! LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, JANUARY 2,1911. . -.? PAGE 5 i 1 II I mi I aiaia m. ous ir ureet. erwiii be la the city this wee, seek- - - I o u inr riVI 71 m J W 1 1 i I 1 mew TGMEHT'S PROGRAM Captain Barnacle's Vitagraph. Chaperone Fred Walton In Mr. Four Flush Selig. Wonderful Plates, How Rastus Got His Turkey. Beautiful dlshea given to lady patrons of the matlneo. See dis play In lobby. AMISSION lie nt keys, repair locks. I carry full line of flash lights 'and their sup plies. Phone, Main 737. 309 Fir street Tru-Fruit Chocolates, flavors. No imitation Sotlce of Annual BeeUng. Notice Is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the La Grande National Bank of La Grande, of La Grande, Oregon. be held at their banking house in La Grande, Oregon on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. for the I purpose of electing a board of direc tors to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly present ed to said meeting. Dated at La Grande, Oregon. Dec. . 10th, 1910. F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. LOCALS Haradon'e Tru-Fruit Chacolates. Made Just right At all of the leading confectioners. The quicker a cold it gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, 01 Waverly, Vs., says: "I firmly believe Cham berlain's Couch Kemedv to be absolute!? the ! best preparation on the market for colds. 1 have recommended it to my tnenas ana thev all agree with me." For sale by all dealers. Now (s the time to buy a good trunk, while tbey are on sale at the W. H. Bohnenkamp Co. General Repairing at B. W. Leighton's Auto and Bicycle Garage. I repair everything. Umbrellas, phonographs, sewing machines, typewriters, stoves and guns. Shears and knives sharp ened, skates hollow ground, saws fil ed and set and soldering of all kinds done. I repair granite walr, make and New Transfer Line M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Draying of All Kinds attendance is desired. illllfT G. K. Ho wltt a Portland horse buy- MjlRr CI 'W 141 US LU UiO Vll VU1B ICCK- )ng heavy horses, preferable from 1300 pounds up. W. D. Grandy of this city is looking after his interests un til be comes. Mr .and Mrs. R. E. Reynolds ar rived home' on the delayed train this morning from their wedding tour, tak ing them to Los Angeles, Salt Lake and home on the O-W from the eaBt. They will be at home to their many friends after today. A party of Wallowa county sheep lords, on their way to Portland to attend the National Wool Growers' convention, passed through the city last night, and while here Were reg istered at the Sommer. The party In cluded Jay Dobbin, R. F. Stubble field. W. H. Graves, Sam Litch and C. L. Hartshorn. Mrs. Graves accom panied Mr. W. H. Graves on the trip. O PERSONALS. H. M. Harris and wife of Wallowa were at the Foley yesterday. Frank Graves and wife of Joseph stopped at the Foley yesteiday. F. N. Hoffiditz of Imbler was a Sun day visitor at the Foley. John McPhee, a well-known North Powder resident, was at 'the Sommer yesterday. Mass Margaret Romig returned to her home In Baker this morning, hav ing spent several days here with Miss Zoe Bragg and other friends. Charles (Shrimp) Reynolds who has been spending the holidays with rela tives here, has gone to Corvallls to resume his studies at O. A. C. H. D. G. Cox, organizer of the Farm ers' Union, with headquarters at Wal la Walla, la registered at the Sommer while transacting business here. Madame Darrel, a palmist and clalvoyant Is stopping at the Savoy while attending to business matters In the city. The Misses Vera Wilson and 'Anna Morris, of Imbler, who have been vis iting with their friend, Miss , Clara Horstman, for the last few days, left for their home this morning. The Ladles Aid Society of the Pres- ! byterlan church will meet with Mrs. R. E. Smith Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. This being the first meeting of the new year and a good Jfotlee. Regular convocation of La Grande chapter No. 9, R. A. M. Tuesday even ing Jan. 3, Masonic hall at 7.30. Bus iness of importance. Refersbment will be served. All members and vis iting companions are cordially In vited to be present By order of High Priest Attest: T. H. Russell, Secy. BILL JiOW HEIDI FOB IXTEODUC TIOX IX WASHIXGTOX. Plans froTided for Heaty Fines Man Precipitating Strike. en AEROPLAXE I TEN TOR HERE r m 1 ft Si MWUNCEMEM ACTUM MONEY GIVEN AWAY I Until further notice we will giveaway fhe lowest CASH DAYS SALES of each month. Purchaser will be handed a ticket with amount of purchase and date of same. Those holding tickets bear ing the date which will be an nounced the first of each month in the local papers, will, on presentation of the same be refunded the amount of his purchase in CASH. Grant Keyes, Old Timer of La Grande, Back from Coos Bay for Visit Grant Keyes, ' the original aero plane man has returned to this city from an extended, stay at Coos Bay. Mr. Keyes, a former La Grande resi dent, Invented an aeroplane ten years ago which flew successfully. The re mains of the primitive machine based on the principle with which men soar to great heights now, is still near Morgan Lake. Mr. Keyes intends to spend several days here visiting his old Trlends. "I had been troubled with constipation for two rears and tried all of the best ptivsi cians in Bristol. Tenn.. and they could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Williams, Middlehoro, Ky. "1 wo packages of Cham berlain' Stomach find Liver Tablets cured me." For sale !'. rll Hm.lers, Spokane, Wash., Jan. 2. Declaring strikes and lockouts to be Illegal and providing compulsory arbitration for all disputes are the means set forth to solve the labor question in a bill prepared by Sate Senator George W. Shaefer of Spokane, for introduction at the coming session of the Legis lature. The penalty for Inciting a strike or a lockout is fixed at $1,000. The bill provides that any employe may be fined $50 for every day he is on strike, while the employer (caus ing a lockout becomes liable to a fine of $10 a' day for each employe thus deprived of work, this in no In stance to be less than $100 a day In the aggregate. The arbitration board Is to be composed of five mem bers, two each to be selected by em- to appoint the fifth. Any member ac cepting a gratuity from either side Is liable to a fine of $1,000. Seven classes of industrial disputes are named as coming within the jur isdiction of the arbitration board, as follows: Wages, hours, and terms of employment, employment oi cnuaren, favoritism, faulty ' material or dam aged work, established customs and uses of various trades and Interpre tation of agreements. Difference arising out of any of the fort-going causes is ground for apply-, ing to the-ommlsloner of labor to appoint a boa' 1 of arbitration, follow ing which neither employer nor em ployed IS permitted to make any change In the terms or conditions of employment until- a final decision' has been given by the board. In the event no decision is reached a new board may be summoned at once. While the board is empowered to summon witnesses and take testimony attorneys at law are barred from ap pearlng except by agreement of both parties and all members of the arbl tration body. i jS Advertising: FOR "RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire Clinton Van Fleet. Golden Rule. WANTED Position by man and wife aa cook, wife as helper. Camp preferrod. Inquire Observer. WANTED Experienced concrete pipe makers. Steady work for - the right man. Apply to J. L. Mars, North Greenwood street Vacuum housecleanlng, upholster ing and furniture repaired. L F. Bel linger, Phone Red-562. - - Worth Shouting About When one has a good article to sell he generally feels like talking about it. But when the article is exception ally good he Just "feels like shouting" and that is -Just the way King feels about his FAM US KING cigars. He is working six cigar builders on his three shapes, five, ten and a hit, all brands being built in Spanish form. Spanish work is a grade that few understand, in fact It is an art, and it takes the most skilled mechanics' best efforts to produce that class of cigars; not made hut they are built; each part being independent of the other. One can take the wrapper off of a FAM US KINO cigar. Still the cigar will smoke. One can cut the ci gar lh two or five, parts and each part will smoke independent of the oth er. Now take workmanship like that combined with the highest grade, of Imported Havana's built into a sweet combination and what can you expect, a cigar very hard to equal and we recommend a trial of the FAM US KING should you smoke one you will sure smoke more. PARISIAN SAGE. 8 Yours for a Prosperous New Year SKIPTON SHIPS HORSES. Salem Horse Bayer Takes Away Thlr. - tl.-Ji Jf orges. In Two Weeks. W. L. Skipton, the Salem horse buyer shipped out two carloads of horses Saturday, having picked them up from farmers at the rate of about six a day. During the two weeks he has purchased thirty-five horses of the draft variety. This is considered exceptionally "fast" buying: to be able to buy a half dozen horses from various farmers in one day. HIDDEN DANGERS SMOKE CP. Things will look brighter to you with a FAM US KING cigar between your teeth Drop in and invest a Bit in one and enjoy the smoke of your life. WITH THE SMOKE OF A, FAM US , KING CIGAR. your troubles , will vanish, your diffi culties disappear. All the virtues of good tobacco are contained In the KING. Those who swear at other ci gars swear by the FAM US KING after they have tried one. FAM US KIJfG CIGAR FACTORY We are headquar ters for Kodak and Camera supplies. Wright Drug Co. Thl9 Great Hair Grower Sow Sold All ' Over America. ' What do you think of the liberal proposition that the Glroux Mfg. Co. of Buffalo, N. Y., American makers of Parisian Sage are putting up to thej readers of the Observer. They know, they are absolutely certain that they lve the only real hair grower, beautlfler and dandruff germ destroyer on the market today, and knowing this they have requested the Newlin Drug- Co. to state to ev ery reader of the Observer and to ev ery person living In La Grande and vicinity that they guarantee Parisian Sage to remove every trace of dand ruff; to stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. And everyone who reads this im portant announcement should know that Parisian Sage makes hair grow, not only abundantly, but gives it that lustrous appearance that all desire. Women will find Parisian Sage the most refreshing and ideal hair dress ing free from stickiness or grease. Large bottle 50 cents at the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. "I have used Parisian Sage for some time and think it has no equal as a hair beautlfler and scalp clean er. No more dandruff or faded hair, thanks to Parisian Sage." Mrs. Will lam Hogiund, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich ; June 2, 1910. Dec. 10, 21, 31 Smith 8t Qreem Jhoemen MME. DARRELL, . A ' PALMIST AND A CLAIRVOYANCE A A Love, Marriage, Divorce. I A Call Today. Satisfaction ' Guaranteed. A A Savoy Hotel Room 17 Nature Gives Timely Warning That So La Grande Citizen Can Af. ford to Ignore Danger Signal No. 1 comes from the kidney, Becretlons. They will warn you when the kidneys are sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick red, ill smelling urine, full of sediment and Irregular of passage. Danger Signal No. 2 comeB from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and -warn you of the ap proach of dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them per manently. Here is proof In the statement of a nearby resident. John Torongo, Cracker street. Sumpter, Oregon, says: "Last spring my kidneys were disordered and I be gan to suffer from backache. I no ticed that the kidney secretions were highly colored and painful in passage and I thus knew that my kidneys were at fault. The us of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills toned up my kid neys and caused the backache, to cease. I am grateful to Doan's Kid ney Pills for what they did for me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan!s and take no other. Jan. 2-4-6. A AAA AAA A A A A A LADIES AND GENTS SHOE A SHINE PARLORS A "TOM, THE BOOTBLACK" A has moved to 1118 Adams A Avenue, where he will serve A all customers, new and old. Year ins At this time we wish to sincerely thank bur cus tomers for their patronage dur ing the year just closing, and to wish each of you pivojuiuuo cum joyous new -year We will endeav or to merit your trade in the fu ture as 1 in the .past-:;;-''vV';-.;::; CITY BAKERY & GROCERY To Our Customers and Friends We desire to thank yon for the many favors extended to ns daring the year now clotting and to assure you of oar apprecia tion. Wishing you a Happy Sew Tear and the best of all things which life, health, effort and accomplishment can offer for 1911. iiiii i i .... -J ' Sincerely yours, ! Pattison Bros. Use either phone Hilt - : : The First Question Asked , -when buying or 4 renting a house, ' ' the ONE ques tion of the modern renter or buyer invariably runs this way: Is the house wired for Electricity? EVERYBODY has come to realize that electric light is not a luxury they want, but . a Necessity they must have. ' EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company Mahaffey Building Depot street WE CLEAN ANYWING, FROM A NECKTIE 70 A HORSE BLANKET. Work called for and delivered Elite Dying and Clewing Works PHONE MAIN 14 M I' ' f :' I : 4 i r , 2 - i 1 J H Pi hi 1 1 i 1 i