t'.t'riiv;; - ; V J LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1911. PAGE 5 THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S PROGRAM PROGRAM CHANGE Overture Pinafore. -The Girl In the Film" Splen did Refined Comedy. "For Love of an Enemy" Northwest Spy Meeta Southern GlrL V'. "Kleptomaniac's . Repentance" Showing the Missing Ring. . Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. AMISSION 18c- i LOCALS Haradon'e Tru-Fruit Chacolates. Made Just right. At all of the leading confectioners. General Repairing1 at R. W. Lelghton's Auto-and Bicycle Garage. I repair everything. Umbrellas, phonographs, sewing machines, typewriters, stoves and guns. Shears and knives sharp ened, skates hollow ground, saws fil ed and set and 'soldering of all kinds done. I repair granite walr, make and fit keys, repair locks. I carry a full line of flaBh lights and their sup plies. Phone, Main 737. 309 Fir street Black Orphlngton cockrels for sale also eggs in season. R. A. Master son, 1705 North Spruce St. Read in February Sunset Magazine, San Diego the city of dreams come true. Beautifully illustrated in four colors.' Tetrazzlni t singing in the streets of San Francisco Christmas Eve. Now on sale. All News Stands. 15 cents. ' The V. W. Berry store was packed tj the doors Saturday and the sale was 1 a huge success in every way. Long be fore 9 o'clock there was a string of people waiting to get In. Kills Pain It penetrates deeply into the muscle and tis sues, equalizes the cir culation, removes infla mation, cures neuralgia, head ache, back ache, sprains, bruises, mus- I cular pains stiff and swouen j oinra. Wright's Liniment Should be in every home.. If this liniment fails to do anything that a liniment should do, let us return your money. Price ' 25c. DrugComp'ny We deliver Both Phones We Hurry MW.4..imW'W For the Next Thirty Days Yon nand Tainted China, Clocks M to 25 Per Cent off. All reliable Thirty Day S I f DCT VK?pT . La Grande s Lead r J, n. rCiTllV ing Jeweler. Opposite V. 8. Land Office ti M I II H 1 1 1 1 " " f 1 ' ' "' 1 1 Do y6u suffer from chilblains? The i wngnt urug company has a remedy known as prescription No. 101 which cures ordinary cases in one night and the more serious cases in from one to three days'. Price 50 cents. Tru-Frult Chocolates. No imitation flavors. The ladles of the M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale Saturday, Feb. 4, in the building formerly oc cupied by Van Duyne's store. 6 PERSONALS. A Georgia H. Sutherland. ' the Walla Wta.Ha plumber is in the city today Btopping at the Foley. ; ; - John H. Jacobs of Union spent last night here, staying at the Foley ho tel. , I. H. Robinson of Joseph." was a La Grande visitor this morning, staying at the Foley wh!le here. . "Gen"Beck was a La Grande visi tor yesterday from Haines where fie is located. . '. . :' , Dexter Mlcllroy a well known citi zen of Union, was registered at the Savoy thia morning. John Hawthorne, a Telocaset ' resi dent, ia here today and is a guest at the Savoy. . i F. S. Brarawell left this morning for Wallowa county on sugar beet busi ness. . ' v. John Cohen of Nampa Is a guest in La Grande. He is registered at th Sommer. ' Wm. Bollons, superintendent of the O-W was in the city this morning- in his private car "03. .; C. A. Galloway arrived last evening to meet with, the county court, this coflrt' thiffr morning! as commissioner, Frank Collins is over from the wheat town, Pendleton today and while here is stopping at the Som mer. ' ' ' : " " C. E. Geddings. a former Grande Ronde resident but' now located 'at Boise, was' in the city this morning and is stopping' at the Sommer. John Graham of Elgin, well known in thlB city", was up from Elgin last night and stopped at the Foley while here. ' ' . G.Wi Cameron of Wallowa transact ed business In the city last night and this mornlnig, stopping at the Sommer while here. V - Mr. and Mrs.' Ed. Graves left this morning tor Des Moines, Iowa, where they will visit friends for several weeks. Mr. Graves is one of the old- and Heating John Melville 1423 Adams Avt LA GRANDE, - ORE Plumbing last night night being remark- :: . Can Buy Your Silverware, Cut Glass, d Jewelry at a Eednctlon of from 10 Quality and Folly Guaranteed. ti on A dams Avenue. 1 1 1 " 1 11 1 1 1 ltff f 1 1 time baxuE men &t th lorii tick office. - . . Mrs. W. E. WhKlock 4 Imbler transacted business In the city last evening, stopping at the Savoy while in the city. , iMiss Nora Casey' of Hllgard came down today on a weekly shopping tour. She was a guest of the Foley while here.. " t $ F. P. Ficklin, a prominent resident of Union was at the Savoy last ev ening, while looking after business tn the capital of the county. Mrs. Irwin, wife of a prominent Jos eph physician, passed through the city this morning on her way homejtrom Portland. . Mrs. Carl Kirkpatrtek and eon Bob have returned from a visit to New port, Washington, where Mrs. Kirk patrtek was called by the illness of a relative.- , . - J;. ' "' G. A. Lorlng, building Inspector for the O-W 'is here .today looking after business matters, relative to the building enterprises now under way. He is a guest at the Foley. s RAILROAD EMPLOYES UNABLE TO COPE WITH SITUATION. Say Police Assistance Is Only Sola, tion to the Problem This Winter. "No one realizes the fact that ho boes are making a general hangout of the men'B waiting room at the de pot and thereby making better sani tary conditions almost impossible,' said an employe at Che depot this morning. "We drive them out anil they come in at the other door. We must have more police assistance if 'the place is to be kept clear of the X j rough element' which drifts into a di vision point" The statement was made in re sponse to the popular appeal for cleaner depot that has been oing the Irounds of drummers and the travel Ing public in general. Great throngs of tramps and hoboes infest the wait ing rooms and at night it keeps the employes constantly busy herding them out They are so persistent that the hlght employes have about given up hops of coping with the sit uation. The traveling public is forced to stand a stench such as a roomful of dirty foreigners and flitmy tramps can permeate the air with. The sit uation needs attention for those who frequent the depot are outspoken in their dissatisfaction with conditions on the men's side of the waiting room. WALLA WALLA PLEASED "The Climax Is a Play for the Mas ses That Like to be Entertained In all my thirty years' experience with shows I have not found a play that draws as much favorable com ment a3 "The Climax," said II. A. Cory, business manager for that troupe, which plays here tonight at the Steward. It is a play with song, appealing to the better classes of theatre-goer s and Mr. Cory promises La Grande a treat such as seldom comes this way. For the light and frivolous, go some where else, but au up-lifting entertaining an dintense lyhlgh class play, see "The Climax. The following frpm the Walla Wal la Union regards the play In ques tion: ' , "The Climax" at the Keylor Grand last night is one of the cleverest dra ' mas that has ever been presented in this theatre season. It Is the only piece of real merit that has played to a smal house this winter, the attend- ably light. The story is a simple one there being only four people in the. cast, and there is no attempt to elah orate stage setting, Urn entire ptir formance being given in the same room which represents the ' living apartments of the music master, his son and the young lady pupil, who Is studlng voice culture with the idea of becoming a great singer. The other character is the young doctor who ,has known and oved the girl from childhood. Miss O'Brien com- f ! bines the rare qualities of possessing; i ! .Am.tl. atilHtv an A an ovrAllanf while Mr. Patton as the music master, Roy Merril as the ton, and Wesley Todd as the doctor are actors of splendid ability.' Jlarriage license Issued. County Clerk Ed. Wright today granted a . marriage license to L, J. Walls of Wallowa county and Nellie C. Finley of this city. For La Grande People. We have found that a single dose of Adlerika, the simple German Appen dicitis remedy, relieves wind or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour stom ach or constipation almost Instantly. A. T. Hill, Druggist ,, - Netice, :. . Those holding tickets dated Jan uary 5th on presentation of same will be refunded amount In full, as per our advertisement' ..,.;. L. J. French our successor will con tinue this system, of advertising un til further notice. " . SMITH & GREENE." Y Notice cf Fin;! Settlement. Notice Is hereby given to all ccn oeixt.'.. that Wm. Reynolds, adminta trstor ot the estate t Wiilli'as Albert Adams, deceased, has ale.4, in. the fcunty Court, or union voiaii. wro- gon, his final report o his adminis- ti feUoa of the state or said William Albert. Adams, deceased and that said court has set Wednesday, the 8th dsy of February, A. U. I?U, at 2 o'c.ock ji.rai. at the county court house in La Grange. Oregon, for the hr1n& tt unrh mnrr el ohioc- tions lhareto. ; v. Dated at La Grarde, Oregon, on thia loth day of January, A. D..:WL y WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Administrator of the estate of Will Jan? Albert Adams. Aac eased. Jan. '.0, 57. 24, 31, Feb. 7k 14, 21 .. When your feet are wet and cold", and vour bod chilled through and through from exposure, take a b!g dose of Cbamberlain'i ongh Remedy, bathe vour feet in hot ater beftire going to bed, and yon are al :uot certain to ward offa severe cold. Yor !! hy nil diw !. ... o - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 44 44 444 PHYSICLOS AND isURGEONS. N. MOLITOR, M. D. Vhysiclan and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and , Depot street Office, Main 68; Resi dence 69. C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande 'National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Res! dence Main 33. A. L. RICHARDSON, M. V. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D.' Drs. Richardson & Loughlln, Physicians and Surgeons, Office Hours 9 to 11; 2. to B; 7 to 8. Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 853. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 65; Ind. 812. . 3E0. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopptt Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1 3112 Pacific, Main 63,- Residence phone Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E Moore. .. . m. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 110& Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg.. La Grande, Oregon. OR. II. L. UNDERWOOD and DR . DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov- ' er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgerj of the eye. , Phones Office Main 22; residence, iidiu 728. I. c, PRICE, D. M. t. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black 399. DR. R. L, LINCOLN, DENTIST Firs; class services given. Offlce over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Offlce at Hill's Drug Store , La Grande. Residence phone, Rei 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones al residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank - Miiiouiicei We have purchased the Smith & Green Shoe Store and solicit the continuance of your past patronage and are here to please the public in selecting shoes and hosiery from our exclusive lines which you will find represents the best majies of Eastern Manufactures. Mr. Green of the old firm will still be with us. Yours truly L. J. FRENCH . . Successor to SMITH & GREEN ' 444$4W4i4 EagletfaW Three Pounds for 50c . One-Gallon can $1.25 Safe agent Chase & Sanborn Teas and Coffee. Shodgriss Grocery Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande Matiwuat Burnt tsidg., La 1 Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City, Oregon. '4 Advertising FOR SALE About Feb. 25 we are leaving La Grande for Houston, Tex., We offer for sae our household goods with numerous other items, among these, one Kingsbury piano, one range iron beds with springs and matresses, heaters, tables, chairs, sewing ma- chine, three dressers, buggy and har ness, incubator, etc.etc. , W. H. GIBSON, East Adams Ave. FOR SALE A nine room modern house, cement basement, furnace, hard wood floors two" fire places, lot 120 by 120, situated at corner Third and "J" street near new high school. Easy terms. Address Mrs. E. W. Eartlett. 908 Third street. 1328 Ind, FOR RENT New and second hand Brewing machines, $1X0 per month. Rent paid to apply on machine if pur chased. Machine delivered and called for. Singer-White or New Home. Room 2 Foley Bldg. Telephone Mafh 709 or Black 1291. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 1617 Fourth Btreet or telephone Mrs. E. C, Moore. FOR RENT One modern room. In quire at 1311 C avenue or phone Black 822. . . " Vacuum houBecleanlng, upholster ing and furniture repaired. L. F. Bel linger, Fhone Red-562. i ' " CITY S CAV ANGER Joseph Turn-bull,- city scavenger. Anyone want ing my service call np City Recor der's office. - . Classified 1 mem f Be Corset-Happy When you decide to be corset happy,, come and be fitted In the lace-in-front GosBard. There is a model in the Gossard to fchow off to best advantage your special type of figure.'1 $W0 to $5.00. . Mrs Robert Pattison '7 PHONE BLACK, 1181. New Transfer Line M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Drayingof All Kinds r - fit" ' 1 t; 'J I