La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 15, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    . ;' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY: 151911 ,
!';. . ( 4 r i ; ; I H $4 wf W W
Just Received a Choice
Lot Rome Beauty Apples
9 . ,
They jvon't; last long
4 t
Bly Safe
For the 5ext Thirty Days Ton fan Boy Your Silverware, Cut Glass,
Hand painted China Clocks an a Jeweirj ai c? Jrrs 2;
to 25 Per Cent off. All reliable Quality and1 Fully Guaranteed. "
La Grande's Lead- i
iing Jeweler. "i
Opposite U. S. land Office. on A dams Avenue.
Some of the Results of Email Fruit
-' Growing: in Cotc Section.
-i- -' .: . ; . ., -. :""v : .! '
100 Svvfcfies 25 per cent off
Beginning Mondat morning
v y Switches, Curlsr, Puffs and Combjngs made .ten
order carr'also-supply v the trade with' Hair
' , Goods and Novelties, Massage Cream and .
v Facial Remedies. .:.. , , , v ' J
The Paris Hair Store
i ' MRS. PALNER, 609 Fir St., La Gradde. Ore.
L iif y risa tjs sy sji if sgi I ff1 t 1 1 1 1 t m V m 1 f 1 y 'J1
? Perry Pneumatic , Water Systems, . Samson
Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton il
Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut
teri Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort
;nent of Nickel Trimmings.
Uptown office Main 720
Residence phone Main 25
Job Printing Promptly at The Ob'se-.-er
The George Palmer
Lumber Company
E Retail Department
:We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid
J -; Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper '
We are prepared to furnish and deliver material,
'y k . . ' prcmptiy; . , Phone Main 8. ...
Cove, Ore., Feb. 14 (Special) The
last etrawberry crop was good,
the acreage rather small, but prices
excellent; about 3400 cratea ' to
tal, nesting the growers about $7400;
Ure raspberries and blackberries had
a full yield about 2,000 crates, were
marketed at a value of f 3,000.00. 1
The Cherry crop wsb splendid, so
were all -the markets, both for the
fresh fruit and for canning puposes.
Thirteen full carloads left Cove, five
with over 10,000 boxes packed fruit
for : Eastern markets, 4 cars . were
processed for Maraschhio stock and
four others went to the Portland Can
neries, with considerable going local
to the latter place; besides over 7000
boxes going by local express to ! a
hundred different markets. Th total
crop amounting ; to nearly 350,000
pounds, bringing In cash to Cove, the
neat sum' of $20,000.00. ;
, The three leading cherry growers
are Geo. W. Thomas, G. M. and G, G.
CMttvkiiiuu ' 'ii'ul "5li.rl '2. f?f-rr
each had over 50,000 tpoiind crops last
Beason. Other prominent cherry grow-
er are: j. K. Lantz, J. W. Ingram, 'A.
Anderson and Son, J. M, Selders, A.'
Comstock, The Geer Bros.,,J. Wilson,
R. Sivers, J. W. Dean, Liurence Bros.,
and Wm, Martin. , '
Plums and pears made a good crop,
although of no great importance, nev
ertheless about 6 cars were Bhlpped,
bringing in satisfactory returns.
The Italian prune Is also a promin
ent crop in Cove and the last season
made a full average crop of about 350
tons,' half of which were packed and
shipped fresh and the balanca dried
or evaporated, the total bringing an
average of nearly. $20.00 'per ton or
approximately $7,000..
The apple crop was the best Cove
ever had. in the aggregate, although
therej.were a great' loss on account of
Infested and Inferior fruit from soma
of the dryest and old neglected orch
ards.Th total marketed output be
ing 46 cars loads, of which the Mount
Fanny Fruit Co. 'packed and shipped
14 cars, The Cove Merc. Co., 4 cars,
B. FJBell. 8 large cars, containing
considerable over 6,000 boxes from his
own orchard, and Karl J. Stackland
20 cars of which 9 cars were grown
In his own orchard.
The prices realized for these apples
are, not! yet fully In, as 15 cars have
gone Into Eastern cold storage;- but
the average up to Jan. 1st, was about
$1.00 per box but '.all -the last ship
ments are now bringing $1.25 to $1.50
for the two best' grades of the leading
varieties making the total run' well up
to $30,000.00.
The above Is not so bad, consider
ing the" fact, that we had a very dry
season, many orchards suffering for
water, that never had done so before.
And, also remembering that we still
have mostly, the old and badly select
ed plantings of largely unprofitable
kinds and varieties.
A very encouraging change Is now
taking place lnl Cove, a period of erad
ication, renovation and work fora
change In kinds and varieties, Is on us,
we have at last, learned what la worth
hating and what we better get rid of,
pulling out undesirable trees and top
grafting others, cleaning up and plant
ing the money niokeis, 1b the order
of the day.
A great deal of new planting will
also take place, many preparing to
get a good substantial start, partic
ularly in cherries and pears; prom
inent among these are Dr. Llllle who
will plant 2,000 pear trees; the writer
Is making arrangements to plant at
least 4,000 Beurre de Anjou and 1,000
Duchess pears; Mr. ii Brazille about
2,000 Anjous and some cherrks; Mr.
F. Roberts 600 BIng and Royall Ann
cherries, Mr. Leo Blevlns several
I hundred cherries,- a new party from
I the east Intends planting 1,000 each
pirs and cherries.; the La Grande
I Investment . Co. on their land here
about 3.000 apple trees and scores of
other, from a few to several hund
red trees.
;'l Besides the above, there" is a large
undertaking on foot, partly to be back
i 5$ by, neiv people from the East, con
templating taking over at least 100
acres of choice fruit land, ready for
planting and putting it Into Anjou
pears and cherries, with a view of ln
creaslnf It to several hundred acres
In the near future, having already let
contracts In the east with reliable
nurseries to grow for their account
15,000 Dwarf and 10,000 standard Be
urre de Anjou pear trees, for next
years pleantlng, . : ' ' '
A widely known lecturer, who was
In Cove this spring, having traveled
over the entire United States several
times, was so faorably Impressed with
pur conditions here, that before leav
ing he made arrangements for a choice
tract of land on which he will grow
cherries, although he was already in
terested in Rogue river land and had
investigated' very well 'reputed fruit
section of our country, :,.rr,.-
; Another party from the- far East,
having printed a long line of intel
ligent and pointed questions, In re
gard to the conditions, etc., for fruit
growing, and having sent them, J.000
copies to all the . leading and most
famed sections of the United States
and ; Canada,; Is writing that he will
be here ami from all he how knows
Will buy and go heavily into orchard
ing In Cove.: vL- :'
:, All these facts are really encourag
ing for all of us, the wonder Is that
so many of us are chasing the distant
rainbow, buying oil stock, "Wireless,
steel ties, Rubber stock and what not
to get rich quick, when we have much
better things right here and ten .times
as. sure. -.; i..;. "'' :;' ;.'
- Even some of tho. few extra, profit
able stock ventures can't show the re
turns in the Jang rnnv with the right
kind of land and orchard investments
right here, a hundred thousand acres
in Union county, can and will be made
worth at least $500 per acre more
than It now Is, or an Increase of 50
million dollars with a corresponding
income; who' will start to get their
Share of this? ''- .J...' ; : -:
paying fruit In the U. S, and that we
can grow it to perfection, .
Beln? Realized by
,.':',,;.- -,r- People.
La Grande'
best prepartilion on the innrket for coWb.
A little backache at first. : -'
Daily increasing till the back is lame
and weak. . ' ; - .
Urihary dis'drders quickly follow;
' DiSbetes and- finally Brlght's dls-
easo. : . ' .: , , v ,
This Is the downward course of kid
ney His. .-1 -' 1 :;
Don't take this course. La Grande
xe8identss hbuld profit by the follow
ing experience.
Mrs. W. M. Giles, of Sumpter, Ore ,
says; "I was bothered for about two
years 5 by kidney complaint f and the
doctors could not help me to any ex
tents There was a constant, dull pain
across my loins and this was accom
panied by a soreness over my kidneys.
My back achei: bo intensely that I
could hardly sleep and I had trouble
with the kidney secretions. When I
saw Doan's Kidney -f Ills advertised I
was induced to try them and It requir
ed tha contents of only one box to af
fect a cure. I value Doan's Kidney
Pills highly."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., -Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States.' , .:':' .' '
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. ' Feb. 13, 15. 17
Do you realize the import
ance of an
Electric Sign y
In drawing trade to your
stdre br place of business?
v .. . . .
; We' mafce a very tow flat
rate on sign lighting, and
are prepared to quote at
tractive prices on any kind
of a sign that you may de
sire. ';' '.
Our representative is al
ways ready to call and
talk the matter over with
Eastern Oregon
Light & Power
Phone Main 34
Be Corset-Happy
When you declJe to be corset
happy, come and te fitted In
the lace-ln-fiont Gossard. There
Is a model in the Gossard to
Bhow off' to best advantage,
your special type of figure.
$30 to $S.00.
MrslRobert Pattison
The oulcker a cola Is eotten rid of ths
leH the iliMiaer from pneumonia and other
serious diseases. Mr. p. W. L. Hall, oi
Waverly, Vs. ,bvs: "I firmly believe Cham
berlain's CoiiRh Remedy to be absolutely the
mive rtK-Qtiintoi.tU'u , it io my incnas nn.i
incv &II ayuo with nw." For enle by a'i
U28 Adams Avt
Govers from 50 cts
to Three Dollars
L. C Smith-La Grande
For Quick
Messenger Service
Call Main 24, orlnd. mi t
In fact the only way we lire Is by
dyeln;. Don't dye yourself.
' If s better than dyeing1 yourself.
. .Our charge for dyeing for yon wont
be hgih. A sample Job Is snfficlenfc
For best dyeing- and cleaning hare ns
dolt V - .
Phone Main 6L
Benrre De An Jon Tear Trees for Sale.
- Also othsr varieties of pears and a
full line of apple and cherry trees. Re
member that the Anjou pear Is the best
Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing
Rubber Buggy Tires ; "
' ' , D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor : :
Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco
lates Can't Be Beaten
Chief Joseph owrMnifad:t6f please
laaaauuaai. 'rasL , FOR SAU BY
Waier-Starichfield Produce Co. (