PAGE 2 I LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1911 ore .'Sale-IB SiFFSiiras Tlie Peoples Store . . MMMMlMM,MMi"MiiiMWMWBMSMSBWSMBMsssssBsjsssMSBMs mmtimmtmmmiM'mmimmtiimamtmtmimatmit 1 I If You are Interested in Buying Goods Cheaper, You are Interested in Our Mid-Winter Clearance Sale You can Buy Merchandise for less money now you can later on-the Same Merchandise. In addition to marking down prices of our regular stocks for this sale, we have prepared in advance for the occasion by buying season ends and samples from jobbers, who are anxious to clean out their stocks at jr ui ucw guous aiiows us to sell at undervalue and yet make a profit, thereby partially evening up the losses we take on our borne oi rnese Bargain Lots are Vanishing Every Day. COME SOON. . WOOL DRESS GOODS AT HALF regular stocks. BRAND NEW SHIRT WAISTS AT SALE PRICES The New Spring, Styles 1 i o $1.50 & $2.00 Values . . . . . . . . f. . .Sale P 1 .18 WAISTINGS AT HALF REGULAR 20c .... SALE 10c REGULAR 35c ................... .SALE 17VoC REGULAR 40c ......... .SALE 20c2 JUGULAR 75c SALE 38c REGULAR $1.00 .SALE 50 REGULAR 50c ..... REGULAR 75c REGULAR $1.25 . . REGULAR $2.00 .....SALE 25c .....SALE 38c SALE 63c ....SALE $1.25 I Drummers Samples Men's Work it Large Assortment tsoys Uothincr A 1 HALF. r . - : - : ren's Coats AT HALF. Coats, Pants, Shirts, Overalls, AT ONE-HALF Regular stock Clothing ONE-FOURTH OFF. Ladies' and Child- MANY OTHER BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE STORE Opera House Block. La Grande, Oregon ' v A -Reliable Cough Medicine. !- Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Koney and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kltne, N. 8th st Easton, Pa., states: "Several mem bers of my family have been cured of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am nev er without a bottle In the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. I have always found it a reliable cough cure and do not hesitate to recommend it highly." For la grippe, coughs and stuffy colds, for children and grown persons and for delicate people use only Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no opiates. Hills Drug Store. & ft ft 11 8 Nice White I EAGLE VALLEY HONEY i in the comb. 20c, 2 for 35c or lr . li iWI . WV. iTilOU Oil (Illicit A AVillJT in 11 - M AA i gaiiuu cans, pi.uu. WILD ROSE STRAINED HONEY in the glass 35c. One-half gallon cans 85c. City Grocery and Bakery The Home of Fancy Groceries JTa I H lit ' 'I I A H BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY ('urlomlp of porfoot bulMlii(tmterlnl, cut to a luilr. to lit Ilka tlie impor on tho waH, slilpi'cj dully our ri-crnsH panel $1.60 Door Is tVio boat value ever oiTorod nnywhere for this renrnrkiibly Jowr pncc. and it 1h only a Bmntilo of tlieVmny Rood thlrnTH and pri'-o-nnvers contained In our;tnlo(ru. Wc own and epi-rate our own mill In Sk nttlo and SA VE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROflTS Pond In ft list of whfUviou. rfld andLifct is show you In ACTUAL l''lUL.HKij wirfft-WTTHftve you. ' e'H . evorj-liotlv nnd uhlp flnvwhrre. Save middlemen' profits "KOH TUli CHIUDUHN." w f?nU rorCutuk'Kuo. One price to everybody BuilJcrsNeodr Boy g to Run Farms. " Portland.' Ore., Jan. 11 (Special Portland boyg are to be interested in (gardening by the local Y. M. C. A. A contest for the most successful growers of vegetables among boys between the ages of 12 and 16 years will be started, with prizes for the winners. Any Portland boy is eligible to en ter and the only expense will be the actual cost of seed. A plot of ground 10 by 15 feet in extent is to be used by each contestant and if such a piece of ground is not available in his own back yard .the contestant will be given the use of a tract by the Y. M. C. A. Contestants will be divided into v,-o clnrc?. One will raise early' and the other late vegetables. Each divis ion will raise four vegetables, yet to be named, and the first division, in ad dition, will cultivnte sweet peas. The first division will close Its con test on June 25 and on that day and the one following an exhibition of the products will be made at the auditor ium or the Y. M. C. A. Suitable prizes will be presented to the winners, the Judges passing both on the products nnd the gardens themselves, while under culfivntlon. The contest for the second section will close September 20. The co-operation of the Oregon Ag ricultural college will be given to the contest. Instructors In that Instltu- lion win give advice to the boys nnd i will place bulletins issued on gard j eiiing In their' hands. H. V. Stone, general secretary of i the Y. M. C. A. nnd J. C, Clark, boys' j secretary, are starting the contest In order to induce the boys to spend j a large part of their time in the open air encaged In a useful work, while nt the same time they will gain a ; practlonl knowledge or gardening. They do not believe that everyone. should ro bnck to the farm, even If It were possible, but ns a substitute they hnve outlined the : -: -: -: -: - i: 1 m.'Alx& . L.1. W X . n flwuce ui airre iwprtM emeni; When ton W. i - To whom it my concern: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It wilt Notice is hereby given that in pur- "n fix yu UP H right and will ward ofi suance of a resolution adopted by - "Y, JflT7 toward- Pneumo,ni- This t. r, . " . . . remedy contains no opium or other narcotic the Commoun Council of the City of and may be giren ai confidently to Ub? as to an adult. Sold by all delers. New Transfei Line M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Draying of All Kinds V AUiJiiS AJSD GENTS SHOB SHINE PARLORS "TOM, THE BOOTBLACK ' lias moTed to 1118 Adams . Avenue, where he will serve V all customers, new and old. t For Quick Messenger Service Call Mam 24, or Ind. 4321 &TA.DB- THEATRE La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of January, 1911,, creating Improve ment District No. 30, and designating Cherry street, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 4th day of January, 1911, whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of Cherry street, in said improvement district aa hereinafter described by constructing a wagon rod crossing over the railroad track, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described improvements be piade; that boundaries of said dis trict to be so improved are as fol lows: All that portion of Cherry street, from the north line or Adams avenue to the line of Cove avenue. Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special as sessment on all the property affected and benefitted by Buch improvement ' for tin purpose of paying for such improvement. That the estimated ! co6t of such improvement Is the sum i of $577.00. That the council will on ' xxxx x j " the 18th day of January, 1911, meet t TMfT JT at the council chamber at the hour X f L. of 8 o'clock p. m., 1o consider said estimated coBt, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon. Jan. 5, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDE, Ry C. M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. T PROGRAM TONIGHT A Christmas Carol Edison. White Roses Biograph.. The Recreation or an Heiress The Preacher's Wire Vitagraph Admission 10 cents Maids of Mood. "Do yonr daughters help their moth tr with the housework?" "We Wouldn't think of oTnmtln i gardening Muriel is temperamental, nnd Zaza is contest to utilize vacant bnck lots. Intense." Pittsburg Post. Ufhy pay Rent? We loan yo money to build, ana pay ns a? you wowld rent. J. R. OLIVER. Hadn't Settled. Racon And you say your brother has settled In Camilla? Kgliert No, I didn't say so. 1 tliluk lie went there to get out cf settling.-Yonkers Statesman. rlrficuimi JA. GARDINIER, Prop, and Mg THE COLONIAL PL AYERS c. ruKRLai 1AYLOR and MISS ADA DANIELS MONDAY AM) TUESDAY L E'A KIYFIW" WEDNESDAY AM) TIIUUSDA Y-JAE EYRE - JmimAvD SATlHnAV-- VALLEY FORGE. SATl IM)A- 3IATIXEE AT 2:30 P. JI. 20 Oclieslra scats 300 (Jfiierul AdiiiMon" Entire (.'nllery Sntnrd;ij Mntlnerp, ..." Pill CES. RKSI'itvrn iinn. Z h ?.. r. . 3."c 25c 25c 10c and 25c ;).: f ii 6' -MCA.