.. -sj., PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY,' JANUARY 6, 1911. It 1 i J V v . . ' STEWARD'S Soibe MONDAY, JANUARY 9 A WONDERFUL GIRL SHOW A STUBBORN ' CINDERELLA 40 Girls 263 Times in New York 20 Sones Better than the Original Company. Go See It or You Will Be Sorry." San Francisco Examiner. "Chorus Blessed With Wimbie Legs and Wonderful Voices."San Francisco Examiner. Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 At LOCAL THEATERS For LaGrippe Coughs and Stuffy Colds Take Foley's Honey and Tar It glres quick relief and expels the cold from your syBtem. It contains : no opiates, is Bafe and sure Hills j Durg store. 44 A Stubborn Cinderella." After a record of long runs in the principal cities, the best musical production of years, "A Stubborn Cin derella", comes here on Jan. 9th un der the direction of C. A. Ooettler. The critics of Chicago," when the play was first produced, declared "A Stubborn Cinderella" the greatest musical production ever presented. The company Is headed by Cort Air bertson, who Is making a tremendous hit in musical comedy. Some of the big song hits are "When You First Kiss the Last Girl'. You Love," "I'm In Love With All the Girls I Know." "What's the. Use?" "If They'd Only Let Poor Adam'B Rib Alone," and "Adlce Senorita." Hough, Adams and Howard are the authors of "A Stub born Cinderella." Trouble Brews Again. El Paso, Tex., Jan. 6 Three hund red federal rnvalrv and infantry lf f Juarez, Mexico, today for Pearson to execute a flank movement on in surgents in Northern Chihuahua and will fight as soon as they reach the Insurgents. '.At the Orpheum. Patrons of the Orpheum last night were treated to some excellent music that smacked more of the grand op era than the vaudeville. The Faust Trio, Italian singers and players held forth on the local boards. The solo numbers, although of the classi cal order, were fine. The vocalists has a good voice, clear and full. The accompaniment was good also. The Markhams, novelty singers and com edians were seen in a new change all through, but their act was not up to that of the first of the week. The quicker a. cold is gotten nd of the lest the danger from pneumonia and other serioua diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va. .nnt "I firrolT believe Cham berlain'a dnf.h Remedy to be abaolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my frienda and thevall agree with me." For sale by a dealer.' ' JOSEPH PLANS TO REGULATE CITY COUNCIL ORDERS STRICT . SALOON ENFORCEMENT, New Water System Will be Bettered by New Fire Apparatus. ' Every family has need of a good, reliable liniment For sprains, bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by alt dealein. . - MINISTER, NOW AN ACTOR, THE mPHEtUM S. A. GARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr I Stiock (CDii)ainiy The Clever Colonial . Players open January 9 th Starring Miss Ada Daniels and E. Forest Taylor in three plays each week. The opening play will be "Lena Rivers" PRICES: General Admission 25c, Reserved Seats 35c, Boxes 50c. Watch for further announcements liir " IAVE YOU TRIED KAOLA? For cooking and baking. A pure product of the cocoanut. 65c, $1,00 and $1.90 per can Try a Small Can CityGrcceryandBakerj The Home of Fancy Groceries PRAISES LIFE ON STAGE Joseph, Jan. 5 (Special) The city council at its regular meeting pass ed a strict saloon ordinance In, con formity with its charter and tihe Home Rule law. The city attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance regulating, vagrancy, loafers and common drunkards. It is the inten tion of city officials to at once take steps to prohibit the illicit sale of intoxicating liquors (bootlegging). They also placed an order for an ad ditional hose cart, nozzles, sprays and hose to accommodate the new water system which will mean a great sav ing in insurance premiums. "I find the stage very human, moral and clean," says Rev. Dudley C. Fosher it h Former pastor of Chicago church now a player in musical show. The theatre offers abundant op- ortunitlea for the betterment of man kind. This is one reason why Rev. Dudley C. Fosher, until a few months ago pastor of the Ryder Memorial Unlversalist Church in Chicago, is now appearing in "A Stubborn Cinderella." no uplift. There Is uplift for they who enter " It. That's satisfying enough, isn't it?" Mr. Fosher will appear at the Steward January 9th. Look for the Bee Hive. On the package when you buy Fol ey's Honey and Tar. None 'genuine "Success In this life. Is guaged by without the Bee Hive. Remember the THE PRINTERS OF TODAY! GET THE IDEA? Progressiveness-Promptness-Satisfao tion Three Rules In Observer Job Department Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY the good one may do for himself, as well as for others." He Says, "It is true that my wife wears tights and sings and dances as sprightly and pleasingly, I ho:e, as the other young women In the chorus. And it Is true, also, that both my wife and myself enjoy the life very much. "And why not? No VuUrarlty Seen. "We have been In this musical show JuBt four weeks now. I must say that I have never heard a vul gar word; never witnessed an un couth or unseemly act, and I wish that I might say as much for scores of others in different walks of life who undoubtedly scorn me for giv ing up the pulpit to enter a stage career. "Aside from the sheer necessity that influenced me to consider en tering the theatrical profession, I am following wrjre my ambition has directed since I was a boy. "In four weeks I have found the people of the mimic world all very real and human. I have been re ceived cordially and kindly. There ia a generous spirit of brotherhood that dominates the stage one can't help but yield to its grateful warmth. I The stage does not need my feeble j defense but I am glad to know, nl first hand, that the profession needs name, Foley's Honey and Tar and re Ject any substitute. Foley's Honey and Tar relieves cougs and colds ulckly and is safe "and sure. Contains no opt ates. Hills Drug store. Books Lost E. E. Lewis last evening lost a set of bookkeeping books Including on ledger and one day book. Also a lad les purse. Finder leave at the Grande Ronde Cash company.. THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGHT Justinian and Theodora Selig The Romance of Hefty Burke Edison. Crazy Apples Vitagraph. Song Telling Lies. Admission 10 cents Officials to Get Axe. West Union, Jan. 6 After the New Year's vacation the special grand jury investigating the Adams county elec tion fravds, reconvenees tomorrow. Forty-seven witnesses were summon ed. It is understood the men higher up who are alleged to have purch ased over 1,000 votes are already In dicted and their names will be pub lished soon. . When von have a cold set a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will aoon fix you up all right and will ward oft any tendency toward pneumonia. Tliia remedy contains no opium or other narcotic ml may be given as conhdently to a baby to an adult. Sold bv all der-lers. Dr In your case all you want Is a Fam Us King cigar, Smoker But why a Fam Us King cigar? Dr. Because it is soothing for? your nerves and has a sweet creamy taste that a good Spanish made Havana cigar should have. ' "' Smoker And you think Fam Us King cigars best? Dr Think bo! No man! I know it, and if once you smoke one you too will know It. HAPfC ANH Uptown office xMain 720 Vnrw r VlL Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE e.lbussey FEED AND Grande RondeXashCo FUEL PHONE, MAIN 6 1QJ The George Palmer MB EOS J). RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are' prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. IG6 3 and a WARM FIRE Our Fountain will be open all winter. What a nice desert for a New Year Dinner. A package of smooth Ice Cream. jLLunip-next door to Post Office Oyster Shells ,: We are HEADQUARTERS for Poultry Sup- 9 Pounds 25 cents Sm- ,aoja or water-btanchtield Produce Co. f?V,! HAV, CRAN, fEED, FLOUR, WOOD . ,6 ta