La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 10, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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i J
l , j Terms rery
! H W room
Y x ff' Terms. .
I i .
f j
Propositions. Severalty
-l iinrj 0
Office 108 Elm St.,
. I do strictly a commission business; no padded
Prices. V .JltmX -xuity too
price you placa on It when listing It with me. If
you want o buy, sell, rent or' exchange come In and
talk It over with me. I keep In touch with the best
bargains on the marked and will at all 'times be glad
,to show you. We Invite you to read carefully the
following listings and then come In and tell us what
you want '
City Property
No. 89 Six room house with pantry, first clas
condition, stone foundation with cellar, wood"3ed,
- chicken house with yard fenced, city watei' arid well,
fruit trees. Lot 140 on Adams by 20Q.feet on Chorry.
Price, 12,600,; Terms. .'v -
No. 41 Good two story housw situated south end of
4th St., nine rooms papered, ;palnted and stone foun
' datlon, wired, barn room for olght head of Btock, 16
tons of hay, chicken' house and woodshed, 200 fruit
trees, all fenced Price $3500. Terms.
, No. "SS.On.U Avenue.. I have a 1 acre tract;
. good five room house with stone foundation, city
N water and water right, barn room for three head of
stock, chicken house, fruit trees and berry patch,
good SOU. Price $2,350. .Small payments. ,
' ;No' 31. South La Grande, Cor. 2nd and D St Sev
.H room two story house, bath and city water; also
' water for Irrigating, barn and chtcken house. Price
$2,300. Terms $250 down. ,
' No. 65 On east Adams Ave., lot 60x114, good four
room house, woodshed, city water, nice lawn. Price
$1,600. $1,000 down, .. ,
. No. 65 1-2 New house and two good lots, five
rooms, bath and toilet, very nicely arranged, and
strictly modern, Price $2,000. . ,
: No. 13. Four room house on North Spruce, two
lots, voodBhed and cellar, city water In yard and
sewer runs in front of place, near school. Prtc3
r $1,100. . Terms. ; ,
No. 43. House East Adams Ave. ' Eight room plas
tered house facing north, stone foundation and base
ment, lot 50x110. Price $2,100. ,
No. 40. Fraction of lot 1 and all of 3-4-5 'in block
3, Arnolds Add., D. St. Seven room houBe with ctoae
foundation and cellar, barn for four head of stock,
two good chicken houBes and about 20 fruit troeB,
' city water and well. Price $1,601. Terms. "
No. 43. Madison and Fir; lot 45x110, five room
house, stone foundation and cellar, city water and
barn.- Prlce$l,400. Terms
No. 47Flne large two story house with basement
full sire of bouse, three large bed rooms up stairs,
well built and double papered, shingled and painted
two years ago, hot and cold water, bath and toilet,
can be heated with furnace. Henry Henson's home.
Price $4,250. Terms. '
No. 37 In Sunnyslde Add., and in reach of steady
employment, eight room new house, cellar, wood-
shod and outbuildings. Lot 40x120. Price $1,000.
easy. .
On east Adams Ave. 1 lot 60x114 and good
house, , very good location for $1,400.
No. 2110 First street there Is a good five
room bouse ana one lot coxiio which ran be bought
for $1,760. : . . , . ,
No.. 21 1-2. One fourth block and four room houso
on Fourth street which can be purchased for $1,007,
$100 dowft.
No. 65. One fourth block and a good four room b juse
on Feurth street which can be purchased for $860.
,$300 down.
No. 7. Four room house. Monroe Ave., nice barn
and wll bnllt poultry houBe, cellar and city water;
three lots and everything In rood condition. Price
$1,400. $300 down, $15 jer month.
No. ll.r-Oa he ccrser of Oak and Adams Is a nice
eight room nouse; thoroughly modern in every re
spect. Prico $300. Terms. ,
No. 21. Nice location; nice lawn, and good five
room house on Wash. Are., has a cellar, barn and
one large lot, city water. Price $1,400. Terms.
No. 25. Good five room house In North La Grande,
large lot. good barn, fruit trees and water right
Price. $1,750. Terms. '
T0W3T LOTS. ,' .:'
'i :, - - f "" .'' - . ' .
I have some splendid buys In town lots In all parts
cf the city. Very good lots for $100, choice ones
from $300 to $700.
No. Sl.i-Block 13 and 14 In Arnolds and Drays
-' " - : : .. r. .. .. ; ,
La Grande, Or.
Add., for $1,000, with easy terms. . ',. ' : V ',.
;i y 1st i. 7C112, fart of lot C, 70x112;
part of lot 6, 70x112, $300 each. Block 15, Cogglns
eft- Hrf01 3' Block 58,' Chaplin's Add., Price
f uw. J350 down and balance can run for three years.
f hJ WVft U.11U 1 UIl
Ranches 1
; No. 54. Here a 588 acre farm ten miles from
, La Grande; 110 acres In cultivation, 15 acres In tim
ber, balance pasture, family orchard of 50 trees,
four room house, barn 50x50, chicken house and other
outbuildings. Price $6,000. v.
No. 88. The Geo. Chllders Farm is now on the
Market at a reduced price, .440 acres of choice land,
350 In cultivation, 60 In pasture, 20 in alfalfa, 20 In
timothy, splendid large house, barn and other bulld
1?58, J?M beeQ "nted at $1100 cash tot Ave years.
Price $65 per acre. f
- No- 66 Nice 216 acre farm; i 1-2 miles from Is
land City, all tillable land, 30 acres In meadow and ;
balance. In cultivation; two story seven room house,
barn, two cellars, and other buildings; family or
chard, veil improved, buildings insured for $3,500.
One of the best farm in the valley can be bought for
$78 per sjcre. ; . ,';
No. 68. Just one mile' from town Is a 30 acre
tract, 25 acres tillable, good six room house with
full basement, barn 16x24, 280 fruit trees; can be
; bought for $2,800. $1,000 down, balance secured by
mortgage. , , "
No- 66. Farm of 200 acres, 50 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture, fenced and cross fenced, 25 acres in
alfalfa, 400 fruit trees, plenty of water to irrigate
first two crops, water piped to house, barn, chicken
house and other buildings. Rural delivery and tele
phone, close to Bchool. Price $6,000. k ' ;
No. 42. Farm 250 acres, 80 acres in cultivation,,
can be irrigated from springs which run through
place, balance timber and pasture, 60 acres timothy,
' two acres alfalfa, good new six room house and lum
ber on ground for barn, 2,000 cords of wood or saw
timber. Free from frosts and 2 1-2 miles from main
'street of La Grande. Price $8,000.
No. 40. 152 1-2 acres all in cultivation except a'
small portion which 1b in pasture, part alfalfa, good
house, barn and family orchard, depot on place and
good road to La Grande, R. F. D., and telephone. 1-2
mile to school. ' Price $85 per acre. ,
; No. 48.-80 acres tillable land, five acres In 9 year
old appleB. young cherry orchard and other small
rruit. good new,elght room house, barn, woodshed,
windmill, etc., near school and five miles from La
Grande at Mt. Glenn. Price $9,000. . . 7
No. 8.-The Old Homestead, 160 acres un Mill j
Creek Canyon, 4 acres cleared. 24 acres stump land
which would make a good field if cleared more than
half the the land is level, all fenced with two wires.
L?hous? 18x20 50X6(1 on .Inside, barn, good well.
6000 cords of wood and some' saw timber, good
mountain road. Price $2,000. , K
No. 20.-EIghty acres of good land near Valeria
school houBe, soil flrst class, on rural delivery and
telephone. , Entire tract fine alfalfa land. $75 per
. acre. .
No. 50.-Tract of 35 acres In Cove. 7 acres In com-,
mercial apple orchard of different varieties. 6 acres
in pasturage. Price $7,000. 8
1 ? tVe7 Drotabl acTe tract in May Park.
L.".l v le" f1?m- town' wel1 improved with good
ftA,fcB.Mi,Mj under irrigation watr
la pumped by 5 H. P. electrical pumping plant- 475 !
ssi 'a'ttSSr tree84o,)wtrM8-22
tn' 3-E,8ht avcre 01a and one half miles froa
In ?nifwVr rm noUMl 8,x ftcre er irrigation,
all tillable, three acres good, alfalfa. Prlce$2,700.
No. 16. Commercial apple farm in Cove 7 1 V
acres of five year old tree,. 17 feet to water, hou. :
of five rooms and two good wells, barn, cellar and
chlckeu house, household goods and 100 chickens in
cluded with the place. Price $4,500. CMCMn! ,n'
No. 24.-Flve acre tract. 1 acre in cherries Mlirar.
ent varieties, 1-2 acre family orchard, eight room ,
house.. barp room for eight head of stock' wn7r
PUCe R ?- te,ePhoCnke. Wpr!r
latest tools such as engine, trip hammerrianS
drill power machine, emry whed. three good for?,'
etc., located In a good country and no comnpMtf '
hasboon doing a business of $6,000 to Jli S pS,
Also have a GOOD FEED BUSINESS 'trot,
store, restaurant and confectionery ?cne,r
tny Intereitei party to Investigate " par
Rpfoseg Portland Influence But Re
members Father of Pretty Boy.
(F, L. Perkins in Portland Telegram)
. State capltol, Salem, Ore., Jan. 9
Turning down a delegation composed
cf millionaires, prominent politicians,
jurists and Influential business men
who pleaded with'. Wm Saturday for
the pardon of Banker Ross, Acting
Governor Bowerman, a few minutes
later, as his last official act, signed
the pardon of David A. Wisner. serv
ing a life sentence - for murder. '
S The refusal to pardon Ross and the
pardon of Wisner, a man utterly with
out Influence of any kind used In hln
behalf, except a petition signed by
residents of Harney , and Malheur
counties, which" was covered with dust
and almost forgotten among the arch
les at the statehouse, were In strik
ing contrast. Behind the liberation of
the convict Is said to He a wntJmfnj
story,' the decision of the acting gov
ernor being due mainly to the prattle
of a flaxen haired baby boy-. . : ' I
Wisner, now aged 55 years, took up
a homestead near Juntura, in Malheur
county, about three years ago. Jun
tura and Westfall have frequently
been referred to as the "cities with
nameless graves" on account of the
number of men said to have been
burled there who met their deaths by
acts of violence. Among those settlers
held In the greatest fear by resi
dents generally aro reported to have
been the three Dull brothers. J
Resisting the -attempt of the three
brothers to drive him off his proper
ty. WlBner "got the drop" on one of
them, who came upon his land and
killed him. He pleaded guilty to mur
der in the second degree and was sen
tenced to life Imprisonment.
Left to struggle for herself and ,to
provide a home for their six child
ren., the Invalid wife was forced to
return to the Molalla district in Clack
amas county where her relatives liv
ed. " Ever since the incarceration of
her, husband, two years and two
months ago, the 'woman Is said to have
had a hard life and at times to have
depended on charity.; . t
- , Boy Turns Trick.
When Acting Governor Bowerman's
candidacy for election to that office
took him to Oregon City, Mrs. Wis
ner sought hom and begged that her
husband be pardoned. She was ac
companied by her ; youngest child, ' a
beautiful boy with flaxen curls who
climbed upon Mr. Bowerman's knee
while his mother was telling her pa
thet!c story and played with his watch
chain.' v .-.'y" '. '':.'
When sobs conquered the woman's
recital the little chap Jumped out of
the Acting Governor's arms and
placing his arms around her neck,
endeavor to comfort her. Then he
ran back to Mr. Bowerman and clutch
ing his arm. lisped.
"Big man, let my papa come home
and mamma will quit crying."
Without giving the woman a defin
ite answer the Acting Governor laid
his handNon the child's head and said:
"Madame, take this boy home and
take care of him and your other child
ren. I want you' to do one thing
send me this little fellow's . picture.
Dont worry any; more about your
husband." , , ',
t On the campaign ending Mr. Bow
erman looked up the facts in connec
tion with'the crime for which Wisner
had been sent to prison. He learned
that since Wisner went to the peni
"." ' " - V-.' ' 1 11 " .' ' ' " ' ' 11 1 i 1 1 1 "' ' ' ' "
OVSter Shells v W?,ar? PEQUARTEES for Poultry Sup-
,9 Pounds 25 , cents ' We can '
Sold By Water-Stanchfield Produce Co
HAY, GRAIN, HEP, HOUR, WOOD . "'ta'l"!
Ladles Josiring Facial Massage,
Shampooing, Manknrlng or Scalp
Treatment should visit the Paris Hair
Switches, Curls, Puffs and' Comb
ings made to order can also supply the
trade with Balr Goods and Novelties,
ITassage Cream and Facial Remedies.
tentiary, one of the remaining Dull
boys had killed his brother and is
now in prison. He looked over the
petition for WIsner's . pardon filed
months1 ago and found It contained
the names of some of the best cltl
teus of Harney and Malheur coun
ties. : - ' "'
It Is said to have been more than
two or three minutes,' after he refus
ed a pardon for Ross that he pulled
the picture of WIsner's baby out of
his pocket and gazing at It for a few
seconds, thrust it back and exclaim
ed, "I'll do it!"
: Thereupon he signed the pardon
and notified the friends of Mrs. Wis
ner by telephone. A wire telling Mrs.
Wisner that her husband had been
pardoned was sent her by this friend
Saturday night. She left her little
store at Mullno about 15 miles from
Oregon City yesterday afternoon and
arrived ln'Saletn last night. Her hus
band was not notified of hte good for
tune until he was being locked In his
cell last night the news being con
veyed to him by Clerk Tom Wilson.
He wept freely when he learned that
he waa to spend his last night be
tween gray prison 'walls.
, 'At 9 o'clock this' morning, Mrs;
Wisner, with the pardon In her hand
presented herself at RnnHt!4.;
James' office at the penitentiary, and
in a few minutes, clashed In her hua
husband's erms minjgled her tears
with his. The couple left the peniten
tiary together hand In hand and not
a dry eye was Jeft In the prison of
fice behind them.
tCt Fir Street La Grande, Ore.
Dr In your case all yog1 want Is a
Fam Us King cigar.
Smoker But why a Fam Us King
cigar? . . : .
Dr. Because It Is soothing for your
serves iiu Iioit a sweet creamy taste
that a good Spanish made Havana
cigar should have.
Smoker And you think Fam Us
King cigars best?
Dr Think so! No man! I know it,
and If once you smoke one you too
will know It.
GET:I?EtL?EAI , Pf0venes..Promptne8S.Sati8fac.
urcc iuie in UDserver Job Department
Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing
.' Rubber Buggy Tires
; ' D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor
own office 'Main 720
A IVIDI IT A mrT na,OB008 Main 25
FEED A.ND GrandeRcadeXashG
The George Pafcjor
D-UM10 EDS .(Ca
ii yo shin Rutbroid RooVng
Deedtnbg Felt, BuiWBg Paper.
We- are prepared to furnish and detirer makriai, '
Fiuiuuy. pnone Main 8. ; :
II mm I I- -' . t . " . . " ". " ' -
Our Fountain will he nnen all
wnier. I'naf a nice, desert
tor a Hew Year Dinner. A
pac?.a!e f smooth Ice Cream.
-M.uTO.fitB door to Pott Office
, IT
. I