LA GRANDE EVENING OBSEBVEE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1910. PAGE 8 ' frMiiiiiiniiniiiimiiiniitiiinimtmiiii LATEST SPORT niinnniinininnHHniHHtMMHniniin TnOTTiriB STOCK EAINS PBEPA RATIOS rOB VAKISG TIL LEI UECXWSIZED 15DER WIT. Draft Hems Sot Alone te Hold High Distinction, Say Breeders. With the importation of tlx stand ard bred and registered mares, the Grande Ronda valley becomes a trot ting borse producer this year. The teedcnnles of the times in years past have been to make the valley primar ily a pure bred animal producer, and seekers for draft horses have found this to be a garden of Eden where the best in the Northwest was to be had for nominal prices, but the year 1910 has seen a ramification and hereafter for with the brood mares brought here this year special atten tion will be placed on the matter of breeding trotting horses. . There' are now six standard bred and registered stallions here. The next two or three years will make Un ion County second to none in produc tlon of turf stock the same as it is now in draft horses. Loads to Kace Meets. Basing the assertion on ti e facta al ready mentioned, a new sport is soon to loom up again, or more properly to be revived on a higher scale of ex cellency. Itace meets are to be as fre quent and popular as baseball games now are,i if the ambitions of dozens of horse breeders in this valley are real ized. : 1 " Conditions ire Peculiarly Favorable. Conditions and environment are pe culiarly adapted to horse raising In this county. For that reason the spread of standard bred horses Is bound to proceed with rapid strides once the virus has been Inoculated Into the veins of the horse breeders. Stock has advantage of the mountain ranges. This gives them the best of food: yet they are so near the com fortable barns that tbey can be herd ed in at short notice In case of storm and occasionally at time of shortage of mountain range grazing facilities, they can be changed to more fertile pastures with dispatch. This, primar ily, is responsible for the low mortal ity rate among horses of this county Doctor P. A. Charlton, the local vet erlnary, who keeps abreast with the finer points of the horse business throughout the Northwest is authority for the statement that Union county is freer of horse diseases than any other county in the state. With draft horses already at the top of the rune in the Northwest, and breeders' preparing to give more at tentlon to trotting stock the prediction can be made with no danger of contra diction that in less than half a decade Union county will hold the pinnacle of the Northwest in the standard and purely bred horses. Boms IKwned by Lang. London, Dec. 26. Bill Lang, the Australian pugilist, and Jack Bun., of California, met In a twenty round match at the Olympla this afternoon. Referee Eugene Corrl stopped tha match in the twentfth round and de clared Lang the winner. Burns fought gamely, but was outclassed by Lang, who after the first few rounds appir cntly did what he liked with h'm. n,hre were 7,000 spectators present. ' I SMOKE tr. Things will look brighter to you with nil US KINO cigar between your teeth Drop In and Invest a Bit In one and enjoy the amoke of your life. WITH THE SMOKE OF A FAM US JUSU UUAiU v'ntir troubles will vanish, your diffl rultlea disappear. All the virtues of . good tobacco are contained in the vino. Those who swear at other cl gari awear by the FAM US KINO after they have tried one. FAK TS KWG CIGAtt FACTORY oii'iMM iwmltoi Vn ij'WBUbiuml "BOB" LTXAX, THE 5IFTT 115 POC j.,iu ... . i mui i) n i in .,.iinw n phi .i j.. . ii n 'i"ir i in mi1 ii n - lnf- .w,wl-iTwW"'''"Wrr The Sett JIan thit Lj man formerly will Ih Kid Expvfcito, a goer and has suddenly conic tit the front by Former stars of the high school basketball circles last night came back to their own and won an inter esting game from the high school reg ulars by a score of 24 to 17. At no time did the locals maintain a lead and the alumni was safely to the good throughout. While the alumni bad not forgotten their old time form, the local high school showed unmistak able signs of stage fright and failed to put up anything like their custo mary game. It was primarily through their inability to handle the ball that the highs failed to win. In the last half the two teams scored 11 points each and at one time, for a minute or two, the high school showed Its real ability and ran up several goals In a hurry, but before the leaders were overtaken the spurt of good form disappeared again. , The high school alumni (played consistent game throughout and showed much the better form on the floor. Officials. Hollister, referee, Currey, umpire. Bean, time keeper and eMtcalf and Alnsworth scorers An encouraging feature of the game was that the deficits In the basket ball funds were covered by the re ceipts from last night's contest. Hack to Meet TurklHh Wrestler. Dallas, Tex., Dec. 30. George Hack enschmldt and Yusslfr lleussian have been matched to wrestle in Dallas January 6, at the Colislum. The event will be catch as catch can, with best two out of three falls. Boiler to Grapple Pons. Dubuque. la.. Dec. 30. Dubunue'i newly organized Irlquols AthWttlc club has announced the first wrestling card of the season for Jan. 2 at the German hall'. Dr. n. F. Roller and Carl Pons the French giant, will furnlBh the tea ture event. NEW YEAR SPORTS. Saturday, Dec. 31. Football. Har vard Law vs. Southern All Stars. New Orleans. Hockey, Yale vs. Cornell. Ice Palace. Basket ball: Illinois at Evanston Y. C. A. Bowling: City championships, at Flenner's. Oak Park vs. Portland at Portland. Sunday, Jan. 1 Annual run. Chica go Automobile rlub. Monday. Jan. 2. Trark: Athletic carnival, Dexter Park pavilion. Hock ey. Yaie vs. uornen, ice nuaco. sunt Ing: Sleiuner A. C. annual derby. Humbolt's park. Fight: Tony Caponl vs. Jim Flynn. Los Angles. Turf: Opening at Tampa, mimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiitiiiuiiiuniiHi ING MHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIH 3D BOXES, OF THIS " CITY. a La Grande boy Meets this rear a hard hitter. Exposite is a Dago who mtral Performance. . Unique Race Event. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 26. A con test unique In sporting events was de cided at Moncrief park today when the management provided as an added hol iday attraction a special handicap novelty race, in which was tested the speed and endurance of an athletic runner, a thoroughbred racehorse, a mule, and an automobile. The winner was returned In Marie Hyde, the racehorse, favorite in the betting at 2 to 5, who under the handi cap conditions was required to cover six furlongs. Eight lengths back came the mule, which started four and one-half furlongs from the wire, while the runner, who bad 550 yards to nego tiate finished third. . The automobile, which was asked to travel one and one-eighth miles after a running start of a sixteenth of a mile, was a distant trailer, probably due to the slow track. Ideal racing weather and a program of six races besides the noveltv event brought out the largest crowd ever seen at the local course. M 1ST IE WE W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. Hardware and Furniture "Mf .darling " sad he, "it can not yet be, Though it does break my heart te postpone it. A year or two mon, perhaps three before, I can lurnish the house, though I own it." - CftMMiMMM. NEWS LATE FIRE CHIEF GAVE Mill FIBE IX CHICAGO BRT5GS OCT A PATHETIC IMTDEST. Fire Chief no ran Carried Babbit's Foot Te Co sale Mark This Tear. Chicago, Dec. 2L (Special) Re turning from the funeral of Fire Mar shal Horan. in company with J. J. Sirapp, chief of the St. Paul fire de partment. President Johnson of the America 1 league recalled an Incident in the life of Chicago's hero which im pressed the visiting chief and every other listener as an oddly pathetic freak of fat. "When Chief Horan went to Phila delphia for the world's series as my guest last fall." said Sir. Johnson. he showed me a perfectly mounted rab bit's foot which had been given him by one of his many friends and admirers and said he wanted to give It to Con nie Mack, the Athletic's manager, when we, arrived In Philadelphia. He told me it was the most potent charm and mascot known to the world of sup erstition. It washe left hind foot of a rabbit which had been caught in the dark of the moon at the edge of an old deserted cemetery. To make the rharm doubly effective and protective, the man who killed the rabbit was himself a hunchback. Luck Given to Connie. "Reaching Philadelphia, we hunted up Connie Mack In the morning before the opening game, but he was busy, and we were surrounded by such a crowd of Mack's friends that Jim Hor an, who was modest above all things, did not want to make the gift so pub licly. Later In the day he gave me the rabbit's fot to give to Connie, and asked me to tell him the story of the charm. I did so lust before the first game of the series there. SPORTI.YG JiOTEh. When all has been said about your great and glorious Grande Ronde val lev and of its marvelous advance in many lines during the present year, it j must be admitted with more or leas i regret, that sports have not been giv- j en tleir Just attention.- Here is hop ing 1911 treats us better. 1 j Even if 1910 did little to enhance j the standard of sports, and Its former : prestige in this valley. It did see & summer series of baseball games pull- j ed off with Elgin in which nothing ' but good-natured rivalry cropped out Here's our mitt, Elgin, left's pull off ; another one like It in 1911. One of the pleasant and encouraging thoughts to which our minds run in recapitulating sports in La Grande j and Union county today, as county today, as rawer t i Time and his hacked and dinted Bcythe Is sneaking off to neip mane nistory, is I that fact that the county high school 9 LL 7Tt Bedding TRUST ?? xSCfc3ag35sa5i t&&&$&tifiX&& law U passed and hereafter big husk ies too poor, financially, to attend school and gain an education, wOl he hereafter permitted to not only gain the desired knowledge but also strengthen the athletic departments of every credited high school in the coun ty. Elgin roundly refutes the Observer's statement that baseball may be dropped in the town there this spring. The report emanated from Elgin some time ago. and the Observer welcomes Elgin back in the fold. Elgin produc es good players and a good team, so ccme on fellows. .. '. Everyone knows Just about who bought new automobiles this year they are many, by the the way but dealers who are in touch with the spread of the automobile education, are authorities for the statement that the sales in 1911 will be something great The town already has more high grade machines than any other city in the state of its size, and it might as well have a few more. Poor North Powder! In two games she had a total or 167 points rolled op against her this week, and she man aged to tinkle the bell for only 16. As the basketball season approach es in dead earnest,- the race for the championship becomes heated. The dope sheet is no easy pfekins either, for there are several teams that are sure somewhat teams. . ' A Journey to Sookane, is one of the possibilities of the M. I. A Junket this winter. lmbier meets the M. 1. A at tne lo cal rink next Friday nigM. Though Christmas did. New Tear is occupying a preponderance of at tention, there was a little time left for local baseball gossip. Things are warming up early. p'j."1" n..i HACK AND AMBULANCE e. l bussey FEED AND FUEL The George Palmer HUMID! jhETAlL DEPARTMEH1 We solicit yourorders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening FelUjjBuHding Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. V YOU MAKER OF HAPPY HOMES Building Material 4 ' I. " ' and Carp and Stoves "Why, George, she replied, "this ad. shouid decide It you're anxious to wed why delay, dear? They'll furnish our home from cellar to dome, And give us our own time to pay, dear.'' Aubln. the Elgin whirlwind, is said to have located permanently la Elgin and the team that town will produce next year will hinge about the hard working stellar mound artist. " ' The question now bothering the M L A team is: Who la the real "IT In basketball for North Powder high school defeated Haines some twenty to nothing, the North Powder city team defeated the North Powder high school about twenty-three to nothing, and the M. L A. defeated the North Powder city team by a hundred or thereabouts. Imbler too, creeps la and haods North Powder something strong. Now again, how much better than Haines is the M. I. A? Out here on the Pacific coast a mov ment has been started to amend base ball rules so as to make it more ex. pensive for a pitcher to hit a batsman. It is proposed to give the batsman wo bases instead of one. There Is an other reform in the air, and that Is discarding the spltball, which, it It f i ried, is one r-f (Le chief reasons that hitting ia fast becoming a lost art la every league throughout the country. , Jack White, the Chicago feather weight, under the management of Fred Gllmore, made a sensational ap pearance in Milwaukee this week in his ten round bout with Gene McGov ern, the popular little Milwaukee bat tler. White's victory was one of the most decisive seen in any bout that ever went the limit there. He admin istered severe punishment from the start and showed terrific hitting pow er, but was unable to dispose of his nnnnnwit. " ... . A little' book showing the human Appendix, and telling how Appendix Is caused and how you can EASILY prevent it, is' offered free for a short time by A. T- Hill. Druggist Uptown office Main 720 Residence ohone Main 25 GrandeRonde'CashCo PHONE, MAIN 6 1 !"( "fS (GOD ets '