r. ' ; mmm VOLJOV. Ii GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1911. . NUMBER 57 y 0"v K. I : i : ft'- 1911 FUNCTION IN WHITE HOUSE IS GORGEOUS ENTIRE AFTERNOON TAKEN UP IN GREETING "COMMON" PEO PLE AT WHITE HOUSE. GOLD '.UK LENDS GO LOR New Year's Reception at White House an Event of Unusual Splen dor Today Vast Number of DIgnl nitarles, Gold Braded and Silked Greet In Annual " Government Re- teptlon Yonr P?pC Ailvneu W Enter Later On. . Washington, .January 2. President - t smiled his New Year's greeting , .lie; world today. , ' . was the. second ' time v the .dent and Mrs. Taft'c -wd as st and hostess at that V- " snored ranctlon, the White House i ' ' Year's inception. In defiance of tiie weather .-.'rowds gathered outside the White House hours before the buglers oi me vMarlne Band trumpeted the entrance Af the Chief Magistrate and the First lady of the Land to commence the. re cation of the gilded diplomats; the Jutlclary and the government officials ay of whom were received before the latch was lifted to the common peo ple. . .'" ' All the World Represented. , There was , a character for every role 'In' the world drama among the crowd that twisted in a persistent and stamping line from the White House doors down Pennsylvania, Avenue. Possessors of shiny . elbows jostled bloods In fur-lined overcoats with fa miliar conteinptuousness, matrons of determined physiognomy t kept a ' hawk-like watch - for advantageous places in the line. There were lean, there were fat, there- were tall, and there were small, in the thousands a that same to shake the hand of Pres ident Taft and to wish him a Happy New Year. ' Bugles Herald President. With the first deep boom of the great hall clock at eleven four bug lens stepped out from the band and sounded the Presidential call. The President and Mrs. Taft appeared at the top of the broad winding stair and came down to receive tne Vice President and Mrs. Sherman, and the members of the cabinet and their wives. The party then moved to the southern end of the Blue roonl, where the President and Vice-President and the cabinet members formed a re ceiving line and the ladies took up their places to the right of them. Then commenced the reception of the dip " lomatic corps. Most gorgeous Spectacle In 1911. This is one of the most gorgeous spectacles that the National Capital witnesses in the entire year. Be decked and berlbboned with the or ders of their monarchs, in all the splendor ofthelr court costumes, the representatives of the foreign nations filed past the President It was a brilliant panoply of colors of red and gold and blue, scintillating here and there with the shining helmets of the Germans and the silks of the Or iental ambassadors and ministers The ambassadors were led by Baron . Hongelmuller von Hongervar, the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador, who, since the last New Year'B reception bas succeeded to the rank of dean of the diplomatic corps. Following him came the ambassadors arranged ac cording to their seniority those most recently accredited to the United States coming last in line. The last ambassador in line was Marchese Cu sanl Confalonierl, the newly appoint ed Italian Ambassador. Following him were the charges d'affaires of of the Brazilian and Chilean embas sies, the representatives of those eountrles having died In the past year. and no successors having as yet been sent by their governments. After the ambassadors came the ministers, headed by Sendr Don Joa quin Bernardo Calvo, the Costa Rican Minister, who has been for years dean of the ministerial contingent. The last in this line was Mr. H. H. Byrn, Mlnlster.irom Norway, who was pre sented to the president only a few weeks ago. Each ambassador and minister was accompanied by his wife and the members of his suite. - , White Leads Justices. "' Before the last diplomat had passed from sight the new Chief Justice of the United States, Edward Douglass White led the associate Justices of the supreme court into the receiving room. They were followed by other mem bers of the judiciary, among them the judges of the new courts of Commerce and Customs Appeals. Then the Pres ident shook hand3 with the senators and repreesntatlves who remained in Washington during the holidays. There were only a few of them. The, congressional delegation marked th nrf cftht n.ol part of the reception. The buglers again stepped from their places with the band, and sounded 'another spirited fanfare, as the doors opened to the army, navy and marine corps all in their full dress uniforms. Every military offic er on duty in Washington was there, and the gold lace of their uniforms (Continue' on page Bight) ALBERT HANSON, EMPLOYE, STILL UNCONSCIOUS FROM BLOW. Explosion Throws Workman Against Boiler With Great Force. . Unconscious as the result of an explosion in the boiler room of the x-erry sawmill, Aioert Hanson, a young employe of the Perry mill lies at the Grande Ronde hospital hover ing between life and death, and it. will require about twenty-four hours to determine his fate. The accident is the result of a bursted water . heate in the mill power house where Han son and several others were either working on some frozen ipumps or lounging In the room. The explosion was so severe that It threw Hanson against the boiler, fracturing his skull and coualng concussion of the brain. Others were thoroughly soak ed and frightened and James Smith was slightly Injured. Dr. Molltor was called to Perry in all 'possible haste and under his sup ervision, Hanson was brought to La Grande on the morning train and lat er moved to the hospital where he Is still unconscious. Hanson Is the son of the saw filer at Perry and Is unmarried. The frozen water popes and pumps were the chief cause of the accident. The sudden cold snap caught the working apparatus and It was while working with the pumps that the ex plosion occurred. Manager Stoddard has exerted every possible effort to Insure the man's recovery, if such a thing is possible. BRIDE AND GROOM DEAD. Chewing Gum Thought to Hare Im parted Death to Happy Couple. Cumberland, Md., Jan. 2 Believing Grace Elosser and Charles Twlgg were murdered the police today began an Investigation of the couple's death who were found seated side by side in he gorl's home Saturday night. The investigation Bhows death was due to cyanide poisoning and it was believed It was Injected Into the chew ing gum, some of which was found in Twlgg's mouth. The couple were to have been married yesterday. The po lice don't bel!eve It was suicide, but believe some one put the poison In the gum which Twlgg carried. EM0S1.JT l" P s NEW CHIEF JUSTICE, EDW ARB DOUGLAS WHITE. .BSOiSg' V - ill ipiiiiiH a - i 1 Pi 1 Ii .-' ' '" I I I I il ' ill '-:f i! 11!'- J Afar M i i 111! Ii i I - . '-"N ".fi- .I wii'iili ill ii mmmm 1 1 ill ! i il I , - 1 ii i hp," - , : v . '" . ' x I . ' L : : ir'f ill Justice White played an important part in the gorgeous New Year Func tion at the White House today.' Then too, of course, Judge White is the first Democrat to gain such hight distinction as was recently his, by a Republican administration. ', ' . ' r. i CABOOSE (LIFTED ON COAL CAR BY WRECK ... ' ' REAR END SET-TO THROWS CA BOOSE ON NEXT CAR. Little Harm Done to Traffic in Pleas, ant Valley Smashup. To lift a caboose from therear end of an eaBt bound train and plant it squarely and fairly on the next car ahead, was the feat of a rear-end col lision at Pleasant Valley yesterday. None were hurt The freight train was running down the hill when the engine ran into a couple of torpedoes and in applying breaks the engineer stopped his train rather suddenly. A helper engine fol lowing down and unaware of the sud den stop, smashed into the caboose, pushing it .bodily on the next car ahead, a coal car. So complete was the "lift" that the caboose7 could be hauled to La Grande on the coal car. The wrecker was called to the scene and picked up a couple of trucks and other debris which for a short time only blocked traffic. SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT. Council Meets to Make Transfer of Administration and Routine Matter The old council gives way tonight to the new administration and Mayor A. L. Richardson's message will likely be read at this meeting. Appointment of officials to fill the appointive offices will be made and action to ratify tak en. Little else win be done. NEW EXPRESS BUILDING FOR THIS CITY PLANS NOW HERE AND SUPERIN. TENDENT COMING. As Soon as Corrections are Made, Spe cification Will Be Ready. Construction of an American Ex press office in this city during the next few months, 25x50, has been or dered by that company and Local Agent George Hibbard is now placing his O. K. on the temporary plans sent here for his inspection. The plans as now drawn, provide for a building on Depot street facing east,, which will likely bring it on the southwest cor ner of the present depot The plans provide for a public room, a large counter, check pen, receiving and liv ery room, a large freight room and an on-hand room. The superintendent of buildings will be here January ninth to make final arangements and if corrections are needed in the plans, they will be made at that time, so that the con tractors can have the specifications Immediately' afterward. Local con tractors are wanted for the work. The building is to be of cement. STRANGE BIRTn AT PORTLAND. Woman Shot by Reveler New Year's Night and Later Gives Birth to Child Portland, Ore., Jan. 2 Struck by a stray bullet which went through her pbody while she lay in her bed on new Year's night, Mrs. Frank Perry, wife of a peddler was removed to the Good Samaritan hospital where she gave birth to a nine pound baby boy two hours later. Both are doing well and the woman Is .recovering. News of the event became known to day when the police was asked to find the reveler who shot through the win HAWLEY SWORN IN AS GOVERNOR Storey of Ada County Elected Speaker of Idaho's Hoirse Today. .Boise,. Idaho., Jan. 2 Without the least semblance of ceremony, James Hawley was sworn In as governor to day. Idaho is under a Democratic ad ministration the first time since 1901. The house and senate, all safely Re publican, convened at noon today to perfect its organization and then ad journed until tomorrow. Charles Stor ey of Ada county, was elected speak er..1 .;.'.' ':" ; . - - Lorimer Matter Revived. . Washington," Jan. 2 A vote on the resolution declaring the seat of Sena tor Larimer vacant, is assured in7 the senate, according to today's Indica tions. If Senators Beverldge and Fraz ler submit a minority report from tlfe Lorlmer investigation a resolu tion will probably accompany it. If none of the others introduce, a, reso lution, Borah of Idaho will. ' " EMPTY AIRCRAFT LOS ANGELES AVIATION MEET COMES TO CLOSE EARLY. Thousands View Remains of Moissa.nt ' Before He is Laid to Rest JLos Angeles, Jan. 2. Blrdmen gath ered at Domlnguez field, seemed re lieved today as this is the last day they wil lbe compelled to fly where Hoxsey' plunged to his death Satur day; -The meeting adjourned one day early to permit Hoxsey's hosts of friends and aviators to attend his funeral at Pasadena. The aviators were more listless today than yester day. There was nothing spectacular and only short flights were attempted. Many aviators, among them Knaben shue, Wright, Latham and Curtis be lieve that a sudden sickness, probably "mountain sickness, which sometimes affects aviators, caused the Hoxsey acldent Thousands See Moissant Remains. New Orlans, " Jan. 2. Thousands visited the receiving vault at Metaire cemetery today where Bobby Moissant the aviator, was laid to rest tempor arily, Saturday. The body will be re moved soon and taken to Chicago and burled. He was born in Chicago. The ceremony yesterday was simple. Mols sant's comrades were honorary pall bearers. Pasadena, Jan! 2 An unusual trl bute was paid to Moxsey, thexdead aviator in the tournament rose na rade today. He was to have ridden in the floral parade seated in ail ae roplane with which he won the world's record, but the aeroplane was entered on a float today and the draped seat was vacant, WANT MACHTJ DYNASTY DOWNED Toun? China Society In America to Help Accomplish it San Francisco, Jan. 2 A nation wide campaign to raise funds to ac compllsh the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty in China was started today by San Francisco ' members of th Young China Bociety. There are COO members in San Francisco and that many more throughout California who pledged themselves to give freely The campaign will be carried on In ail parts of the United States. The purpose Is to raise a million dollars DRAPED; BIRD MEN SAD GOLD 1UE GRIPS 1IDDIMST v DISTRICT STORMS WORK EAST WITH OBI. GIN ABOUT DENYER AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS. REACHEO FOUR ABOVE HERE Low Thermometer Records Recorded " !? TrIvu:SMii?8 in the Mlddlewest Poor Suffering Intensely One Man Frozen to Death Nebraska, ' Michigan and Dakotas Seem to Suf fer Most Trains Stalled Often. ' Touching four above zero, accord ing" to the readings of. Government Weather Observer Worstell, last night inaugurated the winter's cold weather, and like a year ago, the winter- cold snap CjOmemnces with the new year. A year ago the coldest weather of the year : was registered on January 2. . Net alone is La Grande in the grip of winter, but it is evidently lashing by the outer edges of a storm that . Is sweeping the'central western country, but principally through the Mississip pi valley. Mercury has dropped In a vast area east of the Rockies and In the Rockies. JThe snowfall of last Sat urday Is being retained today though tho murcury has risen rapidly since morning. The weather forecasts a drop tonight again, and frozen water pipes in residences caught unawares will precipitate that "annual" horror, so excruciatingly distasteful to La tir'ande citizens, who are .unprepared for near-zeYo weather. n Denver, Jan. 2. A blizzard begin ning on New. Year'B day still holds the middle west today. Snow, wind, and bitter cold extends from Denver toKSt .Louis, and ft also sweeps Wy oming... Montana,' Nebraska and the Dakotas. The wires are down,: traffic is. delayed, and the temperature has dropped in Kansas fifty degrees; and throughout the central west 20 to 30 degrees. Many NebrAskan points are ten below ze"ro this morning. A number of trains are reported stalled 1 In the snow near Souix . City, Iowa, and In Wyoming there is a heavy snow gale and high winds in Kansas. It is five degrees below zero In Den ver and ten below In Cheyenne. Chicago, Jan. 2-r-A blizzard, un paralled in recent years, is moving eastward through the Central west, and leaving stalled trains and pros trated wires in its wake. The storm center is over Michigan and It Is expected the chill winds will reach the Atlantic states to night. The poor are suffering from the intense cold. Wm. Thomaswas frozen to death at Fargo, North Da kota where it was 18 belog zero. At Minneapolis the mercury was 8 below. Trains are stalled and there Js little traffic moving In and out of' the city. Axfew trains managed to get in at late hour. The storm swept Illinois at Springfield with zero weather and snow.' SPIES ARRESTED UST YEAR. Two Japanese Taken in Custody Last September but Released. Washington, Jan. 2 That military and naval authorities In the Philip pines knew last September that Jap anese spies wer active in the archl pellago Is the statement today by As sistant Attorney General Vlllamour of the Philippine government. He said last September two Japanese spies were arrested. They had maps of the Islands and of Manila harbor and Its fortifications. Arrests were known In Washington but there was no law to hold the-m so tbny were released. There is ho doubt but Japanese are famniar with the details of the fortifications. ;1 .1 ;T;. my . J r. - - -