La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 11, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAOE 2
i f
Jafsrmallon of Priceless Value to Et
ery La Crande Citizen.;
"How to act la an emergency Is
fcatmledge of In-estlmable worth, and
tMs 13 particularly true of the diseas
es and Ills of the human body. If you
"sa7er with backache, urinary, dlsor
. tfers, or any form of kidney trouble,
t?i airlce contained In the following
statement wIU add a valuable asset to
ynr store of knowledge. What could
be more convincing proof of the effi
ctency of Doan's Kidney Pills than
& statements of nearby residents
wlo have been permanently cured? .
CSarTes Adams, of Union, Ore.1, says;
"1 ltold just aa high an opinion of
Doan's Kida.y Fills today as. I did In
I November, 1007, when I publicly rec
j omrnended them. I was annoyed by at
tacks of backache and ;ad other
symptoms of kidney trouble. About
six years ago I learned of Doan's Kid
ney Pills and procuring a box, I be
gan their use. They helped me so
greatly that I have always kept a sup
ply on hand since. Whenever I fed
that my kidneys are in need of a tonic.
I take Doan's Kidney Pills and the
promptly relieve me." ;, '
for sale by all dealers. Price r,D
cents, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New Tork, sole agents for the United
States. '. .V '. . ;. .
Remember the name Don's
and take no. other. ' Feb C-i-'.O
o o o o
rursoi sctues o
: - St. Peter's Church
Sunday school .... 10 a. in.
Morning service ' 11 a. m.
Erenlng service ...... .. .. 5 p.m.
; - UPTON H.' GIBES, Rector;
ThirSy; Bay Sa
For the Kelt Thirty Days Ton Can Bay Your Silverware, Cat Glass,
Hand Painted China, Clocks an i, Jewelry at a Eeductlon of from 13
to 25 Per Cent off. Ill reliable Quality and Polly Guaranteed. .
Opposite P. 8. land Office on A dams Avenne. 7 s
hllill I 11 II n I I I lllllli I I i I
First Presbyterian Church. .
S. W. Seeman. D. D. Minister. i
Sunday, School, 9:45 a. m. W. It!
Pickens, Superintendent
Morning fiubiect, "The Royal Life."
" Evening subject, "The Great Inau
guration." .'.'; .:"'; :
C. E. services, 6:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.
First Methodist Episcopal ;
, (Opposite new High School) ; '
J. D, Glllilan, pastor. V
Sunday school, 9:45, (Bible Class at
19:15) F. H. "Green, superintendent
Junk League, 3:00, Miss Clifford,
superintendent.;; ' "" ; ; rf
'Epworth League, 6:30, Mrs. Leigh-
ton, president. . i
Sermon by pastor at 11 o'clock:
Island City at 3:00. ; ;
The subject of the morning address
la the "Work of Abroham Lincoln," at
Island City he will also speak on Mr.
Notice for Bids.
' .Votke is hereby given that sealei
i 'oposa'.s will be j received by the
v'ayor an j City Council of thit ;i.y of
l a Grande;' Oregon, until Wednf j':'y.
Ftbnary loth; 1911. at the hour of f
o'clock p. m. for the labor and mater
ial for the building of a storage
houre for the city machinery an i tool.
ii-ns and specifications of wfci h can
.e seen at the Vice of the VI;'
corfu of La Grande, at any tt.H be-ie-p
the hou i ol 8 o'cln : i aJ
.'.a clock- -p. m , y-:-.:, :. , ...
Bids shall be sealed and marked,
"Bids for building Storage House."
The Council reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. .'; ' .
' Dated at La Grande Oregon, this
3rd day 'f February, 1911J
' A. L. RICHARDSON, Mayor. ,
C. 11. HUMPHREYS, City Recorder.
t rery iamily h. i need of a good, rehanse
.inim-nt F.-r sprains, bruises, wrenew ol
the mwcles rheomatie .pams there is
butter tban tliamberlttin e. coi oj
r!I .Iraters. '' : ' ' ' ' ' " '
Z Qam Chowder, Chile, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaccoes I
2 All kinds of Fresh Car Lunch Good$ : .'213 Fir Street
At the evening hour, 7;30 his; sub
ject will be "Mount ; Horeb and the
"Mountain o Temptation." This Is a
continuation of the eerles begnrl las:
week. 1 ,
Backache, Rheumatism, Xervonsnes.
Mean disordered kidneys, Foley Kid
ney Pills have helped your neighbors;
they will also help you. Mrs. B. Hill,
Peoria, 111., says: "I have suffered
greatly with my kidneys for years and
have suffered also with rheumatism.
Have taken several wel known kidney
Pills. These have done me a great deal
of good, relieving me of the severe
backache and reumatism and I cheer
; : Hill's Drug Store.-. ; . ';, :".' ; " ; .;''
Reduction Sale
WC ) Switches 25 per cent off
Beginning Monday morning
Switches', Curls, Puffs arid Combjngs made to
order can. also supply the trade with Hair
Goods , and - Novel'les, ! Massage 'Cream and
Facial Remedies.
The Paris Hair Store
MRS. PALNER.,209 Fir St., La Gradde, Ore.
rri i itr ii?S sfhii iif ir Biftii jtfii T ifii iiir it iri itimi.ii m 4tniwlt S jfli itii. irf .jify, jistfc. ipsV.
3L E. Chnreh Sontli."
Sunday school 9:45, '
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Epworth League 6:30 p. m. ,
Church at 2103 N. Fir street .
All are invited. Strangers welcome. !
, , ( J. i. BALL, Pastor,
Clinrclt of Science.
The Christian Science members will
meet tomorrow at the usual hour.
': Perry Pneumatic Water Systems,- Samson
Wind Mills, Deming jumps', Richardson & Boynton
Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut !
ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort"
ment of Nickel Trimmings. 1.
Job Printing Promptly at The Obse er
Office, at Reasonable Prices.
Uptown office Main 720
Residence phone Main 25
Catholic Church.
tariy mass
Sunday school
High Mass ...
8 a. m.
10 a. m.
......10.30 a, m,
8:45 a. m;
-, U i 'n Baptist Church
Sunday Bchool A
B. p. U. , i . . . . ,.',6:30' 0. m,
Preaching by Rev. Jordin. formerly of
Portland ,11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
e Palmer:
Lumber Company
Retail Department
We solicit
your: crders
j.. i.
R Mis.
3 fi..
V ai3 rrja-eJo furnish and deliver material,
Phone Main 8.
Notice of Street Improvement
To Whom it May Concern: ;
Notice Is hereby given that in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 1st day of Dec
1910. creating Improvemeent district
No. 10, and designating Greenwood
street, aa such district, and In pur
suance of a resolution adopted by said
Common Council on the 18th day of
January, 1911, whereby said Council
determined and declared Its intention
to improve all that portion of Green
wood evenue, in said Improvement dls
trlct as hereinafter described, by lay.
Ing thereon Bltullthlc pavement," the
Council will, ten days after the ser
vice of this notice upon the owners
of the property affected and benefitted
by such improvement, order that said
above described Improvemeent be
made; that the boundaries of said dis
trict to be so Improved are as fol
All that portion of Greenwood
street, from the, west side of Adams
avenue to the west side of Washing
ton avenue. .
(A) . And the property affected or
bsnefitted by said. Improvement Is as
follows: ' , , .. :
All of block' 109 and the south half
of block 108, and the N, E 1-4 of block
63, and the east half of block 100, of
ChanKns Add. to La Grande. Orestcn
Also the north halt pf block 9. of Cog-
gans.Add to ta Grande, Oregon.
, .Note Is hereby further given that
the Council will levy a,speclal, assess
ment on al the property affected and
benefitted by , such Improvement for
the , purpose of paying for such im
provement. That the estimated cost of
such Improvement .Is the sym of $3,- '
SPO.OO. That the Council will on the
1Mb . day of Pebruary, 1911,' nwet at
! he Council chamber at the hour of
Oiw p. m., to consider said esst?
mted cost, and the levy of said as
arsement, when a hearing will be
aranted to sny person feeling aggrlev
t by such asV?ssment.
La Grande,, Oregon. Feb. 3, 1911.
ortEOON. ' -
By a M. HUMPHRETSi. ' ' ,
Kecorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. - Feb. SlOt
'olce of. Street Improvement.
io -T."Lcs;, It "T Concern ti.;' '-..;;,' .
Notice la hereby given that In pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of ' La
Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of Feb
ruary, 1910, - creating- improvement
District No. TJ and designating Jef
ferson Avenue as such district and in
pursuance of a'resolution- adopted b
said Common Council on the 18th day
of January, 1911, whereby said Coun
cil determined and declared it inten-
r'nc . ;,(!, f(,:f t: rr,sr mt!ori of
Jefferson avenue, In said Improvement
district as hereinafter described by
laying thereon ',. Bltullthlc pavement,
the Council will, ten days after the
service of this notice upon the own
ers of the property affected and bene
fitted by such Improvement, order that
said above described Improvement be
niHde; that the boundaries of said dis
trict to be so Improved are as. fol
"ows: .. ;;.; '.'.;:;"..' :, ; . :". y- .
All that portion of Jefferson avenue,
from the north side of Chestnut -street
to the north side of CoVe avenue)
;; (A) And the property affected; or
benefitted by said improvement Is aa
follows: Y?p11. . ' '.
All 'fiat tar) c tlock 110, 111, 113,
and 11 1 vt l y splin's Add. to La Grande
Oregon, ly'ng northeast of tne alley
between Adame and Jefferson avenues,
of Shld streets. Also, all of blocks 116,
117 end IJ8 of Chaplins Add, to La
Grande, Oregon Aleo, commencing at
poi' t' forty feet northeast t of the
8 i tl-f-Ft corner of lot 13, block 115,
o OiPi lins Add. to La Grande, Ore
Wn, thence northeast 150 feet, thence
southeast to a point 80 feet northwest
ct the northwest corner of lot 1, block
116. of said addition, thence southwest
150 feet, thence northwest to'' the
place of beginning.
" Notice is hereby further given that
the Council will levy a special as
sessment on all the property affected
and benefitted by such Improvement
for the purpose of paving for such Im
provement. That the estimated cost
of such improvement Is the sum of
$30,351.00. That the Council will on
the 15th day of , February, 1911, meet
at the Council , chamber at the hour
of 8 o'clock p. m. to consider said es
timated cost, and the levy of said as
sessment, when , a hearing will fbe
granted to any person feeling aggrlev.
ed by such assessment
La Grande, Oregon, Feb. 3, 1911. " '
OREGON. ', . -.(.
By C. M. HUMPHREYS,'' 1 : ' ;
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. r . r;vv v.; I'-:.- Feb. 3 lOt
Do you realize Ihe import
ance of an -;i ,r '.
Electric Sign
in drawing trade to your
store or place of business?
We make a very iow flat
rate on sign lighting, and
are prepared to quote at
tractive prices on any kind
of a sign that you may de
sire. , :..
; Our representative is aU
mrt':c:2?:h jll iand
talk the matter over with
Eastern Oregon
& Power
Phone Main 34
Be Corset-Happy
When you deci'i' to be sorset
happ. come and te fitted In
the lace-ln-front Gossard. There
Is a model In the Gossard to
.show off to best - advantage
your special type of figure.
$3;0 to $5M
Mrs.Robert Pattison
ILl .11 1 w
Covers from 50 cts-
to Three Dollars
L. C, Smith-La Grande
For Quick
Messenger Service
Call Main 24, or Ind. hill
Plumbing S
l and Heating
" MSMsssaw
l' v " m mb mm i
t H28 Adams Avi t '
In fact the only way we lire Is by
dyeing. Don't dye yourself.
IPs better than dyeing yourself.
. .Oar charge for dyeing for yon wont
be flglh. A sample Job Is safflcIenL
For best dyeing and'clcanlng hare ns
do It
Phone Main 64.
Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing
T v Rubber Buggy Tires i
. D. FITZGERALD,' Proprietor ' ' 1
Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco-
Can't Be Beaten
Snowdrift Flour " tne Very Best on the Ma rket
None Other "Just A Good." Sold only by
. . . .. ... ...