La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 27, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    j -II1.HH !,, I . 11 U Jfc CI A m A
vmhimuwu U ' 10 wnom it Mar Concern: Notice
, Chicken
Tomato Okra
Herbert Pattison
Every family hu need of a good, reliable
lluiment For sprains, bruises, soreness of
the muscles and rheumatic pains there is
none better lhan Chamberlain's- ) b;
all ' " . ' 1. .v.. . !".. ".,''. -V "..
The First
Question Asked
-when buying or ,
renting a house,
. the ONE ques
tion of the modern
renter or buyer .
invariably runs
this way: ;
Is the house
wired for
has come to realize
that electric light
.; is not a luxury ,
they want, but
' a Necessity
they must have.
light and Power
To Whom it May Concern: Notice
la hereby given that in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the. common
council of the city of La Grande, Ore
gon, on the 27th day of October, 1909,
creating Improvement District No. 8.
and designating 2nd street, as such
district, and in pursuance of a reBo-,
lution adopted by said common coun
cil on the 18th day of January, 1911, !
whereby, said council determined and
declared Its Intention to Improve all
that portion .of 2nd street, In said
Improvement district as hereinafter
described, by laying thereon Macad
am, the Council will, ten days after
the service of this notice upon the
owners of the property affected and
benefitted by such Improvements, or
der that said above described Improve
ment be made; that boundaries of said
district be so Improved are as fol
lows: All that portion of Second street,
from the North line of Adams avenue
to the "South l!n? of Palmer street
Notice is hereby given that the coun
cil will levey a special assessment on
all the property affected and benefit
ted, by such Improvement for the pur
pose of paying for such Improvement.
That the estimated cost of such im
provement is . the sum of A
Tb-t ti; Xvuuou win on' the. '1st day
of February, 1911, meet at the coun
cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock,
p. m.. to consider said estimated cost,
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such f cess
ment. " : i;.-,77
La Grande, Oregon, Jan." 20th 1911.'
: OREGON. .V"1'':-": ''
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
';: .Oregon. .y'Y :
Jan. 20-31 s
o ' o
O O ooo O O O O
Big Bill Tonight.
" An exceptionally fine programme is
billed for tonight and Saturday at the
Isis theatre. The management has se
cured the beautiful "Edison film- de
pleting the treat dramatic actress,
Madame Pilar Morin In the emotional
drama, "The Greater Love," a story
telling of a mother' devotion to her
wayward offspring, ending with the
triumph of love over wickedness. A
feature of this number Will be; the
Incidental music specially arranged by
Charles E. King, of the Isis theatre,
Including excerpts from "The Love
Tales of Hoffman," "De Provenca'
and "Cacallerie Kustlcana". There
will be presented. a "Vljagraph" fllm
entitled 'Water Lilllea." the etory of a
dancing girl, introducing the music of
"Anitras Dance" from the Peer Gynt
Buit of the Norwegian composer, Ed
ward Grelgg. , '-- - i. r . '. - M
"Pathe Freires" are represented by a
double film showing a French comedy
"Marguerite's BJrt i .raster-
piece in photography and acting en
titled "Saved by Her. Prayers.".
, ' Orpheum Change Good.
The new change which went on at
the Orpheum last night has been de-
dared by all to ha of MORntlnnnl
quality and for lovers of a little vau
deville and moving pictures combined.
Mr. Gardlnler has a stood nnmher at
the week end. " . -V, ,'; '
would do credit to a professional coiii
pany and the finale last night was
greeted by hearty applause from those
who dropped in while awaltlns th
basket ball game.
Comfortable opera chairs have been
placed in thu auditorium so that It
Las 478 excellent seats all command
ing a, fine view of the siage md
the stage Itself will be fit to repre
sent the quarterdeck of an old fash
ioned battleship and upon this deck'
and in a scene carefully portraying a
ship in the. harbor, this pretty opera
will be performed complete both
evenings as a formal opening of the
new auditorium. Nothing that could
have been more 'Interesting' to an au
dience or more beneficial to thos
engaged In its presentation could
have been decided for the opening,
for so worthy object as raising fundi
for the purchase of pictures and dec
orations for the walls of the new High
School building, no doubt the audi
torium will be packed both nights. :.
, Don't forget the date.' Friday and
Saturday, Feb. 3 and 4, and plan tp
go both nights as it will be the best
local entertainment ever given in La
Grande. ,--: .
4-- h : 1 h i
AGARDINIER, Prop. andj,'-r.
PeGra7::and : DaGraw
. Pahtominical Comedy : Acrobats, in Bumps Galore
Adults IScts Chiiarcn lOcfc !
Notice for Bids. .
Notice la hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received by the May,
or and City Council of the City of La
Grande," Oregon, nntll Wtednesday,
February 1st, 1911, at the hour of 8
o'clock p. m. for the purpose of audit
ing the city books, papers, documents
and finances. .
Bids shall be sealed and be marked,
"Bids for Auditing City Books,": The
Council reserves the right, to reject
any and all bids.:,. ,.: .:-:;;; , .., '',,
La Grande, Oregon January , 20th,
1911. ; '
.. A. L. RICHARDSON, '.'
',:', :, ' ':-'')'-' Mayor7'
C, M. HUMPHREYS, City Recorder.
Jan 20-31 k-'' : '
There Are Marty of ; You ; t
That we ' appreciate your pit
roaage, your loyalty and stead t
fastness, fully jfs much as jou 5
T appreciate ths help we have at X
1 goes without saying.
T II9WEVEB. we want to take
T this public method ef thanking
you for past patronage, and,
vt 1th foil confidence that this
stron'age w!ll continue, we
pledge jou our best endeavors
'be future as yon have had
;em la the past.'
Wishing yon an Increased
measvre ef Happiness and Pros,
perity for the year 1911, we are
Sincerely jours, : ,
I The United 'States
National Bank,
, Notice to Creditors. ,
Notice is hereby given that letters
of administration have been Issued
by the County Court of Union county
Oregon,' to ; Angus ' Shaw ' upon the
estate of Isabella Shaw, deceased, and
all persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same with proper vouchers to the
said administrator at his residence
at Summerville, Oregon, , within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this December 30th, A. D
1910. :
Administrator of the estate of Isabel
la Shaw, deceased., v -,
Dec. 30, Jan 8, 13, 20, 27.
. : - "The Climax.
"The Climax" 'which comes to the
Steward next Wednesday is a simple
and pretty play that never fails to
make an Impression on even the most
indifferent theatre-goer. It Is partic
ularly attractive to lovers of music
gonderful voice and has the promise
' - 1
1 r I - - ,
"" -
" j
i , v n
i m -ii iiiiipwiiiii
k y.-A. :-;;-;. t;.:::-s-:v:-;5-s.;A;
r. i Xa-:-:-:-:n-:o.:::.-:s-:v;-;' ::S
Piles Cured tn 6 to 14 Bays. 1 :
Pazo Ointment ,1s fiuaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 days or money refunded, 50c.
The oulcker a cold is sotten rid of the
lest the danger from pneumonia and other
erioui diseases. : Mr. B. W. L. Hall, 6)
Waverly, Va. ,8vJ "I firmly believe Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the
best preparation on the market for colds. 1
have recommended It to my friends ami
tnev all agree with me." for sale by a"
dealers. ; , . .. V"'--.
Give Orrlne and Destroy all Desire for
: whiskey and Beer. Can be Given
Secretly. Try it at Onr Expense.
We are In earnest when we ask you
to try Orrlne at our expense. , We will
give your money back, USafter a trial
you fall to get results from Orrlne.
This Is a very generous offer. It gives
the wives and mothers of those who
drink to excess an opportunity to try
tn Orrlne Treatment It also shows
out confidence In tie merits of Orrlne.
Orrlne Is recognised as the best and
most successful remedy the world has
ever known for drunkenness or the
o-called Liquor Habit It la a very
simple treatment, can be given in the
home without publicity or loss of
time from business, and at a small
price. Read the following letter from
Dr. Nolte, 8& and Race Streets, Phil
adelphia. It will JteJi -t
a wonderful results from the Or
rlne . treatment. -:-;r:J',i ,'.:.., ' ,,., v .
'I have had a remarkable case of
lnebtrlacy under my personal obser
vation. The patient drank heavily for
Setfen year and reached a degraded
condition, wMoh caused the breaking
up of his family and separation from
his wife. Every hope was given up of
ever saving' the man from his strong
desire for drink and only a motor's
Interest) finally persuaded him to vol-'
untirtly take treatment for his dis
eased condition. It was my pleasure
to recommend Orrino, your liquor
habit 'cure. And ' the treatment "was
taken faithfully. This was two' years
ago and the; patient Is now In a
healthy : condition and etlll abstains
from the use of stimulants. I have
ipold Orrine for, a number 'of years '
and have always found it to be satis
factory.' I believe you have an excep
tionally good treatment for this dls
ease." v r- . . 11 -.
. Orrlne Is prepared In two forms.
No. 1, secret treatment, a powder,
absolutelely ' tasteless, and odorless,
given secretly la food or drink. Or
rine No. 2, in pill form, is for those
who desire' to take the Voluntary
treatment Orrlne costa only ' $1.00
a box. Write for free Orrlne booklet
(mailed In plain sealed envelope) to
Orrlne Co. 674 Orrlne buildine. Wash.
jlngton. D. C,, Orrine is recommended'
and Is for sale In this city at Sliver
thorne's Family Drag Store.
Jan 23 27
MUM' l """ ' M
rU,;-v.V L3 S V .. ;
The Queen of Hearts Sellg.
The Fugitive Biography
Who is Nellie? Pathe. "
Finland .
Song Tell Me Once Again, You
Love Me, . . ,;, ..... , . . , ; .
Admission 10 cc:
4 The Climaxn Scene at Steward Feb. 1
The Noted Clairvoy.
ant, Palmist and Healer
gives life readings and
advice on al affairs of
life, Past Present and
Future, cures all chron
ic and nervous disease.
without drugs. Satis
faction guaranteed ; or
no fee accepted. Call
1 flnrl nonsuit this- fritted
medium and healer at
I once, she can and will
help you. Extraordin
ary low fee. Office hours
10 a. m. to 9 p. m. daily
and Sunday;
Office and Residenco
ill A no AJ.M. A
4 ilUddlU i.VO.
of a great career. Her dream Is rude
ly, cruelly broken, and that forms the
big dramatic moment of the story and
Is told in a rarely sympathetic and
appealing way. Of ' course It ends
happily, but there is never a minute
when the play Is not natural, absorb
ing and well worth while. The char
acters are drawn with skill and move
In an out of a very human story
; There Isn't a grain of trash In a sin-
gle line of "The Climax."
Kchearsals Held With Good Results
Cast to be Strong One.
, The rehearsals for the comic opera
Hi M. 8. Pinafore, which are being
held every evening in the new High
School auditorium are beginning to
show the effect of the hard study and
application on the part of those en
gaged in the cast and chorus as w;11
as careful and painstaking on the part
of the director, Mr. Robinson. It does
not seem possible that a company of
students and amateurs can become so
profkeient In. the words, ' music and
action of such an opera as "Pinafore'
In so short a time as Is bein de
voted to It here, but the result of asl
night's practice showed, conclusive
ly that 'with a few more rehearsals
both the large chorus and every mem
ber of the cast will have the opera let
ter perfect The chorus already ban
dies the first act tn a manner that
iv tafes desiring Facial 1 Passage,
Shampooing, Manicuring r Scalp
Treatment should visit the Paris Hair
Store. h:- :'. ,;:. ::.:'J,y:' r
Switches, Carls, Puffs and Comb.
Ings made to order can also supply the
trade with Hair Goods and JfoveWcs,
Massage Cream and Facial Remedies.
m Fir Street
la Grande, Ore.
P. 1911 Chalmers
Just Received by ;'Piifebrdt:uto Co.
; ' , ; Call and Have Demonstration
t" s