La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 10, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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i - r i : " ' T r-i r
I T LI r f C C I t tNi, . , ll "the party. bnt 1 think we'd ought to J --- - :...U . ... .......... ,
1 1IL IdlO -;
Beaus Not Wanted. "
. . ' "
The Pinkerton Man Powers.
At Cedar Ridge teeter.
The Sheriff and the Detective
i-Chamiplon. ' ;
Beautiful dishes given to Jady
patrons of the matine. See dia-
play in lobby. . ' .
v Haraden'e .: Tru-Fruit Cbacolates.
i Made just right. At all of the leading
' confectioners. ;: ; 1
General Repairing at B. W. Leighton's
Auto and Bicycle Garage. I repair
everytmng. umDieuas, pnonograpns,
ewlng machines, typewriters, stores
and guns. Shears and knives sharp
ened, skates hollow ground, saws fil
ed and set and soldering of all kinds
dbneM repair granite walr, make and
fit keys, repair locks. I carry a full
line of flash - lights and their sup
piles. Phone, Main 737. 309 Fir street
The Young People's . choir of the
Presbyterian . church will meat to
night at the church for an hour's re
hearsal.". ? '::-.--- v - v
' The Eastern Star will hold t an In
stallation of' officers tomorrow night.
After the installation there will "be a,
banquet. All outside members are
cordially Invited to attend.
A. R. Carrick of Joseph la a guest
at the Sommer today.. ....
- A. R. Hall is registered at the Som
mer from Nome, Alaska'
. S. E. Forstrom of Joseph is a Som
mer hotel guest this afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Car r wilk entertain the
afternoon Kaffee Klatch this week.
Miss Hazel Thiesen left last even
ing for Portland to re-enter school.'
. Attorney L. Denham of Elgin is
Btopping at.the-Sbmmer this after
noon. .. .' ,.' " ': . :
R, D. Zweifel and wife and Mrs. K.
Zweiffel of Elgin were Sommer ho
tel guests last n'ght. ... ; . '. .
Sheriff Marvin and Charles Hug,,
both well known men of Enterprise,
arrived thla afternoon and are spend
ing a few hours In the city. . '..
Jay Frank Evana arrived home to
. day from Cambrlde, . Idaho, to aislt
with his mother, Mrs. Evans of South
La Grande for a short time.
"Hannv" Hamiersett. the switch
man returned this morning from
. . . -.
Portland where he' has been spending
the past week. . , ''. ',
- Mrs. Will Brookout was . operated
upon at the Grande Ronde hospital
this morning. Mrs. Brookout Is a res-
Ident of Enterprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Haebrouch have
gone to Oregon City where he - will
visit a brother who Is seriously 111
and where Mrs. Hasbrouch will be
the guest of a slater, EtheL ;
- Mies Ethel Puti stenogarpher for
Cochran & Cochran, law offices, has
returned from visit to Portland.
Deputy County Clerk Ivanhoe Is
'home from a" short visit to Portland.
Mrs. A. E. Jones arrived home this
morning from Portland where she
spent the holidays. While in Portland
he fell and sprained her ankle, neces
sitating the use of crutches at this
time. She is accompanied by her son.
A. R. Jones. V
F. D. McCuily and wife of Joseph,
are att the Sommer today on their
way tp Portland where Mr. McCuily
attended the National Wbolmen's con
vention. Jay Dobbins and wife are
also of the Joseph crowd returning
from the convention this morning and
are ? forced to wait until tomorrow
' before they reach their destination.
Copyright WA by American Prem
There had been a iot o' cussedutss
Jo Galloway county, and the people
Mras bot to find ttoine ua to string up
fer a warnin'.. Ole Man Thompson
had been murdeml In his bed and
$200 taken. Hill Stlmson was held up
on the roud and relieved of tin watch
and chnin. These and other crimes
were committed, yet no one was ar
rested. About ihut time my brother Tim
ome from Callforny and was stnyin'
with me on the farm. Tim was as
peaceable a feller as you ever see
wouldn't hurt nobody, But be liked
to hunt. and. It Win, In the fall o the
year, when jraiuc was jileuty. 1 got a
t my ..frletuls to go over into Ma
on coitntjY where there wax wood-fin-k.
VV took a kit with us. caUu
latin' to ie cmie a Week ;
. VVaaJ. ne ereuin' w hen we was
ollntiu' iu tniup ail ou us Kot in ex
i ept Tim. When we sot down to sup
Kr he, wasn't, there, uud when It was
time to turn la we was obleeged to da
It without him. ' 1 wanted to go out
and bunt for him. but the rest 'lowed
1 couldn't find him In the dark, that
he'd got lost or somep'n ' and would
turn, up next day., . ; t; '
, waau aoout mtamgnt l was wose op
by Tim himself. ,, , '
-By gum. TlmrM says. -Have y'
seen a ghost?" '
He was the most skeered feller you
ever seen white as the unow and his
teeth a chatterln'. As soon as he
could ketch his breath he said: ;
"They're comin' to hang me. ; I was
watchin' fer birds when 1 met a man
who looked at me kind o queer. He
went off and come back with two oth
er men. They all tied my hands and
tuk me to a Kmall town. A feller was
brought In, who looked at me and said.
"Thafs him." Then they all set around
and talked me over. 1 knew they tuk
me fer some un tlHe. and there wasn't
no use tryln' to make em think I
wasn't.. Most of 'em was for hnngln
me right up at onct They said if the
law got a bolt of me I'd never be pun
ished. I begged so hard for 'em to give
me one day to prove who I was that
at last they consented. V f
."They tuk me to some nn's"bfflce and
left me In charge of two of em. One
of the two left .me in' charge of the
other, while he went off to glt somep'n
for 'em both to drink. He brought
back a bottle, which they finished,
then the other one, he went off and
got another, bottle, and by the time
they'd drank that they was both
drunk. FJrst one went to sleep then
the other. ' I dug out and here I am.
As soon as I'm missed 111 be follered."
, I woke up tie other men, Abe Wood
ruff and Oliver Swayne. and we held
a consultation. Ef they come to take
Tim there'd probably be enough of "em
to take him in spite of all we could
do, but we was four shotguns In the
party and concluded to put up a fight
rather'n have 'em take blm. About 4
o'clock In .the mornln we beard the
barkln o' dogs, and I knowed they'd
find Tim shore, since they was after
him with bloodhounds, v ,
We wasn't fur from Jlmtown, where
there's a postofBce.1 and the railroad
runs through If While we was con
sultln' we seen a man git up on a plat
form and hang a mail bag to one' o'
them posts what's used fer dellverin
the bag to a man In the mallear on a
pasin' train without Its stoppin. The
man lef the bag and went away. The
barkln' was comin mighty near, and I
concluded I'd go out and meet the
posse and have a talk with 'era. R jstin'
12V n crof tb VommeX of my
j saddle. I rode forwanl. crossin tbe
track beside which the mail bag bunr.
lookln' in the nlsht for oil the wr.ld
like a man swIiikIu' ou u callows. At
fust It seemed it meant that my broth
er would swing shore. Then air on a
suddpnt an Idee couie to roe, There
was a faint light-In the east when I
met the paijty comin' down the road.
I counted ten of 'em.
"Hello!" 1 says. "What's up?" ,
"Ylstiday." said one on 'em we
caught the man that killed ole Thomp
son., Sam Jones found blm hldln' In a
wood.. We tuk him and was kecpin'
him under guard till tomorrer mornin'
to hang him. Alf Andrews and Charlie
Moore was watchin' him, but he got
'em both drunk and lit out"
"Waal." says I, "there's two crowds
of us got onto the same purpose, and
we got ahead of you. . He was hldln'
from us when you tuk him. When be
escaped, like a fool, he run right agin
us. We tflruug him up at onct, fearin'
he'd git away If we didn't."
"You don't mean it?". '
"Yas, we done it." , '
"Whar did "you hung blm 7"
' "Right there. I kin show him
to you, but we don't want no interfer
ence with the body, since I give him
my word of honor I'd send it to his
wife for burial." ,
,1 tukem whar they could see the
Mall Via t It ii pqci nam f t .
"It looks all right Bald the leader o'
do 6howla you the corpse. We got a
hnntln party over there, and I'm shore
none of 'em would let any one Inter
fere." . - . '
They consulted, and. seeia' we was
armed and they wasn't, they concluded
to turn around and go back. But they
didn't doubt the mall bag was a swing
In' corpse.
Tim went back to Callforny.
I r
Gome lntrfernc Wirlet Operators
Cannot Overcome. .
Few are the steamer passengers who
fall to visit the wireless office aboard
ship to watch the operation of the In
struments and to question th oper
ator. Needless to say. the technical
nnderstanding of the well meaning
vfsitors is a variable quantity. The
nperator must listen to wondering ex
clamations, original suggestions 'fo;
the Improvement of the service, dis
courses ou the relations between wire
less telegraphy and spiritualism and
other doubtful topics with uniform
courtesy. At times, however, the
strain is too great. It was a lady pas
senger with an eye for details who
came to the wireless room and looked
wonderlngly In.
"Oh, here's the wireless! May I
come In? Isnt It wonderful to think
of sending those those 'waves you
call them waves, don't yon? , How fas
cinating to work at this! Are those
Jars filled with water?"
auuoo Bit tuiiuuacr jai, tuauaui,
quite empty.
"Really? I don't believe I f ould
ever understand It That oil of wire
lookB like a birdcage." , f
..That Is the Inductance helix."
"What' are those things over your
ears?"-'.; f-;,. ; ,.'' ...
.."The receiving telephones." '
"1'hen you .have telephone connec
tion too. , One can hardly keep up
with "the times these days. What does
that coil dor , . '
That, Is the' receiving tuner and in
terference preventer." v
"Wonderful! Does It keep out all in
terference?" v
"Not all," replied the operator wea
rily. "Some kinds of Interference can't
be tuned out; we Just have to stand
It." Youth's Companion.
Workers' Pay In. England When Board
- Was a ShUlina Week. ..
; There Was a time when a workman
In England received 8 cents a day as
an ordinary wage, when skilled , ar
tisans commanded lij cents a day and
when women worked in the field ' at
such tasks as reaping straw, hoeing,
planting beans and washing sheep
for 2 cents a day, and a wise student
of the subject has expressed the opin
ion that the British workman of that
day was better. off than he has ever
been since then. , .' r :y
r That sounds paradoxical But the
explanation Is this: . , The workman
who sold his services for 8 cents a
day could buy good beef or mutton for
1 cents a pound. Wheat cost him on
the average only ,18 cents a bushel.
He could get board for 12 to 18 cents
a week. The pay he would receive for
fifteen weeks' services would suffice
to purchase a supply of suitable food
stuffs, according to the standard of his
time (consisting; of wheat, malt and
oatmeal); to maintain his family for
an entire year. ,
Under these circumstances 8 cents a
day Increased to 12 cents in harvest
time was a fair wage, and "times
were good" for the average workman.
McClure'a Magazine.
Opera In Dumb Show.
The late Clara Novello In her reml-,
niscences tells how Malibran once ap
peared In f'SonnambuIa" without ut
tering a note. She . had taken' cold
and was prevented from singing, at
the last moment, though crowds of
early comers already filled the house.
"On the manager telling her. In de
spair, that, besides loss of money,
these, disappointed people would be
dangerous she said, i . can't speak
above my breath; I should have to tlo
it in dumb showr Bonn at oa;e
caught at this outburst as if seriourl
meant 'and on his knees be?sed lie:1
to try this, and she, fired by the no v
elty, did so. The grateful public r;iv
ed.ln praise of this surprising tour de
force, and the sensation It made filled
the papers." . '
Bathing Machines.
Somebody has Inquired why "bath
ing machines," the comfortablo priva
cy of which for ocean bathing has
never attracted bathers In this coun
try, are called machines, remarking
that there is nothing of a machine
about them except the horse which
driwfl them to the beach. The answer
has been found In the new Oxford
Dictionary. It appears that a "ma
chine" was originally a "structure of
any kind, material or Immaterial," and
has nofhlng to do with machinery, a
later word. Ships were called ma
chines, and It would have been proper
to speak of a pulpit as a machine.
Trn: . : sr
:' - -
One Lot of Hisses' Coats
Special Price pf y2 Off.
All Furs' and Fur Coats
H From 25 Per Cent to 33
One Lot of Rovs' "V-7rrnjTj V lz Pm'M
i w - -J ,--VWMMIV VWj
u Sizes 9 to 15 Years, During Our Janu-
One Lot of Boys' Suits,vTwo Piece, at
Price; Age 3 to 16, During Our Sale.
Three tots of Boys' Heavy Shoes at
$1.53, $1.33 and $1.79 DuringOur Sale.
See "Windows. ,
1 Lots of Men's High Top Shoes, From
$2.48 to $3.95, During Our Sale, i ;
One Lot? of Misses' Patent Leather
( Shoes at $1.28. Sizes to
our Sale.
Watch Our Windows for January
First Ballot In Montana Shows For. asked Mrs- Oldcastle. ,
mer Senator is Still In the Eace uf? h"8tesf
hatt. t a tt .i Bne flecked a bit of dust from the
. t 9 ' , ; T0" on 12.000 grand piano. "If I have genu-
a senator to succeed Carter today, the flectiona to make about people I al
lirst ballot showed, Senator Carter ' ways do It outside of church.H-Chl-U,
T. J. "vVjalBh 28, Conrad 18 and cago Record-Herald. ,
Scattering 22. Fifty are necessary to
elect . '' .' ' :
Spanish Miners Burled. 1
: , Madrid, Jan. 10 Many miners were
buried today when the roof of a mine
near Satrourbilaes fell. Four bodies
have been removed and the rescue par
ties are exploring the tunnels for the
others. The actual number of men in
the mine is unknown! It is believed
a number were crushed under the
rock.-:-',,- , ' ;.; ' .;
Big Crowd at Orphenm.
Despite the numerous attractlona
at the other play house last night,
the Colonial Stock company present
ing "Lena Rivers" drew a big house
and the audience was well pleased
with the Initial Bhowing of this com
pany. The same bill will be Been this
evening. Tomorrow the ' program
changes, the bill being, "Jane Eyre."
' - " Not a Born Forger,
The Indorsement of checks !s a very
simpje thing; but, as , the following
story will show, it, too, has its diffi
culties: '
A woman went Into a bank where
she had several times presented checks
drawn to Mrs. Lucy B. Smith. This i
time the check was made to the order
of Mrs. M. J. Smith. "M. J. were her
husband's initials. She explained this
to the paying teller and asked what '
Bhe should do;
"Oh, that is all right," he snid. ;Just
Indorse It as it is written there." ,
She took the check and after much
hesitation said, "I don't think I can
make an M like that." ' ' '
Prepared For Emergenoy.
"What makes you keep giving me
fish for dinner day after day?" he ta
quired. "Are you particularly fond of
itr '. .- ; .
,"Xo," ehe replied. , 'I was wholl.V
unselfish. I rend a lovely recipe about
how to remove a fishbone ' when 1
itif:!i8 In your thront, and I wanted to"
7 it'-Wanhlnffton Star. .
Not That Kind of Woman.
"Do you believe In makin a genu;
- ' n n ' rrrv ....
?.' - DRY GOODS;;.'; V
on Sale at
at a Saving
1-3 Per Cent
No. 2, During
flection before you enter your pew?"
His Reason.
"I delight to go on Bshiiig trips.'
1 "I never saw you brlnjr in a cntfb."
"I never caught anything In my
ufe." :;:: v,.'':', ;'
"Curious that you UUe li. tli-n."
"Not at all, You "wv. that U lilmut
the only thing that , my U'.-u t
care to do." '. : ,
;. .Tho Hapi Mcc!!t:in. '; ; A .
Squire's ; Iinithnr-.H;; the rr do.
ypu spell your w.rue v,i?h n lnip or a
small N. Mrs. MvNabe? ;.Vl)lnjier--Ob;
mlddlin" Inrirc, r.:!'. -London M. A. l
Look After That Eve Trough
Rainy weather will set in soon. We
have plumbing fixtures of all kinds,
Cemt , and see.' " r! v ' rr '
n '
All Ladies' Trimmed Hat3 at y2 Price
and Less During Our Sale.
Ladies' Waists at a Saving froxa 1-4 to
1-3 During Our January Special Sale.
All Men's Woll Mackinaw; $6.00 and
$6.50 Values at $175, During Our Jan-.'
uary Special Sale. y. r 'XX'Q-;
All Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats at
a Saving of 25 Per Cent During Our
January Sale.
Other Lots of Shoes Below Cost of
Manufacturing During Our January
Special Sale.
January Special Sale Prices on all
Nickel-Plated Ware of 20 Per Cent off
Regular Price.
The Celebrated Horse Shoe Brand of
American Wringer at a Saving of 10
Per Cent.
Special Prices
9 m
4 n.
Iwrtisinri M k i
WANTED Yearlingcalves. Ad
drets poet offtce box 217, La Grande.
WANTED W'oman to work ty day.X
1311 O. Ave, Phono BIk-822.
Vacuum housecleaiaing, upholster
ing and furniture repaired. L, F. Bel
llnger, Phone Red-662. r
FOR RENT Nice single room with
bath anCieat. Phone Black 822 or
call 1311 O. Ave. ; w ' : " ,:
FOR RENT Modern 6-room
nlshed house. Phone Black-342.
' WANTED Loggers with . 'teams.
Write or phone the Cove Planing tnlll
at Cove, Oregon.
8iaie salesmen
for orchard tracts. Address Box V,
Enterprise, Oregon. '
Govers from 50 cts.
to Three Dollars;
L C. Smith-La Gran