LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER,- TUESDAY, JANUARY 31,1911. AG3 3 ' STAGS THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGHT "Clancy" Vltagraph " showing the Gas House Gang. HYouVJant PURE LARD IVc Have f : Armour's Simon Pure Leaf Lard open fcele aso Armour's Sar Hams and Arm our's Star Bacon. Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop. . The auicker a cold is KOtten rid of the leu the danger from pneumonia and other twriou uiaeawM. our, t. . a uiui, ti Waverly, Va. .uays: "I firmly believe Cham berlain'! Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I hare recommended it to my frienda and they all agree with me." For sale by a dealers.. ; -' '" -' , ' , The First Question Asked when buying or renting a house, the ONE ques- ; tion of the modern renter or buyer ( invariably runs this way: 1y- Is the house wired for Electricity? EVERYBODY has come to realize that electric light is not a luxury they want, but -a Necessity they must have. EASTERN OREGON any THE S. A. GARDINIER, TWO COMPLETE Light and torap I Commencing Thursday BANKS & WALKER Exponents of Colored Comedy i Until Thursday, Admission 10c only v " y - . I : I , , ,4. , if, , -, ...iminiii ii. i ' .fniliM t. J J .....,,,. IS ' r . - - - - - - - -r . v. t ,rznzz- ,MWOTw -. i v , ii - K If $ i I u SUBSCRIBERS MUST ACT SEATS SUBSCRIBED FOB "CLI- MAX" XOT RESERVED IET. Manager Steward Announces Neccg. sity of Personal Reserration. ; Theatre-goers who subscribed some time ago during the advance sale ot seats for "The Climax" must reservj their seats at the regular sale. Man ager Steward is confident that many of thoBe who subscribed aeweral weeks ago by signing for tickets, are of the opinion that thoir seats have been reserved, but such 1b not the case and the manager is anxious to l-sve It understood that the subscrib er must reserve his own seats for the which takes place tomorTov eight . ' The sale has been rapid and only a few of the good seats remain so those bud Prop. andjMgr, CHANGES A WEEK . ( J ' v - - i IS ... ? , i v t4ar Scene from "The Climax", who helped make the attraction pos sible, should attend to the matter or reservation at an early date. Maslc at the Isls. Among the features which will be seen and heard at the Isls commenc ing with it program tonight will be a musical selection from II. M. S. Pinafore by Charles E. King. This catchy music will be enjoyed in view of the fact that the opera is soon to be staged here. The house ad tells the story of the pictures to be seen to night . Star Changes Tonight A new program . of stellar worth goes on at the Star this evening and the theatre-golnig public will see something of more than ordinaryT value. See the house ad for particulars.,- . k BUT LITTLE JfOISE THIS TEAR. Local Chinese Confine Celebration to Sweet Meats and a Few Crackers Saffron celestials of La Grande are celebrating the oriental , new year period in hilarious manner though little of the sport comes to public no tice. Eevery evening since the new year period began, hears some sem blance of the celebration through the explosion of harmless fire crackers but otherwise the Chinese are confin ing their hilarity to plenty of sweet meats direct from China. Foley Kidney Plfls. . Are tonic in action, quick in results. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. H. M. Beatty, Little Rock, Ark., says, "For two years. I have been troubled with severe kidney trouble. The pains across my back house in La Grange. Oregon, for the and over my hips were so bad that 1 .(. f ,,. rnn m nhlw they almost meant death to me at ! Hons thr'?. v times. I used several well known kid-1 nn. at La Gr&rrtfl. Oregon, on noy remedies which gave me no re- i ifcli.W.i hv of January A. C 'I'M. lief until I used Foley Kidney Pills. " TTLLIAM RETNOLT.'S. and these I can truthfully recommend 'rtmin'strar of the estate of Will as they have made me sound and well." -.w A'.bert Adam.- iceased. Hills Drug Store. ' Jan. :C, .'7. 24, 31, Feb. T. U. 51 .. Act. I, at Steward Feb. X FLYING MACHINE COMING AVIATOR GIRL WILL TUT 03T AX ORPHEUM ACT. Floats Over the Andlence While Siny. Ing Her Catchy Song. An aviation 'meet,' on a small scale is scheduled to appear at the Orph eum early next week, commencing Monday, when Maude Still, the aviator girl, will put on her aviation act here. She sings from an aeroplane as it soars about the theatre over the heads of the audience, and it is said that she has been the biggest draw ing, card along the line of vaudeville attractions this winter. The nature of her act is not explained In much detail in advance notices but there is plenty of detail to Insure the state ment that the. act ia a thrilling one and truly novel. She made a big hit in Portland. In addition to the aeroplane act the Orpheum will put on "The Two Longfellows", a comedy singing and novelty act. This number' commen ces Monday too. NoOc ef F!n- Sett'.rment Notice is hernbv tten to all con- otTne. that Wm. Reynolds, admin'R trstor ol the estat3 ot W.tevo Albert Adams, deceased, has fi!v'. in the 'cviity f!ourt of Union County, Ore gon, his final report of. hU sdminls t it)on of the state of said William Albert .Adams, deceased and that said court has set Wednesday, the 8th dv of February, A. h. 5?t.l "f- 2 oY.ock n. :ti. at the couuty co'irt ' '"'YfSw'ftf 1Mb. v Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Mar or and City Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, until Wednesday, February 1st, 1911, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of audit ing the city books, papers, documents and. finances. '., , ' .' ' Bids shall be sealed and be marked "Bids for Auditing City Books," The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ..' i ' La Grande, Oregon, January 20th, nu. ' ; . ''.. A. L RICHARDSON, : ' , ' , . - . Mayor. C. M. HUMPHREYS, City Recorder. Jan 20-Sl . STEWARD'S Wednesday That Beautiful and Realistic Comedy of Modern Life 1 YEAR Weber Theatre, New York City 1 6 MONTHS Grand Opera House, Chicago g PRESS COMMENTS "An unusual Play with Music that la effective." -N. Y. Sun. . "A Genuine and Novel Treat." N. Y. World , ; Seats On Sale Monday at Van Curen ( L Prices $?.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c "Art and the Legacy" Comedy "An Intrigua" French History Song "Lend roe a Klsa until tomorrow." . Admission 10 cents European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1,50, : First class Throughout AV0I D.C. BRIGHOUX," Proprietor.' ' ONE BlOCKfROMDrfOt La Grande, Oregon TO OUR :: CUSTOMERS H ; ! TAere Arc Many of ; You ; That we npyreclate your pat ronage, your loyalty and stead fastness, fully as much as you appreciate tha help we have at times been able 'to fnrnlih ran, goes without saying. ' ' HOWEVER, re want to take f this public methott of thanking yon for past patronage , and, r with foil confidence, that this patronage will continue, we ! I pledge yon oar best endeavors ; ; i'. the future as you have had 1 (Ssein In the past . V' ! ', Wishing yon an Increased measure of Rapplness and Pros. ; ; perity for we year wit, we are . Sincerely yonrs, The United 'States National Bank, U Gfj M ft!: OREGON Opera House 1st "Joseph Weber found a Gem of purest Ray Serene when he dis covered "The CUmax."--N. Y. Times. ' '. '' "Such a Dramatic Atmos phere Is a Positive Relief." N. Y. .Telegraph. V ;? mm February The MAX" ft i ' t u u l. J) 11 i F - V i