... O ' - - ; ' , 1 C' A (1 " v 1 ..... .l -i VC rrCj rtS r - 4 m w Xlil Hit M Tm VOL. XIV. LA GRANDE, TTNION COUNTY, OREGON; ' MONDAY,. JANUARY 9, 1911. NUMBER G3 SELLING 111 RUli ELECTED ' Salem, Ore., Jan. 0 Jerry1 p. Rusk of Joseph, who Is Joint representative of Union and Wallowa counties, was elected speaker of the. Oregon 'rionse this afternoon by rote of 35 to 22. Eaton anil Thomiisoii withdrew. Salem, Jan. 9 Ben Selling of Tort land was elected president of the sen ate against Jay Bowerman by a Tote of 17 to 8. Th ere were no other nom lneeg and the Bowerman nomination was .merely perfunctory. , " Salem, Ore.; Jan.' 9 The Oregon legislature ' convened this "- forenoon imd atfected a temporary organiza tion with Buchanan of Douglas county speaker of the house arid Par rett of Washington county, as ..tem porary president of the senate. Act ing governor Bowerman has given up .the fight for the presidency of the senate. Ben Selling of Portland has focr votes and expects to get four Djiocrats on second ballot. ' " X Means Rusk no Doubt. r. IQhe swinging of the Bowerman foiv.es toward Ben Selling lets dowa theC bars to Jerry , P. , Rusk and at noon today it" was" conceded in the i f J a 1 11 J. 1 wuiuuiB ui tun uuuse tuai lue iua- ' epman is assured the gavel job in the lower house. Since last night when Bowerman practically aamiuea nm aereat, kusks forces have been augmented in num bers and today It is freely admitted that he has the Multnomah delega tion, the, key to the situation, for with the Eastern Oregon contingent, practically solid behind him. Rusk MORGAIV, LOEB & KITIS AD OTII. ERS PILE CASH HIGH. Banks Fairly Groan .With Gold lVhea Doors Opened This Morning. New York, Jan.9 Money kings of i . . .Wall Street. today were prepared to meet the closing of Carnegie Trust Co. Great stacks of currency on the desks were seen today when the banks opened. Reassuring, statements were Issued today by J. P. Morgan and un der his direction the Equitable Trust company Is preparing to take over Madison Trust company while Mor gan personally assumed the respon sibility for obligations n the Nine teenth and Twelveth ward branches. He has ordered their securities re placed by actual cash. Morgan & Co. Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the Standard Oil company and other big Institutions will stand their ground until the flur ry passes. Western and southern banks affected by the closing will be i cared for by; New York banks. Ap Incipient run-was seated on he Nineteenth ward bank today. Thloa hundred persons gathered before tlw opening and were ready to draw thiJi noney. As they lined up trucks birr ing money drew up and the depositors , were paid as rapidly as theyreache1 the paying teller. Bradley Martin, Jr. president of the bank said the run was of no consequence and that he ' would pay off as rapidly as the depos itors asked for it. , ITIIiFUL TO KEY has little danger before him J; now. Bowerman's defeat brings a western Oregon, man Into the presidency, pro vided of course that Rusk is elected. SWEEPING MEASURES PLACED Regardless of Inlatlve Measures, New . Reform Movements Are Ripe. Salem, Ore., Jan. 9 Although Ore gon through the Initiative at the Nov ember election enacted some most im portant reform legislation the twenty Bixth session of the legislature which convened here today, will also Bee the Introduction of many sweeping meas ures from present indications. The chief doubt now is whether the legis lature will prove as radical as did the voters In November. , In November the voters adopted a stringent employers liability law, a three fourts Jury law for civil cases, a presidential ..reference measure and started after "the single tax system through an Introductory measure. ; . The legislature will pass upon phy sical valuation' of railroads propor tional representation, a state corpora tion commission, with powers to re lieve abuses even in city public service corporation. ; ' a sweeping highways measure, that Intended to make Ore gon the good roads state of the na tion in. ten years, and a, number of other measures of state Importance, if not of national Interest Tluse are' to occupy most of the session at Salem this year and while much of this leg islation may not pass it Is believed that no corporation measures or laws weakening any of tht initiative sys tem already in force or effect, will he edopted. AEROPLANES . DAMAGED. Rain Does Much Damape in San Fran. ";:. else MeSlT v San ' Francisco, Jan. 9 Rain today not only put a stop to the aviation meet here but entailed a serious loss to aviators through damage by mois ture to the machines. More than a dos:en aeroplanes were exposed f6r hours in a leaky open-ended hang ars. They suffered at loosened Joints used. The wings were most badly af fected.'' '' i " '. ' . ., -'.,"'v Glenn durtlss' standard machine is ruined and Brookings and Parmal tees are damaged. ' . ' US T SAVED BI OF MIMIC WAR EJfDS IX DEFEAT FOR IXVADISG FORCES. .V ' Sixteen Battleships Intercepted an J f, Play War is Ended Washington, Jan. '9 In a 7-days game of hid and seek, seven cruisers, constituting the "defenders" scored a victory , today ovr 16 battleships of the attacking fleet in the navy game. A wireless from Rear Admiral Stan tlon, commanding the defenders, to the navy department today said the bat tleships were Intercepted enroute . to Guatnanamo. This is equivalent to a capture, so the Atlantic seaboard is saved from an attack npw. HORSES KILLED IN FEM i Two Valuable Animals Dead and Others Badly Hurt In Fence. Two horses owned by Fred Gas- kell and sired by "AI Kinney" and considered to be. one of the choke pieces of horse flesh In ttfe valley, were killed this afternoon and three others were, badly , cut up when the herd mixed with a wire fence. Dr. Charlton waa called to tho scene, but the two animals were dead before he reached them. The others may sur vive. ' . . -- ' SILL Fleet USERS PSjged ? RED TAPE" IX LAXD OFFICE PRACTICE CURTAILED EF FECTIVE FEBRUARY 1. HOMESEEKER IS HELPED . Contests and Eliminates . Specula-tors-ColIusIon Impossllbe New System for Serving Contest So. tices Other Important Clianges of Importance. Important changes In the- rules of practice In, the United States land of fices, efectlve" Feb. 71911, have been made, according to advices received at the local land office. The new code has been prepared with a view of re ducing the work commenced with the handling of contests In the .local of fices and reducing the costa to per sons desiring to contest abandoned entries In order to secure the land for the purpose of establishing a . home v -"on. By means of an oath, a more effective manner of reaching those riling collusive contests Is ' provided. The professional locator who often files many contests In order to sell his preference right to enter the lands iei he has successfully contested the entries is entirely eliminated. A brief .etatemeht of the . Important changes ia the rules has been prepar ed by Receiver, C. R. Eberhard, of the local office. It follows: ' Contests Mast be Qualified. The'iflrst important change is that making it a prerequisite to the filing of a; private contest that the person instituting the proceeding be quali fied to enter the land and this fact he must set forth, in his affidavit of ton test, together with a statement , of the character of filing he Intends to place oh the land, if successful A contest ant must also swear that the proceed ing he asks to Institute is not collus ive. Otherwise, ; the requirements at th time of filing the affidavit of con test are practically the same as at present. Equally important Is the change in the form of the notice or Summons Issued to the defendant. Heretofore this notice informed the defendant that at a certain time and place a hearing for the purpose of taking testimony in the- contest against his entry fwould be had. And regardless of whether any appearance wsb made by or on behalf of "the de fendant, the testimony of at least two witnesses was. required to be taken for the consideration of the land of fice; ' while under the new practice. thf notice ; will state "that unless the adverse party appears and answers the allegations of said contest with in thirty days after service of notice tipon him, the allegations of said con test will be taken as confessed.' Un der present practice usually either of ficers of a local office, alone Issue the notice; under the new practice, both are required to sign the notice. . New Manner of Service, "Heretofore it has been the usual mode to serve the defendant with the notice of contest by delivery of the same to him In person, If he could be found in the state In which the land lies; otherwise, by-publication In a newspaper. The new rules provide that the notice may be 'either handed to the defendant in . person by any person over 18 years of age, "sent to him by registered mall, or published in a newspaper within the county in which the land is located, and whPn the latter method Is used copies pf tne notice must also he Brnit the de ferdant by, registered mall to the pos'offlce nearest the land, the address of record In the land office and at the present address of the defendant, if known. When service Is not made by pubfication, a cop of the original affl- 11 OX. JERKY V I V: i f Joseph Solon Who Was Elected Spea.. kcr of the House Late This Atternoou -y a snostaimaJ ttte. Me Is Join t Representative front' Union 'and Wallowa Counties. This Is Ills Second Term of Oflice. TERRIFIC 1100 PflGiFIC COAST SHIPPIFJG I STfilSFILL: TOWfJS S ; Portland, Ore... Jan. 9Extendlng from the northern line of California to British Columbia, a gale is sweep ing the Pacific coast today. It was the worst last night and the weather con ditions are now improved. All wires In Northern . Wahington are dawn. Shipping is at 'Standstills ;. , , ' The gale blew 86 miles an hour last night, moving eastward. A cold snap S following and will probably last several days. ' k The gale began yesterday and was accompanied by heavy rains along the FAKE WILL1XG TO FIGHT AGAIN JUST TO PROVE IT. Would Xot Require Enormous Purse ' Either to Stage tho Go. Chicago, ' Jan. . 9 Peeved at the stories that Jim Jeffries was doped before the Reno encounter, Johnson today. offered to meet Jim in a return battle. He said he wants to prove the dope yarn is a fake. He said he would demand a good purse but nothing un reasonable. . ' iT v- davit of contest must also accompany the notice of contest, which in- this respect is similar to the practice ; of serving a copy of a complaint with the summons In an action at law un der the Oregon code. It is also pro vided that contest proceeding shall abate because of any defect in the manner of service .where in any case it is shown that a copy of the notice actually came into the hands of the defendant. In case the defendant makes and files his sworn denial, of the charges, it is provided "that the register and receiver will forthwith fix time and place, for taking testi mony and notify all parties thereof not less than 20 days In advance of the hearing." 1 Trial Procedure Unchanged. . There is no material change in the procedure at the trials, except : the power to summarily stop lrrevalent examinations by attorneys il broad ened and authority to exclude witness- j es not testifying is expressly given ' local officers, though such power has been exercised here for many years when occasion arose. . Costs Taxed Equitably. . The most important change is In the manner of taxing costs In all cases except private contests where a pref erence right is to be exercised. In the latter event, the contestant will con tinue to pay all costs, though it . will be borne in mind that the new pro cedure will in alt those cases where; SAYS NEGRO P. RUSK. ... STOR coast Vessels .were driven to shelter. At Seattle signs were blown down and windows broken by a 50 mile wind. At Portland a 30 mile breeze drove a blinding rain down the streeti and cleared thenj of people quickly. It Is expected that the center of .the storm has worked eastward as the wind Is shifting and so will diminish. A cold wave Is working down from 'Alaska and British Columbia; it is already felt at Seattle today where a twelve degree drop was registered this morn ing. - MRS. SELOER IS REMAINS S11IITED TO COVE AND FUNERAL YESTERDAY. Large Number of Friends and Ac qiialntauccs Pay Last Tribute. ' Cove, Jan. 9 (SpecialFuneral ser vices of a simple nature were held Sunday over the remains of Mrs. J. M Selder, wife of County Commissioner Selder. The body was shipped from Portland where the demise occurred Friday morning at Portland. A large number of friends and Inti mate acquaintances 'who have lived Mith Mr. and Mrs. Selder during their long sojourn at C&ve, attended the fun eral services. , no appearance is made by the de fendant eliminate any fees for taking testimony .or necessity for the em ployment of an attorney, except to prepare his original 'papers. In all other cases each party must pay the cost of taking the direct examination of his own witnesses and the cross examination on his behalf of other witnesses. The cost of noting motions. objections, and exceptions must be paid by the party on whose behalf the same are made. In this respect in particular will the burdens of extend ed and in many eases uaelss cross examinations be transferred from the party offering the witness to the par ty making the long examination. Only in minor respects are the oth er rules In force changed and those would be of no particular pubic In terest. -; - - . New Steamer Afire. " Seattle, Jan. 9 While the steamer Flyer was making Its first trio to day for Tacoma a fierce fire vas dis covered in the forward hold. The pas sengers were quieted and the steamer rushed back to Seattle with an im mense volume of smoke outpouring. None were" injured and the flames were subdued by a fireboat. ' . ' POODS ST IFFEB I OLIPISOLOUS FACED 01 ADTAXCE LIXEUP OF WORK INDI CATES SESSION WILL BE A BUSY ONE - SHORT BALLOT. PROPOSED ivnieiitpi Liaws ntti e tnangred if r Possible Manner of Electing Sen. i ators to be Copied After Oregon Method Suy Senators Home Rule' Bill Also to Come Up for Final Ac. ' tlon for Second Class Town, , Olympla, Wash., Jan, 9 With enough work already outlined to last the session the.'Washlngton stat leg islature convened here today , for its biennial session. Among one of the first questions of importance to coine up before it will be the consideration of several proposed measures put forward with the. view of limiting the power of the courts to punish for constructive contempt. The outcome of legislation In this regard will be watched close ly as a result of the sentiment which grew out of the action of Judge Gil liam who Sentenced two editors of the Seattle Star to Jail because they crlt icised his action In Issuing an Injunc tion. Judge Gilliam held that the edi tors were In contempt because they published a criticism of the court while the action was 'still pending. The measure already proposed and vhich will be put before the legisla ture are aimed to curb the arbitrary power of the courts to punish for cri ticism made outside the courtrooms. J ,j Another matter of statewide Inter- v est will be a proposal to restore the romination of Justices of the Supreme court to the direct vote of the peo ple, This privilege was taken away during, a special session of the leg islature In 1A09.1 The sefpnd choice .provision of the primary election law ' will also be subject for considerable debate. Many legislators arg In favor of enlarging the scope of all elective '' of ires while others are announced chnmplons of the movement for the entire elimination of the provision. Labor Interests will present sover-' al matters for action. Among them wl"l be a proposal for an eight hour ' law for working women and mdre .. regulation of child labor within state. The employers compensation act. fixing a minimum and-maximi m sum for personal injury, that can e recovered as damages : In another pi opoeltlon advanced in labor's cajsv . As a result of the recent meeHoiy o' tha mayors of .the cities and townn of Washington, lield at Seattle, the ii'fis.ators will be asked to give clt- (Continued on Page Four.) HEAVY WIXD BLOWING MAY , MATE CARRIED IT ADRIFT. Eastern States Urged to be On the " Lookout for Air Craft. St. Louis, Jan. 9 The balloon St Irfiuls No. 4 which sailed from here yesterday is being hunted for by the St. Louis aero club officials. A south westerly wind Is blowing almost a gale and it Is believed it carrlod the balloon over Pennsylvania. All east ern Btates have been asked to be on the lookout. The balloon carried J. Cowan Hulburt, pilot and Paul Mc Cullough, aide. They had provisions for Beven days. BALOON ISi LOST IN SKIES f 1! V i ' t