La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 09, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    PAO 3
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asd cm:2 ills c? 11:2 LCDr
: . TUB ;;;
Oregon-V ashing ton
Railroad & Navigation Co.
Sell round-trip tlcketa, good for three
months, allowing $6.00 worth of
accommodation at the Santo- .
rlum, at Portland and all 0
W. R. & N. Stations. '.
For further. , Information and Illus
trated booket, address, Dr W,- T.
Pby, Medical Supt and Mgr., Hot
Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N
Agent, or write to
General Passenger Agent,.
Is the man tbat knows what he wants
and gets the most for his money,
FAM LS KIAU Havana cigars are
ballt In Spanish form of the best lm
ported Havana's, t making a mild,
weet creamy smoke, one. that the last
puff Is sweeter than the first, are
you getting that much for year men
ey, If not, why not!
v. XotlM ef Ftal Settlfment
Notice Is hereby gma to ail con
cerned, that Wm, Reynolds, adminis
trator ot the estate ot William Albert
Adams, deceased, has S'M . tn the
Ccunty Court of Unloa County, Ore
go, nit final report ! h5i tdmlnls-
t.htloa of the State ot said William
albert Adama, deceased and r that
said court has aei Wednesday, the 8th
day . of FebruaryA. L., i?tt at, 2
o'ciock p. a)., at the county court
bouse In La Gran?, Oregon, for the
ttona tharta '. :- '
Dated, at La Orarde, Oregon, on
this Wh day of January, A, C. 1911.
Administrator of the estate of , Will
iam Albert Adam taeased.
Jan. 10, 5T. 24, 31, Feb. 14 51 ..
?': Notice for JM,
Notice It hereby given that sealed
i reposals will be received by the
Vayor and City Council of th City of
La Grande, Oregon, until Wednesby,
February 15th. 1911 at the hour of 8
o'clock p. m. for the labor and mater
ial for the building of ' a storage
hour for the city machinery an I tools,
plns and ipeciflcatlons ot which can
.e seen at the irtce of the CI;.' B.
conM of La Grande, at any Uvm be
tween the hou j ot 8 o'clos nnd
' clock p. m. . .
Bids shall be sealed and marked,
"Bids for building Storage House."
The Council reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Duted at La Grande, Oregon, this
3rd day i f February, 1911.
C M. HUMPHREYS. City Recorder.
FSb. S-10. '
, Jjfoffce of Street Improvement.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that In pur
Buance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of Feb
ruary, 1910, creating Improvement
District No. 17. and designating Jef
ferson Avenue as such district and in
pursuance of a resolution adopted b
said Common Council on the 18th day
of 'January, 1911, whereby aald Coun
cil determined and declared It Inten
tfins ) 'nrfi U thst portion of
JtSereoa avenue, in aald kxprcwioieiat
district as hereinafter described by
laying thereon Bitulithlc pavement,
the Council will, ten days after the
service of this notice upon the' own-
era of the property affected and bene
fitted by such improvement, order that
bald above described Improvement be
made; that the boundaries of said dis
trict to be so Improved are a fol
'owt: .
All that portion of Jefferson avenue,
from the .north sldo of Chestnut street
to the north side of Cove avenue.
A) ; And the property affected or
benefitted by said Improvement la as
follows: , . ' ;.
. All that .:iit cf blocks 110, 111, 113,
ami 11 i vf 1 tplln's Add. to La Grande
Orogm, ly'ng northeast of the alley
between Adams and Jefferson avenues,
of BKid ftieets. Also., all of blocks' 116,
1 17 end iJR of Chaplins Add. to La
Grande, Oregon. Also, commencing at
a pon t forty feet northeast of the
u U "f.fil corner of lot 13, block 115,
o ChPilins Add. to La Grande, Ore
grn, thence northeast 150 feet, thence
southeast to a point 80 feet northwest
or ; he northwest corner of lot 1, block
116. of said addition, thence southwest
150 feet, thence, northwest, to the
place of beginning. 4 v A ,
Notice is hereby further given that
the Council will levy a special as
sessment on all the property affected
and benefitted by such Improvement
for the purpose of paving for such im
provement That the estimated cost
of such Improvement is the sum ot
$30,351.00. That the Council will on
the 15th day of February, 1911, meet
at the Council chamber at the hour
of 8 o'clock p. m, to consider, said es-
uuiaieu win, ttuu toe levy oi sua as
sessment, when a hearing will , be
granted to any person feeling aggrlev
ed by such assessment. .
La Grande, Oregon, Feb. I, 1911.
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. ; , . Feb. 3 lot"
Information of Priceless Valne to Ev
ery la Grande Cltiien.
How to act in an " emergency is
knowledge of inestimable worth, and
this ! particularly true of the diseas
es iand III of the human body. If you
Buffer with backache, urinary disor
der, or any form of kidney trouble,
the ftdTioe contained in the,' following
statement will add a valuable asset to
your atone of knowledge. What could
be more convincing proof of the effi
ciency of Doan'a Kidney pills than
the statements ' of nearby, realdenta
who have been permanently unedT
Charles Adams, of Union, Ore., says:
I hold Just a high an opinion of
Doan'a Kidney Pills today aa I did in
November, 1907, when I publicly rec
ommended them. I was annoyed by at
tacks of backache and I had otbar
symptoms of kidney trouble. About
six yars ago I learned of Doan's Kid
ney Pills and procuring 'a box, I be
gan their use. They helped me so
greatly that I have always kept a sup
ply on hand since. Whenever I ..feel
that my kidneys are in need of a tonic,
I take Doan's Kidney Pills .and the
promptly relieve me."
For sale by all dealers. Price M
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. '
Remember the name Doji's
and take no other.
"I bad been troubled with constipation
for two years and tried ail of the best physi
cians In Bristol, Tcnn., and they could do
nothniirfor m,' write I ho. t Wi:uami,
Midillelmni. Ky. "Two packages of Cham
beilsin' Ktonuuli mil Liver Tablets cured
1 vrr
The Twin ClnderellaePathe.
Dusty Rhode,
The Golden Supper Blograph.
On the Mexican Border Lubln.
Song Gliding Over the Snow.
Admission 10 cents
Tarlous Seasons Responsible for the
Change in Hour This Evening.
A very Important announcement in
connection with the coming of "Polly
cf the Circus" at the Steward tonight,
's the matter of the early curtain. Al-
nowt invariably the curtain rises at
2:30 o'clock but on this occasion, for
various reasons, it will be pulled up
ht 8 o'clock.
Thla announcement will be followed
out; in detail and lf the audienc is
not seated at 8 o'clock the usual dis
turbances arising from seating late
arrivals will result.
At the Star.
Four good pictures are to be seen
at the change of Teels at the Star.
A Blograph picture, "The Golden Sup
per," taken from one of Tenneson's
bf autiful poems, Is a magnificent
work of the plcturemaking art The
scenery is well staged and realistic,
arid the act'ng la very good, the death
srene especially Is impressive. Special
music was p: oylded for this picture
bv Mr. Thomas. "Dusty Rhodes,", "The
Twin Cinderellas" . were both good,
"pn the Mexican Border", a . Lubln
picture that was especially interest
ing In view of the Mexican civil war
to!ng on at the present time, This
picture shows the assault of a ranch
ers daughter and ier later capture
and Imprisonment by a Mexican.' She
is rescued by herr sweetheart,4 ; a
young n. engineer, the ..Mexican ' is
captured and hung. v: '
At the Isls. v
At the Isla this week a good change
of reels is shown, each of thef pictures
showing a distinct : individuality.
"When a Man Loves," a Blograph pic
ture showing a bachelor visiting his
old country home, and falls in love
with the daughter of an old friend.
He happens in one night when the
girl in the romance is eloping, with
her country lover.' He Is a game old
sport and helps the romance along by
helping the eloping pair, "The, Lit
tle Spreewald Maiden." a beautiful
piece of photography, showing a little
country German lrl in her j native
costume and surroundings in Ger
many. She comes to New York, makes
good as a nursa iglrl, then a steno
grapher, and returns to her; lover in
Germany. The can of the (great White
Way has too great a hold upon , her
and she breaks her troth . with her
German', lover and returns to New
York,. and marries, her employer. ?'A
'Clever , Domestic," and the ''Mexican
Tumiplers" are both well worth see-'
Ing. Especially the latter 4 picture,
"Which shows a troupe .of Mexican
acrobats in new stunts. ,
. - Colombia George to Marry. '
Columbia George, the local Indian
released last year from McNeill's Is
land where he was held for. Implica
tion in the murder of an old woman, la
to take unto himself a bride, Lucy
Jackson, a license having been issued
yesterday. Pendleton Bast Dreigon
lan. .
folly and
Snow Deep and Kueb Difficnlry Exists
la "Reaching 'Wood EHes.
Kamela, Feb. 9 Special Snow Is
thee feet deep In the "timber at Ka
mela, the Blue mountain summit, and
breaking of roads to cord wood piles
is becoming quite difficult ' '
, There are 1000 cars of wood hero
now that last year at thi time.
Orders to A. Truax. Kamela, for
all kinds of dry wood will receive
promjpt attention.
': Forest Ranger L. E. Tipton has
already trapped 28 coyotes. If all ,the
trappers could do equally as well the
pests would be thinned out Quite rap
idly. :- V', . ... ' ' ,
John Thompson made 'a business
trip to Meacham.
Earl Gillanders, the merchant at
Meacham has Just returned from an
extended visit at Portland, with rela
tive. . ".
F, Truax has just returned from
Huron where ha has been branding
up wood ot that place. ' " '
The wood market seems rather
quiet all along the line whera wood
Is for sale. ' .
The quicker U coia is gotten rid of the
less the daneer from pneumonia and other
serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, ol
Waverly, Va. .says: "I firmly believe Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the
best preparation on the market for colds. J
have recommended it to my friends and
lnev all agree with van." For sale by a"
dealers, v '
Jfotlce of Street Improvement.
To Whom it May Concern: ?
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 1st day of Dec.
1910, creating : Improvemeent district
No. 10, and designating Greenwood
street, as such district, and In pur
suance of a resolution adopted by said
Common Council on the 18th day ot
January, 1911, whereby said Council
determined and declared its Intention
to improve all that portion of Green
wood avenue, in said improvement dis
trict aa hereinafter described, by lay
ing thereon Bltullthlc pavement,: the
Council will, tea days after the ser
vice of this notice upon the owners
Of the property affected and benefitted
by such improvement order that said
above described . Improvemeent V be
made; that the boundaries of said dis
trict to be so improved aro as fol
lows. - v ; . h .v.vv'. s.;-.v'
I" All - that portion of ' Greenwood
street, from the west side of Adams
avenue to the weet side of Washing
ton avenue. .
r (A) - And the property, affected or
benefitted by said improYement is as
follows: " f
All of block 109 and the south half
of block 108, and the N.;fc 1-4 of block
63. and the east half of block 100, of
Chaplins Add. to La Grande, Oregon.
Also the north, half of block 9, of Cog
gans Add to La Grande, Oregon. . :
Notice Is hereby ; further given that
the Council will levy a special assess
ment on all Che property affected and
benefitted by such improvement for
the purpose of 'paying for such im
provement That the estimated cost of
'4 .
v g
her Pet, Bingo" with Tolly and the
' T . M . . v
That's; What
It's Good For
Shining Parlors, Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies,
Fresh Fruits,
214 Depot Street
Covers the Field....The Observer
M M M sU
' S. A. GARDlNlER, Prop, and Mgr. '
I Commencing Thursday
Exponents of
J ; Until Thursday, Admission 1 Oc only
4HiHIHItllUl Hit 1 1 1 ill 1 1 J tlUllll'im nit
such improvement is the sum of S3,-
390.00., That the Council, will on the
1Mb day of February, 1911, meet at
the Council chamber at the hoar of 8
o deck p. m., to consider said essti
mated cost, and the levy of said as
sessment, when - a hearing will ' be
granted to any iperson feeling agsriev
ed by such assessment " r ' ;
La Grande, Oregon, Teh. 3, 1911.
Kecorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. , . . Feb. 8 lot
They AllSay
H 1
What Ails You
Fresh Popcorn
La Grande, Oregon
; :.
Colored Comedy
Be Corset-Happy j
Whon you'deci to be corsel-happ.-'.
come and te fitted In
the lace-ln-f ront Gossard. There
is a model In the Gossard to
show off to best advantage
your special type of figure.
330 to SS.00. ,
Mrs.Robert Pattison
, Backache, Rhenmatlsm, Nervousness.
: Mean disordered kidneys, Foley Kid-
ney Pills have helped your neighbors;
. they will also help you. Mrs. B. IH11,
.Peoria, 111., 8ay8: "i have suffered
I greatly with my kidneys for years and
have suffered also with rheumatism.
Have taken several wel known kldnltf
Pills. These hav . . me a rmt de&1
of good, rellev' p me of the severe
backache and rmimatism and I cheer
' Hill's Drug Store.
.. ?T7 'y bu need of a good, reliable
.iniment For sprain, bruises, sorenen of
the muwles and rheumatic pains there is
none better tlmn Clmmberlain't. 8oK by
II dealers.
Ti6i ox vaiar'
i J ' A