ff-:- ft? f :' u . ( II VOL XIV. E, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY) JANUARY 20, 1911; NUMBER 74 SVLUPJI SHE TO lofil RUSK NAMES BOWERMEN MEN 05 COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE PRESENT SITE. Eaton Continues to Delay Easiness of the House by Attacks Forenoon V Session Taken up With War Bet. -tween Representatives Ugly Word , Passed Between the Men Charges s of Dishonesty Also Ilnrled Out Salem, Ore, Jan. 20 Representa thes Bryant, Boncbrake and Mann were named by Speaker Rusk as the House Committee to investigate the Eastern Oregon asylum site. This gives a majority to the Bowennan support ers and assembly forces. Mann Is from , Pendleton and chances for Baker or , Union to get the site are 1 mighty slim. . j - Salem,' Jan. 20 Chancesy of har mony In the house vanished today when Representative Eaton, the de feated candidate for speaker of the houBe, again attacked Buchanan, Pouts and Thompson organization follow ers, by making specific charges of ex travagance, spite and . favoritism against them. In" return Buchanan charged Eaton with telling untruths. Thompson said Eaton was obstruct ing the work of the legislature be cause he -was Bore on account of his defeat. The row occupied ; half the morning session. ; . .'.'.''- Bailey toBe Ousted. ; - Senator Marlarky introduced a res olution doing away with Food Com missioner Bailey and his office. Bailey la accused of petty grafting. It will probably pass and Bailey's work will be put in the hands of the health -board within three months. - INJURED BOY AT HOSPITAL. ; Enterprise Lad Drought Here by Dr. ' Anderson for Treatment A young man named Jacobs, who was Injured at Enterprise la Decem ber by the accidental discharge of a weapon, and who has been In a ser ious condition since, was brought to this city and placed In the . Grande Ronde hospital by Dr. Anderson of Enterprise. The young man Is In a critical condition. . Miners Want a Charter. Columbus,1 O., Jan. 20 Unless the Westers Federation of Miners' Is granted ' a ' charter r by the American Federation of Labor, the United Mine Workers will secede. That Is the ef fect of an action taken by United Mine Workers today when, the reso lution passed, Instructing the execu tive committee that the charter must be glrn.'V ' LOS ANGELES BANKER DEAD AND TWO OTHERS HURT. While Returning from Pasadena Danes Auto Hits Road Wagon.- ' Los Angeles, Jan. 20 Returning from Pasadena this morning, Lewis Wolcineson, vice president of the Na tional bank of California, was "instant ly killed when the auto collided with a vegetable wagon. Miss Rosaline Har rington, aged 20, and Mrs. J. M. Grum mond, chaperon, were severely In jured. They had been to a dance at Pasadena. ' Bp FICt DOOMED KU1H - HER KILLED R? flllTD U I "111 I U . PQS II1L 01 CAREFUL CAST ASS REVEALS A SLOWNESS IN DEVELOPMENT , r THROUGH COUNTRY '; OFFIGE IS IE General Reports from the Entire Coun try Show that Postal Sayings Banks ":' are Slow to Draw Popularity Mor gan Said to be WeU Pleased With Aldrich System of National Bank Association. '"Ci" '''-'y'-'r'-'- Boston, y Jan. 20-Postal savings banks, ' inaugurated throughout the country two weeks : ago, have been developed slowly according to a can vass of towns where the government is experimenting with the new sys tem. Reports from- Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts and; New' Hampshire, partially agree, the banks are not be ing patronized to any great extent ' v Klamath Bank Idle. Klamath Falls, Jan. 20--The postal savings bank has a few small depos its but there is expected to be a very heavy increase however when spring work oVena and'a larger foreign pop ulation' drifts In" ; y ' , Morgan Likes Aldrlch's Bank. New York, Jan. 20 Whether Aid rich's banking currency scheme Is ad opted by congress it has, at least got the "O. K." of the "house" of J. P. Morgan and Co. Morgan, personally,' it Is understood, favors the sceheme. To day, Henry Davidson, Morgan's bank' ing partner. Bald: "I believe Senator Aldrich's plan is admirably effective It is simple and the proposal made Is well fitted to all conditions and all sections of the United States, posses sing all the advantages of the great central banks of Europe." , INDUSTRIAL ARTS COMMITTEE YOTED SIX TO ONE. . . .-. , .... t - San Francisco Was Thought to Be the City In Mind. ' Washington, Jan.- 20 The Indus trial arts committee of the house to day voted six to one In favor of New Orleans for the Panama exposition This action had been forecasted for some time. It Is believed a fight on the floor la certain to come when the report of the committee Is finally up for adoption. On the rules commit tee, to which the Kahn resolution was referred favor Is said to be toward San Francisco. The committee recom mended a million dollars for a gov ernment building.' A majority of this committee Is composed of southern ers. It Is thought a minority report will be made thus precipitating a fight on the floor which - will determine things. ' - ':. - ' . Well Pleased With La Grande. 'After carefully observing conditions in La Grande for the past month, F. H. Guhlemann of Oklahoma decided that this country was good enough for him and purchased' through the G. H. Currey Real Estate agency, a nice home on North Cherry street . the property of Geo. W. Grout. Mr. Guhle mann states that there will be a-num-ber of families from his former home come west thla spring. BHSFITO iMiiii FAVORED BY IM1IITEE hud ID HIS 15TRESS IE Tl DIE TWELVE DEATH SENTENCES ARE COMMUTED BY MIKADO AS ACT OF SPECIAL MERCY. Three Cabinet Officers Who Offered Resignations Yesterday are Still in ' Office as Mikado Refuses to Grant L Requests Violence Will .Follow Death of the Other Twelte Leaders Say Kepoiisi ;; ''" ',, -"v Toklo, Jan. 20 Indications Are that the Mikado has decittid upon sworn actions to stem the rUng tide of so cialism in Japan today when he sum moned , Premier Katsura jand three . . , a- , ....... cabinet members who resigned yes terday and refused to accept their resignations, tendered as a result of condemnation of twenty-four Social ists -who were convicted of . a con spiracy against the life of the em peror. The Mikado urged Katsura to work for the good of, the empire but there is no indication that the death sentences against Kotuku and his mis tress, the socialist ringleaders will be commuted. -1 . " ' ; . - ' Violence Is Threatened. . "" . . .. . . ... The fate of the leaders decided after a four-hours conference. At Us con clusion 1 it : was officially announced that as a special act of mercy on the part of the Mikado, twelve of the so cialists sentenced to death would be commuted to penal servitude for life. It is asserted that the execution of the .others will be followed by vio lence by their followers. The situa tion Is acute. USE HOPES TD STOLE -THE JURY MRS SCHENK WONT TALK BUT OTHERS WILL. "Startling Story" to be Told to Sehenk Jury Soon. ; . ' , - Wheeling. Jan, 20 Chances of Mrs. Sehenk taking the stand were lessen ed today when the trial was resumed. Her counsel announced she might not tell her story but , that a witness would be produced , who will tell a startling story of the case which would prove the strongest link in the defense of 'the millionaire's wife' ac cused of poisoning her husband that she might marry her auto driven ' Maine Raising Slow. - Washington, , Jan. . 20 Announce ment was made today that the expec tation that the wreck of the Maine will be raised by February 15th, the 13th anniversary of the :, disaster could not be realized. Engineers re port three shifts are tolling night and day upon the hulk but cannot accom plish the work within the time. FORTY MINERS KILLED. Frontier Mine Near Russian Line Ex v ' plodes No Details Available, . Berlin. Jan. 20 Forty miners were killed today in a mine on the Russian Sileslan frontier. There are no de tails. . . Governor Foss of And His Fight 1 y ; y X ,, - - t1 ' mm H r ,1,,,- r-n Governor Foss Did b!s Best His Frle nds Say, But He Couldn't Stay the Election of Henry Cabot Lodge a s United States Senator. Lodge, In thi one Instance, Stands as Roosevelt's Victory for the Colonel Used . Str,p? Words and Hard Words In Furthering the Candidacy of Lodge. Lid-?e Was Elected Yesterday. -v ' ". r' " x:(--;1 ': . -vj ; ! TRAINS OHE AH AFTER "BLOCKADE :-: YESTERDAY'S TRAINS ARRIVE HERE THIS MORNING. Today's Trains Running on Time and "AH Is Well on O..W. O.-W. trafllc has resumed normal stages again and trains are now run ning as near on time as Is customary during the winter months. The con gestion occasioned by the flood and landslide at Rooster Rock has been worked away and at noon today the last evidences of it disappeared from view. ' ; " " Delayed Many nonrs. ', Trains were delayed 'many hours. Yesterday morning's Nos. 10 and 6 arrived today. Number six arrived about' 5:30 this morning while yester day morning's mall train and last ev ening's number IS arrived at 7:30 this morning, . combined . as one train. Number 6, today, was about on time though the morning mall train was a few hours latarf iring Just before 11 o'clock. ' As yet all the trouble had been' on the Sandy division and the Eastern Oregon division , officials have been thanking their lucky stars that grief has not fallen to their lot up to date. W4th what is supposedly the most serious snow month in the year over half gone, it is doubtful if the snow troubles of last year on the mount ains will be duplicated. CHARGES ARE TO BE CLEARED. Jnry Will Probe Into AUeged Book Trust on Facifle Coast Sacramento, Jan. 20 Charges of graft in the state printing office set at rest three years ago and accusa tions that a text book trust exists on the coast will be probed to the bot tom by a committee appointed by Lieu tenant Governor Wallace today. Sen ator Strowbrldge suggested that the text book trust, alleged.to exist, be in vestigated as he said he had witnesses who were willing to testify. , , Gets Ten Million More. ; New York, Jan. 20 Andrew Carne gie today announced an additional gift of ten millions to- the Carnegie "tltuU fUBd. Massachusetts on Senator Lodge IS DEAD PAUL MORTON SUCCUMBS TO A ; UEMMORHAGE OF BRAIN. Means Speedy Consumation of Mor gan's Pet Insurance Scheme. . New York, Jan. . 20 The sudden death of - Paul Morton, president of the Equitable Life, last night of brain hemmorhage, Is causing much discus sion In financial circles. There , Is little doubt but that a Morgan man will succeed Morton, whose death is expected to hasten Morgan's mutuall- zation scheme. , ' Private funeral services will be held at the Morton home tomorrow morn- lnf, and public services, in' the after noon at the Thomas Episcopal church with interment at wooaiawn ceme tery. ""' .--.! BAKER TLANS DEBATE. High School Team Will Meet Ontario . Forensic Stars. The first debate of the season will be held a week from Friday with On tario when the local trio of orators will Journey to the neighboring town to match their wits againBt the pick ed trio of Ontario high, says the Bak er Herald. The local toam was select ed .several weekri ago and they are now preparing for the struggle, which promises to be a close one. ; The question to be debated Is "Re solved, That the nations should re duce their armament to the minimum necessary for police duty." Baker has the negative and they are confident of winning. The definition of police duty is puzzling Ontario and the outcome may depend upon the interpretation of this part of the question. A. A. Smith again has charge of the debaters this year and he is satis. fied that the team will do excellent work. They are all experienced men and know how to take advantage of every opening left by their opponents, and also how to present their own arguments, in the most convincing form. Leland Finch is leader of the team and his colleagues are James Donald and John Jenkins with Ever ett Saunders as alternate. The boys will leave here Friday noon. I DREG80 FLOOD iitiituuiiyu , DUEEnDiER OYERFLOWED LOWLAND GIYES RELIEF TO TOWNS AND FAH3I . PROPERTY. nit: ilsofBECB OTer Two Hundred Thousand Dollars Damage Done to Property In th$ i Willamette Yalley by Floods of Yes-. terday and day ; Before CorvalllS Suburbanite are SUU Under Wafcw '-'"--8lldes- neared;T:.T.7'r-''rriTr:;r: Portland, Jan. 20 F16od dangers are passed. The overflow of the up per Willamette, inundating the ' low lands above,' has relieved the pres sure and the crest passes tonight' A number of suburban homes at Cor vallla are Inundated but the river is falling. The Ofe-gon City paper mills were endangered yesterday but are safe today. The outskirts of Albany are still flooded but the river Is reced ing and trains are funning nearly on schedule time again, as the tracks are being cleared of slides. - ' The damage, In dollars and cents, la severe, for about $200,000 damage was "done In the Willamette? valley as the result , of the flood and the storms. f v Yamhill Reaches Crest. I ..McMinnvllle. Jan.' 20 The crest of the flood In the Yamhill river passed ,tha morning and registered 44 feet but Is not recoeding. The lowlands are Inundated , and" several homes were swept away with amull loss to live stock. : " :' ,. ... . - , '. FRISCO ALARMED. -Not Discouraged Over Action of House Committee at Washington Today. ' iSan Francisco, Jan, 20DespIte the action of the Washington bouse com mittee on arts, In sending the Panama exposition to New Orleans, the local committee has no alarms on the out come! The belief prevails that the fight will be won on the floor of the house at Washington in due time. . SAY TREATY IS FORMED. ' , . f 1 . ' .- .' ';' (' .s '-, v ; ' ;' Canada and United States Said to . Have Reached Treaty Agreement London, Jan. 20 The London Times today prints a ' Washington dispatch saying the United States and Canada have fully agreed on a - reciprocity treaty. The terms of the alleged treaty are not published however. , " Sixty days from date J. L. Lamblrth & Co., must show visible signs of progress with the new gas plant In this city, for according to advices re ceived by City Recorder C M. Hum phreys, that company has formally accepted the gas franchise as ar ranged - and reworded by the city ' council recently. - ;. The changes made and embodied la the franchise as passed by the coun cil did not make any material differ ence in the original , wording of the document, yet it had to be formally accepted by the corporation planning to construct and oporate the plant here. According to the terms of the franchise the plant muBt be under proces of construction within sixty days of the adoption of the contract. It Is presumed that. Mr.' Lamblrth will come to La Grande shortly to 'supervise selection of a site and pre liminary construction detaalls. ' GAS PEOPLE ARE SATISFIED i I "f i it 1 . V 7 .A