La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 11, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    VACE 4
ZuXktti si te iHleie it la ftwii
?. . - at H"n:-U iaa?lT.
JaKr. !figlfy tH'V -
Lullj, Yr .
Pally, pt-t wvatu.U..
Ttls paper'vflT set faWietr as tr
fuie appearing cvtr' job d 9'. pi axe.
igced articles" win be revised sub
ject to the 'd: wretlon 'of (he Iittr.
,l,a !gn rvur articles ad tare
i'lTjioIntnjent- ',''.'''
, ljA 1121314
5 6171819 lGill-j
J3 14 15 16 1718
v 4 i ii rf ,,.-t-, , r.
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1912021 23i24'25
; ji-f-t-:' POLISH JrEASrEES, . '
- There are , Eay ; tins' before ; tie
legislature that are foolish !ju tie ex
treme, but lucllly they have no yet
,pased. One bill provides for a hotel
j -Inspector -at a salary of f 4, 000 per
jeer, He , 1 to have a " n uel1; r of
deputies at jialary of f 2,600' a- year
each end the dutlea of tii bunch of
. jxarasitf will betocll upon hotels,
assess each oae o ' icudi "for eaifh
. aliening room in", the .bae, liispect
' the aheeta. ettv make a report'.) the
had of the berd'aod draw iay from
tb State. VV V, i; ...(",, '
jAnotber. la'au 9-hour Jaw applytp
Uf aiilla atiil,fa.torS. ''.Li .Grande' bat
5 floumbfrof Jndaitrl; OTQiJoylEjK )a
ld?rable labor. There Is no dlaaatla-fa:-tJon
bow. ndtb number of hours
u ,v8 flea n different eawt j tbe- imsl
i?j?eo la each ca will permit. If the
Jaw i enacted It Vyi taaae chaotic
th tat an4 la aoroe Jnatancea oaute
. Targ Industrie to suspend or time
at least . ;; .':.. ,
It Is ,rerr..ewyJor.a,i2jf.liaked
representative to sit around theStatc
House at Salem and see bb future
.- T-.miiiUtl l m. Lin ... .
blll.'buMs quite
J different when tb practloal appllca-
tlon of .tbat law Is considered.. The
fool killer aimed to make food when
be failed o vfstt every legislature In
J, the United State during the sessions,
for every legislature has more or less
J of these freakish boys, although It
woijld seem that Oregon baa more
than her share. , - -
y President Taft is firm in bit d
j inand for reciprocity with Canada.
y The presidiot believes he Is right,
J he believes that this wn reduce the
l high cost of living; that the country
5 Is In need f better trade relations
with the dominion and President Taft
J Is no untried soldier when It coraes
- to pollliral economics. Naturally
7 many senatprs and congresBmen are
.( rebelling 'against the admintot ration.
fi mnt n fthxM putU i,. t .
progr;siv and .believe In reduclne
i thfl tgrlll.. If they have ben honest
of this bank will le pieased to talk with you at
any time concerning mutual business relations'
t'A .the. Federal Government,' 'Ihe '
:yniy ' tne city.;.-and 'a large arid.";. -:V
"? Rowing list of commercial and private
depositors entrust their funds to this -institu- V '
tio'n 10 the- extent of .S800,00bi00. you ' :may .
be sure, that it is a' safe' ...iiL '
yourself with.
La Grande National Bank
: . CAPITAL . ....
George Palmer, Pres -
F. L. Meyers, Cashiei
la their camjAija stAttrGents regaxd-
Jag the tariff to them Hand by tie
1 rts;aesi la t&is m-fprodty natt?r-
j fGjvimor West lias vx&ie z botc?i
of cpft'Eg the Easiera Oregon ay-
!scra site., Just, why be should net ot
&t!e io acecxpl-6?i Eiore in :L! mat
.17 i hard to usdersuad. He is put
.,... r j:s- e,ue'T attitude to say -the least
..... litJWbne L'o email's action was '" anr
fcVjtbisg tyt satisfactory to til' sec-tion
- . 1 of tts state, it UiUit be to5tte!
tlMLt be has met
ra'alknred him.
breech e. t
t be- feveraor
an 3
.WafB the tnow ioes ;3 the moun
fars around Joseph. Joolt out, for
tbe wiJI be KanetbJng: doing. Xo
tub gold bearing' ore &8 baa ten
frji5d arcand Joseyi can fall to at
tract consfderall a atrentoo. . : ; - :'
Elgin 1 1 letfiEg contracts for
(street itnvirofecitnt In a way that
vi'A tans? La Grande to Iscresse ber
fard area. ' - r. "' .
This 1 TValt WhHman's famous
potm on the death of Abraham Lin
J - cola. It 1 tbe
poetn In the
works of the
great' Ameri
can pott, phi
losopher and
seer, and it to -only
partly In '
rhyme: Dur
ing much of
tbe war Whit
man wu in
ministering to the wants of sick
ami wounded oMiers in hoipltals.
Lincoln taw htm one day and re
markfd, not knowing him at the
. time, "He looks llks one of Plu
tarch's men."
CAPTAIN 1 : My Captain! Our
ftarful trip is dons; ,,
The ship has wsather'd every rack,
' the price we souflht Is wans
The port is near, the bells I hear, the
. " people ail exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the
' vessel grim and daring.
But hsartl heart! hrertl J,
O the bleeding drops of red.
Where en the deck my Captain ties.
Fallen sold agd deed! " '
O CAPTAINt My Cantain! fSiee .?
and hea the bsllst .
nise up for you the fag Is flung
Ai for you the buale trillst
Fee you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths
fee yeu the shores a-crowding;
For you they sail, the swaying mass,
their eager faces turning.
Here, Captain! Dear father!
This arm beneath your head; '
It is some dream that on the deok ,
You've fallen cold and dead. '
,:' '' ' ' ' ''..- .'. '
MY Captain does not answer, his
lips are pale and still) ,
My father does not feel my arm,
: he has no pulse nor will; .
The ship is anohor'd safe and sound,
its voyage elated and done,
Prom fearful trip the victor ship comes
in with object wen, ,
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread.
Walk the deck my Captain lies
; Fallen cold and dead.
one for you to identify
" ' fx. :
$ 00.000.00
. . ioo,ooo.od
. 1,125,000.00
Fred J. Holmes, Vice Pres.
Earl'f. Cashier
:''' " '..':' ' Y
j mingling
' ef mirth
, and tears,
f th
; tragic and .
- grotesque,
f Soc '
' rates and
Rabelais, ,
of Aesop
and Mar
cut A u ra
ti us, of all that Is gentle and
just, humorous and honest, mer
ciful, wiee, laughable, lovable '
and divine, and ail consecrated
to the use of man, while through :
all and over all an overwhelm
ing sense of obligation, of chival-'
rio loyalty to truth ar.d upon all .
the shadow of the trsgic end.
3 .... Lincoln was riot a type. He
stand alone ro ancestors, ne
feilrws and no successors.; He
,. knew and mingled with men of '
very ki ndi and, after all, men
are the best bocks.
Lincoln never finished his edu
cation. To the night of his
death he was. a pupil, a learner,
, an inquirer, a seeker after
-. - ... . . .
- MltfaiMpH ...... v'.r-j.
' Lincoln was a many sided man,
acquainted with smiles and
tears, complax in brain, single
Irt heart, direct as Vt-'..i, and hia
words, candid as mirrors, gave
the perfect image of hia thought.
He was never afraid to ask,
never too dignified to admit that
he did not know. No man had
keener .wit cr-kinder humor.
He was no, solemn. ; Solemnity
is a mask worn by ignorance
and hypocrisy. It is the preface,
prologue and index to the cun- '
ring or the stupid. He was net- ;
ural in hia . life and thought,
master of the story teller's art,
in application perfect, liberal in
speech, (shocking Pharisee and :
prudes, using any word that wit ,
could disinfect. -.,' :V.
He was an orator clear, sin-J
eere, natural. - He did not pre 4 ;
tend. He did not aay what hs
thought ethers , thought, but
what he thought. -
If you wiah to know the dif
ference between an orator and ah
elocutionist, between what is
felt and what is said, between
what the heart and brain can do
together and what the brain can "
de alone, read Lincoln's won
drous words at Gettysburg' and '
then the speech , of Edward
Everett. The oration of Lincoln I
will never be forgotten.' It will f
live until languages are dead
end lipe are, dust" The speech;'
of Everett will never be read,
- Lincoln was an immense per-V
tonality firm, but not obstinatej
Obstinacy ia egotiam firmnew,
heroism. He influenced others
without effort, uncsnsciously,, .
and they submitted to him as
men submit to nature, uneon- -
tc'rurly. He was severe with
himstlf and fur that reason
lenicr.t w!th others. Ha appear
cd ta aa'ogiie for being kinder ,
than his feCswi. He did merci-
ful thin;-, at stealthily ai others
commiUeJ crimes.
He knrv others because psr
ffctl acquainted with himself.
Hi car r.sthinj for place, but:
tvcrythir.a for prineiplcj noth
inj fcr money, but everything ;
fer irdertrdencr.
Ha kn;w neither tyrant nor
slave . Ha ' neither'1 knelt, nor '
scorned.' With htm men were
neither greet nor small they
were richt or wrong. Through
manners, clovhea, titles, rags
and rac? he taw the real that
which , it. Beyond accident,
policy, compromise and war he
try th? cr.d. '
He was patisnt as destiny,
whose undecipherable hiero
glyph! were so deeply graven
on hit tr.d and tragic face. :
It ia tho glory of Lincoln that,
having almost absolute power,
ho never a'rutid it except on the
sidi of r;rcy. ; , ; '-',::
Wealth could not purchase,
power Could not awe this divine,
this loving man. He knew no
fear except the fear of doing
wrong.. He spoke not to inf.'ame,
list to up-
braid, but
1 0 e o n
vinct. He
ra'sed ; hi
henda not
to " strike.;
hut in h:n.
. C C iction.
He lonnid
to pardon.'
Ho lovtc!
la tea the .
jt( i .;
.. . ' ,- .
( OHf. -H
' ."I!" It.l.,1
I-) of
ptnb 0.' is;--'
a wfs who:
rctcurd '.rt' t
- .1
1 OU O, ftjs'v.-.rr
7 rvy'i3
.fr ;-
Ae.1 1,
unman j ,o ;i
IlAroMl.tftu-H.t tlif.v imwt ttiA-e twn
a famine In the land.-Exchange..
! '' ;::.i.
r ijfr .
The manufacture of 1 this particular
has Been discontinued by the makers of
the great ;; :;);;-
and have placed them on the market at a reduced price
that enables us to retail them to you at a price as low
arid lower ihah we torvetly paid for them
AND .;
Big Sign Being Attached to OI4 Oryh.
earn Bvildina: This Afternoon. '
, The "Arcade" Is the name of the
theatre which the People's Amusement
company will open Monday and a huge
sign, is belnff hung up today. The
Orpheum a last attraction goes on to
night for the flying machine girl and
the bag puncher leave tomorrow morn
ing and. the Orpheum will give its
last performance tonight before goliig
out of existence, . ' . '
Late this afternoon the" matinee
billed Yor Sunday afternoon was can
celled. ; i
. Error In Report
Jn ' yesterday's Issue the Rebekah'3
lodge waa inadvertenUy used in con
nection with the Woodmen social and
dance next Friday evening; Royal
Neighbors are the lodge people who
are soecial guests for the occasion.
'Numerous steps being taken by the
government forces during the past
few weeks indicates that construc
tion of the federal building will start
soon. The local post office department
has received plans of the proposed
building showing various points of In
terest.' . , ' ' "'
) Xotice ef Street ImprOTemenL
j To Whom It May Concern:
; fotlce is hereby given that In pur
suance of a resolution "adopted "by the
Common. Council of the City of La
Grande. Oregon on the.. 15th day of
fevember W09, creating Improvement
District No. 12, and designating. Penn
sylvania avenue, as such district, and
in pursuance of a resolution adopted
by said Common Council on the 18th
day of January, 1911, whereby sal-l
Council determined' and declared Its
intention to improve' all that portion
of Pennsylvania avenue. In said 1m
proAenier.t .district,' a herlnafter de
scribed, by laying thereon BithullthW
'pavement .the Council will, (en days
after the service of this notice upon
be owners of the property affected
and benefitted, by surh Improvement,
order -that said above described ;Im
prfliVement be made; that the bound
aries of; said; dlslrlit to be' so Improv
ed are as follows: -111
that portion of; Pennsylvania
nten ue, from i the 'east sld4 df 4th street
to the west side of Washington ave
hue..' '' '".'..;
j (A) And the property affected or
bsnePttfd by said Improvement "Is as
Spring styles in 3uu oud Cctc fcr
ladies arriving daily. Some attrac
tive modelf now on display in our
"The QualityStore"
follows: r .. ; ' " .; '
'The north half of blocks 63, 64, 65
and 66 and the 'south half of blocks.
97, 98, n and 100 In Chaplin's Add.
to La Grande, Oregon. " ' , " - 1
Notice is hereby further given that
the Council will levy a special ass-
nr.ent on all the property affected and
fienefitted by such improvement for
the purpose of paying for such im
provement That the estimated cost of
sj'h Improvement is the sum of$13,
That the Council will on the day of Feb. 1911, meet at the
Council chamber at the hour of 8
o clock p.; m. to consider said eetl
iuated cost, and the levy of said as
seesmeent, when a hearing will be
u:-tfed to any person feeling aggrlev-
c'. bv such assessment. .
La Civuide. Oregon, Feb. 3, .1911.
Cr:F.GON'. '
Recorder of the City, of La Grande,
' Oregon. . . : ' . . ..
Fpb. 8iot '- "': ' ;
and Cleanser
Should be used for all
I Ltundry Purposes -
I Your washing will . be J
miner. u manes tne
sour, sltmey spots as
I sweet as sweet and dean y
as hew. Used by laundries
i and dairies. ,
31-2 lb sack 30c
I PatlisonJB
'Use either phone '
' 1 1
" " T
Why pay Rent? Weloap
money to build, ana ;vct
pay us as you would renU
M-M"M"i"i'if 4i ftt I i t 1 1
;; . . ... . -) - ' '
; There ' Are Many of You
That, we appreciate yonr pat? I
ronage, your loyalty and stead t
fastness, folly as moeh as jti X
appreciate ths help we have at t
f times been able to fnmlsli jou t
t4i i. ;
Bca nuuoui saying. ... x .
H0WETEB, we want to' take I
t this public method of thaaklng f
t yon ior past patronage ; and.
with fall confidence thai this ! '
patronage w!ll conUnne, we. ',
pledge yon our bast endeavors' '
fhe future as you have bad
'.rem In the past
" "hing yon an Increased t
measure of Happiness and Pros.
perlty for the year 1911, we are I
Sincerely yours, V
The United States t
t " .;M':J l di I
; All .kinds' ot FancyV
Cakes and y Cookies '
- made , by Mr, C. A 'X
I lenhart of Portland at?
; Roya Grouryp
Call in and see thi
-line of Bakery Goods
' ' ' - :1 - ' V '
Royal Grocery
H. Pattison; Prop,