V LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1911. PAGE 5 TOMSK -TDSIGHT'S FBOGRIU A Cabman's Goo Dairy In dependent. The, Farmer's Joke - k . A Thanksgiving . Surprise . Thanhouser. ' Her. Husband's Deception , American. , ' Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dia-x play In lobby. . .10 LOCALS V Haradon's Tru-Fn( CMccIitcs. ulaue juBt right. At all of the leading confectioners. General Repairing at R. W. Leighton's Auto and Bicycle Garage. I repair everything. Umbrellas", phonographs, sewing machines, typewriters, stoves and guns. Shears and knives sharp ened, skates hollow ground, saws fil ed and set and soldering of all kinds done. I repair granite walr, make and fit keys, repair locks. I carry a full line of flash lights and their sup plies; Phone, Main 737. 309 Fir street. Mre. W. G. Sawyer is over from Hot Lake today shopping and isit ?ng with friends. ; E. Celt AlbertsDTi, leading m-v with "A Stubborn Cinderella" Is a guest at tho Foley today. , ;. ' George T. Cochran, ' water super intendent for this district is a bus' ness vbitor in Baker today. Miss Tony Brown who has been vis iting her Bister, Mrs. Nina Ott, has returned to her home in Baker. George Adams of Twin Falls, the coming metropolis of Southern Ida ho, Is a Sommer hotel visitor today. "Johnnie" Adams has been suffer ing from a bad cold that for a time, was so severe as to confine him to his home. ' ; Mrs. Laura Green Wills was a Sun day visitor from Hot .Lake, sp?nd'ng the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Green. Mrs. John Adams is enjoying a short visit from her sister, Mrs. H. C. Courtway. Mrs. Courtway Is on her way to Portland.. C. E. Sklles, a well known drum mer now of Seattle, but formerly, of Portland, is here today on one of his Infrequent visits: Charles Knapp, a resident of South T a fli-anita uraa atrfolrnn with "l-v attack of paralysis yesterday. He la al so suffering wfth la grippe. Miss Hazel Kirk of New York, who Is a prima donna . with the attraction at the Steward tonight, is a guest a' the Sommer while in the city. W. H. Vogel and . Robert Withy- f combe, both of them real exponents of Union's progression, are in tho ity this afternoon on business mat ters. W. J. Bland, manager of Sherwin. Williams Company with offices at Portland Is making & short 'visit with Mr. Batley of South La Grande, lie is on his way to" Boise. k The Misses Eva and Ruth Gaskell left last, evening for Portland to re sume their studies at St. Helen's Hall. They spent the Xmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and M!rs. Fred D. Gaskell. Chester Hamilton returned to his home In Summervllle this morning after spending Sunday In La Grande with friends. Claire ?ilfillan went out . to Summervllle with him as a guest for a few days. 1 tj o Tl UN ALL: LINE a DISLIKES INNOVATIONS. r GO mm ?M2 Tru-Fruit Chocolates, flavors. . ' . No imitation A PERSONALS. H. C. Rlnehart transacted business In Elgin today. J. J. Carr has returned from a bus iness trip to Joaeph. J; M. Crawley of Palmor Junction, spent., last night at the Sommer. . Frank Johnson of Baker has been lsltlng his sister, Mrs. Henry Fre ' nen. W. R. Klvette returned this after noon from a business trip to Enter- prise. ' ; ' ' ' ' POST EXPERIMENT. WITH TOUR ' ' -, .' EYES. .If you eyes trouble you, consult Dr. Mendelsohn, whose skill, know ledge and practical experience are hleblv annreclated by most men of truth and Integrity. THE MOST COXYIXCTXG TRUTH is to ask your neighbor, your physi cian, or any business man In the city. You do not pay, for' HOT AIR. The service and material- that you get are far superior to any In Union county, "Wherever you see- the name of Dr. Mendelsohn yoa ican depend upon It that it Is strictly reliable. His word is as good ashls bond and over 2200 people in Union and Wallowa coun ties will testify to these factB. .1)0 NOT BE MISLED. 7 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR EXAM. INATION. ..ALL BROKEN GLASSE REPLAC ED WHILE YOU WAIT. OR. M. P, HELS01 DOCTOR OF OPTICS AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. FOLT VCTFL. BUILDING. Em AIMOUWGEM ACTUM. MOMEY GIIEH A WAY Until further notice we will give away the lowest CASH DAYS SALES of each month. Purchaser will be handed a ticket with amount of purchase ?nd dale of same. Those holding tickets bear ing the date which will 5e4an nounced the first of each month in the local papers, will, on. presentation of the same be refunded the amount of his purchase in CASH. Hence ti.i r.nlno Blindly Attacks Any . thing Ntvv to Him. Sir Frederick Treves, the distinguish ed British surgeon. In his book "Ugan da For a Holiday" has a -word or two to say about the rhinoceros. "The rhlnooem the SZitiiuwui of blind conservatism," he writes. "Its bide is impenetrable, its vision Is weak. while Its Intellect la weaker. It has, however, two marked qualities om- batlveness and a sense of smell. It Is aroused to its maximum energy by the presence of anything that Is new. This object need not be a thing that Is ag gressive or inconvenient Its offenslve- ness depends upon the fact that it is unfamiliar, and the ' more unfamiliar the object Is the worse the rhinoceros acts. "When a rhinoceros smells a man he will charge him . with maniacal vio lence, although the man may be mere ly sitting on a stool reading Milton. The massive beast will dash at him like a torpedo or a runaway locomo tive simply because the smell of him. Is novel. Actuated by this Insane hate of whatever savors of an Innovation, the rhinoceros has charged an Iron wa ter tank on the outskirts of a camp and baa crumpled It up as a blacksmith would an empty meat tin. A conservative rhinoceros with a senile dislike of anything new oace charged a train on the Uganda railway. but with no more serious results than the tearing away of the footboard of a carriage. As regards the rhinoceros In this case, It appeared surprised that a thing composed, as it bad Imagined, of flesh and blood could ,be so hard, it went off with an additional grievance and an Increased swelling of the bead." Now is the time to make a Great Saving on Seasonable Merchandise. A Few of our January Specials: -v;N7 ,,v ' ( Dry Goods; Ladles For Coats at a Electric Seal. i.u J; s 58.00 Talue, now' Astrachan, 27-In. Jacket, Talue, now .... .. .. Black Foney, 8-4 length, value, now German Martin Scarf, $18.00 valoe, now .".$12.00 German Martin Muffs, $12.00 .. . ..lalne, now .... .. .. .. ....$8.75 Ladies Tailored salts at a saving from 25 per cent to 50 per cent. Great Saving $25.00 valnes now ; . 9bM taines, now . , . . .. .?13.r,0 Ladies' Tailored Coats at a $5800 from 25 to 50 per cent , ..$1$J0 $22.50 Talaes now .. .. .. . $68.00 ' $17X0 values, now . .. . . ,.$51.00 , $10.00 values, now .. .. 1 lot , of Misses Coats at '17 $18.00 saving of ..$10.90 ..$13i!5 : ..$ 70 One-IIalf Price. All Ladies Trimmed Hats at One naif Price. Children's Bear Skin Coats at a saving of 25 per cent $3.00 values, now . . . . . . . .$2.25 $2.00 values, now .. . .. .. ...$U0 .ZjzZLz Silrr toats at a saving of 25 per cent $5.00 values, now .. .. .. .. ..$3.78 $3X0 values, now ,. .. .. .. $2.C3 Ladies Cotton and "Wool, Underwear at a saving. ' $1.00 values, now, each '.. C8c COc values, now, each .1 ,.88e Ladles Waists at a saving from 25 nor cent ' $3.51' values, now $2.25 values, now $15 Talnes, now i.$2.63 ..tl-S9 63c i Gents' Furnishings Mens and Boys Sweater Coats at a saving of 25 per cent 7 $3.00 Talnes now .. .. :.. ... ..$255 $2.00 Talnes, now .. .. .'. ..... $1X0 $1X0 Talnes,' now .... .. .. ....$1.13 Men's $3.00 McKlbbon Hats at a SaT- Ing now .................. $2X5 All Woolnap Blankets at a Saving. $2.75 Yalues, now ...... .. ..$258 $255 Talnes, now ... . . . . . . .$15 All Cotton Blankets at a Saving. A good one now at . ... 58c All Wool Blankets at a Saving. $6.00 White One, values now . , . .$1.75 1 lot of Indian Robes, $5.00 Yal ues Soms Consolation. He was a frugal Scot and when the collection ' plate came round dropped in a florin In mistake for the Bumble copper. Speedily discovering his mis take, however, he stepped softly down the aisle and requested the oof gath erer to give him bak. the coin, which request was politely but firmly re fused. A shade of disappointment flit ted over the northerner's face as he walked slowly back to his pew. "Aweel," he said, "it's a loss, but there's some sma' consolation In re flectln' It's a bad one. It might have got me into trouble anywhere else." London Telegraph. . .. ,. .. .. .. .. ..$3.75 Men's Fnr Coats at a Great Saving. Russian Calf, $30.00 value, now $25X0 Hair Seal $G5.00 value, now ..$55.00 Coon Best Grade, $85.00 value now .... .. .. .. .. .. V.$7255 Men's Overcoats at a Saving of per cent :--$15)0 Yalues, now .... .1 .. ,.$1155 $12.00 value," now ... . . . , , . .$9.00 Young Men's Overcoats at a Saving of 25 per cent 1 lot of Boy's Overcoats at One-Half ( $3.00 Grade, now price. $2X0 Grade, now 1 lot of Chlldrens Over Coats at One. $255 Grade, now , naif Price, . $2.00 Grade, now 1 lot of Men's Suits at ........ $7X0 1 lot of Men's Salts at ........ $9X7 1 lot of Boys Salts, 2-piece at One Half Trice, 3 to 18 years. 1 lot of Young Men's Salts at 14 off age 10 to 18 years. 25r i lot of Men's Wool Mackinaw, . Values $8.00, $GX0, now .. ,.$4.75 All sheep lined and Dock Clothing at a great Saving now. 4 lots of Men's Wool Shirts i .62X3 $L78 ..$1.43 Hardware Department ' . CUaned Th.m Out First Girl Was your bazaar a great success? Second Glrl-I should think 60. All the gentlemen had to walk home. They hadn't even a penny In their pockets to pay their tytm fares. London Tit-Bits. . Airtight Heater 14x19x23 in. in high grade of Sheet Steel with a steel lin ing almost to the top of the stove. Stands on neat Cast Iron .Legs, Jan. vm j Special, $2.18. Steel Box Stove So. 18. Heavy Cast Bottom, Top and Front Top and Front Feed. A nice Stove for a Medium-Sized Room. January Special, on. ly $5.73. . ' Merrlt Airtight Heater, No. 20, with Cast Top and Front Mckel Foot Rails Stands 28-tn. nigh, 15 In. Wide and 13 in. Deep. Heavy Steel Lining, a Bargain at $8X0. January Special at $5.83. Model Ook Heater So. 210. This Stove is One of the Best the Market Affords, Stands 80 in. High, 17 In. Wide and 22 In. Long. Heavy Cast Bottom, Top and Front Outside Is Made of 14 Guage Blued Steel. Inside Heavy Corrogated Boof Lining. Fall Mckel Band and Cap With Heavy Mckle Foot Ball. Regular $14X0. Jan. nary Special ........... $10.98. All Mckle Plated Ware at a Great Saving in Tea Kettles, Tea Pots, " Coffee Pots at 20 per cent off Regu- lar Price. AH White Enamel Wore at a Great . Saving. - 1 1-2 qt Pudding Tan, 23c, Tal. nes, now t 18c 2 qt Pudding Pan, 28c, Tal. ne now .. ........ .. .... 21c 8 qt Pudding Tan, 80c, Tal. no now .. .. .. .. .. ... .f. ... 4 qt Padding Tan, 83c, Tal. ne now .... .. .. .. .. .. .. Medium Siccd Mash Bowls, 18c value now Large Size Mash Bowls, 23c, Tftlll6 DOW 10 1-2 inch Dinner Plates, 18c, ., Talue now .. .. .. .. All Tarqaoise Blae and White Enam . el Ware at a Saving Daring our January Special Sale. V The Celebrated Horse Shoe Brand of American Wringer of 1 year, 8 year and 5 year at a Saving of 10 per cent , , . 24c 27c 11c ISc 15c : How It Is. "How Is it If Love Is blind, that wo hear of love at first sight?" "It Is after love at first sight occurs that Love usually goes blind." Chi cago Record-IIerald. Yours for a Prosperous Hew Year Jmith id $reem Jhoemon SHOES watch our windows for January special prices QUALITY THE SAME i PRICES LESS UMBRELLA REPAIRS Camp Govers from 50 cts to Three Dollars wife as cook, wife as helper. preferred. Inquire Observer. ; Vacuum housecleanlng, upholster ing and furniture repaired, 1 F. Bel linger, Phone Red-562. L C. Smith-La Grande LET US DTE FOR tOU. In fact the only way we live Is by dyeing. . Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing yourself. WE DYE ETERY DAY ; AXD DYE FOR ALL . .Our charge for dyeing for yoa won't be bglh. A sample Job Is sufficient For best dyeing and cleaning have as FOR KENT Modern 6-room fur nished house. Phone Black-342. j WANTED Loggers with teams. ! Write or phone the Cove Planing mill at Cove. Oregon. FOR RENT Nice single room with bath and heat Phone Black 822 or call 1311 O. Ave. - WANTED Real : Estate salesmen for orchard tracts. Address Box. 97,' Enterprise, Oregon. , Want ads pay. one cn a word Classified LOST Gold watch and fob, initials H. T. on back of watch. Finder please leave at this office and receive suit Advertising 4 i NOWJ IS THE TIME TO Look After That Eve Trough Rainy weather will set in soon. We have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. ;c:t Mia 3. BAY 6 ZWElFEl A. v in. . - a... 1- J i 'ft . do it able reward. t t ELITE CLEA5IXG & DYE WORKS', I Phone Main 64. J WANTED Position by s man and