
A party of Wallowa peopH, consist- support of this our veraict we cau ai-
rtf T. V fovlnpua. Vped-MfCuliy. uuuu w iuc D.huu.v.. . . ---
1UK V. -4 V e'--w - '
this morning for Portland to v6't
with thrir daughter. Miss Haze! who
is atte.d ng school there - ' - !
G. H. Schwabke; a prominent farm
er was ; in the city yesterday, Mr.
Schwaebke says that wheat is probably-not
.damaged ,to any extent by
the heavy winds of the last few weeks.
John Mahe'r of Pahner Junction will
be at the Foley for a few days haying
come up from the camp yesterday to
receive medical treatment for a badly
injured hand.',f ' h .''" --v.-:.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Oardinier have
gone to Southern caurornia wnere
they will visit with relatives. They ex
pect to be gone some time, seeing; Cal
ifornia the meanwhile. ' ; ;
W G. Thompson left last night for
Washington,' D. C. tottend to matters
tin cor.nectlon with the banking insti
tution of this city which he has under
way; ., '.' ' '.
: a H. Mimnaugh of the Nihley-Mim
naugh lumber company at Wallowa
paswd through the city this morning
niJ. o. n... rn tnA a v nri.-1 prirniitft to Portland. . He, -like other
loading a car of the celebrated Web-, lum ermen, admits that there Is a no-
T. B. Streeter, Jonas James, A. Jones,
K Couch and others are on their way
to Salem to protect the Interest of a
bill to be put up at this legislature re
tarding the support of the county calculated to inflict untold suff eilng
x . i.M MMAn Ammn.
blgh'schoor at Enterprise. ,,; , j ana Pcumry , yv
turney C. E Cochran left lwt iv s ta&CT -
er.n: fcr Portland . wnere ne it
represent the city of La Grande In
the wgument of the Turner Giber
r.'u-i line affair before me eatre
:me court This is the old
between-' Turner . Oliver and Street
The local Aeri of Fraternal Order
of Eagles -wish to express their thanks
to Mr. G. C. Hennessey of the Chapel
Car and Mr. Bert L. ' Thomas,' Mr.
' Cowen' and Miss DInsmoreof the Ar
cade Theatre, who so kindly assisted
us by furnishing the music and the
sifiglng at the funeral of our lata
brother, Chase Jolley. : .
(Signed) , G. W. O'NEIL, Pres.
' L. F. BELLINGER. Sesy.
. .. . B
"chance" men are all broke una ice
"science" men -have got the -money.
It is the deliberate opinion of this Jurj
that the "chance" theory concerning
seven-up is a pernicious doctrine and
T MaL Him R!er.
"Unfit for duty because of insom
nia" was the record of a New York
policeman fbr several weeks. "
Inspector Byrnes sent ior ae
and gave him a Uttle bit of advice,
thus: "Tonhrht about midnight put
on your uniform, belt, hat, revolver,
take night stick In hand and go to
some corner house. Lean ngainst it and
lean against it hard, as if you were
really on duty. You'll go to sleep, all
rlghf-New York Tribune. .' :. ; w ;
j. No Skill Required.
Litigant-Your f ea . is ; outrageous.
Why. It's mere than tbree-fonrtha of
what I recovered. Lawyer I furnish
ed the skill and the legal learning for
your case., Litigant But I furnished
the case. Lawyer Oh. anybody can
fall down o coal hole! Boston Tran
script ' "
Alarmed Her. .
Servant Heavens! 1 bnve knocked
the bis flowerpot off ' the window
ledge and If struck a man on the head.
Mlstress-What! My beautiful ma
Jolica? Fliegende Blatter.
FOR SALE Buggy horse formc-r'.v
owned by Dr. Smith. Inquire 90S Third
and J streets. ; ' .
FOR RENT-Ane single room. Gen
tleman.' preferred. Inquire A. Jones,
3rd and Adams. V' v - '
WANTED Girt for general house
work. Apply Paris Hair store.
LOST Gold watch, 1 Masonic ' key
stone fob, Elgin make, initials H. D. B,
on nacK. nnder return to tws omce
arid receive reward. ,
WANTED When you are in need
of help of any kind caU"the Crystal
Employment office. H. L. Clark. Man
ager, 209 Fir street Phone Ind. 423
Bell Main 731.
The Grip This Dreadful Disease Take
. . Upon its victimf. ,
The course of the dreadful disease,
alanine sickness. Is an extremely slow
S'lper ritendent Matott over the dispute one. : The first stage itr said to last a
zrowr.B out of a decision of the low- year or more, ana tne cause or rne a-
er courts ln ordering thOHver street ease may oe .u iu u.uW -ii
. a i ..Mn. w . , any symptoms whatever present them
llr.e :oved In on A avenue. ..mi.
With the "Three Twinns" company, '.AaaA i ,uan hitherto rallert
here, bringing the talented Gessie Qiu- Qan,t,, fever has recently been recog
ford, known throughout the country nfced as the first stage of sleeping
as the Yama Yama girl, already In sickness. It is said that the swelling
A - . . 1 J . M A.1 4.-.
the city, a special train coming rrom ; ot tne lympnanc gmnas oi iu u;.
Hot Lake tonight, and practically ev- terisUc aymptom ms
erv seat In the Steward sold, that " 1. . ' "
popular production indicates the big- j -jg the sympWm of a fatal
j?est theatrical success of the year., j n8enHe, would not buy slates who had
TVTisfl Clinora is regisierea ai mts r u- tnia cianauiar eniarjeuii'ui. x uu w
Backache, Itkeuinafisra, Nervousness.
Mean disordered kidneys, Foley Kid
ney Pills' have helped your neighbors;
they will also nelp you. Mrs. B. Hill,
Peoria,' 111., says: "I hare suffered
greatly with my kidneyi for years and
have suffered also with rheumatism.
Have taken several wel known kidney
Pills. These harm done me a great deal
of good, relieving me of the severe
backache and reumatism and I cheer-
Hill's Drug Store. ,. , : i i
Speaal rSale This Week Only
Thursday, Iday and Saturday
We will eil Stationery at the following prices
BOX PAPER Reg.Price SalePrice
" Iberia Fahrie Finish ..........:.M...;.r...,.v.V.-83
f Heatherdale Linen, best nality . ; 60'. . . W .
Falcpda, a very fine lady's paper . .85 ........... .......2
f Brampton, social eorrMpottdeice 85 .. .; .... ... .... .
J Calumet, plate finish . ..... ...... 2 .... . ;
I V. Alameda' . '. . i; . . . i . . v. A .
' . Doric Linen .' 25....
' lilnhnore .......... i .v- ; . 3 ..... 25 ..... . ........... 15
iniRiT nrin in
t in ii in i nt in i ii
II ill 1 1 Im I III III. I LI
To Cure a Cold In One Day
tablets. DruEElsta refund money if
it fails to cure. E. W. GROVES sig
nature on each box, 25c. ' ; V;
y;:u f l .tablets .. i; .;: .;:
Ileatherdale 8x10 In. pure linen ..25;.'.v...V...,.."...-.l
. .IV
Tan or white
Pure Lines, best quality, 15e value 8 fo r . . . . . .
Five cent Lead Tendls, 2 for . ....... . . .'. . .
Twenty-Three Million Dollar Estate to
be Divided Between Heirs. "
.V-Aj; ...i-.l s'- w'rt- "
Charles E. Munn of Walla Walla,
received word front' Splckard- Mo.,
yesterday evening thai he was one of
the heirs to' a: $23,000,000 v estate
through the death of his grandfather's'
brotherMajor Munn. M. E. Munn was
born and raised in La Grande but has
been ln the east for the past 10 years.
He is at present employed' with' the
George O. Clows Co. of Philadelphia,
as a drummer. He has been vUlting in
La Grande for the past week visiting
reifttlwa. He left this morning for
lsaker City. : ".
' ..... . '
- Meat Market Combined.
' The Fir street meat market has been
combined with the Midget - market on
Adams avenue and hereafter all pa
trons will be served to the best of
ability by the owners M the Midget
Customers of the Fir street market
please call Main 86 on Bell phone or
1243 Independent We will appreciate
continuation of your patronage.
tlent feels well and strong and is able
to go about his usual occupations. ,
The second staite is indicated by a
distinct change In the appearance of
the patient. His expression grows
:hMiv and dull: he becomes apathetic,
lies around ft great diW nuu caunoi
exert himself. With the progress of . CITy g CAVANGER Joseph
tne disease inqse synij'iums touuk .
more marked; walking and speech be- i
come difficult and finally impossible. I
During the last week the' sufferer lies
ln a state of complete coma, from
which the illness derives its name.
Often during the second stage of the
disease , the brain becomes affectea.
and some of the patients try to run
away Into the forests or swamps,
where they die of exposure or starva
tion. To prevent this the relatives or
a sufferer frequently chain him down
until the time comes when be can no
longer move. McClure's Magazine.
bull, city scavenger Anyone want
ing my service call up City Recor
der's office.' ' 77 ;""-' '.'' v;'
Herod, the Newborn King Gau-
.mont ; 777'7" ; '; , '
Buddy, the . Youug Guardian
seng. . ... -
H'-Trovatore Colored Motion
picture Pathe.
the Jilted Joker Essaney.
Hank and Lank Make a Mash.
Song "Will the Roees Bloom In
Heaven." .7 ,-
! Admission 10 cents j
FOR SALE All household ' goods in
my house is for sale. Articles too
numerous to mention but call an t
name your price. Must be sold at
once. Inquire at 906 Pennsylvania. T.
Ai RInehart" " 't
FOR RENT Modern furnished,
rooms. Inquire Mrs. , Zuber, 120S
Spring street ' -
Family Wine
A 7' , : Pure , ,
221 flR STREET ;
i Some Famous Mtn of Old.
The "nine worthies" were Joshua,
David, 5 Judas Maccabeus, Hector of
Troy. Alexander the Great, juhus
Caesar, King Arthur of Britain, Charle
magne of France and Godfrey of Bou
illon. The list , varies somewhat but
this Is the most: popular one. , The
'seven wise men of Greece", were 84-
Ion, Thales, nttacus, plas, Cleobolus,
Mvsori and Cheilon of Sparta. The
supposition Is, of 1 course, that these
were not the only- wiws men In Greece,
but the wisest New Ypvk American.
, Waiting For Him. .
"Yes, mum,'' suid Toetlc Pete as he
twined an nutmun leaf through his
buttonhole. "I am a great lover of the
romantic. 1 . stopped at dls gate be
cause I saw de sign 'Idlewood.' "
"You did?" approved the housewife,
vwell, there Is a lot of idle wood down
at the wood pile. Just take this ax and
split up half a cord.M-Chlcago News.
rr -1 r - -' '-' iimmniiTTi-'-is I'r'tri"! iiri' ?7u?- T 'J;i """ " "T "-"Tr-V '" ' t
. v s i i -f i : "fiTI 1 7..i, Q si . f 1
That's What They All Say
" ii. ' " -.'' " r 7. ; . 't -j' i
:.:,;77'';TV'r'7j-'u -
- I I- - : -
It's Gbod ForVhat Ails You
f (T.l'.l
,..-. -rr...,;,, ,