La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 10, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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pegins January z
Ends January 31
ume and uamine Uualitv
and r rices before buying
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"I kl been troubled with constipation
. fortwoyers and tried all of the best physi
ciam b Bristol. Tenn.. and ther could do
nothimfor me," writes Thoa. E.; Williams,
Miaaioro, iiy. "two packajeea of Cbam
berlaiift Stomach and Liver Xableta cured
me." lor sale by all dealer. "
i " f
..agent for
... PRICES '
$3.50 and Up
Black 81 or Black 1481
Tftere Art Many of Yoa
Thxi we appreciate your ptt
ronage, your loyalty and stead
fastnens. tollr at much as yoa
!PPrrU tie belp e
times Boa able to furnish you,
foes without sayiny.
wast to take
I this pabllt method of thanking
you for past patronaye ano,
Hh fun confidence that this
patronage will continue, ire
ldge yoi sur host endeavors
In the future ai jon hate had
them In the past
Wishing yoi Increased
measure of Bappto"8 an' Pr01"
Vrlty for (be jear MH are
' Sincerely J""
1 The feted States t
i National Bank, f
Successor to Phelps of Pendleton lias
Been Named Now.
As predicted in these columns last
week, Attorney ' Samuel Van . Vactor
of Heppner, Is the new district at
torny , of the sixth Judicial district
to succeed Gilbert ; W. Phelps, . who
has been elevated to the- Judgeship,
says the Pendleton East Oregonian.
Mr. Van Vactor arrived In; the "city
this morning in response to a mes
sage from Acting Governor Bower
man stating that he had been appoint
ed to the office. Though he was pres
ent at the opening of court thl morn
ing he did not appear in an official
capacity as he was not prepared to
assume the arduous duties of his of
fice, ' ) ; ''; - ". .;
; Mr. Van Vactor, though a democrat'
was able to secure his appointment,
through virtue of his qualifications
for that office.' He la well known to
the members of the bar In this city,
having" appeared In the local court
many times during; the . ten years, in
which he has been practicing In the
Morrow county( seat. Previous to lo
cating In Heppner, he ' followed his
profession In The Dalles. :
The news of his appointment this
morning was no very great surprise
and it Is received with general satis
faction.: ' '' .77 ' v'
' . "r.i.i - i i
'.'t ft iBipnono bias.
-At Oue Uundred and First street and
Broadway iu man , was talking Into a
telephone. ' Presently he was heard to
ay i "All right. 111 come. I am now
at Twenty-third street and Broadway.
I'll be up In about half an hour." 7
7 "That chap seems to "have, lost his
bearings," 'said a man who had over
heard the error in locality.
"He knows where he , Is all right,"
said a drug clerk. "He's Just putting
up a bluff. . It la quite a common bluff.
Men .who have a mighty high regard
for truth at oil other-times do not hesi
tate . to ten a whopper about . where
they are when talking over the tele
phone, I have beard persons swear
over that ' wire that they were tele
phoning from points all' the way from
Hoboken to ' Amity ville. f They were
not seasoned liars, either; Jut wanted
a few minutes' grace apparently and
thought the easiest way to get it was
to make out they, were a mile or two
farther away than th'ey really were."
New York Press. . -
.7 XntW. ' : :
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual stockholders meeting of the
Cove Ftate Bank will be held at their
office In Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday,
January 10th. 1911
p. m. for the purpose
cent for the ensnWi vpsr ssd j;ic'
other bira'nes hnt Tir rM'rnTl
come before said meetin.
0. A. STOCK, Cashier.
Dec. I Jan. 10. 7 '
Custom In 8paln.
One thing specially. Is vital to Spain:
"Costumbre." they say ("It is the cus
tom"). It explains commercial honor
tersely for the. Spanish business man
to keep his word and pay his bills; ex
actly as it Is equally customary for
mm to lack what we call "honor" in
some other departments of life. It is
customary to do or not to da, to like
or not to like, a thousand things. Why?
"CuBtombre" la the only reply. It Is
customary, moreover, not to yield read
Oy. to an Improvement or, a luxury,
even as It Is again equally customary,
once the Spaniard has yielded to a
given thing, to bold to it like adamant
Arthur Stanley Riggs In Century.
Vast Areas Whare the Foot of a White
77 7. Man Haa Navar Trod.1 i'V;
Thero are vast areas in Canada of
which -even the government has no
definite knowledge, and there are thou
sands of square miles where -the foot
of a white man has never trod. ' Prac
tically all knowledge of this big wild
country has . been secured asrain and
again along a few choseu and well
worn routes, outside of which Investi
gation has seldom gone. 7 .
Imagine a dozen or so well bcuten
vehicle highways traverslni: a countn
one-fourth as large us Europe narrow
nignways Demmed iu by Impenetrable
wilderness and one ma v form nnm
sort of idea of the littlt that Is still
known of 600.000 sauure miles of ti.o
North American continent.
Along these rout ex nearlv all "at.
plorers; have Cone. Alonar thm are
situated most of the fur posts, and be-
yona tneir narrow lines but . little Is
Known. And In t bis world of forest
and ridge mountains und eternal deso
lation, still buried in the mystery and
silence of -endless centuries, are its
people." .:,,;- Mv'.;r .. ..,-. 7 . j.
Approximately there are from lR.oon
to 23,000 human souls in an area fif
teen times the Ktze of Ohio, and there
are no more than BOO of theaa who
have not .some Indian blood In their
veins, un tne other hand, fully one
half of the total oonulatlon ' haa it
strain of white blood-Leslie's Weekly,
know how;
; If you are nervous, have dreams or
nightmare, and do not sleep sound at
night, get a 60 cent box of MI-O-NA
stomach- tablets and take one or two
after or with meals. MI-O-NA stom
ach tablets relieve distressed stomach
in 0 minutes. Sold by the Newlin Drug
Co and druggists everywhere who
guarantee MI-O-NA to cure indige.
tion, or money back. , Jan 10, 19, 31
His Preference.
"You can get an armful of daisies
for a dime," pointed out the optimist
"and Just look at their bright merry
little faces!" 7 7 7 '7-.: ;'
"What do I want with an armful of
daisies?" growled the pessimist "I'd
rather have a cheese sandwich." New
fork Journal 7 7
7 Whare tha Shoe Pinched. -
Crn-mfrirA Ttnoa v V11f 1 AAnailnttna
at th, hour of ' irouble ' you for losing that money
ip of cffi;; Crabshaw-No. but mvwlfo does. Ton
see. It was her money.-Judge. ;
' The fewer desires tbo more peaca
Wilsoa. i-. , 7,,
Mghtmare, Bestlessness and Mght-
Sweats Caused hyv Indigestion 1
Half of 'the nervousness in. the
world, all of the disturbing dreams
and nightmares can be ended in a few
weeks by a simple, Inexpensive treat
ment guaranteed by th Newllfl Drug
Co," 7; 7.' ;777v-;: v7:-.7''7: -.,!7
Upaet stomach Is the cause of nerv
ousnesa and bad dreams. Tour food is
lying to your stomach undigested and
fermenting; it is forming poisonous
gases which Irritates the pneumogas
trlc nerv that leads direct from the
brain, and end In a network of tiny
branches running through the stom
ach.', 7 ;77i ; :'' ,':"'-7:,7' f.-'.
It Is also the Irritation of this great
pneumogastrlc " nerve that 7 causes
headaches. Many times people havo
severe headaches and know they are
caused by the stomach, hut do not
v Kotlce of Street Improvement, "
To whom it may concern : Notlr
la hereby given that In pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La 3rani nr.
egon, on the 21st day of Dec., 1910,
creating Improvement District No. 29,
and designating "XravenuA AB anrh
district, and in pursuance of a resolu-1
tion adopted by said Common Council j
on the 21st day of Deo., lflio. whNh
saia council determined and declared
its intention, to Improve all that por
tion of "X avenue, la said Improve
ment district as hereinafter described
by laying thereon Board Sidewalk. th
Council, will, ten days after the ser
vice of ..thii, notloa upon the owners
of the property affected and benefitted
by such improvement order that said
above described Improvement be
made; that boundaries of said district
to be so Improved are as fellows:
All that portion of "X" avenue from
the west curb line of Second Street
A it. - 1 . .. ' .
w ia easi euro una of First street
Notice is hereby further given that the
CouncU will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefitted by such improvement for
the purpose of paying) for such Im
provement That the estimated cost
of such Improvement Is the aum of
$6.00. That the Council will on the
18th day of January, All, meet at the
Council chamber at the hoar of 8
o'clock P. M,, to consider said, esti
mated cost and the levy of said assess,
ment, when a hearing will be granted
to any person " feeling aggrieved by
such assessment.
La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 28, 1910
'; OREGON, . ", 7';7 .;; ' ,
- B ,-;'1 D.E. COX,
Recorder of the City of U Grande,
Oregon. ;
Dec. 30-Jan. 19. 7
European Plan 'Only
Rooms 50o to $1.60
First class Throughout
mm , mmm W . " HPr '
1 1
li La Grsnds, Oregon
and HeatSEl
1 '
John Melville
M8 Adams An