PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1911. THE ORPHEUM S. A. GARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr VAUDEVILLE PICTURES WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 2 iBDALLAN ABDALLAJf, A rablan AcrobaU THE MABKIIAMS (Chester an d Leona) Novelty singers aid tome, dians. THE FAIST TBJO Coming1 ne xt Thorsday. The highest priced at traction ever brought to la Grande's Vaudeville Stage. Evening Prices 15 and 25c Boxes 50c BiEW l'EOPXE MONDAYS AD TIlUItSDAYS. Hntiaoc Wednesdays-Saturday s-Sundayg, 2 o'clock and all Holiday Matinee Prices, 10c and 15c At LOCAL THEATERS Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires GRANDE IRON WORKS D.- FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY Miss Helen Barham ,-who will ap pear as Necla In the Barrier on Wed nesday evening at the Steward Op era house is a great enthusiast of breaking horses. While In Cheyenne last year during the Frontier Day Contest she won great applause for her daring feats with wild horses. Not only did she conquer her mounts, but succeded In teaching the animal long vacations on her ranch In Mon tana. Miss Barham was traveling through this country some years ago and the train being delayed on ac count of a wreck she decided to take a walk. The country seemed so beau tiful and so Ideal for her vacation that upon returning immediately pro ceeded to arrange to purchase the .and. It proved to be some of the best grazing land In the state and from a small stock with which she started now has over a thousand head of cat tle. She breaks all of her own rid ing horses and is as much at home at this task as on the stage. Her por trayal of "Necia" is made doubly In teresting by her delightful western personality which has won her such favor throughout the rountrv. Nicholas St. Wakefield, Mass. MI-O-NA stomach tablets cost 50 cent a box at the Newlla Drug Co. and druggist everywhere and money back if they, don't cure. Dec 13-22 Jan 3. STEWARD'S ' Souse MONDAY, JANUARY 9 A WONDERFUL GIRL SHOW R STUBBORN CINDERELLA 40 CirU ?AX 20 Sony. Better than the Original Company. Go See It or You'll Be Sorry." San Francisco Examiner. "Chorus Blessed With Nimble Legs and Wonderful Voices."-San Francisco Examiner. PRICES 50c, 75c. $1.00, and $1.50 COMING W ecFy Jan. 4 Manager a h: STEWARD Announces 'VV V A: "TheB airier Rex Beach's Latest and Greatest Success, direct from its long run at The New Amsterdam The atre in New York City. 5 Scenes from the Strangest and Most Realistic Drama or Alaskan Life ever presented upon the American Stage n Prices $1.50-$l-75cand50c At the Orphenm. -Although only two acts were shown at the Orpheum last night, both were clean and entertaining performances. The Markhamg In a novelty singing and comedian skit made good from the start by their local comedian hits. Their singing, both as duets and solos were good. Abdallan-& Abdallan, the Arabian acrobats gave a high class act and performed difficult feats seldom seen in vaudeville. One act In par ticular was that of turning a back ward handspring and dislocating the neck, then by a sudden twist and turn of the body coming to an upright position, bringing the neck back into place. Both these clever Arabians are beautifully muscled and developed and are beautiful examples of the phy sical culture art. WHY SALVES FAIL TO CRE ECZEMA Sclents are now agreed that the eczema germs are lodged not In the outer skin or epidermis, but In the inner skin. Hence, a pentratlng liquid is required, not an outward salve that clogs the pores. We recommend to all eczema pat ients the standard prescription Oil of WIntergreen as compounded In liquid form known as D. D. D. Prescription. A trial bottle of this D. D. D. Pre scription, at only 25 cents, will in stantly relieve the itch. We have Bold and recommended this remedy for years, and know of wonderful cures from its use. We recommend it to our ipatrons. The Newlln Drug Co. Itytawi office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . L dussey HACK AND FEED AND GrcadeRcsjb'CachCo FUEL PHONE, MAIN 6 The George Palmer LtUMlGMQS (CflDo V RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit yourjorders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng ' Oeadenlngjf ell, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. INDIGESTION. Relief In Five MInuU'H and Permanent Care or Money Back. When the Newlln Drug Co.. state that they have a remedy that ' only costs 50 cents and Is guaranteed to cure any man or woman who suf fers from food fermentat'on or money back, what are the poor stomach sutTerers In La Granda and vicinity going to do about It? Food fermentation causes belching, sour stomach, gas eructation, heart burn and that lump of lead feeling as you probably know. The name of this most remarkable stomach prescription Is MI-O-NA. Most people call them MI-O-NA stom ach tablets because they known that there is no remedy so good for Indi gestion or stomach disorders. Here is one opinion: I have been troubled with lndises- tion for more than a year. I bought one box of MI-O-NA and it cured me. Now I would not he without a box In tho .honso Tor $".00. it saves a lot of doctor bills when you can be cured for 50 cents." Arthur Sodprnuest. f. Dr In your case all you want is a Fam Us King cigar. 1 Smoker But why a Fam Us King cigar? Dr. Because it Is soothing for your nerves and has a sweet creamy taste that a good Spanish made Havana cigar should have. Smoker And you think Fam Us King cigars best? Dr Think so! No man! I know It, and if once you smoke one you too will know It. FAM TS KING CIGAB FACTORY NOW IS THE TIME TO Look After That Eve Trough jj 4 Rainy weather will set in joon. We have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. i BA 6 ZWElFEi For Quick Messenger Service Call Main 24, orlnd.HZll yyhy pay Rent? Weloai y& money to build, ano pay us as you would rent. 1. R. OUVER. les Cream ffittw!jr,5 and a for a New Year Dinner. A WARM FIRE package of smooth Ice Cream. ... SELDERS-Next door to Post Office OvfPf Sfipc We are HEADQUARTERS for Poultry Sup- vyjici licm plcs IIave just received a Carload of Oyster Shell, 9 Pounds 25 cents !X.etc- We can e re for the sdd By Water-Stancbiield Produce Co. M HAV, GRAIN, HID, FLOUR, WOOD " 1426 letfetson Areme 7 WE L TRUST YOU! W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. MAKER OF HAPPY HOMES Hardware and Building Material Furniture and Carpets Bedding and Stoves "My darling," said he, "it can not yet be, Though it does break my heatt to postpone it. A year or two more, perhaps thtee before, I can turnish the house, though I own it." "Why George, she replied, "this ad.'shoutd decide If you're anxious to wed why delay, dear? They'll furnish our home from cellar to dome, And give us our own time to pay, dear." Seats on sale Jan. 3 at VanBurens r