La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 12, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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TTTTTT?ST)AV .TA"MTTAPVio ion t a riv z
Beaus Not Wanted. .
The Pinkerton Man Powers.
At? Cedar Ridge Neater. .' .'.
ThevSherlff and the Detective
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dis
play In lobby. -
1118111 IBc-
iqMls !
Haradon's Tru-Fruit Chacolates.
Made just right At all of the leading
confectioners. ' -
Auto and Bicycle Garage. I repair
everything, Umbrellas, ' phonographs,
sewing machines, typewriters, stoves
and guns. Shears and knives sharp
ened, skates hollow, ground, saws fil
ed and set and soldering of all kinds
done. I repair granite wair, make and
fit keys, repair, locks. I carry a full
line of flash lights and their sup
plies. Phone, Main 73T. 309 Fir street
bull, city scavenger. Anyone want
ing my service call up City Recor
der's office. ' - -
. Don't let your horses step on the
Icy street. Antl Slip shoeing. R. A.
Mastersonil -..A'; '
Black Orphington cockrels for sale
also eggs In season. R. A, Master
son, 1705 North Spruce St
Vv -;'.'
Attorney. C. H. Finn arrived this
morning from Portland to attend to
legal matters In the city. , ' 1
District Attorney F. S. Ivanhoe left
last evening for Salem to spend a
week with the lawmakers.
Mrs White, a sister of Mrs. D. C.
Brlschoux has been at the Savoy as
a guest of Mrs. Brlschoux. She lives
at Enterprise. . ' . ' f.
Rev. Milllgan, the synodlcal mis
sionary for the Bt'ate of Oreoij, pass
ed through this city today on his way
to Baker. , . , ;
A card to friends here from Low
Zundel who is at Los Angeles states
that the weather is ideal there and
bathing is a favorite pastime.
Be Corset-Happy
When you decide to be corset
happy, come and be fitted In
the ace-ln-front Gossard. There
is 4t model In the Gossard to
. show off to best advantage
your special . type of figure.
$3X0 to $5.00.
Mrs.Robert Pattison
i Pn05E BLACK 1181.
Joe Ebereole is ill at Rondowa, ac
cording ot some of his friends who
came In this afternoon from there.
-H. H. Scudder, district representa
tive tor the Spokesman-Review, ar
rived this morning to' attend to busi
ness matters. : : '.:
George H. Bluhm of Medford and
Clarence Robertson of Monument,
made desert claim entries at the land
office today. .; .
Carl Taylor, nephew ofjilr. and Mrs.
D. H. Steward, has returned .to his
home in Portland after a short visit
here. .' - : . : " .' . ' '
Messrs. Sears and Whitlock of the
Coast Bridge company were In the city
conrernng witn County Judge Henry.
They have been touring eastern Oregon..--"
Joseph Conner of Hep pner, Charles
Simmons of Enterprise, H. C. xCurrln
of Heppner and Bert Harris of Holden
all made homestead "entries at the Un
ited States land office this morning. "
There will be a farewell party giv
en in' honor of JoS. M. Splkef, who is
to leave Jan. 16 for a mission to the
Samoan Islands in the L. D. 8. amuse
ment Jna. 13. All are most cordially
invited. ' ZJ'AZ-A'-'
Miss Rose Neafus has been very
sick with typhoid fever at the home of
Mrs. T. O.'Bramwell. The physician
arid nurse in attendance states that
she is on the road to recovery and
tninKs sne will be out again In a few
'days.,;'-;; a? , A- -v,;"-? , ZA:A ;
Wl D. Stem and C. A. Phlpps, the
former of Kansas City and the latter
a Sunday school worker of the north
west have completed a very success
ful Sunday school rally in this city
and left for Baker today where they
will conduct a' similar meeting. '
V A. Buckley, assistant superintendent
of the O-W with headquarters in 'La
Grande," came over from that city yes
terday and' was one of the loyal mem
bers of the antlered herd at the stag
party last evening. Pendleton r East
Oregonlan. ' :, ' 1
Conductor. Blamed for' Controbntary
Kegligence in the Case.
The board of inquiry looking into
the causes of the rear end wreck at
Pleasant Valley when a caboose was
lifted and thrown on a coal car, has
made Its report as follows; ' . " ;
La Grande, Ore., Jan. 10 The re
sult of the board of Inquiry in the
rear end collision of extra .354 and
368 one mile east of Encina,' at. 9:40
a. m. January 1. 1911. The board con
sisted of the following men: Mr. A.
Buckley, Asst. Supt O. R. & N Co.
Mr. J. H. Watson, Division Foreman
O. W. R. & N. Co., Mr. J. Campbell,
County Supt. of BrldgesMr. F, Gas
kell, Merchant, : Mr. L. Bodmer; far
mer. ' , '
Engine 354 with Engineer- SwaiV
son In charge, ran into the rear of Ex
tra 368, at a point one-mile east of
Encina, ran by a block signal at dan
ger at a point one-halt mile east of
354 and freight car to'. the' extent. of
$437.00;. . yeT slightly Injuring fire
man who -was deadheading on extra
368.' :,v . - ;.''-- -
After a thorough, investigation ; we
find that Engineer 'Swanson is re
sponsible for this, accident for not
having his engine under control, and
for running by a block signal at dan
ger and Conductor Hall onrextra 368,
contributary negligent for not having
a thoroulgh understanding with - En
gineer Swanson.
(Contnued from Page 4.)
all convicts confined in the peniten
tiary of the state (except only such
as may be required to do the neces
sary work in and around the penl
.tentlary and the .farms and grounds
connected therewith) ' shall hereafter
be employed in work upon the pub
lic roads in this state ..which work
Bball include the preparation of road
making material, and to that end for
that purpose all convicts now or
hereafter confined in the penitentiary
of this state, save only such as, above
excepted, shall be under the control
management and direction of the
State Highway Board for the pur
pose of this Act t
' '. Section 2.
in. nntir In atRtA hall have
and is hereby granted the right to se-
cure such , number of said convicts ' ...'J . .. '
for labor upon Its public roads or in
the preparation of road-maklag; ma
terial as in the Judgment of tha State
highway Board it may be able prop-.'
erly to guard, care for and employ.
Any county desiring to secure such
convicts shall, by its county court or
board of county commissioners, make
written request ' therefore .to the
State Highway Board, which, request
shall state the number of such con
victs desired by said county. These
requests shall be numbered in order
by said Board and shall be filed and
acted upon la the order In which they
are received. Immediately upon the
receipt of such request th State
Highway Board shall ascertain , the
facilities of such county for keeping,
caring for and guarding the convicts
requested, and If the Board shall be
satisfied that such county can safely
keep, care for and , guard such con
victs, It shall, by written, orde., di
rect that they be taken to such coun
ty to work upon the public roads,
whkh order .shall specify the names
of the men to be taken. This-order
shall be entered In a record to be
kept by said Board, and a copy there
of certified to by one of the members
of the Board .shall be authority for
the Superintendent of the Peniten
tiary to deliver to the nearer thereof
the convtots (inroad '- kM tt..-.
taking such order, said Board shall
designate Jhe minimum number of
guards to be employed In guarding
and caring ' for said convicts;' and
shall appoint one of such guards who
shall have the general control and
supervision thereof.. The Board shall
havfe general supervision' over . all
Convicts taken by any county,, and
whenever in its opinion tney are not
properly guarded or cared, for, may
revoke theorder by which they were
obtained, and require that they be
returned to the penitentiary.
' Any county may at any time re
turn any or all the convicts obtained
by It to the penitentiary. Each coun
ty shall pay all the expenses incident
to taking andkeeplng and returning
all convlctstaken by it, from the
time they are taken until they are
either 'discharged or are- returned to
the penitentiary. ; The-; right; of the
several counties to secure the labor
of convicts, as herein provided, shall
be paramount to all other methods of
work as In thte Act provided. :
'' '., .' ' Section 8. "
All convicts, save only such as are
excepted by Section one (1 ) of this
Act, not in service In some county,
as provided in Section two of this Act.
shall be worked on the public roads
of this state, or In the preparation of
road-makjng material, under the di.
rect management and control . of the
State ighway Board and the State
Highway Commfroioner. . If a suffic
ient number of convicts are available,
the Board shall establish at least
three central camps or stations for
the crushing of rock, suitable for the
construction of macadamized roads,
one in Southern Oregon, one in the
Willamette valley, and one In East
ern Oregon; and such board may es
tablish as many similar camps or
stations in such parts of the state' as
the Board may select, as can be sup
plied with convicts not taken under
the, provisions of Section two (2) of
thli 'Act' If there are not enough
convicts available for three such
camps or stations, then such Board
shall establish such'tmmber as can
be supplied with convicts at such of
the above named places as it may
designate. These camps or stations
shall be as near central to the sec
tion of the county in which they are
located as is practicable, and ; each
shall be equipped with suitable and
proper appliances and machinery for
quarrying and crushing rock and pre
paring it for the construction of ma
cadamized rocks', according to the
most modern and scientific principles
of road construction. The rock thus
prepared shall be delivered at actual
cost to any county in the state, under
the following provisions and ' upon
the following conditions: . Any coun
ty desiring to procure prepared rock
for' making permanent roads shall,
by its county court or board of com
missioners, present a written re
quest to that eect to the State High
way; Board, stating therein the quan
iijrV of rock desired, the, quantity it
can, take each day1 and when It de
sires !;to begin receiving said rock.
These 'requests shall be filed, num
bered in order and acted upon In the
order in which they'ard rweivftd, so
as to effect an equitable dtetrlbutloh
of the output of the several camps.
" Section 4.
' In carrying out the provisions of
A I A . J. iL TTrflAwuM 1aAI In
I ln, . IB" Biai" Iii8'iajr uumu
hereby authorized and empowered to
r n .
One Lot of Misses' ; Coats on Sale at
Special Price of y2 Off. .
....... f ;' -
All Furs and Fur Coats at a Saving
From 25 Per Cent to 33 1-3 Per Cent
One Lot of Boys' Overcoats at Price,
f Sizes, 9 to 15 Years, During Out Janu
' arrr Cola ". - '. -':
One Lot of Boys Suits, Two Piece, at
V Price: Afire 3 to 16. Durino Our SftlA
' r:: .y
Three Lots of Boys' Heavy Shoe3 at
$1.23, $1.33 and $1.79 During Our Sale.
i ise winaows. ,
1 Tjf ftf Man'fl TTirrVi 'T'
$2.48 to $3.95, During Our
tt January. . Special Sale Prices ' on all
Nickel-Plated Ware of 20 Per. Cent off
I Regular Price. ;o 'X:
Watch i Our Windows for January
t '
employ and discharge such cinl en All such rulea and regulations shall
glneers, superintendents, ,!; foremen, be In writing and a copy thereof shall
guards, and other assistants as may be furniBhed to anyone upon appll
be necessary, to purchase such ma cation therefor. ' , ; ;.,
chinery, tools, Implements, supplies, ;: Section 7; ' I ' ;
and materials as may be necessary, v " The State Highway : Board shall
and to make such other expenditures have the power to prescribe rules for
as may be required in ' carrying on giving credits to the convicts, provide
such work. The Boivd shall have the
power to fix the salary or compensa
tion to be paid those who are ' em
ployed, but no greater salary or com
pensation shall be paid than Is gen
erally paid by others for like ser
vices.; ':''.):.'.; ' .' ;." Z
' i ", ' , Section 5.' Z
" The State Highway . Board Bhall
have the right, and Is hereby grant
ed the power to take from the peni
tentiary of this state such convicts
serving sentences therein as it may
desire, for the purposes of this Act.
The Superintendent or other author
ity having charge of the penitentiary
shall afford the State Highway Boarcl
every opportunity to see," confer with
and examine the convicts under his
charge; he shall furnish the mem
bers of the Board all information in
his possession respecting, them, and
deliver to the Board, or to such per
sons as it may direct, all convicts
asked for by the Board, and at all
times ' render every assistance in his
power In furtherance of the ,work of
the work of the Board. After the con
victs shall have been delivered to the
Board they shall, unless again re
turned to the penitentiary, be under
the entire and exclusive management
and direction of the Board,' or the
county (subject to the supervision of
the Board) to which they may be de
livered. .The Board may at any time
return a. convict to. the penitentiary
and the Superintendent or other au
thority in charge of that Institution
shall thereupon receive and care for
such convict the same as if he had
never been taken J therefrom, and
when the term or sentence of any
convict hsall have expired, he shall
be returned to the penitentiary to be
there"discharged. - . 1 :
Section ft. '
The State Highway Board shall
have the power to make such rules
j and regulations as may be necessary
' . Jala . Ii. l J. I I J.
j to raCUliaie US worn, hoi jucuJiaibi-
eat; witn the prov isions of this Act.
dry goods.
All Ladies' Trimmed Hats at Prico
and Less During Our Sale.
All Me&'s Woll Mackinaw; $6.00 and
$6.50 Values at $175, During Our Jan
uary Special Sale.
All Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats at
January,. Sale. : ' ; ; jy f, '
A Few Other Lots of Shoes Below Cost
of Manufacturing During Our January
Special Sale. ' ; y
. One Lot of Misses' Patent Leather
, Shoes at $1.28: ; Sizes to No. 2, During
Our. Sale, i
, ;
- Clinnn TT'vm
x-z Z
Per Cent. ,
' r- 1 "f
' punishment for violation of such, rea
sonable rules and regulations as may
be made for their goernment, but no
provision for punishment shall be
carried out unless such ' provision
shall first be approved by the Govern
or. . ; Every convict 'employed under
any of the provisions of this Act who
is able to work and who shall refuse
to do so. shall during the time of
Buch refusal receive no food except
bread and water, :-. .
-.)! : .v--'v c .Section 8. '-'-, -.'
The State ' Highway :, Board , shall
meet as often &a necessary for carry
ing out the provisions of this Act, and
shall keep full and complete minutes
of each meeting. A full and complete
record shall be kept of all officers
and employes appointed and the, sal
ary paid each, and of all machinery,
tools, Implements and supplies pur
chased with the price there, together
with all expenses of every kind, all
in' detail and so aggregated and ar
ranged as that each expenditure shall
be clearly shown. On or before the
10th of each month the Board shall
prepare a full, complete and detailed
statement of the previous month, 'as
aforesaid, which shall be filed with
the Secretary of Staie, who ' shall
thereupon Issue warrants V In pay-
ment of the amounts due , as shown
5 Look After That Eve Trough j
f Kamv weather will tec in soon. We f
Rainy weather will set in soon. We
have plumbing fixtures of all kinds.
Trszt nnti see. '! .. . "! ' - -? ." 'r
5:-.' '
Ladies' Waists at a Saying from 1-4 to i
1-3 During Our January Special Sale. !
' '
The Celebrated Horse Shoe Brand of jl
zzZZ' :kS.,iv; ,.'.-.
Special Prices
t p v t" 'a1
by said statement. All records ot
the Board and all papers, letters and
accounts are hereby declared to be
public records, 'and open ' to Inspec
tion by, every citizen of the state."
, Section D.
. All roads constructed wholy or In
part by the labor of convicts or by
material 'prepared and furnished as
provided by this Act shall be con
structed according to the best and
most scientific method of road con
struction, and so as to make them as
'permanent and durable as possible,
and no part of such road Bhall be
constructed ' upon ; a greater grade
than seven ner.cent exceDt bv dlren.
I tlon of the State Highway Board, and
all such, roads shall be constructed
under the exclusive direction and
control of the State Highway Com-.
mlBsIoher; but the county court of
each county shall have the exclusive
power .. to designate the location of
the road to be constructed. :
'Z' y ' Section 10. '.:'
For the purpose of carrying out
the provisions of this Act, there la
hereby appropriated the sum of fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000.00), or as
much thereof as may be necessary,
f - , Section 11.
All laws which provide for the la
bor of the convicts in the peniten
tiary, except only such' labor as is
necessary In and around the peni
tentiary or the grounds or farms con-.
nwed therewith, all laws which pro
vide for cantractlng the labor of the
ccnvlcts, and all laws and parts, of
Jnws inconsistent with this Act are
hereby repealed,
1 1
' .1
, ... ,. . ; t..:...r.:;iH:-(!;.j r.-a-awv