La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 30, 1910, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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FftlDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1910.
For Your
Bananas, Oranges, Cranberries,
Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Hot
House Lettuce, Cauliflower, Cab
bage, Dates and Figs.
lady. Medical aid was immediately
X 1 V. fX ... t YArmA etAh.
1 1 ped.. Though the physician holds out
! j hope of recovery, Adams himself, ex
presses me wisn inai ui uueiuyi m
self destruction will prove success
ful. So far as is known, he has no rela
tives In this part of the country; but
it is believed he has a sister in Feu
wood, Wisconsin. , '
Snodzrzss Grocery
1 $HtfiititiHMt
For Quick
Messenger Service
Call Main 24, or Ind. 4321
Purchase an Acre tot In
This most sightly Addition is sit
uated at the intersection of the Ma
cadam Road and the road leading to
South La Grande. We are beautify-;
lng it by planting each lot to the
choicest varieties of fruit trees. The
soli is the best Good drainage and
sufficient water. We are selling
these acres planted with trees at the
same price you would be compelled
to pay for a small building lot and
our terms are more liberal. Our
price is $500.00 per lot. Our t rms
are ?&u aown ana viu.uu per mourn
with no interest and no taxes. We
also agree to look carefully after thj
treeo dnrig the contract period.
Can you not see your money grow on
an investment like this.
i i . . . i . .
uive us an opportunity 10 expiam
this magnificent investment in detail,
- by cutting out and mailing the en
closed coupon.
La Grande Investment Co.,
La, Oregon.
Please mall me full particulars re
garding Grand View Addition, with
out any obligation on my part.
Hot Lake Sotes.
F. L. Meyers, cashier of the La
Grande National Bank and A. V. An
drews of the Toggery, were Sanator
ium visitors this week.
Mac Wood and Clint Van Fleet the
Golden Rule men, spent three days
at the Lake. Mr. Wood will return
next, week to remain several weeks.
S. E. Harris, the pioneer drug man
of Elgin Is a Sanatorium guest this
Mrs. Anna Brooks is recovering
rapidly from her recent operation.
She will be able to return home soon,
i Mrs. Will French has recovered
sufficiently from the effects of her op
eration to be able to leave the hos
pital and take ber residence in the
hotel department.
Mrs. T. J. Scroggin is a Sanator
ium patient this week. She expects
to remain several weeks.
Vern Sel'der spent Sunday at the
Mrs. T. .N. Murphy was a guest
Mrs. Julian Roesch visited friends
at the Sanatorium Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thronson, the
Imblerapple growers returned home
yesterday after spending a few days
at the Sanatorium.
J. J. Carr spent a few days as the
guest of Dr. Phy.
Roy B. Currey spent Thursday
with the Currey family . who are
spending the holidays at the Lake.
This is the season when a good,
hot water bottle is appreciated..
If you haven't a good one, now
Is a particularly good time to
procure one. We hare a new
fresh stock right from the niak.
ers. Every bottle has years of
wear In It If properly cared for,
" Our higher priced bottles are
guaranteed. The guarantee
means that you are to have n
new bottle If the one you pur
chase gives out on account of
Imperfect construction.' AH of
our bottles ore iimdo upon lion,
or and no mutter what you pay
yon are Insured full value for
yonr money.
;,-c to $-2-0.
. Let us supply you.
Suicide Falls In Purpose.
Carefully muffling his 32 automatic
revolver In towels and crawling be
neath the covers of his bed " in the
Palace rooming house, John Adams,
a veteran of the Spanish-American
war and a well known character about
town, Bent a bullet crashing clear
through his body Just below the heart
at 2 o'clock this morning In an at
tempt to end his own life. At 2:30 this
afternoon he was still living, and ac
cording to City Physician McFaul,
has a good chance to recover as the
bullet did not sever any large arter
ies, says the Pendleton East Oregon
lan. Adams has been conscious all day
aud when asked the reason for his
deed stated that he was tired of life,
and had too many troubles with which
to contend. It is known that recent
ly he had a quarrel with his landlady
but she declares that It was over a
trlval matter and could not possibly
I have been the cause of his attempted
! suicide. However, she was very re
lu tant to state the exact nature of
the quarrel and became quite Indig
nant when questioned about the mat
j Adams is a pensioner, receiving $nl
1 quarterly, and was never known to
have any regular employment during
, his year and a half stay in this citv
He was a heavy drinker and when
under the infiueuce of liquor was al
ways more or less despondent. Just
before going to bed last night he stop
ped in at the cigar store of "Doc"
Evans and told the proprietor that he
was despondent over his failue to
receive a gallon of "booze" which he
had ordered from Walla Walla.
The landlady, as well no most of
the roomers In the Palace, heard the
shot that nearly ended the Ufa nt the
man. but it was so dull and muffle
mat mey inoiigm nuie or u. However
shortly afterwards, Adams, bleedin
profusely and suffering great pnin
Delay Injunction Proceedings.
Baker, Dec. 28 No action has been
taken by the Baker Commercial club
in regard to protesting against the lo
cation of the branch asylum at Pen
t leton. Owing to the poor physical
condition of Governor F. W. Benson,
who is now in California for his
health, It is doubtful if he will be
asked to Interfere in the case. Unless
there Is some legal recourse to secure
a square deal It is not likely that any
action will be taken. It was expect
ed that a meeting of the club direc
tors would be held this morning but
owing to the absence of some of the
attorneys In Portland the meeting
was postponed. It is not known how
6oon the attorneys will be home, but
no action will be taken until that
Acting Governor . Bowerman made
the following statement relative to
the selection of Pendleton, as the
proper place to establish the branch
asylum. ,.'
Several factora ontorori
selection of the site at Pendleton.
"There are 10 counties that may be
considered tributary to Umatilla,
four to Baker and two to Unlonj and
thfs fact convinced the board that
j'endleton would be the most aco'.s-
slWe. to the largest area of territory
eny of the optional sites perm ved
by iaw to be accepted.
"Pendleton,- too, has competing
railroad service, which Is an advan
tage not held by Baker or Union. In
addition to this, the city is a shorter
distance from Salem than either of
the other two. It should be remember
ed that the law . provides for the
changing back and forth of patients
between the two asylums In the event
it is decided that climatic conditions
at one or the other place will be more
"Railroad transportation is an im
portant factor and was given the con
sideration it openly' merits. The cli
mate too, at Pendleton was looked
upon as the most suitable for the
general class of Insane patients. The
winters are short and mild and the
summers are bright and dry. .
"Prices of tracts available for the
site were not a controlling factor. The
330 acres selected at Pendleton will
cost the state $32,200. This is less
than similarly located land of equal
fertility and accessibility could be se
cured at Baker and a little less than
at Union. The site Is right adjoining
town and many persons who will wish
visit friends or relatives In the
asylum will not be compelled to pay
carriage fare after arriving in Pen
dleton. '
"The land in the tract is fertile. Last
season it produced more than six
rloads of apples besides a good crop
a.-al farm product. It Includes
a large tract of good bottom land
and one of the oldest water rights on
the Umatilla river.
John D. Cochran was paid ?47 by
a resolution of the board for a week's
work in examining sites and procur
ing options for the state. State Senator-
C. W. Nottingham of Portland
drew $36.75 for his connection with
the locating of the branch asylum.
C. G. McCarthy was paid $279.55 for
services rendered in connection with
the location of the branch asylum and
H. D. Scudder, soil expert of the ag
ricultural college was paid $79.65.
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superintend
ent of the asylum at Salem, was op
posed to the selection of Pendleton
as the site for the branch asylum. It Is
understood he was in favor of Baker
but he made an open protest against
Pendleton, although not coming out
openly for either of the other sites.
Money In Railroads.
Minneapolis Journal: The' statistics
of the railroads of the. United States
are something to astonish the mind:
The roads cost Borne $10,000,000,000 to
build., They are capitalized at $1S,
000,000,000 and jprobably worth more.
They collect $7,000,000,000 a day from
the people, wich is $127 a year for .each
family and have earned In the last 10
years '$6,600,000,000. .
Jam. 4
HP! u
lee b
Rex Beach's Latest and Greatest
Success, direct from its long run
' at The New Amsterdam The
atre in New York City.
A little book showing the human
Appendix, and telling how Aopendix
Is caused and how you can EASILY
prevent It, Is offered free for a short
time by, A. T Hill. Prugsist.
Notice. .
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual stock-holders meeting of the
Cove State Bank will be held at their
office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday,
January 10th, 1911 at. the hour of 2
m. for the purpose of etect'ei! offi
cers for the ensuing ear v.;d hue-!"
other business that mar prcperlj
come before said meeting.
G. A. STOCK, Cashier.
Dec. 3 Jan. 10.
Scenes from the Strangest and Most Realistic Drama
, of Alaskan Life ever presented upon
the American Stage
Prices $1 .50-$ 1 -75c and 50c
Seats on sale Jan. 3 ai VanBurens
. d 1
-' .
. Take Care!
"Remember that when your kidneys
are affected your life Is in danger. M.
Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says: "Foley
Kidney Pills ' axe a wonderful discov
ery and I heartily recommend their !
use. My trouble started with a sharp I
Bhootlng pain over my back which I
grew worse each day. I felt sluggish I
and tired, my kidney action was lr- J
regular and infrqeuent with a1 fine I
sand-like substance. While the dis-1
ease was at its worst I started using j
Foleyv Kidney Pills. Their prompt and j
efficient action was marvelous. Each
dose seemed to put new life and I
strength Into me, and now l am com- j
pletely cured and feel better and j
stronger than for years."
Hill's Drug Store.
FEED AND Grande Ronde'CashCo
When your feet are wet and cold, and
your body chilled through and through from
exposure, take a bis; done of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, bailie your feet in hot
water before going to bed, and yon are al
most certain to ward oil' a severe cold. For
The George Palmer
We solicit your'orders for Shingles, Rubbetoid RooVng
Deadening FeltfJBuilding Paper.
We are prepared to furnish and deliver material,
promptly. Phone Main1 8. " :
. I ' .WEIGHT ,:
; ' ft Vi
i d ' I
i 1 S ilO l
LwoL.. o o !
Everyuiing. on the
See the Elegant Card Tables
staggered Into the room of anothe
guest and asked him to call the land