::L ." 'Z. I 1 if 'It ! Ij i ! Il I I Uxiljr il III if voL.xiy. LA GRANDE, TTfrlON COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. NUMBER Gl la STRUGGLE TO J l 1 1 Ml OF THE GOVERNMENT np.i Tnini UN IfllllL IF SHERMAN AXTI TRUST LAW IS CONSTITUTIONAL CASE WILL KILL TRUST. IT Hearing Commenced Before ; Last Court of Appeals to Settle Dispute Between Government ,and " Trusts If AntJ Trust Law. Is Unconstitutional,-' Government's Weapon Will Yanish. . t .Washington, Jan. 6 Before the Supreme Court today began the final legal battle for life of the American Tobacco company and Its subsider les. High priced corporation lawyers matched ;wits -with the government's trust busters In the struggle to- de termine whether the Sherman anti . trust law 1b Invalid ; or whether It has power, to crust the tobacco trusts. jOn the outcome of the fight depends the life or death of a vast corporation which haa invested a cap ital of more-than. $400,000,000, or tho the future lite of ,the Sherman anti- trust law, the government's strong est weapon- against corporation ag gression. "-; . -' Attorney General Wickersha'm and special attorney J. C. Reynolds, will command the government forces. At torneys Johnson and Hornblower will look after the interests on the other ' side. Johnson opening argumentj consumed a greater part of the day. The war is being fought out In the small prim chambers of the court of last resort, before none eilk robed Justices and an audience of lawyers This is the second time the story of the Tobacco trust has reached the supreme court. It was argued Jast year but sickness and death so thin ned the ranks of the Justices that it was decided a re-argument should be Held so that the decision, considered so all-Important, could be decided by a full bench. , As was the case last year, the court decided to permit the attorneys three days ago In which, to present argu ments. The trust had an exception in the bill of complaint, filed In July 1907, before the circuit court for the southern district of New York. It . was alleged the company had acquir ed a monopoly in the tobacco business of the United States. It is-alleged they secured control by a series of bold buccaneering exploits and had shelved competition of independent dealers and whipped them by main strength of dollars. TAFT SPEAKS ON WEALTH. Does Not Believe In Removing Prls. on Portion of Sentence. Washington Jan. 6 Declaring the fines have no effect against wealth, President Taft today refused to com mute the sentence of W.' S. Harlan, a wealthy turpentine man of Florida and Alabama convicted of peonage. "Imprisonment Is necessary to re tain enforcement of this sentence. It operates powerfully to prevent re currence of snch offenses by men of large affairs and business standing." Harlan was sentenced to a fine of $3,000 and eighteen months In Jail. Taft commuted the sentence to six. HON CASE DOUBLY liOOTl El TOBACCO 0 'tit if v i I 4 I V JOSEPH R. LAMAR, NEW'ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. To I Call d Upon to Act In one of t ' to the' Last Court of Appeals Sho v . Justice, Is What Has Fallen on (h BY DETECTIVE Spokane, Jan. 6 The council voted a reward of $7,500 for Sullivan's as. sassln. ' : Spokane, Wash., Jan. 6 While seat ed In the living room of his home last night , shortly before nine, " former Chief of Police" John Sullivan,' now captain of police, was shot through the right lung by a bullet fired by someone who etood outside the win dow. Sullivan picked, up the bullet which dropped on the floor and stag gered to the telephone and called the police. . -He passed a comfortable night Physicians said his chances for re covery today are good.' There is no clew to the Identity ofthe assassin. It Is generally believed Borne ex prisoner who sought revenge" for a ZIMMEBLE BRINGS YISITORS Two Prominent Men From Seattle Here to Investigate Conditions. David Zimmerle, the Seattle capi talist who has been instrumental In the development of Grande Ronde orchards during the past year, arriv FORMER SPOKAN POLICE SHOT T OCTOPUS RE LftST RESORT I M . .-.v.-.-a-.. ,y- . . invst .., ll k l ,1 ( PS V lie Most Important Cases Ever Taken rtly After Assuming -the Robes of e Shoulders of Judge Lamar. E CHIEF OE TOE IS THE E real or fancied Worg did the deed. Sullivan declares he will recover. The window blind were up and the room was brilliantly lighted. The bullet cut cleanly through the win down pane through the back of a Bolld chair and entered the lung from the back. He called for help a dntele-! phone station for the police. Neigh nors heard a man running down the street and the frost-covered fence showed where the assassin stood. buiuvan was not . popular ; with many men he haa arrested and It Is known several convicts threatened to -get him.' Railroader Is Arrested. S. H. Elverum, special officer for the O-W was arrested today In con nectlon with the shooting: of Sullivan Council met to offer a reward for the capture of the assassin. ed this morning fronr-Seattle' bringi Ing with him two prominent financiers of Seattle who are 'inspecting local orchard tracts with a view of expend ing large sums of money. Mr. Zlm raerle and the La Grande Investment company were hosts to the visitors this morning and took them out to ! the various orchard centers. They ,..uo uiiusrij centers, xney j will spend two or three days here In-' EUNCS GHARG vestlgatlng matters carefully before Investing. '' : , : ' - The men are M. E. Brant and Hen ry Bock.. ; ; Killing ar Belllngham. Dellingham, Jan.. 6 Sheriff What com of Skagit county with deputies and 100 volnuteers and blood hounds ; are today scouring the hills near Acme for two thugs who yesterday shot 'and killed Justice of the Peace Galra and seriously wounded W. E. Stevens of the Key City Logging Co. at Acme. All ways out are guarded. The.men shot when their overtook the thieves and ordered them to submit to arrest for robbing a store. The rob bers shot back and then fled leaving their old shoes , which gave the houds their scent. PIONEER WHO CAME . STAGE. HERE 0 Ailing But Death .Not Expected Husband Hurries to Portland. Mis. J. M. Selder. wife of County Commissioner Selder, died at the home, of her daughter in Portland this morning, according to a meagre ines -sage received today, , Mrs. Selder has been ailing for some time, and it was primarily on account of falltnar health hnt aha anA her husband removed in Portland fnr the winter. The details of the rather UnexnfeCtftrf nd iftv nnt haan eyef tb'ttie .ons, E.4). and Vernon - - , " VUUU Uit' vi iuio viijr. J E. D. , Selder "awaits further lnfor matlon before going to Portland.' The remains may be brought to Cove for Interment M . ; .. On May 15, 1866, Miss Emellne. B.i daughter of Lorenzo and Marie Corpe married J. M. 'Selder and to them were born nine; children, as follows: Delia, wife ,of Siegel Coffman, near the home place, Dora B in Portland, Elso, now Mrs. Gossett in California, Wllber, who died May 4, 1901, Eugene of this city, Glenn, Vernoon, Lois and Valma. ; ' ' : The couple moved from Indiana to the .Grande Ronde valley, gaining transportation to Utah but had to stnge It in to the Grande Ronde from that, point. That was in 1879. While Mr. Selder accummulated wealth by hard toll, Mrs. Selder worked hand in hand with iim and It was only last fall that the couple decided to spend their winters in Portland in ease and comfort. . ROBIN LITED IX LUXURY. 1 Entertained Extravagantly at His Manor on Rank's Money. New York, Jan. 6 Investigation of the transfer of a half million dollar estate and residence of Joseph Rob In to his Bister, Dr. Louise Robjn vich before the ex-banker gave him self up for the alleged theft of $80.-1 000 from the Northern Bank of New York, If being conducted by District TOTl.fl a. a an. . . MRSJiSELDER inSid -nuuiuey vymuuan toaay, - ine estate oi particular importance to the far Is known as Driftwood' Manor and mert of Eastern Oretrnn win consists of 112 acres set off the road, x ne nouse cost iizs.ooo. . ' Robln entertained at 'week-end pais ties. Cttaries Janlchan, a former es-I state manager said the banker fre- quently brought out automobile par-1 ties on Saturday nights and they connection with the gathering of far stayed until Monday. V , mers, will be the meetlae of the "The usual crowd composed ten persons, he said. "The women us- nally are chorus girls. After dinner there was ' generally dancing which ended with the women on the table kicking chandeliers. In the summer. Janlchan said, there were water dan ces In the surf with costumes usu ally a negative quantity." : Packed Apple Condemned. County Fruit Inspector Stilwell last evening condemned 500 boxes of apples stored in the Oliver warehou The fruit will have to be repacked apples stored In the Oliver warehouse. C0U1Y LEI! PLACED M The Levy. o 0 o o State '.,v. 2 mills County .... .3 mills School ,4. ...... ...2.2 mills High school , .1. . , . .4 mils Soldiers Ind. fund .03 mills Library , , .02 mills o o o o Poor farm ..... . . ..05 mills . . . t uvu iwau f,' f A. Ulilt , General road fund 1.4 mlll3 i Total io mills city school levy ,.11 mlls Gen.' City levy ....13 mills Grand total ... ..34 mills A Pljfcing the tax levy'as far as c: he mm Hit I IE T OPENS TO MEDBIRD MEfJ ALItEADYTHEflE San Franrlsrn .Tan. fiA A man nt the world's loadine aviators nr arrlv ln8 here today preparatory to attend I the Rfpond intenntfnnnl uvhtlnn moot I V I .UUU.. to be held in San Francisco and Bched i uicu iu ujicn. xumoiruw. xuoi'e man .a score of machines are here. The Wrlght-Curtiss v teams : represents America; Hubert Latham 1 repesents France; James Radley, England. The meet lasts seven days. Wants Aviation Itejrulatt'd. Sacramfinto, Jan. 6 Regulation of THIS MONTH WILL SEE COXVEN. TION HERE. Three Counties to be Represented at Two Days' Session of Farmers. One of the most Important Rather ings of members of the Farmers Co- Operative Union will be held in this city January 13 and 14 when three counties of Oregon will hold a tri county convention here. Baker will send about 100 delegates, Wallowa an equal number and Union countv will of course be Utarattv mnrMant. led at the two day's session. Matters I ... for consideration and as .there will be several officials of the state asso- elation here, the meeting win he of unusual larjre interest. ' State Board to Meet Among other important features in state board of the farmers' union, as governed by the state association of which the various locals throughout the- counties form , the nnit. In this connection will come men of state wide reputation, Inrlnding C. C. Con ner of Pendleton, Messrs. Waterman of The Dalles. Brown of Arlineton. Norrls of La Grande and Williams of Buhl. Idaho. In addition to the delectations from the three counties officially to be rep resented, Pendleton will sned sever 1 deleeates' and the organizer. Mr. ( Cox will likely be here as well. j BIG GATHERING ADRUZZI ROW OF FARMERS REVIVED 11 -THIS MONTH ROUS couiuy la concerned at 10 mi-ls, tho counfjr court thia afteraoou supplifl the - niJssing l:nk in iU'C-jrniimng wha: tax the property owners cf this city will have to pay this ye:r. Ihe total ltvy reaches 34 mills, in plare of 30 mills last year. The county levy is redveed while the school levy bus increased. - by the county court. The matter would have been attended to earlier in the session fcut on account of the fact that, needed data from Salem did not arrive before, the matter had to be deferred. The state levy is two mills. " ' With the city school, the city and the county and state levies the entire levy runs up to 34 mills, seggregated according to the table above. Mil Mi ft viators and aviation is provided for la a bill which Senator Hare of San Francisco is preparing". The; rec ent death' of Hoxsey. and Mo'ssant caused Har to Investigate. It is atat- led the measure will provide that feer tain weather conditions must obtain and that the aviator ' be physically examined and that the machine be ex amined before flights will bo allowed in California. IN PEA 111 vr ILK INS CHIEF OP POSITION LEFT. lu America Too the Rumor Is Give CrcdenccWldow Not Opposed. Rome, Jan. 6 Italian newspapers freely predicted today that the death of Senator Elklns will be followed soon by the marriage of Katherlne Elklns and the Duke D'Abriuzl. The papers assert . real opposition came from Senator Elklns. It is reported tha Italian king haa Informed the Elklns that only a inorganic mar riage with the American heiress is possible owing to tha fact that the Duke Is remotely heir to the throne. It Is said Senator Elklns said only a marriage with no reservations would be considered. " Credited In America. Washington, Jan. 6 Rome dis patches regarding the Elklns affair are generally credited here. It Is be lieved Mrs. Elklns favored the. suit, LaFolIctte After Wall Street Madison Wis., Jan. 6 -Asking that Wall Streei be no longer allowed to select the president of this country, the LaFollette magazine editorially today urges the election of deletes to the national convention of 1912 at the direct primaries. All states are called upon to Join in the movement. This, means the voters will be enab led to secure a platform that would fulfill platform pledges, the ed'frrial says. i,