t. - PAGE 2 LA GliAXDE, UNION CO UNIT, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1911. Hill) H f fWH W-f WW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 frW-f frf WW t-M-H-rf WWWWf i ItWW 1 1 1 i 1 H WW HWWWWWWWWtfHtWWHWW T i ARGAM THAT JANUARY 00 HUR RY i I : I Nearly all of the VERY SPECIAL values we are offering in our mid-winter bargain list are in small ; lots. As a rule the smaller the lot the greater the bargains, as we have marked them at prices to clear them quickly. Therefore, let us add emphasis to our invitation that you visit our store soon while the variety of off eririgs is large. Boys' Clothing at Half A lot of Boy's Suits and Pants that we are closing ; OUt. .; " ' ;. $2.25 Suits, now .. . . $1.15 $3.00 Suits now i . .... . .. $1.50 $5.00 Suits now . . . , . ... .$2.50 60c Knee Pants Now v. ............ . .. . . . . 30c 75c Knee Pants, now . ... .......... . . : . . . . . 38c ZvZ uiivo auua, uuw , . . . . . ....... v .4oC $1.25 Knee Pants now .................... .63c Men's $2.00 and $3.00 Hats, now ... .$1.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing at 25 PER CENT OFF You know clothing men like to start a new season with fresh, new stock; and in order to do it. we have to sell out clean all the stock left from the Woo! Dress Goods at Half A large assortment of good patterns and val-' ues to select from. You can save one half in buying a wool dress f or skirt now. 60c Lustre, now ;.30c That time has come and the gain is yours if you need a new suit THE BEST MADE. I om m - '. ' "' "' "AST- ' l ow aiming now : , . . i.zoc '75c Suiting, now ..................... ... 33c t j $1.25 Suiting, now . ... ....... . 63c i Ladies Suits and Cloaks at Half Price. ;:;0ther :Special-;':;B -Department ml OPERA HOUSE BLOCK- LA WMDE; OREGON t A TTTTfTTTl CAVEIN KILLS MA If IN TRENCH. Laboren Dig Furiously In Futile At ' tempt to Rescue Him. ; Portland, Jan. 4 Burled under 15 feet of earth, the life wag crushed out of Odin Anderson, a laborer, at 8 o'clock this morning while he whb engaged In digging a trench at Fat ton avenue and Alberta street For 30 minute Anderson's fellow work men dug furiously through the earth to locate the body but by the time they found it life was extinct. . Anderson reported for work at the usual hour and at once entered the trench,, which was 15 feet deep and about 2 1-2 feet wide. The walls were unprotected by cribbing and when the earth began to crumble, Anderson . had no way to save himself. There were others In the trench but they were far enough away from the cave in to escape, i ' r When Anderson saw the earth en veloping him he gave one scream be fore his mouth was covered. The rescue work began at once, but the soil was of such character that It was difficult 'to make progress. Dr. Stone was summoned before the body was found but when It was brought to the surface there was no need of his services. . Anderson lived with his wife at 611 Clinton street. He was 30 years old and has been in Portland only a short time. He was employed by William Ldnd, the contractor on Bewer work and was regarded as a faithful work man. His wife Is employed In one of the stores of Ben Selling. . Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon T TO LOSE JOB WESTS RIGHT HAD MAN WILL BE GIT-EN EXAMINERSIIIP. Conceded that Wright Is to Lose Job And Olcott to Succeed Him. made is not known, but It has reach ed the stage where it is practically a certainty, although members of the board are still reticent as to what they will do in this connection. ' '1 mwnm : Y 1 i A. F. ft A. M. La Qrande Lodge No. REBEKAHS Trystal Lodge No. .hi 41, A. F. ft A. M. holds regular meet- meets every Tuesday evening in tu ings first and third Saturdays at 1. O. O. F. hall. All visiting men 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all hers are invited to attend. ; Masons. JOHN S. HODQIN. W. M. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. O. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sec. " B. P. O. E. La Qrande Lodge No. 433 ": ""' """ meets each Thursday evening at 8 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cro.. o'clock la Elks club, corner of De- Lodge No. 27 meets every MonU? pot street and Washington avenue. n'ebt ln Ca8tle nal1' W Elk's hall , Visiting brothers are cordially In- A Plan "welcome to all vlsltlaf vltaa to attend. Knights. DR. Q. L. RIGGERS, Ex Rul. PAUL c- & HUril McCALL. Rec. Sec. R' LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La ' E S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E, Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. c Btatd communications th meets every second and fourth Tues- "econd and fourth Wednesdays of day in the month. All visiting mem- each month. Visiting members cor toers welcome. d,ally Invited. NERI ACKLES, C. C. MARY A- WARNICK, Sec. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. 1 . 1 k : M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 WOMEN OF , WOODCRAFT Grand meets every Monday la the month at Ronde Circle No. 47 meets even the L O. O. F. hall. All vUltlng first and third Thursday evfeiitnw neighbors are cordially invited to In the month, at the I. O. O. F. hl! attend. All vlsltiig members are welcome . I. R. SNOOK, C. ' CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M i D. E. COX. Clerk. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. That Will Wright, the pioneer ban ker of Union is to be displaced hb state bank examiner by B. W. Ol cott, Is Indicated by the following from a Portland paper: That B. W. Olcott, Oswald West'3 right-hand man during the recent campaign, will be the choice of the In coming board as State Bank Exami ner to succeed Will Wright, Incumb ent, Is being freely talked here and there Is considerable speculation as to the truth of the rumor, which ap parently comes from a good source. That Olcott will1 be the. choice of West It a change is decided, unon seems almost certain, although West has made no statement as to whpx ho will do In this respect. Whether Olcott would accept Is not positively known, as he refused to be quoted tonight. .But there is eveiy reason to believe that he will ba t?ie man selected by West, and further there is every reason to believe, from what can be gathered, that at least two votes of the board will cast for Olcott, If Olcott will agree to ac cept. For practically two years Olcott and West were employed together in the Ladd &Bush bank in this city. During that time the Governor-elect and Olcott were roommatea r"d formed a close attatchment. It Is re quired that the state bank examiner have a certain amount of practical ex perience and Olcott has all that and while learning the banking business with West and during six years was cashier of an Illinois bank and later being employed under Capt. E. T. Bar nette in the rioneer bank at Fair banks. Alaska. ' How soon the appointment will be ' Whitman Boy Wins. Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wn., Jan. 6. (Special) The Rhodes Schol arship for the state of .Washington has, been awarded by the committee to Mr. Stanley Yates, 12, of Whitmaa College. Under the terms of the will of Mr. Cecil Rhodes, of South Africa, a scholarship for three years, paying (1500 per year, Is offered In each one of the state aid territories of the Uni ted States to be competed for by the students of the several institutions. The committee on selection, consisted of the Presidents of the University of Washington, the Washington . State College, Whitman College and Whit worth college, and after meetings with the several candidates who had la ready passed the examination for Re sponsions at Oxford, the committee unanimously selected Mr. Yates as the state representative for the next three years. Mr. Yates came to Whitman College from Pendleton, Oregon, having grad uated at Pendleton Academy with highest honors. He was born in Dun- lap, 111., September 16th, 1S88. Since becoming a student at Whitman , he has taken a high rank both in his studies and in student activities. At the end of his freshman year he re ceived the Louisa Phelps"' Anderson Greek Prize. He has been active in the work of the Phrenokosmian Liter ary society, having held successively the offices of Treasurer, Vice Presi dent and President, Last year he was a member of. the College team which debated against Pacific University. He Is Treasurer of the Associated Stu dents, .the great organization of the student body and also Treasurer .of the College Y. M. C A. He is a vig orous, keen-minded young man who commands the respect and liking of all hts fellow students and will make a name for himself and his state while at Oxford. RETURNS FROM SALEM, WITH THE NEEDED SUPPLIES. Office of Commissioner Now ln Work. In; Order ln This City. George T. CocMran is now state water commissioner for the secoiid district. He returned this morning from Salem where he procured the necessary supplies for his ofl'ce and the position of commissioner is now located in this city, Mr. Cochran had taken the oath of office previously . . As the teVritory embraced !n this territory Is a large one, Mr. Cochran will do considerable traveling from one end of tfie district to. the other, conducting the water hejirl iss WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA Sclents are now agreed that the ecsema germs are lodged not in the outer skin or epidermis, but in the inner sklry Hence,' a pentrating liquid iz rc.uhcd, not an outward salve that clogs the pores. We recommend to all, eczema pat ients the standard prescription Oil of Wintergreen as compounded in liquid form knowa as D. D. D. Prescription. A trial bottle of this D. D. D. Pre scription, at only 25 cents, will In stantly relieve the itch. We have sold and recommended this remedy for years, and know of wonderful cures from, Its use. We recommend it to our ipatrons. The Newlin Drug Co. Haradon'e Tru-Fmit f tincol- Made Just right. At all of the leading confectioners. Look for the Bee Hire. On the package when you buy Fol ey's Honey and Tar. None genuine j "iiuuuj. iu oee ruve. Kemember the name, Foley's Honey and(Tar and re ject any substitute. Foley's Honey and ; Tar relieves cougs and colds ulckly ' and Is safe and sure. Contains no opl- . ates. Hills Drug store. Notice. ' Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of Assessments Greenwood Street from the North curb line of Jefferson Avenue to the north curb line of Monroe Avenue. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the Improvement of Greenwood street from the north curb line of Jefferson avenue to the north curb line of Monroe avenue, be ing in improvement district No. 10. in the city of La Grande, Oregon, un der the provisions of ordinance No. 507, Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordi nance declaring the cost of Improv ing Greenwood Btreet from the north curb line of Jefferson avenue to the north curb line of Monroe avenue, as sessing the property benefitted there by, declaring such assessment, di recting the entry of. the same In the docket of City Liens, authorizing the issuance of improvement bonds to pay for said improvement and 'declaring an emergency,' the same being In im provement district No. 10, ln said city, is now in my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within .sixty days from December 31st, 1910, which is the first date 'of the publication of this notice, without penalty, interest or c ost; and each property owner is hereby notified that on application to the undersigned, within ten days from the 31st day of December, 1910, which is the first date of the publication of this notice, he will be allowed to pay such assessment in ten annual install ments, the first Installment thereof being due and payable on or before the 2nd day of March, 1911, and If ap plication Is not made as above provid-. od the whole amount will be due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property owners interested are herby notified to appear at my of fice ln the city hall and pay the same. By order of the Council, December 28th, 1910. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. Following Is assessment roll No. 11 Block 123, lot 1. Chaplin's Add. Rose Harris .... .. ,. . , $40:90 Block 123, lot 28, Chaplin'B Add. Mrs. James Petch ..$70.60 Jan 2. 3, 4. B, 6. . -. " 1 i . ' i , 5