La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 10, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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1 "(- !
The First
Question Asked
when buying or
renting a house,
the ONE ques
' tion of the modern
renter or buyer
invariably run
this way:
Is the house
wired for
Electricity ?
hat come to realize
I. MMtfc WaWMfW UUt
is not a luxury
they want, but
a Necessity
they must have.''
Kotice of Annual Meeting. -Notice
Is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the La Grande National Bank of La
Grande, of La Grande, Oregon, wijl be
held at their banking house In La
Grande, Oregon on Tuesday. January
10th, 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. for the
purpose of electing a board of direc
tors to serve for; the. ensuing year
nd fog the transaction of such other
business as may be properly present
ed to said meeting.
. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Dec.
10th, 1910.
F. L. MEYERS. Cashier.
A Sellable Cough Medicine.
Is a valuable tamllr friend. Foley's
Honey and Tar fulfills this condition
exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th st
Eaaton,: Pa states: "Several mem
bers of my family have been cured of
; bad coughs and colds by tip use-of
Foley's Honey and Tar and I am nevi
r without a bottle In the house, Jt
soothes and relieves the irritation In
the throat and loosens up the cold. I
have always foun'd It a reliable cough
cure and do not hesitate to recommend
It highly." For la grippe, coughs and
stuffy colds, for children and grown
persons and for delicate people use
only Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains
no opiates.. Hills Drug Store.
has moTcd to 1113 Adams ..
. Avenue, where he will serve
all customers, new and old.
For Quick
Messenger Service
Call Main 2k, ortnd. 2!
New Transfer
M. L. Leader
RED 3762
Drayinj of All Kinds
Light and Power
Leading Songr Play of the Country Of.
' fen to Visit La Grande.
. For Bome time past Mianager Stew
ard has been in correspondence with
Joseph M. Weber of New , York with
a view toward securing the famous
eong-play "The Climax" for an en
gagement here. He has finally pre
vailed upon, Mr. Weber -with the "as
surance that he will establish a sub
scription amounting to $300.,
In this matter" Manager Steward
should incur the generous support of
all admirers of high class, worthy at
tractions as an offering of this mag
nitude can rarely be induced to play
the smaller cities. ;
The company, which It Is hoped to
secure here, has recently completed
a successful engagement in Chicago,
received unlimited praise of both press
and public. The cast Includes some
of the best known artists on the
American ' stage and the production
and accessories have been provided
without regard to expense. , 1
All who are interested la the mat
ter of securing thla attraction for the
city , will confer , a favor upon Man
ager Steward by Bending him their
names and the number of seats they
care to secure to , Van Burens at
"I can secure the celebrated New
York and Chicago success, Joseph M.
Weber's beautiful song play 'The Cli
max providing I can secure an ad
vance subscription sale of tickets
amounting to $300. Subscribers have
access to the chart one day in ad
vance of the regular sale," said Man
ager Steward this morning, i v
Unless the guarantee Is raised dur
ing the next week the special train
carrying the show will go on through.
Change at Star Today.
"White Roses A comedy of .a bash
ful man afraid to propose, -f he girl
wears the wrong i-oses and the whole
affair is one' Jumble of fun.
, "The Christmas Carol"A film tel
ling a beautiful story. One of the very
latest films made and It Is considered
one of the best. 4
I'The Preacher's Wife" A Vita
graph that pleases all.
Too Publio Fo Him. ,'.
He was a mild mannered little man.
short, with gray hair, and spectacles.
It was noon on Washington street,
and, as usual, the crowds were shov
ing and pushing to get somewhere.
The little man was trying to worm bis
way through the crowds. 7
A well dressed woman, accompanied
by. a small boy, was mixed up In the
crowd. She wanted to cross the street
The boy stopped to look In a window.
The lady reached down and grasped
a hand, saying. "Take my hand, dear."
"Not right here on the public street,"
she was startled to bear Some one re
ply. ' : ' -
Looking down, she saw that she was
clasping the hand of the very Inoffen
sive little man, who seemed to be
much confused and embarrassed.
"Sir," she said haughtily, "I don't
want you. I want my son." Boston
The New and Old Geology.
In Its early history geology present
ed two schools one Insisting on a doc
trine of "catastrophes,", the other on
a doctrine of "uniformity." The for
mer regarded the changes which have
manifestly taken place in our planet
as having occurred at epochs abruptly,
while the other school, reposing on
the great principle of the invariability
of the laws of nature, insisted that af
fairs had always gono on in the same
way as they do now. It Is hardly
necessary to say that the latter theory
bas driven the old theory of catastro
phe completely from the field. New
York American.
. All Flxtd.
"I think I'll propose at the party to
night." "No, you won't"
"Why won't I?" ..
"My sister knows the young lady in
question, and it bas been arranged for
you' to propose at tbe ball next week."
Kansas City Journal
' Restaurant Repartee.
"Tea or coffee?" demanded the bus
tling waitress.
He smiled benignly. "Don't tell mo;
j lot me guess," he whispered.-Brook-
;iyn ure.
Eight Easy 8tagee of the Most Awful
Kinds of Torture.
The places of torment to which all
wicked Buddhists are to be assigned
on tbe day of final reckoning is a ter
rible place of punishment This Bud
dhistic bell Is divided into eight "easy
stages." - ,.x , .
In the first the poor. victim Is com
pelled to walk for untold ages in his
bare feet over hills thickly set witb
redbot needles, points upward. In tbe
second stage the skin is all carefully
filed or rasped from the body and ir
ritating mixtures applied. In the third
stage the nail, hair and eyes are
plucked out and the denuded body
sawed and planed into all sorts of
fantastic shapes. The fourth stage U
that of "sorrowful lamentations." In
the flf'h the left side of the body and
tne denuded bend are carefully roast
ed. Yema. the Buddhistic Satan, su
perintending the work. In the sixth
stage the iinns ate torn from tbe bod'
and thrown into an immense vat
anions t!i ve. null aud, hair pr
rlously removed Then in- plain bear
lug orthe aore foored. blind, maimed
rousud am bleeding victim the whole
horrid muss Ih pounded into a Jelly
In the seventh ntge the other side of
the rtctim .nnd his . feet are roasted
brown, and then tomes the eighth and
lust stage. In which tbe' candidate U
thrown , into . tbe - bottoml nit of
perdition. vn?':?';' ":;''r,V
Whits Damp, Firedamp, Black Damp
and the Fearful After Damp.
"White damp is the gas most feared
by the miners, for Its properties ren
der It difficult to detect, inasmuch us
it is tasteless, odorless and rolorless
and when mixed In the proportion of
about one part iraa to' nine parts air is
called "firedamp" aud becomes explo
sive to, a degree hard t realize unless
one has seen Its effects. '
t Black dump, unlike white damp. Is
heavier than air. a nouexploslve gas
which may be detected by Its peculiar
odor. Again, unlike the other. Its ef
fect is to suffocate and extinguish fire.
This gas is bo heavy and moves with
such a. sluggish flow, that occasional
ly, when miners have been trapped In
a , mine , following an explosion and
have. detected the black danjp creep
ing In upon them by its smell, they
have been able to stop its advance by
erecting dams or barricades along the
floor, building tbem higher, as the vol
ume of gas increased and keeping the
air within their little inclosure com
paratively clean by rude improvised
Following an explosion,' these two
gases become mingled aud form a mix
ed gas, possessing all the dreaded
qualities of each, which is known as
"after damp," and It is the mixture
of gases which destroys any life that
may remain fpllowlng a mine disaster.
Atlantic Monthly.,
Late Rising Birds.
A pair of singing birds bad been ad
vertised for sale.
"The property of a late rising fami
ly," the dealer stated. I
"I wound up with that clause," be
said, "so possible purchasers would
not be scared off by the prospect of
an unearthly chattering at S o'clock in
the morning. Birds can be trained to
keep any kind of hours. If they, are
brought up by a family of nlghthawks
they learn to go to bed at midnight
and get np tit 0 a. m., along with the
rest of the folks, but if they are tuck
ed in right away after supper tbey
wake up the neighborhood at a cor
respondingly early hour the next morn
ing. It Is advisable for any person
who Is likely to lie abed until noon to
Inquire Into the early training of a
bird before buying." New York Sun.
American Golf. ,
, Certainly ,V ' urn lu gwd luck us u
golfer If ymt p tn America at 'all, for
they are ul.nlously hos::t:iUe lu that
land. and. so fur ns I vuld eee, tbe
Idea that some have , here that tbe
American's notion of the object of
playlug u game Is purely to win It.
not to enjoy the 'playing Is perfectly
mistaken. ', 1 never hud the Impression
more strongly anywhere of being in
the company of meu who were play
lug the gnme for pleasure, not for the
mere sake of winning the match; But
then It Is certainly true, as I heard one
of their Judges (I mean a legal Judge,
though he was a Judge of golf, too)
say in an after dinner speech that it
is "tbe cleanest sport In America."
Horace Hutchinson In London Tele
graph. . s .
The Voice of the People. '
Lady John Russell visited Paris as a
girl In 1830 and witnessed the some
what artificial enthusiasm for Louis
Philippe, who hud just been placed on
tho throne by the revolution. "It Is
said." we are told, "that any small
boy In those days could exhibit the
king to curious 'sightseers, by raising
a cheer outside the Tulletles windows,
when his majesty, to whom any mani
festation of enthusiasm was extreme
ly precious, would appear automati
cally upon the balcony and bow." ,
t Crltio Reminds Us How Our People
Have Buoked Progress.
We of this big republic complacent
.y affirm the glory of our national
achievements and - are not- without
temptation to acclaim tbem as proof
of superior craft and Judgment .yi
But herein do we forget that we are
on record as having "cast ' our vote
Bgalnst every move that has contrib
uted to the present century's develop
ment,..r' ... .:, '-",,, y . '
We raised our voices in contemptu
ous protest against tbe 'first projected
railways. Had the locomotive waited
its signal from tbe people it would not
yet have" started. ;
When the electric telegraph was
shown to us we brushed It aside as a
toy and ' laughed. its Inventor to scorn
when he offered to sell us his rights
for a few thousand dollars.
We put into Jail as an Impostor the
first man who brought anthracite coal
to marke't We broke to pieces Howe's
sewing machine as' an Invention calcu
lated to ruin the working classes, and
we did the same thing to the harvester
and the binder. We scorned the type
writer as a plaything.; '
We gathered together In fiiass meet
ings of Indignation .at the first pro
posal to install electric trov I'nrs
and When Dr. Bell told; led In
vented an Instrument by. " laivw of.-
wuiuti we mignt taia to one svioier
across the town s we region vltl.
accustomed ridicule, and Vnly t'ie r k
less among us contributed , It lis be
ing. Atlantic. MontLly. , ', , ' (
8urgery and the Anatomists In the
: ;.','".",' Olden Days.
For a long time Alexandria was the
only medical center of the world, and
the physician Galen, born about 130
A4 D., had to Journey from Rome o
the African city even to see a skele
ton. He sent bis students to the Ger
man battlefields to dissect the bodies
of the national enemies, while he him
self used apes as most resembling hu
man beings. Hnman, dissection was
revived in Bologna in the fourteenth
century, where Madonna Manzollna
later was professor of anatomy, un
doubtedly one of the first women doc
tors, If not the very first : Leonardo
da Vinci, painter of. "The Last Sup-,
per," was a great anatomist, but dis
section had fallen 'into disuse, when
Vesallus . finally ; revived it about the
middle of the sixteenth century.
Even In Comparatively modern times
anatomists have been the object of at
tacks by the populace. In 1765 Dr.
John Shlppen ; of Philadelphia ; was
mobbed as a grave robber. Doctors'
riots In New York occurred twenty
three years later and were due to the
belief that the medical students rob
bed graves continually, It was the
lack of opportunity to obtain subjects
regularly that led to the practice of
grave robbing and originated what
Dr. Kecne calls "a set of the lowest
possible villains the resurrectionists."
New York World.
Do You Help Others?
It has been tritely said that for ev
ery one who stands alone .there are
twelve to lean against bim. : How is It
with you? Are you one of those
against whom others lean for help and
encouragement, or, are you leaning ,
against some one and-drawing your
inspiration and courage from him? It
depends entirely on yourself whether
you take a positive attitude in your
work or whether your negative char
acteristic shall dominate. It Is much
easier to go through life making' as
little effort as possible, but It is a
poor way if we are going to make
life yield even a small modicum of
what it holds for us. If you are work
ing earnestly and hoping for success
there is only one way to attain it and
that is through your positive charac
teristics. Philadelphia Ledger. ;
. Julius Caesar, .'.'!.;'
, Caesar was assassinated March 15,
44 B. C, and was at the time of his
death fifty-six years old. It la not
alone as a military genius that his
fame endures. By almost common
consent he was tbe most remarkable
all round man of antiquity masterful
ly great iiot m'y as general, but as
writer, statesman and administrator.
In addition to these blgb accomplish
ments he was a great mathematician,
philologist, architect and Jurist His
conversational powers were extraor
dinary, and from all accounts he was
in his manner one of the most at
tractive of men."
One Formality.
"Oi- Joy) She Las written a letter
saying she will marry me.",
"Congratulations. v When T" ?
"Well er you see her father has to
indorse this promissory note before it's
good,' Cleveland Lender.
How Ma Rewmbled Him.
Tommy, you don't take after you
father much, do you ?
"No, ma'am. But, gee, you ought to
see the way ma does sometlruesP'
yfT ' f
S. A. GADlNlbR, Prop, and
piu ces. ):.--'
250 Ochestra scats .V.i'i '.'.....-..i '''..'V.'l.' 85c
'300 General Admission,.....'.. ...... .... v..,...,. 25c
Entire1 Gallery . , . . . . . '". , ...... . ... ...... ... ....... . 25e
Saturday Matineee, ........... ..... ... .i.. ........ 10c and 25c
Throni Jewels.
In the "gold pantry" ut Windsor cau
tie, one of England's, thief royal pal
aces. Is the gold tiger's head taken
from Tippo Sahib's throne In 1789. It
Is lief size, and tbe teetb and eyes are
of rock . crystal. Another relic cap
tured at the same time Is tbe Jeweled
bird called the uma. shaped like a
pigeon, with a peacock tail. The feath
ers blaze with precious stones, and a
great emerald bangs from Its breast
According to an old Indian legend,
whoever, owns this bird will rule India.
'. It Depends. ' ,
BUI-They tell me that a goat eats
twelve times Its weight in a year. ,
Jill Does that represent much food,
do you suppose?
; "Well, It all depends whether what
the goat eats happens to be paper cov
ered novels or lead pipe! Yonkers
An Exception.
"Emerson says there Is always a best
way of doing every thug."
"Is there? 1 wonder if he ever found
& best way of wearing a pair of shoes
that were about a size too sinall.H
Chicago Record-Herald.
, . 1 No Chance.
"Do you always do a little more than
is expected of you?" -
"No; my boss a) way! expects a little
more than you can do." Louisville
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given to the Stock
holder! of the United States National
Bank of La Grande, Oregon, that the
annual meeting of the stockholder!
of the said bank, will be held at theli
banking house in La Grande, Ore
gon,' on : Tuesday January 10th, be
tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p.
m. for the purpose of electing a board
of directors for the insuing year and
for the purpose of transacting any
other business that may come before
the meeting.
Dated at La Grande, Oregon this
sixth day of December, 1910.
T. J. 6CROGGIN, Cashier.
Dec. 6-Jan. 10.
ti; i r :smmmmm5& i
EVERY TIME a man wants to get away from all con! "
anfhelpw 7 WOrM' thQ telephne is an h0Tt'
' The Local Service is useful in arranging his affairV
t2k V n! Distance Service of the Bdl Sys
tem helps him to decide where to go and what to take.
ef 3 ofiis BeW Telephone he can find out who
her the fish are biting or the birds are flying, and wheJ
ther guides or horses can be secured. ,
After he has been out awhile, if he wants to ti
; ery eu Telephone Is
STAJgj y
A Christmas Carol Edison. '
White Roses--Biograph.
The Recreation of an. Heiress:
' The Preacher's Wife Vltagraph
Admission 10 cents
Absolutely pyra ,
Tho only baking powdci
tnada from Royal Grant
Crnam of Tartar :
Hoftliira, Ho Lima PhosshaW
the Center of the System.
5 r
n IT
4 .
i i
T-r 7'7'".; yyi