La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 09, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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t it
Board, and first clasa rooms . with
heat for $25 and $30 or board without
rooms. At the Oregon Boarding House
Depot street. " . '
agent for
$3.50 and Up
Black 81 or Black 1481
MM tilH t MM HI HI
There Are Many of Von J
That we appreciate your pat
ronage, your loyalty and stead
fastness, fully as much as you
appreciate the help we hare at
times been able to furnish you,
goes without saying.
. IIOWIYEB, we want to take
this public method of thanking
you for past patronage and,
with full confidence that this
patronage will continue, we
pledge you our best endeavors
Id the future as you hare had
them In the past
.Wishing you an Increased
measure of Happiness and Pros,
pcrity for the year 1911, we are
Sincerely yours,
I The United States
National Bank,
Begins January 2. - Ends,- January 3 1
Come and Examine Quality
and Prices before 1 buying
State Yeterinralan Will Take
gonal Charge This Week.
That the hydrophobia scare of Wal
lowa county Is gradually working ov.
er the borders to the north end of
Ui'lcn county is attested to by the
following from, the Sunday Oregon-
The Bureau of Animal Industry has
now taken np the crusade against the
coyotes In Wallowa county that have
(one mad and bitten many dogs, sheep
and . cattle, and probably will have
charge of the government rangers who
will be detailed to assist in their ex
termination. A telegram was received
from Washington, D.' C, yesterday
raying that seven rangers and expert
hunters have been detailed and that
others will follow. t ,
Residents of Union county have be
come alarmed for fear the mad coy-'
otes will invade that district and J. D.'j
Dobbin of Wallowa county, who is at
tending the woolgrowers' convention,
teceived a telegram yesterday, asking
him to use his influence to have the
commissioners' of Wallowa county
raise the bounty so that greater effort
will be made to' exterminate the coy
Dr. W, H. Lytle, state veterinarian,
will go to Wallowa county Tuesday
and .probably take temporary cbarge
of the forces that will wage war on
the coyotes until they are assembled
and representatives of the Bureau of
. l
Animal Industry organize them and
enter upon an active compalgn of ex
termination. Since the announcement
that a campaign of extermination will
be waged against the coyotes Dr. Ly
tle has received several applications
from individuals who assert them
selves to be expert hunters and trap
pers. Neither -the state veterinarian
nor the state board of health has any
funds to hire such help it was exr
plained to Dr. Lytle.
Professor Pernot who has charge
of the examination of the brains of
the coyotes, dogs and sheep that have.
died of rabies in Wallowa county, ex
pects soon to have serum from the
backbone of a rabbit that was inocu
lated, for treatment of the disease,
removing the necessity of shipping it
from Washington, D C.
Men Who Buy Parts and Repair Their
Instruments at Home.
One's notion .of piano hardware is
likely to be that It is material of vari
ous sorts used In the manufacture and
repair of pianos, an idea that would
be in the main correct, but at. the
same time there is more or less of
such material Bold at retail to private
owners of pianos who may be skilled
In the use of tools and who undertake
to do their own repairing to save ex
pense, and such purchasers may in
elude men who have no knowledge of
music, though they may have the me
chanical expertness required for; the
Obviously no great skill Is required
In replacing a' broken caster. A man
can buy a single caster and put It on
himself If he wants to, or he could in
like manner replace a broken hinge or
a screw, and he can buy any of these
things. But the home repairer does
more ambitious work still as, for in
stance, he may replace, a broken wire.
He can buy piano wire of precisely
the right gauge, and he may under
take this Job and get away with It, or
he may replace one or more broken
keys or hammers. Not long since a
man who had bought a- pretty well
worn secondhand piano for $15 bought
for it a complete new set of hammers,
which he put on himself.
Only men of real skill can do such
Jobs as this, but In a town of this size
there are enough men who do their
own piano repairing to make it pay to
keep piano hardware on sale at retail',
New York Sun.
Two Freaks of Nature.
Two contrasting freaks of nature are
the Island of Fire and tho Lake of
Enow. ' The Island of Fire is called
the Home of Hot Devils. It is situat
ed In the midst of a large lake of boil
ing mud In. the Island of Java. The
team and gases which arise from the
sticky mud form themselves Into bub- ,
bles attaining a dlanieter of five or six ;
feet and sailing high up In the air like
balloons, carried hither and thither by v
the wind and finally exploding with a
loud crash.
The biggest snow lake Is seen from
the summit of nispar pass, in the Ka
rakoran range. . It is more than 80O
square miles in area.-'. In Switzerland
the sea of ice might better he called
the sea of snow, ns the surface Is bro
ken up by solar heat, which makes a
minute Assuring In the Ice, giving It
the appearance of snow.
A Shrewd Answer.
Among the advertisements In an
English paper there recently appeared
the following: "The , gentleman who
found a purse with money in Burford
street is requested to iorwara n to
the address of the loser, as he was
A few days later this reply was In
serted: "The recognized gentleman
i j .1 .1 n .tit ha In V?n rttVt
street requests the loser to call at his
house." : v
Her Blunder.
'.'What makes you think she's uncul
tured?" "She thinks Ibsen's plays are stupid.''
"Well, a lot of people think so."
"Yes, but she says so." Cleveland
Dickons and His Wife. .
Commenting on the unhappy rela
tions between Dickens and his wife,
Goldwin Smith wrote in one of his last
! papers: "It was a common case, dick-
ens had married at a low level, and his
wife had not risen with him; otherwise
there was no fault on her side. The
- matrimonial history of writers of
works of imagination has often been
unhappy. , Their Imagination turns the
woman Into an angel, and men tney
find that she Is a woman."
Two Is Company. .
' "Have you ever loved before?" asked
the coy maid.
, "Yes," yawned the worldly young
man. "but-never before a chaperon,
. . 11 t AVmhm anil A AAt Kit 1 1 jl 1 "
! two small brothers and. a pet bulldog.
j And then she suggested a trip down
the old road to see the stars. Chicago
News. .-'
A Sugar Coated Pill.
"How did you persuade your daugh
ter to learn kitchen work?"
"By calling it domestic science."-T
Pittsburg Post
A Real Pretty Exouso.
Bessie's Mother-Bessie, did you let
that Mr. Snuggle have a kiss? Bessie
Yes, mamma. He said it would be a
goodby kiss, and 1 was Just dead anx
ious to have him go. Puck.
The Judicious reader of Judicious ad
vertisements always gets' more than
his money's worth. Florida Tlmes
TJLion. tKoticeof Street Improvement.
To whom it may concern: Notice
is hereby given that In pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande, Or
egon, on the N 21st da. of Dec., 1910,
creating Improvement District No. 29,
and designating "X" avenue at such
district, and in pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said Common Council
on the 21st day of Dec., 1910, whereby
said Council determined and declared
its intention to-improve all that por
tion of "X" avenue in said 'improve
ment district as hereinafter described
by laying thereon Board Sidewalk, the
Council will, ten days after the ser
vice of this notice upon the owners
of the. property affected and beneltted
by such Improvement order that said
above described improvement be
made; that boundaries of said district
to be so Improved are as fellows: ,
All that portion of "X" avenue from
the west curb line of Second Street,
to the east curb line of First street
Notice Is hereby further given that the
Council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefitted by such improvement . tor
the ipurpose of paying for such lm
provement That the estimated cost
of such Improvement is the sum of
168.00. That the Council will on the
18th day of January, 1911, meet at the
Council chamber at the hour of 8
o'clock P. M., to consider said esti
mated cost and the levy of said assess
ment, when a hearing will be granted
to any person feeling aggrieved by
such assessment.
La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 28, 1910
Recorder of the City of La Grande
Dec. 30-Jan. 10.
European Plan Only
Rooms 60c to $1.60
First class Throughout
La Grande, Oregon
John Melville
1W3 Adams Avt .
and Heating
i I
-' 1
17 '
' "in '