'XT": f; If 1; s J 4 -4 ,;f v 5.' .1 , LA GBANDE EVENING. pBSJyBL, ; ; . ;. . . ilJESDAY, JAWABY 31, 1911. ; , PAGE 3 f . . " -rtr-Wh-i. i it., ifc a. r- -i ir npffc ii iT rU dfc mfr ft ifr Nrf ffrni NifS iiuM K infaj, it iiA nrfu irti wir rs witli AiA fc sV inh jfc A A A - a " 7 -'- y - - " -V" " "- ' '. ' T'!"!'"1 nji ' y if ' I p. :: . ( i: '(. rf:;..t. . : ! i! I in- n OPENING f ' . , 1 ET- . r ;;' j;,',!, -. - .,' "LJ" Special Scenery and Costumes. Chorus of 50 Selected Voices SIB JOS. rOMER, X. C D. .JTtlo a Gilbert and . . , ' 1 ' " - l Sullivan "'xU ' !, . t ' " ' I k ... Ij '."i M ... , 4 BENEFIT HIGH SiEHOOL DEORMIONS Cast of Characters Xt" u- t rTf ' , iiebe. J' SIB JOS'PEU FORTEB ....... .............. GEO. S.' BIENIE EAtPH RACKSTEAW .................... SHERWOOD TVUXIASIS Idick deadete w. k. dayis , , BOATSWAIN ...... ................. tfEElIX BATLEY BOATSWAIVS MATE . . . ....... . . . .. ,4 ........ ... LESLIE LITTLE - ACCOMPANISTS i Piano, Mrs. Louise Magnlre; Ylolln. Miss Bertha Young. CAPT. CORCORAN C. P. FEBRBIN JOSEPHINE NELLIE GABBICK HEBE i'.-. .' NELL YOUNG BUTTEECCP ......MBS. 0. E. SELYERTnORTVT? SERGEANT MA BINES JAY SHAW Admission: 50 c, 75 c, $1.00, $1,50 A MM ii ' . ReservedSeats , on Sale at Silverthorns i ,x. i 7 f !"' ' Vf t .,11 ;' . M. E. E0BINS0N, Director. DICK DEADEYE. RALPH RACKSTRAW. hooting Gallry JUST OPENED Shining Parlors, Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Fresh Fruits, Fresh Popcorn 214 Depot Street . La Grande, Oregon Covers the Field....The Observer THE ilhieiLD DUD 3. A. GARDINIER, Prop. andlMgr, TWO COMPLETE CHANGES A WEEK i Commencing Thursday BANKS & WALKER Exponents of Colored Comedy Until Thursday, Admission 10c only Strange, Unique and Norel is Climax. ' ' i Strage, new, unique, fascinating be yond description and in many points of view the best drama beard at the Steward in several seasons, the Climax played to an appreciative audience last night. There is nothing in the play that is plagarized. It Is new and has character such as few plays have! Though the plot Is insignificant and of Just common Interest, the manner of handling it Is a remarkably .inter esting. Miss Adelaide O'Brien, as Ade lna Von Hagan,' the pupil, carries tho stellar role and she does It well.' With four characters .every one (peculiar ly moulden to. his part the play stands out as a queer production that not only pleases but is Intensely fas cinating. Nothing but praise was heard last evening. At the Star. Three films, showing tragedy, com. ery and history are shown at the Star, "Clancy" a story of the life of a metro politan policeman, and his tight to wipe out a gang of toughs is very re alistic, showing a policeman's on handed battle in a street brawl, ln which he Is sverly wounded. The pub lic's rratltude for this act of bravery consisted of a short newspaper write up. Art and the Legacy, a comedy of two young artists with a craving for art, is good. An Intrigue, a superbly staged film of French history is well worth seelcg. GUESTS ARE PLEASED. I Critics Invited1 to Hear Pinafore Re . hearsal Say Production is Fine. : ;With careful study, hard work and excellent training the coplc opera Pinafore, which Is to be given at the opening of the new high school audi torium tomorrow night, has now reached such a stage of perfection as to insure a first class production of this favorite opera. The stage has been set to represent the ' quarter deck of an Old time British man o' war and at the dress rehearsal last night many members of the cast entered so heartily into the spirit of the opera that they iwer repeatedly greeted with applause from the other mem bers of the cast and chorus, who at the time were off the stage. Also the few who were invited ln by director Robinson to ook for the weak points and aid by their suggestions and cri ticism had nothing but words of praise and surprise that a company of young peope with scarcely any pre vious stage training could accomplish what has been done by , these hlg-h school students in Just two week's prepartelon. Of course every member of the cast comes ln for a good share of the work and al have made the most of their parts, but there 1b al ways special interest in those con nected In a love story end in this both the Admiral, Sir Joseph Porter, pl.Gmlsslokroantedblral.SHRDLUUTJN and the common sailor, Ralph Rack straw, being both In love with the same young lady are the center of in terest. In the termer role, Mr. Geo. S. BIr j nie, impersonating the mikhty ad miral of the British navy makes love in a very condescending manner to the j captain's daughter and both in his einglng and speaking voice as, well as his easy acting and stage work will I be a delight to all. But the girl of his choice chooses the more humble sail or who doeB not go about his love making in so condescending but more forceful manner and no one will won der that Josephine makes this choice when they hear. Mr. Sherwood WHll lams, as Ralph Rackstraw, sing the beautiful arias which fall to his lot. In his part he is ably assisted by the voice and acting of Mlqs Nellie Gar rick as Josephine, as is Sir Joseph by p4ila first cousin Hebe, Impersonated by Miss Nel Young. In preparing a production of this kind much of the hard work and the success of the oprea comes upon the accompanist and in this Mrs. Louise Maguire has very efficient and help ful ... Don't fail to attend the opera to morrow and Saturday nights hear the best musical production of the season and at the same time assist ln the beautifying and decorating the new High School building. Vaudeville Act at Orphenm. Commencing today the Orpheum adds a vaudeville attraction to its pro gram. The vaudeville attraction is a funny stunt along the coon lne entertainment and the team brings hlrh praise from other Eastern Oregon towns. The team siaj-s the week out. At the Isls. A unique romance is told at the Is ia in the film entitled "The Girl la the Film." This is a romance with a deep love story attached and is good. "For Love of an Enemy," a story of the Civil war, ln which a northern spy and a southern girl, plays import ant parts. The setting of a military camp and the costumes of that date are good. Another good film showing great emotional acting is seen in a "Kleptomaniac's Repentance." LOOM WHO'S HERE! A NEW PAINT AND WALL PAPER , parlor conducted by CL0YST0N AND NCTTEE. All their stock of wall paper Is new and np to date in every respect. Call an see for yourself. We do all of our own paper hang, lng and painting la a style that Is bound to please. 1708 1-2 6tU street Independent phone 1SH next door to the OBSEBVEB of. flee. cm Tl i I i