La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 03, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
JUL iLiiiL"
now. ON AT
(Can'.lnaed from Page 1J
and is now taking on metropolitan
airs. Immense Improvement Is noted
In every department of our city gov
ernment. LaBtlng Improvements that
stand as a monument to the ipuBh and
progress of our enterprising citizen
ship, that has carried them to a suc
cessful termination. However, there
Is much for us to accomplish in last
ing benefits for our city. We must
take up the work of improvement, at
this point and accomplish as much as
possible during the year that we are
the servants of the people. We will
have the encouragement of a united
and progressive citizenship behind us
to give us courage to undertake great
er things than have ever been accom
plished before, and we must stand to
gether unprejudiced, for tho city's
At the beginning of the
New Year we wish to
thank you for. your pat
ronage for the (year just
closed and hope to mer
it the same favors for
the year just beginning.
Thousands of Dollars worth of Seasonable Goods Cut to far below Cost
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Furs, Ladies' Tailored Suits,
Dress Goods, Linen Drawn Work, Shoes, Boys' Clothing, Men's Pants,
Many Other
1 nmi j
welfare first, last and all the time.
Fire Department.
There is probably no more import
ant undertaking the city council has
to deal with than that of protection
of our citizens' property from de
struction by fire. The corporate limits
are becoming more and more thickly
congested by residences necessitat
ing a much wider territory for our
fire department to protect.
Delng a volunteer department, of
which there is no better on the coiist,
it Is our duty to give them every en
touragement within our power to
facilitate and maintain equipment at
all times necessary for the proper de
fense against destruction by fires. I
recommend that the committee on fire
and insurance consult with the Chief
und Captains of the different fire com
panies, earn the needs of this de
partment and make a report and rec
ommendation to the council.
Public Health.
I consider the discussion of and en
forcement of all ordinances pertaining
to the public health of vital interest
ss Grocery
J Hats and
to all of our citizens. A city with a
poor sanitary record has a high death
rate and a high death rate can never
be lived down, consequently the on
ly remedy Is a strict enforcement of
all sanitary regulations and an ex-
ion I rvn rf thnaa fotrn 1 o f lni a Kir rA
V . VB-M. , V.U.- ,
nance is an immediate necessity. The !
CumUO urcow.ijr. 1
last year we have been subjected
to almost an epdlmelc of typhoid fev-
er. due to our present cesspool system '
,.., ... ' .
uu uBa.j ikii.ui O! u.e iuw
wells from which a large percentage :
o our population get tneir water sup-;
lily. Our water system has now been
extended so as to reach all parts of the
city and our water mains are carry
ing probably as pure water as any
municipality Is using on the face of
the earth today. Now In consequence
of this, I recommend that an ordi
nance be drawn condemning all wells
m,,ialtl ra ot v.ij
In all districts tributary to and within
a reasonable distanoe of our city water
mains. That our sewer system be com
pleted as Boon as possible; that all
cesspools be condemned and a reason- j
able time only be given to make prop- '
er sewer connections according to the
provisions of the charter. That a
plumbing Inspector be appointed to
investigate all plumbing, to see that
it is properly Installed so as to give
our citizens every safe guard against
contamination from this source. Our
Charter gives us ample power to reg
ulate these nuisances, and It is our
duty to take immediate action on the
same. The city has gone to a great
expense to supply its citizens with
an ample supply of pure water, and -t
now it not only behooves us to see
that all use it, from a sanitary stand
point, but the city must be compen
sated for this outlay of money so by
enforcing he use of a commodity, of
"which we have a bountiful supply, we
not only protect the health of our
citizens, but thereby increase the
city's revenue enabling us to pay In
terest on ouf water bonds, maintain
our water system at a high state of
efficiency, and, create a sinking fund
whereby we may be able to, retire
those bonds when due.
Strwts' and Alley.
i I am heartily In accord with all of
our Btreet and municipal improve
ments and hope that this council will
be as energetic toward pushing those
Throughout the Store
undertakings to completion, as well j
as taking up new propositions, as the
out going council has been. I recom
mend that all preliminary work for
contemplated improvements be taken
up and completed as soon as possible,
so that all contracts may be let at
ag ear, date ag U08s,ble ThJg ,wH1
.M t. Mntratn ,
,!.. fhB rnntrf,,,tftra on nnnnrtnnitvl
7 ',:ta , T " 11 IT 7 a i
J? T 7
haUn8 our Btreets torn up during the '
com,ng wmter Nq 0Ufl den,ps the
improvement our already finished
streets have added to the city, and
Tina tVtnf U'A V a tlintn ln V.rt fllr'n
4v i vuut no uavc luciii. tin i lin rii a
business to keep them clean. To do
this it is economy to have tha latest
improved apparatus for the street
cleaning department to accomplish the
beBt results with the least possible
expense. Every block of hard sur-
inieu iitiM-meui is uu tuiueu expense
f ., 1 A 1- -J.I.J
lo iai8 Qeparimeni, so must oe laKen
care of in as economical manner as
iposslble consistent with good ser
vice. Economy nud Finance.
Economy must'be practiced in ev
ery department of the city's govern
ment during the comtng year. Not a
falBe economy, one that leaves our
successors in office with an added
burden to take care of, but an econ
omy that gets the best results with
the least outlay of money. Our pres
ent financial Btatus is not as flatter
ing as we would wish, but we have
no discouraging undertaking before
us that good financiering and strict
business methods cannot overcome
during the present administration. I
ask each member of the council to
lend his earnest co-operation that we
may successfully accomplish the end
You will see by the City Auditor's
report that we have, besides a large
tonded Indebtedness, on which to
pay Interest, a floating indebtedness
of big amount. This necessitate guard
ing our expense account during the
official year, and using every legiti
mate means to Increase our revenue.
In this way we may meet our inter
est obligation when due, and by care
ful calculation reduce our floating in
debtedness materially. I pledge you
my best endeavors towards accom
plishing the above results.
A city to be properly administered
must have good officials both elective
and appointive, and as it is my duty
as mayor to present to you the names
for your consideration for the several
appointive offices, I do so with a great
deal of concern. However, there is on
ly one consideration that should gov
ern me in making those aooolnt-
. . .
ments' vlz:' tUe weira f the city,
The city is entitled to the best it can
g6t for Us money' 80 1 assure you
pntlpmpn that nftoP nnInotot,nD. ,n
gentlemen that, after painstaking in
vestlgatlon of each applicant, getting
Information from every available
ource r have made '
with the only idea in view of giving
the city the best possible administra
tion for the coming year. I believe
that each and every one of the
I propose , to submit is especially
qualified . to fill the office to which
, he has been appointed, but if I am
mo(ai. , . .
fails to do his duty, I assure you that
1 will immediately take steps for his
removal. With this assurance I aBk
you to confirm my several appoint
ments. ,
Jan. 2. 1911.
Believing It to be Important that
committees be named at once Mayor
Richardson read the following assign
ments: Ways and Means Fleming, Church
Streets and Alleys Andrews, Dunne
Munroe, Logsden.
Finance Logsden, Munroe, Church.
Water. Health and Sewage Church,
Sheak and Andrews. -'
Fire and Police Dunne, Fleming
and Orvls.
Judiciary Orvls. Logsden and
After announcing that appointive
offices would be filled next Wednesday
evening tha mayor asked If there was
any business to come before the coun
cil. Adjournment was taken.
Regular convocation of La Grande
chanter No. 9, R. A. M. Tuesday even
ing Jan. 3, Masonic hall at 7.30. Bus
iness of importance. Refershment
will be served. All members and vis
iting companions are cordially In
vited to be present
By order of High Priest.
Attest: T. IT. Russell. Secy.
Notice of the Recorder of the City
of La Grande, Oregon, of Assessments
Greenwood Street from the North
curb line of Jefferson Avenue to the
north curb line of Monroe Avenue,
Notice is hereby given that the as
sessment roll for the improvement of
Greenwood street from the north
curb line of Jefferson avenue to the
north curb line of Monroe avenue, be
ing In improvement district No. 10,
in the city of La Grande, Oregon, un-
uci iuo yi v vioiuiiD vi Ul UluaUto NO
507, Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordi
nance declaring the cost of Improv-v
I ing Greenwood street from the north
curb Hue or Jefferson avenue to the
north curb line of Monroe avenue, as
sessing the property, benefitted there
by, declaring such assessment, di
recting the entry of the same in the
rinrlcat nf Pltv Hone. n,i), .l.
issuance of Improvement bonds to pay
for said improvement and declaring
an emergency," the same being in im
provement district No. 10, in said city,
is now in my hands for collection and
that any assessment therein may be
paid to me at any time within sixty
days from December 31st, 1910, which
is the first date of the publication of
this notice, without penalty, interest
or c ost; and each property owner is
hereby notified that on application to
the undersigned, within ten days from
the 31st day of December, 1910, which
is the first date of the publication of
this notice, he will be allowed to pay
such assessment in ten annual install
ments, the first installment thereof
being due and payable on or before
the 2nd day of March, 1911, and if ap
plication is not made as above provid
ed the whole amount will be due and
payable at the expiration of said sixty
days. All property owners interested
are herby notified to appear at my of
fice in the city hall and pay the same.
By order of the Council, December
28th, 1910.
D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Following is assessment roll No. 11
Block 123, iot 1, Chaplin's Add.
Rose Harris $40:90
Block 123, lot 28. Chaplin's Add.
Mrs. James Petch $70.60
Jan 2, 3, 4. 5, 6.