MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1911. THE OBSERVER I uir 01 nonest patriotism to our rH!"i MnmiM....L community., of iairnesa to.-thA.atat I J. HI I MaUUlllli.I A.UILII.'- PAGE 4 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1911. : f ft H i ) n I NEW LOT OF rerinum amsan dB L SITEfflT SSUEQ AUDITOR OF HIT! IS IHGER I Dsvinie fruit in the U. S. and that we : can grow It to perfection. KARL J. STACKLAND. An annual report of the financial more than nine months for thla reason. aeon Just Received City Grocery & Bakery The Home of Fancy Groceries condition of the city of La Grande prepared by City Auditor N. J. Mansa ger is published today. The fiscal year of the city of La Grande changed with 1911, and the report covers but a little Last year the fiscal year vended In March but hereafter the fiscal year and the calendar year are the same. The result is that the Report published herewith is Inclusive of about nine months only: , . ....514,723.44 . . . 28.1&1.73 ... 9,669.15' ..... 1,596.80 .... 2,777.97 .... 460.00 .f 17.740.82 Treasurers Receipt and J'isl.nrsrmfnts, March 21st, 1910 to Jan. 1st, 1911. "su on nana, warca zm, Jtfiu Water Receipts . ., 'iaxes, (County Treasurer) Licenses lines and Costs ...... ..I.... . .. .... IJoad Appropriation ...... . . Hoad Fees rouna tees .................v...... ... 47.00 City Scales 4970 Dog Taxes X.. , .... .. y 128X0 Rent of Sewer Twfct 60.00 .Miscellaneous Receipts 91.50 Total receipts ............ ......... Total;....... "V.;.;.... .., ..... ;.r Disbursements. Warrants and Interest paid, (General Fund) ........$25,845.70 Warrants and Interest paid, (Water Fund) .'. 15,691.63 Warrants and Interest paid, (Road Fund) ....... . . . 499.85 Warrants and Interest paid (Pound Fund) ........... , .94 Warrants and Interest paid (Contingent Fund). 365.42 Warrants and Interest paid (Special Int. Fund) ...... 6,777.25 Warrants and interest paid (B. C. Pipe line Fund) . . . 7,072.24 . warrants & int. paid (B. C. pipe line for Imp. bonds) 7,044.00 r xotai uisDursements .....v...... .. .... .57,807.79 $ 7o,548.61 ,..$63,297.03 . m wr TJ m xwi miw " ;."v; nn7 1imr erware, ui blast, I Hand Fainted China, Clocks an d Jewelry at a Redaction of frcm 10 to 25 Per Cent off. All reliable Quality end Fully Guaranteed. La Grande's Lead ing Jeweler. Opposite V. S. land Office on A dams Avenue. . i J. H. PEARE, Reduction Sale Cash on Hand ...... , .... . ; : , Financial Statement, January 1st, 1911. iJonaea mutsuieuuetts Outstanding warrants (General Fund) ..... Outstanding Warrants (Water Fund) . . Outstanding Warrants . (Road Fund . Outstanding Warrants ( Special i Int.) ....... Outstanding Warrants (Pound Fund) Outstanding Warrants (Contingent Fund) Outstanding Warrants (Sewer Fund) . , Total Liabilities Less Cash and Bonds on hand ........... ..$12,251.58 44,849.32 21,936.47 756.18 . 625.00 .5b 3.80 29,661.96 ...$332,833.28 , . . 19,251.5? $313,581.70 100 Switches 25 percent off Beginning Monday morning Switches, Curls, Puffs and Combjngs made to order can also supply the trade' with Hair Goods and NovelMes, , Massage ' Cream and Facial Remedies. ' , The Paris Hah Store MRS. PALNER, 209 Fir St., La Gradde, Ore. f i Si I N.l iNmiii il li I 1 1 ' nrl ir nTf iln fftii mirth Vm Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. BAY 6 ZWElFEl PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL .. WORKERS HACK AND AMBULANCE Uptown office Main 720. Residence phone Main 25 E.LBUSSEY Job Printing Promptly at The Observer "The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department We solicit your orders for Shlngks, Rubberold Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. . Phone Main 8. . Amount of Indebtedness . . . .'. ........... . This does not include the accrued interest on the nntstttnrttnc lants and bonds to date. $50,000 of Sewer bonds have been issued and sold, tut as the Treasurer has not received the money, the same cannot hoi hnwn iu iiiitt Buueuieui. . . , . , Kooiits ond Exiienditures, March 21st, 1910, to January 1st. 1011. xceceipis as per Treasurers Cash Book ...... ,. 57.807.79 , naier norits Accounts ' . Mains and Connections $39,153.93 , - Operating Expenses ...... .1,392.33 Repairs . . . . ... . ..4. .... m.20 Beaver .Creek Pipe line .' . .. ... .1521.45 r Street Department Accounts Street Property and Improvements 2,219.49 Maintenance and repairs .......J 3,114.70 Supplies ' ..36.50 Adv. for Macadam ..;,..; ....... 57.04 Sewer Construction .......... 29,661.96 General Expense Accounts. Officers Salaries .....$ 7,957.15 Office Supplies .. .. .. .. .. ,. 106.85 General Expenses .... 7,621.04 Police Department Accounts. Miaintenance and Repairs , . .. 310.10 Fire Department . ..129.00 v Miscellaneous Accounts Real Estate .f... ....... 1,056.08 Special Interest 7,402.25 Total Expenditures $101,832.67 Mr. - BUSINESS MAN Do you realize the import ance ofan Electric Sign " . ..' in drawing trade to your store or place of business? We make a very low flat rate on sign lighting, and are prepared to quote at-, tractive prices on any kind of a sign that you may de sire. Yr' Our representative is aU ways ready to call and talk the matter over with 1 Excess Expenditures over Receipts $44 034 28 N. J. MANSAGER, City Auditor. State of Oregon. County of Union, ss: , I, N. J. Mansager, being first duly sworn, do hereby certify, that the foregoing statement la true and correct to the best of my knowledge and .beUef. (sd) . N. J. MANSAGER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of February, 1911. (Notorial Seal) GEO. H. CURREY, Notary Public for Oregon. Notice of Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 1st day of Dec 1910, creating Improvemeent district No. 10, and designating Greenwood street, as such district, and In pur suance of a resolution adopted by Bald Common Council on the 18th day of January, 1911, whereby said Council determined ana declared its Intention to Improve all that portion of Green wood avenue, In said improvement dis trict as hereinafter described, by lay ing thereon Blthllthlc pavement, the Council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the ownera of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described Improvemeent be made; that the boundaries of said dis trict to be so Improved are as follows. All that portion of Greenwood street, from the west side of Adams avenue to the west side of Washing ton avenue. (A) And the property affected or benefitted by Mid Improvement Is as follows: All of block 109 and the south half of block 108, and the N. E 1-4 of block 61 and the east half of block 100, of I Chaplins Add. to La Grande, Oregon Also the north halt or block 9. of Cog gam Add to La Grande. Oregon. Notice Is hereby further given that ( the Council will lery a special assess I ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Im provement That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of $3, SP0.00. That the Council will on the Kith day of February, 1911, meet at 'he Council chamber at the hour of 8 oclcck p. m., to consider said esstl mated cost, and the levy of 'said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggriev ed by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, Feb. 3, 1911. , CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. 3y C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. v Feb. 3 lOt Eastern Oregon Light & Power Company Phone Main 34 Plumbing and Heating Be Corset-Happy X 1 - I Whon you deci?i to be corslo happ7. come and Is fitted in the lace-ln-front GossardThere is a modsl in the Gossard to show off to best advantage your special type of figure. $&S0 to $5M , ' " ' ' ' '; V$ - Mrs.RobertPattison, PHOJfE BLACK 1481. ; : f UMBRELLA. RFFaIRS Gove rs from 50 cts to Three Dollars L. C, Smith-La Grande For Quick Messenger Service Call Main 24, or Ind. 4321 John Melville H28 Adams Ave , LA GRANDE, - ORE LET US DIE FOB I0U. ; la fact the only way we lire Is. by dyeing. Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing yourself, jf , WE DIE ETEBT DAT AND, DTE FOB ALL . .Our charge for dyeing for you wont be hglh. A sample Job Is sufficient For best dyeing and cleaning have us do It ELITE CLEANING & DTE W0EKS, Phone Main 64. Bcnrre De Anjou Pear Trees for SaTe. Also other varieties of pears and a full line of apple and cherry trees. Re member that the Anjou pear Is the best Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS , D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY Sew P - Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco Ct S lates Can't Be Beaten Snowdrift Flour the Very Best on the Marked ra:ULLJMuu u raana -None Other "Just A Good.w Sold only by toaier-Stanchfield Produce Co. HAY, GRAIN, HED, POULTRY SUPPLIES, WOOD W6 It'i, - . w 1IVIM