i 1. rvi u jjj H fi !. Mjj - ' ' ' M H 11 M I i i i r 11 VOLUME X LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. HOHRIS BOURfJE HEAD OF lilTl-lllE L10IEST ; AM IS, TO PROMOTE POPITAR POLITICS THROUGH THE ' COUNTRY. .$ IS FIRST VICE , Progressive Republican i Leaders, Governors and Others Form a Na I Hon Wide League to Further Pop. ' Blar Election Jonathan Bourne of : A"r- cil rimisent Oft Foot For Some Time Past . Washington, Jan. 23 Formal an nouncementwas made today of the oc ganlzation of tie National' Republi can' Progressive League, formed by Progressive Republican senators, con gressmen, governor and others. Tfce plan Is to make a nation-wide eyate- '- maMc'attack for popular government, ihey say. . - , Under Way for Some Time.; - "Plans have been under way since the opening of congress, and conva- united at, a meeting Saturday night ben the declaration of principles was Bigned," said a staunch member of It. Bourne Is President. The constitution baa been adopted nnd officers elected as follows: Senator Jonathan Bourne of Oregon, president; Congressman Norrls, i of Nebraska, first vice; Governor Osboro of Michigan, second vice; Charles Crane, Chicago, treasurer;" Executive hoard, Gifford Plnchot, Congressman Kent,' California, George Record. New Jrsey and Senators Clapp of Minne sota, Bristow of Kansas andLen root of Wisconsin. " very much impressed, indeed, by the work that is being done by Presl dent Black and the faculty. Educated In Scotland and in Ger many, a graduate of both the Uni versities of Edinburg and Jena, with more than twenty-five years exDeri- ence in educational work in-Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia, Pr. Smyth Is a recognized authority on' the training of teachers. In a let ter Just received by President Black ot the' Lewlston Normal, Dr. Smj-h we not oniy were allowed to enter Into your-work but Into your home. I ami Indeed, especially Jn-debted-to yourself for the frank talks you had with me, and for your kind ness in enabling me to understand your aims and methods. Tod need not be afraid to let any visitors see your institution. It rests on too solid a basis-to be afraid of any kind 'of criticism; it's growth will be sound and healthy?' . , . FREE TEXT BOOK HILL PASSES WHIM ILLS SEAT MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1911. NUMBER 75 REGISTRATION RECORDS BILOKEX HOUSE 1 ROUGH Scattlcites Flwk to RB!f mfln 1 Books for IUaII Election. ' Seattle, Jan. 23 Nearly sixty thous and TOters have registered to date for the recall eloctlon of Mayor Gill. Geo. r vmm . . . wuung wil lotipose the maj-or. This la the heaviest registration in the history of Seattle. The books 'have been open only four days. urn SOCIAUSTS VT ANTED. Brother and Sister of Condemned leader Sought by Police, Tokio, Jan. 30 Vigorous search for the brother ind stater of Kotoku, the condemned leadf of tho socialists, believed to be hiding here, is being conducted by the imperial police. I is reported they left for America Imme diately after: learning' of his arrest. The couplo are radical socialists and the police want to watch them. - t EDr.CATOR PRAISES JfORMAl. Australian Professor Sees Virtues In t Lewlston Institution. Lewlston, Jan.-23 (Special) Dur ing tho past week Dr. Johii Smyth, president of the ; Teachers Training college of Melbourne university, Mel bourne, Australia,: visited in this city wlth an old 'college friend, Profes sor, W. R. -Bistfop of the State Nor mal faculty. , Dr. Smyis.ju)w-on-a'louiroT in- testlgatronTn this country and ex pects later to visit Canada and Great Britain. He Is especially interested in those institutions which are train ing teachers for the public schools. Dr. Smyth spent the entire week In observing the equipment of the Lewlston Normal J school, : and its methods of training teachers. He was loniiiuRORs T Salem, Ore., Jan. 23 Clyde text book" bill passed the house almoBt unanimously today, and favorable ac tion In the senate la ''tTTtta Th bill gives each district of the state the ngut to, provide free text book to all pupils If it so dMirAfl ' ; After New Masonlo Order. A measure waa Dassed Mmr kvTk Insignia or other acts and ftrt! f the Masonic lodge unless authorized by the state grand lodge It is aimed at .the new Masonic body now oper ating In Oregon.' ' 1SI Bills In House. ; Eleven more bills will be Intro duced In the house today, making a total of 184 In the house record. ?The Southern Oregon - experiment station, new bonds for tho treasurer of Multnomah county, a ban on tha '!e iTtmtw river, forbidding pursuit of business under aa assumed name unless registered with he county clerk, are among the ; nW. bills lriyoduced : iiililiiij FAT 5TAN BEAD. Requires Extra large Coffin and ten , Men to Carry Him With Ease.; ; San Francisco, Jan. 23 Herman Schmidt, the fattest man In Califor nia is dead today. lie weighed 475 pounds and conducted a saloon prev ious to the big fire. He died of hrJ structed and there will be tea pall bearers. , . c S DEFEOSE MDinnri i.L! SEXATOR GA3IREL COPIES TO AO OF ACCUSED EXITED STATES SENATOR, J.;CKF0T fiQT OEL'TEO? FRISCO ASSURES GOO nncqq r IIERI1 FOR IF SITE CO 0 L I III OE iiSKED DEFEND1 Albany, Jan.. 23 By almost A nnnn. Imous vote, both houses of the New Yor!r. legislature today voted- to sun- port the San. Francisco conttmrmit n the fight for the congressional recog muon m its ciaimo for Oia panama ex position..' ..' ' ,. ; . ", Plan Rtron FPBfnr - ; .; Sacramento, Jan 23 ResDondine to an urgent caU for aid by tho San , Franckco ; exposition delegation at Washington, a resolution was passed unanimously today by the houaa 8ena,te ; of the California legislature Paging . congress that no , material aid . for thfl Pnnsrrn .'onr.nin.. 1..,, I baasked for by San Francisco in y.15, pruvimnig san Francisco was seiz ed as the official site. The resolution wiu t. telegraphed to eongrestf. COJfTICTEDOF lARCEST. Ka Fonnd Guilty of Taking a Pair :::;:;..;..ol. Shoeg.frora Wag-on. ' '. A man named Baskin was fined $60 this afternoon in Justice Williams' court for .stealing a pair of shoes from a wagon In this city. In. view of the fact that $60 was more than' the man "had with him" he was given thirty days in jail. -V; ; Hold DlTlHtott of Moneys st ' U loala Kay Jfct Have Kad AnyUiia? to Di With Election of lorimer At I,c;U Not Necessarily Known to lork.tV Soduen Change From Attack t "Defense Startles.; ".. v -n NOT ONII GITEN HE'r FREEDOH . .ovi SUBSURIBED'PiJRSE; Woman Who Confessed of Complicity ,io niu JinsDand, Released. BUSI FIESSIIA Taconia, Jan.. ,23-Mrs. -ilarUna Kvalshaug, accused of complicity in me muraer or ber husband, was to day acquitted. This, was her thtv trial. Charles Newcomb, convicted of ac.aai committing the crime has now been sentenced to death by, hangings jury vaiTlurtjr SeveiTTfours. The-Jury deliberated-for en hours Newcomb shot Kvalshaug niiue ue was returning home on May 4. J909 from a dance with hlsi wife. The next day the nolioe Mprf Mr.' ; R.vaisnaug and. Newcomb confessed I that they planned the murdr Timi relations Had been previously com- mmea upon. Later th woman repud iated the alleged confession gained bv 1LI.J a .. ' . t uiira oegree metnods had been reepon- KDie. Tne jury who freed hr I raised $30 for her support as she is , nomeiess and oit ot money. ' JOSIAH PAGE DEAD. Danville, Jan. 23-Offlcial problne Into the alleged whol(wit. w0 w WWW J AJ ing in Vermillion county an inveetlga Uon wasBtarted-todav-bv m wa Jury wholesale confessions are expect- It is asserted that hiiainoup politicians, and professional ' men are attempting to block tti into. t,on- Hundreds of bankers and politl- ; uiv-juuuiB every candidate in recent years, Is beinai appear before the Jury and tell all he knows of his own election r w attempts to get elected. DndtA the SCOEIlllLf HUMID FOOffl CiiSE DAJTAGLNG RUllNG MADE ON ETK . . - OF JURY RETIREMENT; :, i Washington,: Jan; 23 Senator Lor nier,. the Illinois law maker who It accused of having gained-his seat a congress by the purchase" of reprej. entati ve and senatorial votes, today found a champion In the senate in tha person of Senator. Robert Gambel of South Dakota,,In a sp'eech he defend etj the majority report of the mmlt. tee appointed to investigate Lorimerj election. Gambel .declared there. was no doubt but that Lorimer was legal ly elected. - Jack Pot May Have Been Secret, , ' He said: "The jackpot at St Louis where it was also divided, was not necessarily related to Lorlnier'a elec tion. No. evidence was adduced by the committee to show that shenard wn. I son, Clark Llncke, or O'Neil Browne . received , money In compensation for ir juorimer. ; ? ' Relief for Xorimer." ; This is , the first red kind word Lorlmer has heard of himself in the past week or more. Story of Family Rows will iwt Go on f tobJI .ltfr eleotloa t, iiom every turn. ineuaicotan's stand create n m , - - -rf vns I ( Ul MXVti as Record In Poison Cage. . fforts of many to block the 'inwU ( Uon ;the probe is going to be a thor Ouch nnn ': (.- I Rlter Ghe's r Dead. V Salem,' Jan. 23-The funeral of Jos hua H. Smith, who was drowned in tho. Willamette river Thursday "and whose body was found by a searching party several hundred feet down the stream, was held here yesterday after, noon from the Unitarian church. lie was an txia Fellow and a Grand Army a-- -j'ii.u 111 LUC iuuerai services, i WATER PIPES FREEZE THROUGH COID WIND METHOD Mercury Does Not Drop Below Twenty Aove ero Jtasi Evening, i Peculiar traits of wind and ' cold combinations are reeoonalble for j ral frozen water pipes In residence V 1 last night, though It was not the re , suit of low temperatures. The mer- : .cury reached ero In the government vfeiermometer according to readings Tnado by Observer Worstell this morn ing, but the same Instrument record ed low temperatures all day yester day. The mercury reached 36 above :j?e-o.at the warmest part of the day and last evening about 5 o'clock rot down to 29 above. During the night t fell to 20. Notwithstanding jtba Wgh temperature, several pipes were "frozen np and this was occasioned by the cold winds which oftentimes freeie water pipes with equal rapidity as compared with lower temperatures. Pioneer Resident of Grande Ronde valley Dies f Old Age. - JoBlah Page, sten fathi- nt v 'o Norrls. died yesterday morning at the Norrls ranch, eight miles nut t.. wranae He was 85 years old' New xears day and old age followed hv n attack ot la grippe caused his death. A mineral services will be held .at the home at 10 a, m. Tuesday after wmcn tne body will be interred In? ui reacn cemetery south of Island uity. . v Chlnege are Angry. Honolulu,: Jan. 23 Incensed cause tney had been reported to the PeWn government as revolutionaries. 5.000 Chinese ere today preparing to marcn to Honolulu and request the governor to notify their government or the United States that they are not sucn, but industrious people. T 11 n . . wHuwr iTeaictea. Denver, .Jan. 23 Failure of the Democratic caueaus called for tonight to select a successor to the lata sna- fn tTitntiAH i. ji.i. , . , nii6uc, i iraiciea roaay. Mayor Adams of Denver Is the chief aspir- , lor tne office. " - i v . f ( " . r . ' GOING THE LIMIT. -: ; : ' MannM ' - HVt. aUwCIV THE ... L lhjLii1 li n i p ljmlniwi it fyfy m (j'7' -"MtBrid In 8t Louis Republic Wheeling, Jan. 23 Paints scored by me aeiense. and testimony- that might save the defendant a whole lot of criof were stricken from record and heavy "-" " - me aeiense of Mrs. Schenk today liy ' Judge Jordan, who, on motion, of the state,: ruled out the testimony of twomportant witnesses who gave evidence thattheSchenk family consIpiied for the defendant's downfall.. After the ruling, .the state rested It case at 12:12. Arguments will be resumed this afternoon. Spiritualist Sought For. , The. officials are eeklng, for Rer. George Way, with warrant fnr hi- r rest. He is the spiritualist pastor who predicted Millionaire Schenk's. death, according to Mrs. Schant li.at h.r ho was poisoned, as the state alleges, oy Mrs. schenkj It Is reported he has fled the state.' ' ' ore In the jenate. ' ; IOAN FCNp DAI. Neighborhood dub Has Fine Program for Tuesday Afternoon. ?.: The ladles of the ' NelrthAfh,! Club will observsT feVl: oiarshin t. Fund Day at thexlab rooms tomor row afternoon. . v : c Th9 regular business moatlna will be held at half past two and th gram will begin . at 3 o'clock. The fol'owing program was been arrui. ed: Mr- D. Smith will act as chair. man and will explain th nhao .the Scholarehlp Loan Fund. foo by Mrs. O. E. Sllverthoma A reading by Miss N. Luclle Allen. music by the young ladles ot tie L H 8. glee club. . This will be the initial appearance i t the Young Ladies Glee club. Refreshments will be served and an 'Wortunlty for making a' contribu tion to this worthy fund will be glv. The ladles of the club are Invited to I ling a friend. ElECTRIC IINE POLE 'TIPS -"'.;V-.- ' , Heavy Wind Blows Down Substantial : Pole out In the Yalley. ,' One of the consequences of the gala blowing laat night and this tniQrnin- was to tip one of the high power line poles out In the valley and 'pIoIh. standstill ' this morning for a short The heavy wind storm has caused much trouble to the Tines convex uiivbu me mountains and al though, minor trouble has been fre Qnent, It has not troubled the servlca as frequently as in former years. The trouble this morning was got ten around shortly by turning on an other source of power while tha pol troubles were remedied. , i i "OIICLE Fr" IS: DESO . FAMIIIAR PIONEER FACE WELL BE SEEN NO MORE. Interment to be Made In Tanlt pon. stmcted by Deceased. Battle Raging. , .El Taso, Jan. 23-A bloody battle Is already In progress, and ho lasted twenty-four hours, it is rcrted at Galenan, South Casa Grandw. Morft than 3.000 are killed or wounded ' and many of the victims are women. Elgliu Jan. 23 (Soecian AnnrtiAi. eateemed pioneer of , Union county oassed away Saturday evening in this Hty when Jacob (Uncle Jake Loiii:. aged 89 years, died of old ago at hla home. Interment will take place from ne home with burial in a vault constructed by. Mr. Long about six years ago. The vault is complete In every detail and though over eighty' yoars i f age, Uncle Jake was able to Mipervise its construction. M Long, a blacksmith and farmer of this community has lived hers for fcbout two scor years. He i8 sur vived by several ,Vlatlv?s. -"pwl Jake" Vaa been a famlllai- figure in and about Eicin rnr vd. and his demise la cause for commun ity sorrow. J- V r... ,, .. ( ' T IT'