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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1911)
1 1 PAGE 6 LAGUiXDE EVEdNQ OBSEBTXB, MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1911. 3 THE mMEUM S, A..GARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr VAUDEVILLE PICTURES WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 2 IBDiUAN A lBDAXLAXr A rabian Acrobats . " - THE XABKHAKS (Chester an d Leona) Novelty slngeig aad TUB FAUST TBKComte? w zt Tnarsday. The Ughe prseed aU . traction ever broigkt to La Grande's Vaudeville Stages. ' Evening Prices 15 and 25c Boxes 50c SEW PEOPLE MONDAYS AND THFBSDATS. Vatlaees Wednesdays-Saturday a-Sundays, 2 'clock; and all Holiday . ' ' Mattaee Prieee, lOe and lc Complete Equipment tor Resetting aim Repairing Rubber Buggy Tips 5 ' D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor 1 COMPUTE" MACHINE SHOPS AMD FOUNDRY At LOCAL THEATERS : ' u. YAKIMA PEBFOBVIICE GOOD Cowboys Go Kllea to Wass Per. fcmanee Tkea. North Yakima, Jan. 1. (To the Ob server. Lit Graad)Rei -Beach's "BaiTta company played bars to day to th sacord matlne of tb mo son and OTtrflowing night hoase. Cowboys aad ranchme front biIIm aroand attended the play. It was re alistic and portrayed cleverly. BAES1EU SEATS TOKOKSOW Dne to Former Conflict In Dates, Seats Ho On Sale Tommorrow. Seats for "The Barrier" will gx on sale tomorrow morning. The time us ually required to purchase seats to, was shortened beacuse of the sale for the Bancroft attraction. The Ban croft number has been cancelled and Manager Steward was undlclded Just what to do as to the seat sales for the "Barrier", but after some considera tion decided to put them on tomorrow, nna Thr. r.-.r.-i is that "the Barrier" will break all re cords for the Steward this winter. STEWARD'S Souse MONDAY, JANUARY 9 A WONDERFUL GIRL SHOW A STUBBORN SMDMELLA 40 CM, S'lSSa.S't.S 20 Sony. Better than the Original Company. Go See III or You'll Be- Shrry."San Francisco Examiner. "Chorus Blessed With Nimble Legs and Wonderful Voices."--San Francisco Ezaminer. PRICES 50c, 75c. $1.00, and $1.50 BREAKS WITH TRFST FILMS. finis Theatre to Ran Independent Plct- ores First Series of Films Good. For the present at least, and per haps continually, trust moving pict ires are not to be run at the Isis the atre. ' While in Portland last week Manager B. M. Sherwood closed a deal with an Independent film' house to supply a run of pictures for the local house and If the pictures continue as satisfactory as the first consignment has proven itself to be, it is evident that the trust will be bucked by the Isls al lthe time hereafter. The trust includes an enormous number of (film makers, but there are others in the business as is attested to by the pictures which go on to night for the first time under the new order of things at the Isis. The actors in the independent are better, themeB elevated and all important phaseB are' fully up to the standard. One of the films is slightly scratched; in this Is the only weakness in the entire pro gram. This will not occur again, how ever and there is every reason to be lieve that the Independent makes will prove fully as entertaining as . the trust-made pictures. ommeaded. The' Faust trla an Italian (roup of singers come next Tharsday to stay tear days. They are on of the high est priced, acta ertr brought to La Grande, aad the first tare days' pro gram has' been ralacad slightly to max room tor tola high pricad trea The Orpheam baa plenty of ateafi beat aad our patrona Trill alwaya find It warm said Msaager Oardlnier today. J0HI BARE PAROLED. Often His Liberty Wednesday and Will Reside Id Eagle Yalley. John Bare was granted a parole Wednesday by Acting Governor Bow erman, and was released from the penitentiary the same afternoon, "and Joined hia devoted wife who was wait ing for him in Salem. By the terms of the parole, Bare is prohibited from residing in Wallowa, Union or Multnomah counties; must support his family and refrain from tno use ui iucoAM.tti.iiig liquors. He will go first to his brother's home in Eagle Valley, Baker county, to recuperate his health, which is very poor at present. 14 A CK A ftlFl Wawi offiM Mala ?1 nlVlV , . rll w . Resi&ace phone Main AMBULANCE lldusse ED AND FUEL PHONE, MAIN A 1 Notice. Notice is herebv etven that tha an. nual Stock-holders. mpeMn nf tha Cove State Bank will be held at theij ui vuo, urexuu, on lueHaar. January 10th. 1911 at. th hnnr nf 9. p. m. for the Dumoae of h!rrtn? nm. cers for the ensuing ,vtar nad sac'; other business that may preyerly come berore said meeting. G. A. STOCK. Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10. A little book showing the human Appendix, and telling how Appendix is caused and how you can EASILY prevent it, is offered free for a short time by A. T. Hill. Drugsist. Every family has need of a good, reliable liniment For sprains, braises, so renew of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by 11 dealers. . , The George Pckaer QAJMIB EOS (CflD. IRETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your'-orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng DeadenhcftfeltffluMing Paper. , We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. 4 i NOW IS THE TIME TO t Look After That Eve Trough Rainy weather will set in soon. We have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. Cstso and sec . BAY 6 ZWEIFEL For Quick Messenger Service Catl Main 24, orlnd.M21 Uhhy pay Rent? We loan " money to build, ana jw ' pay us as you would rent. . R. OUVER. COMING led'y an. 4 Manaaer I D. H. STEWARD muwunces ;.')' :' ". ? . . ' ' '' '' - . -. , i ? V-N '. ' ! v ' ' - , "''i . ? . ' ' H. . ' . V?,At v. , y'V-U.'-'..' ,-.1 'J ' v i i, . . v ; .1- '-. ; , , l''j..tu;'i .e Baraer,? Rex Beach's Latest and Greatest Success, direct from its long run at The New Amsterdam The atre in New York City. .""saawswaMSBWSBBsi f Scenes from the Strangest and Most Realistic Drama 3 -f A I ?f . m rtiatnan L,ue ever presented upon the American Stage 'Prices fcl SO-fcl -7Sr and 5fV Orpheam Has New Teams. Abdallah & Abdallah, Arabian ac robats, introducing the oriental style of ( that department of athletics, will oe me leature act at the Orpheum for tho first three days: The team is here aftd will give La Grande lovers of ac robatic events a touch of how the mat stunts are pulled off in Arabia. The MarkhamB, novelty singers and talk ing comedians comprises ,another team which goes on the boards tonight for the first time. They rome highly rec- Ie Grartn and a WARM" FIRE-- Our Fountain will be open all winter. What a nice desert for a New year Dinner. A package of smooth Ice Cream. SELDERS-Next door to Post Office PsMiUfir ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH GRANULATED BONK. OYSTER rOlllufy OUppIieS . shell GRIT. SCRATCH food, proteina, flax seed iiS St a.. "'..iiiki.,........w PALPA MEAL, POWDERS AND TONICS IV AW nrTivn .TtT, m is .n: a Sdd By Water-Stanchfield Produce Co. IfAA 1111 Paa-s. mmm a a . sT nir, tLtu, nvuK WOO Main 70 InH 111 H25 Jeffetson Avenue WE'LL TRUST YOU! W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. - MAKER OF HAPPY HOMES Hardware and Building Material Furniture and Carpets Bedding and Stoves "My darling," said he, "it can not yet be, Though it does break my heatt te postpone it. A year or two more, perhaps thtee before, Icinlurnish the housed though I own it." "Why George, she replied, "this ad. should decide If you're anxious to wed why delay, dear? They'll furnish our home from cellar to dome, ' And give us our own time to pay, dear." r ) Seats on sale Jan. 3 at VanBurens I - - 1